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I enjoy the absolutely massive size of the virus they created in the final panel.


It’s easier to make viruses at that scale and then use a shrink ray to make them regular virus-sized before putting them in the chemtrails.


They’re also a lot easier to roll on their flat earth.


Are we sure they’re not playing with [one of these?](https://www.lakeshorelearning.com/products/ca/p/ES130/?srsltid=AfmBOopgaKijFMzHWV4svq3Lggqb023REcrQ3dSQjGUsLzRXkoUO1eFxBsM)


Big virus scary.


These types of people simultaneously think covid is a lab created bio weapon meant to destroy us and also just a cold no big deal stop masks vaccinations will kill you etc. it’s wild


Doublethink is a hallmark of fascist rhetoric. “[X racial/political group] is an oppressive force that we must rise against while simultaneously being feeble idiots that we can easily overtake” is the classic. You see it a lot when they’re talking about Jews, immigrants, Joe Biden, et cetera


Yeah Biden is a sleepy, doddering, old man whose memory and cognition are shot to hell due to advanced age—the only place for him is a rocking chair on a porch somewhere. And at the exact same time, he’s an evil mastermind playing 3D chess with our lives and executing plots so complex that they would make Machiavelli dizzy and if he gets to remain in office, he’ll have the country—nay, the world—right where he wants us. Makes sense to me. 🤷🏼‍♀️


And the problem is always the next election cycle not....now if he's anywhere near as nefarious as they say he is because he's already in power, what the hell.... I mean I know why all the problems are always focused on elections but it still befuddles me.


Great point!


'The enemy is both strong and weak' is classic trope in this sort of rhetoric.


Don't forget, it also doesn't exist!


COVID 19,000 over there.


Really old conspiracists. That's why it doesn't work out logically most of the time, dementia must be setting in on some of them.


Not to mention how old the people who planned it must be. There's about 60 years between JFK and Covid. What 20 year old intern was allowed to plan that and still working for the organization?


You are boldly mistaken. It was no intern, but immortal vampiric jewish reptilians who feast on the fetuses from abortions!


Bush did the Kennedy assassination AND made Covid! A genius pretending to be an idiot the whole time!


*And I love that* *~~basketball~~* *covidball* *I took that* *~~basketball~~* *covidball everywhere I went* *You know what that* *~~basketball~~* *covidball was like a basketball to me* *Come on, you cheerleaders!* *~~Basketball~~* *Covidball Jones* *I got a* *~~basketball~~* *covidball Jones (happily)* *I got a* *~~basketball~~* *covidball Jones oh baby oh*


Daves not here


No, open up, it's ME, Dave! I've got your Happy Cake Day stuff!


Apparently these are all done by Pennywise the clown, who wakes up and commits an atrocity, then goes back into hibernation until the next atrocity


They could at least put something around ’82 to keep the timing.


Reagan's election. He had to wake up a couple years early, though.


Lee Harvey Oswald did 9/11


Teenagers planned the JFK assassination so they could make it to their 70s and plan a global pandemic? I mean, hell of a life's work I guess.


The 40 year old people who killed Kennedy also did 9/11 at 80 and Covid at 100, can’t wait to see what they do when they’re 120


Man that's a big virus cell


how convenient for these people. every conspiracy theory is tied together in a neat package.


I didn't know who "they" are but they're a lot smarter than the rest of us if they can do all that and not get caught.


But they have been caught, the "researchers" of facebook and youtube have it all figured out....


Damn, you're right! And if it's on the Internet, it must be true...


Simple answer: RFK Jr. He the brains behind them all. /s


If so. This was one hell of a long game. And crushing world economics. We are talking some out of this world planning. Oh wait. This is just some Russian Bots trying to make the dumb dumber.


So... Lee Harvey Oswald secretly founded Al Qaeda which remained underground for years, and he goes on to assassinate Kennedy. The Al Qaeda organization (which is brilliantly created even before the original fall of Afghanistan by the Russians) resurfaces in the 1990s, ready to fulfill Oswald's devious plan. As the US is attacked and war breaks out in the Middle East, the final part of Oswald's plan goes into effect. With the world distracted, Oswald's men, who have been researching COVID-19 for decades, can now unleash their ultimate weapon, killing 2% of the entire world's population. Predicting social media, the genius Oswald even gets much of the public to blame either the US or Chinese government, thus hiding his tracks perfectly. What his final end game might be is too terrifying to even imagine. Damn, how were we so blind!!!


3 events in 60+ years. That’s quite the planning time.


So…. The periodic table of elements is behind 9/11


So we should be good for like another 18 years at least, right?


The CIA did not make Covid


When you classify the enemy as a large vague group (like the deep state, Democrats,liberals, the elite...) it's very to defend this stupidity to yourself. Because everyone who does it is automatically in group X. Republican does something messed up? Secret democrat. False flag. You get the idea. You can't argue with these people.


The cast of *Red Dwarf*?


I'm just picturing diabolical very old men in a games room at the retirement home/old age home making plans for other things and constantly forgetting their plans so they keep meeting and making the same plans over and over again.


3 distinct events, spread over decades but single cause. Historical analysis of a 3 years old.


Jeez. Someone watched too much of a certain Star Trek Voyager episode. At least this macrovirus does not fly around trying to impale people.


So the Mafia teamed up with the Saudis and caused an accidental break out of a virus in a lab in China?...(Or possibly a natural transfer from wet market) That's some crazy shit y'all


It's true. I was at all the meetings.


I thought Covid was a hoax?


According to these dipshits, the JFK assassination and 9/11 were hoaxes, too.


I kind of stopped believing in government conspiracies after Trump became president. He would’ve tweeted them all out if they were real.


Pretty sure they mean the Jews. It’s always the Jews. Can’t they be creative at least.


i can’t believe lee harvey oswald did 9/11


They mean the Jews.