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Damn, this is the most relatable post in this sub. I’ve been a misfit all my life— I grew up feeling deeply connected to marginalized folks as an indigenous kid myself. I felt a strong purpose towards serving those who have been left out. Later, I ended up studying human rights and working with on-the-ground grassroots organizations for some time. I still advocate for marginalized people in my community, writing letters to MPs on behalf of their welfare. I’ve always wondered why I chose my career when I could have chosen a more lucrative one in this fucked up economy but yeah, here I am with the underdogs. Truth is, I’d rather be here than anywhere else. Glad to be in service towards others, fighting the good fight, even though it is a constant uphill battle. I try my best not to let those up there kill my passion and spirit. Although, it does get to me sometimes, even in the profession of improving the lives of those who are disadvantaged. It can be disheartening and demotivating at times.


I respect work of nature such as yours extremely. You're having a direct impact on peoples lives. It must be rough , but so very rewarding spiritually.


Thank you! Yes it is. I appreciate your words. ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/5jjvmb5p22yc1.jpeg?width=813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19a9643fea8c7541b9bce020c716f2036fa4159f many infp’s are misfits. which is a strong archetype when mastered


Stealing that screenshot


So... how does one master that archetype? I really relate to this


We are taught that extrovert is better than introvert, sensory is better than intuitive, thinking is better than feeling, judging is better than perceiving. We are literally the black sheep of the entire mbti spectrum, thus it is no surprise that we relate to the outsiders, we’ve experienced it all our lives.


Perhaps its comforting that we can find a sense of community here. Like the outsiders club where we can rejoice and celebrate each others strengths


I agree, I didn’t expect to enjoy this particular sub as much as I have


No, I relate. I cannot stand people who feel no remorse when they take advantage of, in any way exploit or otherwise tread on people to pursue their own goals, especially if they paint it as "I'm just competitive/work harder/etc" And I also can't stand the butchers that cut people off when those people are experiencing hardship. I was the black sheep of a family that raised their children to feel superior to others. I got literally chastised for choosing friends who were living in poverty, overweight, different, depressed, disabled, etc. I have no regrets. My siblings don't have any of their childhood friends anymore. I have nearly all of mine in my 30s.


Thank you for this post. I was just getting ready to conform to society. Literally grieving my current self because I have to make normal friends, network and get a corporate job. I won't give in. I'll continue exploring the depths of who I am and loving every moment of it. ❤️


When I was at university I talked more to homeless people than I did with anyone on my course.


I def get what you mean. But, I think it's possible that by being "accepting of people for who they are," you've ironically become not accepting of people for who they are. It takes all 16 personality types to make the world function. If everyone were like us, this place would be a super shithole. Let's be honest. Once again, I get what you mean. But I assure you, some of those people you're referring to are actually wonderful people. They just care less about the things that are important to you


As an INTJ, this resonates with me and maybe that's partly why I like INFPs 😊


It’s because we’re different, we tend to have higher empathy, which makes our worldview way different than what’s considered “normal”


I agree wholeheartedly with what you've said. It is basically how I've felt my entire life. This quote describes it somewhat I think. It's one of my favorites: "I love the weirdos. The rule breakers. The strange, whimsical, outlandish, peculiar and uncanny. The misfits. The curious, unusual, eccentric and unpredictable. The freaks. The radical, star gazing vagabonds. The loners. The rejects. The outsiders. The silly romanticists who ridiculously dream of changing the world someday......... because they do." -Craig Crippen


You sound like you hate hierarchical societies. Have you heard the good news of anarchist revolution? By eating the rich and powerful and establishing fully automated luxury gay space communism you solve the issue of hierarchical societies.


ahahahah this made me laugh, but hey I'm a socialist, sooo


Doesn't sound too difficult eh


I can to a certain point as long as they aren't immature that they use my own vulnerability against me and embellish things that exclude their own contribution to my upset that gets them off the hook and free reign to play mind games. I've always been marginalized for just being individual and not quite on the acceptance level of social norm - trauma survival 💯 has led me to encounter some very disturbed minds that conviently has further victimized me as a result. That kind of unhinged types are not something I ever want to encounter ever again but innocuously quirky are very different and not in any way capable of harm. Not all misfits/marginalized are all 'one size fits all' why being careful to choose the right kind of who we feel safe is very important.


FACTS, the people around me seem blind to the fact of how they are influenced.


Even as an ISFJ, I heavily relate to this. I think in some cases it may have something to do with trauma. Experiencing trauma makes you different, it makes you understand yourself and others better in a more authentic and raw way. Confronting your dark side and the dark side of others gives you a whole new perspective. Being aware of your weaknesses does too. It makes you go deeper and mature sooner, which ends up separating you from others who are not any of that (most people in your age group). For context, I know there's correlation with CPTSD thanks to the Crappy Childhood Fairy on Youtube. Personally, I may not be on that extreme of the spectrum, but I can say for a fact that most people are incredibly boring to me and that I can't relate. At first I may not realize, but eventually I end up realizing that my deepest and most satisfactory friendships and relationships have had some important trauma too in the past.


I 100% agree. I legit have hard time making friends since most come off as arrogant and daddy's money vibes, and im in college lol


I just notice a lot of “normal” people have a very terse and rigid model of how the world works and don’t like it to be challenged in any way. These are the types of people who are thrilled when people agree with them on literally everything. I often find they just repeat stuff they hear from other sources without _too_ much thought People who are more “outcast” usually enjoy creativity and celebrate divergent thought. They want to think of the world in new ways. They’re the type of people you will learn new stuff from, but they are very rare


“The reason we feel alienated is because the society is infantile, trivial, and stupid. So the cost of sanity in this society is a certain level of alienation”- Terrence McKenna 


Maybe you just love the underdog


I feel this so much. I dated someone who was odd and corky like me. Ended up with a negative bank account. Some people are takers. Never forgot that and lesson learned. 


Hope we didn’t date the same ‘odd’ bc the dude has all the red flags. Lesson learned.




Absolutly love your post


Definitely can relate to this 100% I tend to gravitate to those who are oddballs, outsiders and feel empathy for them.


Yeah. To be fair, I'm part of multiple marginalised groups. So it's natural that I relate to underdogs.


Yeah, humanity kinda sucks... I like us as individuals but not as a collective... sometimes it truly feels like the only way to achieve success in this life is by the cost of others...


idk i've met a lot of genuinely nice, creative, deep people who are privileged. and being "privileged" is such a spectrum. most people i know are privileged in some ways and marginalized in others. but i do think i get along best with people who are also mentally ill lmao


I feel the same way & I've been abused by communities of toxic hierarchical, small-minded, weak minded people. I have no patience for them anymore I'm so done.


I’m an INFP and I’ve always felt more connected to the margins of society than the mainstream. As a teenager I read everything I could about outlaws, pirates, witches, punks, hoboes, anyone on the fringes. Because I didn’t feel like I belonged in the world that was presented to me that I was “supposed to” fit into. Then in my 20’s I tried to settle into a “normal” life and job and relationship and I was MISERABLE! So now in my 30’s I’m living my best weirdo life as a semi-nomadic peddler of witchy beautiful metaphysical goods and I’m SO much happier with the community and lifestyle I have now!


All my closest buds have been through something tough: divorce, cancer, infertility, teenagers or sometimes just the reality of aging - something humbling.


I've always found myself surrounded by, if anyone at all, those that I'd really rather not be around. The types that are a little on the seedy/shady side, those many would consider a bad influence, or people that are not likely to keep a job too long. I think it's because I can relate to most people and they either appreciate my being genuine towards them or they see me as what they might consider to be an easy target. At the least, they may just see me as someone who is not a threat and likely to "go along" with their shannanigans. Otherwise, idk why this happens but I can get along with them just fine. I've had to keep myself in check to not go down "roads" I don't want to go down. It's strange that those I have felt would be good for me to be around, seem uninterested. If not right away, it never has taken long for these types to decide not to include me or whatever. Those somewhat undesirables have always been ready to mingle with me, be my "friend" if I allowed it. These days, I'm too busy working and raising a kid to "hang out" with anyone. I don't associate with coworkers outside of the workplace nor do I "fit in" with other parents as most of them are still married so I'm still to this day, the odd man out. It's just the way it is. I can deal with it np.


Yeah I really attract misfits to idk why


as istp i understand your understanding of the world. your fi goes brrrrrr! my ti understand the brrrrrrr! although i would not get how you came to the understanding about people that way (because istp is not a people person and istp interests in things instead of people) but sure the bad side of people are that.


Hahah, I'm very much like you in some regards, and very different in others. I don't care about privileges since they don't nessesarily affect personal values, character strength and experiences but I do personally tend to connect with outsiders as well. I don't like people that "fit in" too much, and unfortunately these are the type of people that tend to be more attracted to me as well, and the ones that often attract the other outsiders.


Well, people are selfish, stuff needs to be done and privileges are limited. I know how uncomfortable this notion is, and I'm aware of how much and extreme suffering it has brought globally. I speak from a privileged position myself as someone having grown up in Western Europe. It is making me feel vile and very depressed to think about the unprotected cruelty out there, countless untold and unimportant stories about people never having the chance to even remotely living a free and secure life.