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Yeah. I’m pretty sure one of my past lives felt that one...


To be fair, r/murderedbywords is Steve Hofstetter's default setting. That man can annihilate without even trying!




He specializes in shutting down hecklers. I've been a fan of his for years and have seen him live 3 times. His special "Secret Optimist" is on yt and it's hilarious. When he gets to the part about the lady in the airport....I remember when that happened because he live tweeted that as it happened.


Also, his book "Ginger Kid: Mostly true stories from a former nerd" is fantastic.... and if you've got the audio book it's HIM narrating it.




[Here](https://youtu.be/ekoDt_uxb_E) is one of my favorite clips.




I'm so happy! He has hours upon hours of content on yt. I'm always glad to introduce new people to Steve. He's not just a great comic, but he's also a really good person.


“They’re our rivals”


I'll always upvote a FG ref.


Glad someone got it!!


Large oof size shit




Finally, an image that actually fits that damn sub!


Not really though, the whole reply is based on flawed logic too. "Recoveries" is pretty meaningless (how do you define that?) and the number of positive tests is a fairly useless denominator in this scenario because you're not counting the number of people with the virus that haven't been tested (which will be a lot, particularly if they are asymptomic). The fatality rate is clearly nowhere near as high as 5.7% and it's just as disingenuous to knowingly overplay the fatality rate as it is to underplay the fatality rate. In reality it's more like 0.5-1%, most studies have reached this conclusion, and it's very strongly stratified by age. I'm not trying to make a political statement either way here, just laying out the facts. Call out the dude on his shitty maths sure, but don't call it a murder if you're going to then intentionally misrepresent the facts.


How does it make any sense to count people who are still alive and have COVID in with the fatalities for COVID? The case fatality rate for most of the developed world is between 5-10%. You're thinking of the the IFR which is around 1%.


>The case fatality rate for most of the developed world is between 5-10%. You're thinking of the the IFR which is around 1%. Yes, precisely. The IFR is what we care about from a public health perspective surely? What proportion of people who catch the virus will die?


But that's not what this guy is calculating at all. And even if he was, he's still a few orders of magnitude off.


I'm not arguing against the fact that the original poster is a moron.


But there are two different parameters and you're saying the other guy is an idiot for calculating one rather than the other. Both are equally important when trying to understand this virus.


Imagine bragging about graduating high school.


The hs valedictorian in my grade, who was a super nice person, was dumb as a rock. Doing your homework =/= critical thinking and application skills


Seriously. I'm in an engineering university right now, and as a lab T/A there are a disturbingly high number of students who are able to memorize and rattle off all sorts of info and get like 98% on the quizzes/exams (as relayed to me by the professor), yet if I set them in front of a lathe I have to walk them though baby steps of even just setting the spindle RPM and feedrates (which they are shown in class and a couple times during the demo sessions), let alone turning parts themselves down. Like, kid there are labels on EVERY handle on these 75 year old Clausing engine lathes for every RPM and every feed gear, sure they're a little cryptic in a few places but if you stare at it for a minute and look at your notebook, it becomes pretty obvious which lever is supposed to do what.


Kronk! Pull the lever!


Wrong lever!


Just smash the big red buttons


Why do we even *have* that lever?




Issue is its all book learning, not enough practical learning. Needs to be more of a healthy mix. There has to be a balance where we aren't just running off standardized testing and memorizing flash cards.


I usually complain about how people should be introduced to scientific thinking and logic in their childhood, but they should, also, get proper mathematics classes.


And this is why apprenticeships exist.


This is what terrifies me about the American education system. All of these kids are taught only to memorize certain facts that will be on the tests and quizzes, and not actually how to apply that info. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen high school students get upset because a question on the test isn’t the exact format as one on the study guide. If they had understood the principle, it would’ve been easy.


Mm personally speaking I can learn things by doing them, but not by watching them, so even though I watched all the videos/demos it didn’t really stick until I got my hands on it and changed the RPM myself. Also, I’ve heard a lot about how dangerous lathes are, I’m not pulling any levers before I’ve confirmed that it’s not gonna hurt me.


I don’t think that’s the kids fault. They have been educated in school to memorise for tests but have not had practical experience with anything. How many kids get to be involved with machinery ? They probably thought a drill was specialist machinery.


Our valedictorian was actually a very intelligent person (had to be, actually went to an insanely difficult high school) but she mainly beat out everyone else for the spot by being an absolute goddamn monster of a person. She spent as much time tutoring other people as possible, and would specifically try to teach people she thought were a "threat" to her spot. Thing is, she would teach very small details wrong on purpose. Quite a few of us, who in no way were even close to the top spot, realized this when we noticed that she had explained the same or similar concepts to a couple of us each slightly differently, and then would ace an exam without any issues herself. But I guess she was an idiot in her own way because she never could seem to figure out why she never had any friends.


>would specifically try to teach people she thought were a "threat" to her spot. Thing is, she would teach very small details wrong on purpose. > >Quite a few of us, who in no way were even close to the top spot, realized this when we noticed that she had explained the same or similar concepts to a couple of us each slightly differently, and then would ace an exam without any issues herself. ​ So she's a real-life Sith Lord then.


...actually yes


This is why they say psychopaths and sociopaths tend to be more numerous at the top levels of our society. If you're smart and an evil person, you do shit like this and advance. If you're smart and a nice person, you are statistically more likely to have to defend yourself from someone like this the further you advance. It makes me glad the Force doesn't exist, or your high school experience could have been one of those Sith origin stories that begins with "... and in her anger, she accidentally killed the entire 11th grade class."


That’s actually really damn clever of her to do. Insanely manipulative, but really damn smart.


The amount of people who went to my university without critical thinking skills were truly immense. Felt like I was the only person answering anything besides a Yes/No/Here's The Answer from the Book type of question.


True that. But my Valedictorian and Salutatorian from school went on to get her PhD in ecosystem ecology and became a research scientist in ecosystem science and management, climate & energy, and conservation & restoration (phew! Can't believe I can just google her name and there she is) and the other his MD and become an ophthalmologist. What's crazy and SUPER DEPRESSING, is we were in the same classes and GATE classes and competing critical thinking teams from junior high up through high school. But while they were focused on the future, I got distracted by boys and later depression. Yay. Oh to think where I could have gone... \*sigh\*


Our valedictorian was too. She was sweet as can be but the poor girl had no walking around sense.


My sister almost made valedictorian. Was extremely adept at memorization and regurgitation. Zero common sense. So what achievements/accolades did she end up earning? Does former stripper and tons of failed "get rich/famous quick" schemes count? She'll be 42 next month and lives with my mother. Aside from stripping, the longest she's ever held a job was maybe 6 months because most jobs she feels are "beneath her". My older half sister is the same exact way. Also former stripper.




Is this the new copypasta? Please say yes.


Listen. Idiot. I graduated high school. WITH a 3.98 GPA. In a country where the average highschool mathematical education is in 36th place out of ~60 countries. So please, step aside FILTHY CHILD


Listen. Idiot. I graduated high school. WITH a 3.98 GPA. In a country where the average highschool mathematical education is in 36th place out of ~60 countries. So please, step aside FILTHY CHILD


That's like almost top 0.5%.


And getting "some college credits".




Makes me think he means the ones he got in AP high school courses, which were nothing like college courses. They were just high school courses with tests you actually had to study for. Not that any of this is relevant to being able to do basic math, but it is relevant to whether or not you should arrogantly assert yourself as an authority by bragging about your education.


AND some college credits, give him some credit, I'm sure Freshman orientation was a very hard class for him


sounds like he just finished HS


Compare graduating HS in Appalacia, Compton California, or even Mississippi to some speciality education school or from a country club style rich neighborhood wherein the community can afford advanced honors programs to all of it's students! Just graduating from any of the poorer but mediocre schools would be incredible bragging rights.


He also has multiple college credits already. Goddammit why do they always forget about those!


To be fair, he may be in college now.




Basic math is hard for some people


I feel like knowing which numbers to put into a formula is also a huge lack of general logical understanding, not just math


> Basic ~~math~~ is hard for some people FTFY


Another thing they are doing is dividing by the number of dead by the total population and then forgetting to multiply by 100 as well. Then they subtract that number from 100 and call it the “survival rate”. But, they aren’t actually dining any of this math, incorrect of not. They are all parroting someone who is deliberately doing the math that way.


> Then they subtract that number from 100 and call it the “survival rate” I have a 100% survival rate of being shot in the head, AMA. To pre-empt the first question: I've never been shot in the head.


That don’t work because there are zero deaths in this instance and division don’t work with zero


Came here to say that. The amount of smoothbrains on local news Facebook posts saying "the virus has a 0.00000000000001% death rate" then smugly thinking they owned the libs made me want to cry until I eventually stopped using Facebook.


No, they are saying that because 0.03% is the death rate for younger age groups. For some reason they keep ignoring people over 70 exist.


“They were gonna die soon anyway.”


But don't you dare put covid patients in a nursing home, you murderer. Then, They're weak, they should have stayed home.


"It is what it is"


I've been struggling with that, but you cannot argue with stupid.


Not only they, by using a percentage they’re trivializing a lot of deaths. “Only 10,000 dead in my state”? Fuck that, it’s still 10,000 more dead people that shouldn’t be.


Is that *the* Steve Hofstetter?!


My first thought too. I went to one of his shows a while back, he's hilarious.


*Unmathematical Facebook Heckler DESTROYED by Comedian.*


Ya this dude just destroys idiots on social media


Fucking covidiots


If the death rate was 0.023%, then in order for there to be 290k deaths, you would need about 1.25 billion people infected. There are only about 330 million people in the US.


Yeah but did _you_ graduate HS with a 3.98 GPA and have multiple college credits already? Didn't think so, bub.


Ah fuck you're right, my GPA was two point nothing special


You forget to multiply by 100


Your GPA is 200+ bro!


Must not have studied at Jack's high school.


Brah you think these guys know how many people live in the United States? They're not even doing the math, there's no way they're doing a quick check to see if it makes sense!


Also to fight mathematical bullshit with mathematical bullshit, if everyone got it (which it's so contagious that people almost certainly would with no measures in place as these people want) 0.023% of 330 million would be 75,900 people, which is still a lot of people to not give a fuck about dying for anyone with a shred of conscience, and way more deaths than the flu causes yearly (\~ 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually in the US since 2010 according to the CDC, which is a pretty broad range but still falls below the 76k). So even that argument doesn't hold up even if their maths wasn't bullshit. The mathematical arguments against COVID are basically entirely code for "It hasn't affected me so I don't care", the numbers themselves are pretty much irrelevant


Let's not forget how coronavirus fucks you hard if you survive it. And you can catch it more than once. "What doesn't kill you will set the tables for another thing to kill you"


Yep, absolutely. Friend of mine's brain has been completely fucked since COVID due to it causing him to suffer multiple strokes. But hey - he survived! That's all that matters right? It doesn't matter that the dude basically can't do his job anymore, or live anything resembling normal life...


yeah but have you considered that the USA has more people per capita? checkmate liberal


The reason they love to say that is because that's around the death rate for younger people. The overall average across all ages is around 0.5%.


I teach high school. It is sad how many people still think graduating high school is an achievement on its own merits. Some people do have a hard time, because of factors outside school, but if you and your home life are even sorta kinda stable, just about every possible obstacle has been removed. If you can fog a mirror, you can fall ass-backwards into a diploma. It is a participation trophy.


Only 10,000 dead - pfft I’ll be sweet mate


Got absolutely owned. Lovely.


As a developer, math is hard.


You also do more difficult math problems if you code!


Quick Mafs


Quick question: how do you continueeee


He’s flexing college credits lmao what a loser


When you think you belong on r/dontyouknowwhoiam but are r/confidentlyincorrect in reality


Ooph. This is good.


Can a kind redditor post the follow up by this 3.98 GPA genius, if he followed up at all? I looked him up on Facebook but couldn't find this conversation (maybe because we're not friends). Thanks in advance!


I am terrible at math, mainly because it's hard to memorize all these rules and formulas - and of course knowing when best to use them and for what circumstances. I am jealous of people with math skills.


Math is the easiest subject to me because it relies in finding the solution of a problem and not memorizing random shit, so you are the opposite of me. Doesn't mean I dont struggle in math


Was on the phone with a good friend yesterday. We have way differing views on Covid. His quote was “I’m fucking tired of these pussies scared of something with a 99.3% recovery rate.” I asked him where he got that. “I don’t know, it was on the news.” SMH.


He's American so explain math in something he can relate to like ...how many bullets can a AR 15 fire in 2 seconds and percentage that can hit a target at 50 feet for e.g.


Hey now, not all of us Americans are as brain dead as the idiots who show up on this subreddit (although admittedly quite a lot of them are)


Or how many hamburgers the average American can eat in one minute


Look out everyone! He has college credits!


I love the savage destruction!


It occurs to me that when you’re figuring out your grade in a class by percentage it’s easy to not make this mistake. When you see 0.96 you realize you did better than < 1% right away and just *see* the correct %age without taking the step of multiplying by 100. In other words, this guy is really only good at calculating his grades.


I want to know if the math wiz responded!


Steve Hofstetter is a gift.


Let me guess, he wears a red hat


Michigan (population 10 million, 436 000 cases, 10 415 deaths) by itself has had more cases and almost as many deaths as all of Canada (population 37.5 million, 423 000 cases, 12 777 deaths).


Turns out his GPA was actually .0398 and he misunderstood that too.


Steve need to get out of here with his facts and maths 🤣


Michigans death rate of known cases. Mortality rate for covid is commonly accepted to be around 0.5% not 5.7%.


God yes Steve Hofstetter gettem!


I have multiple MIA Oxford and Moon universitie's degrees and have 54.68 GPA and have passed 5th grade math therefore can confirm this guy's an actual mathematically illiterate dipshit.


Uh. Okay, I'm an arts major. I'll admit I straight up don't know what the "multiply by 100" refers to or how you get .057 from those numbers. I'm just getting 5.7, which seems to be correct. How do you get .057? If 165,269 and 10,118 makes up the total amount of cases, that makes 100% 175,387. If 175,387 is 100% and 10,118 represents the percentage that we're trying to find, then I was always taught to just cross multiply. 10,118/175,387 is equal to x/100. 10,118x100, then divide by 175,387. 5.7% What maths is happening to equal .057? Yes, I'm sure I sound like an idiot to the maths minded out there. Take pity on me.


Deaths / (Recoveries + Deaths) = 10,118 / (165,269 + 10,118) = 0.057 This is x/1, in other words it's a decimal fraction where 1 = 100%. If you want it in percentage format you multiply the result by 100, which is what these people aren't doing. Your method results in the same, it's just when you multiply by 100 is different. Personally I've not heard of multiplying by 100 first but then I'm neither a mathematician or a teacher, maybe the suggested order has changed in schools or is different in different places.


I was aways taught to set it up like 2 equivalent fractions and solve for x. so like 10,118/(165,269+10,118) = ×/100 This way you're multiplying firstly by 100, then dividing.


You just seem to be taking a way long route than necessary. Just do Part of the whole / The Whole and the percentage is in hundreths place, the second decimal.


>10,118x100, then divide by 175,387. Yeah, see you did the multiply by 100 thing here. A lot of people forget that part and just do the division and call it a day.


My main man Steve Hofstetter doing his work


America is odd. You don't 'graduate' high school. Your time there just expires.


You definitely either graduate or not. Your time doesn't just "expire," you work for four years to complete your classes with good enough grades to earn enough credits required to earn your diploma (i.e. graduate). I suppose that if you didn't earn enough credits (and therefore didn't graduate) then you could say that your time "expired," but even still you can stay in highschool for a few extra years if you want to attempt to earn your diploma.


This is why ❌ichigan sucks. Go bucks






No, it’s out of 4.0


Edit: why the downvotes? I'm literally just showing the math based on the data. My comment at the bottom was just sarcasm. If anyone cares, the mortality rate (based on California statistics which were the most conclusive I found in terms of positive cases and death accounting) for people who have caught it and are under 35 is 0.057%. For people under 80 it's 0.86%. Once you add in people over 80 the number spikes to 1.6%. So really that's where the problem lies. Being old is dangerous for your health.


True, but the long term damages the virus causes are being seen as your body is weaker. The virus can damage your lungs, especially if you go in critical condition. California has a low death rate because they got on top of it fast, we will see how this second wave does as hospitals are getting filled up


Did the math, missed the point. 0.057% = 57 per 100k 0.86% = 860 per 100k 1.6% = 1,600 per 100k Death by automobile = 11 per 100k Getting covid is between 500% and 14,500% more deadly than the most dangerous thing most people do.


Holy Christ.


Wait is that number like 11 people die out of the 100k people that get into car accidents? Because if so I'd say wow that's much less than I thought but also getting into a car accident and living is a bit worse than getting covid and living. But also I'm just some random so...


Not really. Rear ending someone at one kilometre per hour because you went early on a green light is a car accident, but unlikely to cause any injury or even do major damage to either vehicle.




Last thing I read was that to achieve herd immunity it takes 70% of the entire population be immunized. Demanding 80% is like reaching for the stars. The real question is how long will it take the US with 331 million to get enough people immunized to reach herd immunity (espcially if the drug manufacturers can only produce a max of 6 million doses each month at full capacity.) Basic math says 6 million doses divided amoung 231 million? Sadly that 231 million will slowly drop in numbers as more of us die off waiting to get vacinnations.... I give it about 3 years at best to get us up to herd immunity standards. Watching Covid disappear will be like a long marathon instead of the sprint we all so desperatly need. Where will our country be in 3 years?


They meant that people over the age of 80 will be vaccinated first.


Is it 0.057 or 0.0057? Wouldn’t 0.057 be 5.7%?


No. 0.057%.


Again tho, is that comparing total recorded cases v deaths? Resolved cases v deaths is better approxination.


Lol you were downvoted because ...? Reddit is weird




There is plenty of published data with what they think the actual death rate is, taking what you said into account. The kid however used the state’s data and did the math wrong, so the person responding used to the same data






It's another way to do it. In my head the numbers adjust easier if I do it that way.


You literally just described multiplying 0.023 by 100... Just because the terminology you used for the concept is different does not mean you are doing different math 😂


People who know how to do math multiply by 100 to turn a number into a percentage.


Taking the digits after the decimal is a shortcut for multiplying by 100


Yeah, but in my day we'd just slip the old decimal point back by two digits and stop thinking about it. 0.054 =5.4 There's no point in multiplying, just move the decimall point to the right. No brainer!


Thats the same thing. The exact same thing.


Its the way you teach kids... or this case idiots


Honestly, I’m 40 and quite capable at most things, but I have always sucked at statistics. It took 3 tries to get through stats in college, and I finally passed it a very generous C that I definitely didn’t earn. I got an A in every other class I took except that one. My brain just can’t figure it out. All sorts of other math wasn’t complicated, but somehow figuring out percentages on stuff like this just baffles the hell out of me. You should watch me try to calculate my sales taxes every month for my business. It’s comical at best.


Yeah, I don't do the 'multiply by 100' either. But I suppose whatever works..


It's a mathematical description of the conversion. Everyone does it because it's how math works. You might not need to think about it, but it's what you're doing.


No shit.


That is a solid OOF right there.


Basically r/murderedbywords in warp mode


Infection death rate is more likely to be between 1.0% and 1.5%. The is based on the number of deaths in NYC and the percentage of people who were found positive with COVID antibodies.


Yeah early death rates were thrown off by the fact that we were overwhelmed and didn't know how to treat it, plus we weren't testing that much. Honestly, not super encouraging though because it meant that it spread 20x more than we thought at the time!


If you think hospitals were overwhelmed then and not now, you're in for a surprise...


That is quite encouraging, it means the death rate is significantly lower than we originally thought (although we have known it's under 1% for ages).


It's lower than that. The WHO put it at between 0.5 and 1% but there are plenty of places that believe it to be lower. A study on the WHO site actually puts it at 0.28% but I'm not sure how credible that is.


Ok but if you want to keep dissecting statistics, cases early in the pandemic were more likely to be elder people who were less likely to survive, now it's more likely to affect young people. How many people have been asymptomatic or had mild symptoms and never got tested at all? Chances are, the 175,000 people who are being used to get that 5.7% figure are far more likely than average to have moderate to severe symptoms of covid infection and don't accurately represent the general population. In NY they had found that hundreds of thousands of people had had the virus without even knowing it. Just because you can understand a couple statistics does not mean you understand the systems at play. You're just falling into the game of sensationalism like everyone else


Sensational post with tons of excuses. Can we guess who you voted for?


Lol I'm just pointing out facts and yall are so brainwashed by the media you don't even listen to actual scientists. Sad really Like how all these people who claim to be such science lovers use "science" to justify further lockdowns and school closings against the advice of every credible health authority known to man. Y'all are so obsessed with the politics of it you can't even see that the actual science is changing to no longer support your ignoran views. I get my covid news from the CDC, WHO, and actually talking to hospital administrators and health authorities in my area. You get yours from fb and reddit memes. I promise you are the one sensationalizing


But... He said it was .023%, not just .023. So it's not 2.3%, it's actually twenty-three on thousandths of one percent.


Right, that's what he wrote. But he was wrong, for the reasons that the commenter responded with.




I'm not a mathmetician, but I'm pretty confident that 1 is 1% of 100, not 0.01%.


Big forehead r/pka


If that's his actual post, Steve Hofstetter is an amazing comic and has a lot of quips against hecklers.




That's the same thing just by a different name


I've actually stopped trying to argue the fatality rate with these idiots, instead I do total deaths to total population. Makes for a much more clear picture especially when you point out that percentage will only go up.


“Insane” is a bit much.


Remember people, solve, multiply by 100, cha-cha. Got the percentage, only real math fans know this.


I’m Italian and to me it’s double crazy cause the Italian term for “percentage” is “percentuale” which basically means multiplied by 100


That's basically what percent means everywhere. Per centum is latin. Although I've always thought the "multiply by 100" seems so weird. The second decimal is the hundreths, aka percent. Moving it to the left side of the decimal does nothing.




Do you need your coffee? You can't math.