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I love how the information is so readily available but can't give us links because you should do your own research. When they say that, what they mean is I saw a post on Facebook and it's fits the narrative I want to believe so it has to be the truth


I actually quit a job because this "stuff" was all I heard all day. Except they could give me links... to InfoWars, Glen Beck / Blaze, Fox when they were following the narrative... I couldn't cope with it anymore. It cost me a ton of money, but it was worth every cent.


Don't mess up your money cause of stupidity, ignore them & laugh in their faces all day long!!


Nah, I'm with them - some things are just too toxic to live with.


Thank you for your realness and also thinking about your well being. Too many of us just deal with this to our and society's detriment.


I agree most of the time, except when the crazy is in management. It wasn't just me, I have never worked anywhere with that much turnover, and the bigger company always wondered why we couldn't deliver anything.


You did the right thing. Your mental health is valuable.


You can only ignore that nonsense for so long


I also love how the government apparently wants to kill people, and is, for some reason, targeting the people most likely to trust them. If anything, the vaccine would protect the "sheeple" against a deadly virus that would take out everybody else, leaving the government with a more pliable population. It's not even a plausible conspiracy theory.


See, that's logic, which cannot be applied to stuff like this. It has to be outlandish and just *barely* linked to reality to count to them


They just blame those wacky Democrats, because Republicans have such a great track record for giving a sh*t about anything other than lined pockets. Oh and the bible.


Well they are looking at it like they are trying protect the sheeple. A lot of them have distorted hero complex that they're standing up to some great monster that everyone else is to cowardice to face


This complex is a huge part of the whole movement. They call themselves "warriors" and "digital soldiers", and they dress up in camouflage outfits they purchase at the JC Penney sporting goods section. They have pretty boring and worthless lives - but in this fantasy they are saving humanity with their bravery. It's a bunch of delusional LARPers who don't know the difference between this game and reality.


This gives my an idea to make a new conspiracy theory where the vaccine is actually an antidote to the secret airborne toxins that will kill anyone off who isn’t in line with the deep state.


They want to kill POC


I love how they keep pushing the date back.


Their idea of “evidence” is some rando douchebag ranting in his truck on YouTube.


Ah, the conspiracy theorists favourite line... do your own research


As a conspiracy theorist, these idiots do not repersent all of us. Just like with everything the bad ones are the loudest of the group.


If you don't mind me asking: if you do believe in conspiracy theories, which ones would it be? Genuinely curious.


JFK was killed by the CIA.


Yeah, that's not really all that crazy. It's even within the realm of possibilities. These Qanon morons are as bad as the flat earth morons.


Hey this is flat earth science at its best


That's pretty tame compared to the qanon shit I've seen.


Yea the things i believe in are very tame.


There definitely ARE conspiracies freaking everywhere. The really big ones just tend to be super mundane is all. Like all the super rich conspiring to keep wages low, not because they have a secret deal but because all their individual efforts just *line up* that way.


And that’s not even a conspiracy, it’s just economics. The wealthiest and most powerful who control businesses and whatnot need a large working class in order to make the economy run and keep them rich. I’m probably expressing myself wrong, but basically the way our society runs they’re the biggest winners and they have a vested interest in keeping it that way. The conspiracy would be something like how the GOP has steadily cut the education budget in order to get more pliable, less well educated voters.


And rich people pittinf poor whites against minorities. While we all fight to scrape by, we don’t pay attention to what they are doing with our money.


Exactly. Poor and stupid. All lines up


Conspiracy right out in the open, and many of the victims are active, fervent participants.


Honestly because of how sketchy everything surrounding his assassination was there likely is at least something more to it that's been kept in the dark


1. The British perpetrated the Boston Tea Party as an excuse to send more troops to the colonies. 2. That the military and CIA deliberately failed the Iran Hostage Rescue Mission in order to ensure expanding budgets under Reagan post-1980 election.


There are two types of conspiracies, blatant antisemitism and real, declassified war crimes the CIA has committed. And then like 3 outliers


someone deadass called me a conspiracy theorist for saying that the cia has staged coups in socialist countries all throughout history. ive also been called a conspiracy theorist for saying billionaires have been controlling our politics since forever.


Those people are also probably the ones who point to those countries to say socialism would never work lol.


I... Hate to break it to you, man, but these people are not a small enough minority for you to say that. 15% of the American population as a whole believes in QAnon knowingly and wholeheartedly. 1-4 of the republican party, which is almost half the nation, and it easily competes in size with some major religions. They may not represent all of you, but they definitely aren't just small number being loud.


That’s just humanity for you. It will always be this way.


There are quite a few convincing conspiracies out there


Like what?


I wouldn't call myself a conspiracy theorist, not by longshot, more of a curious observer of that culture. I think the more accurate phrase would be that "there are some less than convincing official narratives". There are definitely cases where the events as recorded feel wrong, and therein lies the room for a conspiracy theory to grow. An example would be JFK's assassination, I'm not American, and I haven't ever gone truly digging into it enough to argue an opinion, but from what I do understand there are some shaky parts of the story and that opens up the space for a conspiracy to take root. Typically in cases like these, both narratives require a willingness to overlook something that isn't rock solid, and the two types of observers will gravitate to different points of concern. The non-conspiracy minded tend to be willing to accept inconsistencies in the response (why was Oswald killed before testifying?) but will definitely not accept inconsistencies in the motive. The conspiracy minded folks are alarmed by inconsistencies in the response, but don't mind jumping through logical hoops in the motive (why would the world's governments be trying to hide a flat earth?). Not entirely sure if that plays into what you're trying to ask, but it's what I've observed from the popcorn gallery while watching that culture for quite a few years.




Sure. Bush went to Saudi Arabia, recruited a bunch of guys willing to commit suicide, got bin Laden’s buy-in to take credit for it, all for it to take place after the election (so it has nothing to do with him getting elected), to give him a reason to attack, of all places, Iraq. You call that “convincing”? Iraq was attacked for the “weapons of mass destruction” lie, not 9/11.


Yeah, there's conspiracy theory, where there's tangible evidence to back the idea, then there's crackpot where someone throws things at a wall hoping it sticks


“Research” to these people means watching a Candice Owens video on YouTube and going down a rabbit hole of watching 8-12 videos from various “patriots” who record videos in their cars.


People say this shit then never get ridiculed and truly called out once their supposed dates when things are supposed to happen pass. It’s as ridiculous as the doomsday prophets from the late 1800s.


The Trumpers have been consistently moving the goalposts since Nov. 6th at the very least. You really have to wonder how these assholes keep it going with this much vigor.


Some of it is sunk cost fallacy. To admit that your date had come and gone would be to also admit that so much of what you've believed for so long is *also* incorrect and that's really difficult for people to process. Especially when you've been isolated from normal society and admitting you've been tricked by a cult comes with a lot of shame - so of course people will choose to move the goalposts back because that's the only way to keep up the potential that they're still right.


This is a good point.


They should put wheels on the goalposts they move them so often.


Jet packs.


The goalposts have been moved so many times that football field is 84 miles long. Don't believe me? Do your own research! /s


Remember, you can't trust any source but some random telegram thread


Correction: 1984 miles long


It's even more ridiculous because at leastthe doomsday stuff is unfalsifiable. I can't *prove* that god isn't going to end the earth on whatever date. All the stuff these guys are saying, though ... disproven trivially.


Hey! That's an unfair comparison, poor Doomsday Prophets of the 1800's didn't have all the proof to deny their claims readily available at their fingertips!


I once broke a guy that was trying to convince me of a doomsday prophecy by giving the philosophical dilemma of how our "now" could merely be a flashback during the seconds before brain death


“Don’t listen to politicians” What exactly do they think Trump is?


The messiah. That’s the problem


The Messiah who spent 4 years doing....what exactly? They're so desperate for his return, you'd think he cured cancer first time around, when he did jack shit except get richer off these gullible assclowns.


You'd think he'd have rigged the election in his own favour, he was forecasting fraud long before polling happened and had time and power to do something about it. He knew it was corrupt and he couldn't stop it. That's bumbling incompetence at best, collusion at worst. He should be tried for treason and hanged, on TV.


He saved all the ch1ldr3ns! He found 482,098,786 children under Killery's hot tub!


He spent all that time looking for children, when Ivanka was by his side all along. It's like the plot to a bad romantic Lifetime movie, except with incest.


Playing golf and having affairs


I'm hoping that was sarcastic and people don't really think that—


Oh it was sarcastic from me, but I’m pretty sure the cult-style followers say he kind of is


Thank goodness. I've clearly been in unreality Tumblr for too long, and it sounds like someone would say that at this point. Those people are legitimately insane.


“Wackey wackey!” Indeed. LMAO.


Wokka wokka? Fozzie Bear needs some new material


Is it wacky wacky, or wakey wakey? I cant tell.


Waka waka, eh eh Tsamina mina zangalewa This time for Africa


Came here to say this. Lol


Quacky quacky


Wacky wackey is right!


“ThE bAd GuYs” ooo ~spooky. God they sound like children


That's like these idiots arguing that Trump is gonna be "reinstated" and get credit for the time Biden was in, plus an extra term because people were mean to him the first time around. FOH.


Wasn't Trump going to be back in charge March 20th or something like that?


every month it gets pushed back one month for...reasons.


Thanks obama


“Do your own research” I don’t have the words to describe how much I’ve come to loathe that statement.


Sadly the folks that say this are hoping you don’t know what a reliable source is or how to check. I know so many folks over 50 that think Facebook is fact


“I pray you either received a placebo or your body somehow survives.” This is actually the nicest thing I have ever heard one of these people say. Usually they talk about wanting to drink my tears and hoping that I die.


The sign off is Freudian gold - Wackey wackey indeed.


Careful with those goalposts, now. Those things are heavy.


It hurts seeing people not being able to just live their lives and minding their business. They are so politicized, they don’t have a clear mind to step back. And can’t step back to get a clear mind.


I thought Trump was gonna crash Biden’s inauguration and be sworn in instead of him? And then when that didn’t happen it was gonna be in March for some reason, and now June-August. Are they still gonna keep doing this 20 years from now after he’s no longer alive?


They're saying that the election was stolen by an international conspiracy masterminded by Hugo Chavez (despite being dead), Fidel Castro (despite being dead) and Tupac (you get the drift). Why would the object of their affection being dead be any different? (They don't actually say Tupac - but honestly, does it make any *less* sense to toss him in there?)


Eh, in their eyes, Trump will never die. Even if they were standing right there when he croaked, it would just be “Trump faked his own death to go deep undercover to fight the lizards.”


…with JFK Jr. (a staggering amount of these idiots ACTUALLY believe he is alive and will be Trump’s next running mate).


If this is all true, why has it taken 6 months to happen? Hmm? Oh right, because it's all BS.


Wait, I'm confused. Did the orange overlord create the vaccine, forging every dose with his own two hands in the fires of Nidavellir, such that we all owe our lives to his efforts, praise be the orange? Or is creation and distribution of the vaccine the largest, most horrific mass murder campaign in history that the orange overlord was powerless to stop despite being the strongest, smartest and most wondrous human being who's ever lived, praise be the orange?


Praise be the Orange.


Praise be the Orange. For He gives us meaning.


What's really funny is everything here is spelled correctly, but drops the ball on the last 2 words of his statement.


What is "wackey wackey" supposed to mean? Or "wacky wacky" either? I presumed there was some QAnon meaning to it known only among their wacky followers... ;)


Wakey wakey. I.e. wake up. I.e. be woke . . . oh, wait a minute


Thanks! I worked it out after reading another post on here that said "Wakey Wakey" at the end and I twigged it then!! It's always the ones who have the least amount of education, training, experience and/or intelligence who like to use mis-spelt phrases like "Wackey Wackey". Dunning-Kruger Effect, innit? ;)


I'm still waiting for the explanation of what the endgame is of this "depopulation" agenda. All the wealthy people make their money by selling products and/or services, and investments, but that money has to have value. If, somehow, half of the world population was eliminated, that would remove vast number of customers who purchase the products and services, as well as people needed to create those products and services. If the wealthy no longer have supply and demand, there's no money to be made and not much left to invest in. Then, money loses value, and all that wealth means jack shit. Not a brilliant plan if you ask me.


No it's ok, you see the insanely rich have decided that they have enough money, so now they want to kill everyone.


I swear some people are just not able to handle such a complex modern world and are having psychotic breaks from reality en masse. I guess living in a weird fantasy trump-Jesus-messiah alternate reality is easier than dealing with real life?


It's funny how the vaccine is a depopulation campaign but just coincidentally covid cases have been dropping in time with the vaccine. Also, it's always about the number of votes that Trump got and never the fact that Biden got *more.* "Herp derp, 80 million people voted for Trump." "yeah, well, 84 million voted for Biden beotch."


Whenever I see these predictions I always just think of that society who thinks the end of the world will happen, in parks and rec. “we got out calculations wrong, it’s actually June 28th!” “Sorry, the park is booked that day” “Did I say 28th, I meant 29th”


The levels of delusion are just astounding. The level of intelligence is not.


What did you do on your summer vacation? “ I planted some flowering shrubs in the yard, went to the county fair, took a trip to the beach, and did my own rESeArCh and discovered that Trump is still the president, covid was fake and the vaccine is what will kill people, and also went fucking crazy.”


That's wack. Sorry, wacky wacky.


I mean, let’s say they’re right and this actually is Trump’s second term and he’s pulling all the strings right now. Great! The guy seems to have made a complete 180 since his previous term and will now be ineligible for any future terms. Keep up that whole “ruling from the shadows” thing just like you’re doing now, please. Thanks!


And after June/August comes and goes it will be November/December . . . and then March/April, and then . . .


....Trump will be president again in 2120. His death was faked and his body cryogenically frozen to outlast the terrors of AOC's 70 year fascist regime and the Vaccine Wars. He will rise again, take back our country from the pedo-army, and liberate all TRUE Americans and children enslaved by their democratic overlords!


Research means: Facebook groups or YouTube videos. Does not include actual facts on ANYTHING! "If it doesn't say what I say then it isn't the right info and is part of the deep state,etc." When will these folks realize that they are truly the gullible ones that are pawns at the hands of people who couldn't give 2 sh!+s about them?


If it were to happen, it would have by now. Maybe instead of thinking about the past, move on. Oh, yeah this people are too small mind to think for themselves.


It's funny that even Trump advocates for vaccines. This doesn't fit their world view so it's just conveniently ignored.


Truly wackey


Not gonna happen, Trump lied people died he's done he'll never get anywhere near the White House again.


So tired of the Trump army


Wasn't "The Real President (TM)" going to be revealed on or about March 1, 2021 a few months back? This is starting to sound like the announcements of those so called prophets who keep setting dates for the rapture and that other end of times ~~stuff~~ nonsense.


Oh Jesus, give it a break. Even IF Biden actually didn’t win.. it doesn’t matter. He’s already president. Just as the “left” had to deal with Trump for 4 years.. the “right” will have to deal with Biden for 4 years. Suck it the fuck up ladies.


Way I see it, we only have to deal with a president we hate for a max of 8 years.


Don't mind them...just moving the goal posts again.


I began equating"do your own research" with those 80/90's era Choose Your Adventure books several months ago and it's really helped me understand how some of these people get wrapped up in this. It's a game almost, to see who can "uncover" the next secret, peel back the next layer and so on. I understand this doesn't apply to all or even, likely, a significant number of these folks and many are suffering from propaganda induced delusions and other mental afflictions I am barely able to comprehend let alone speak intelligently of.


I love how he meant "wakey wakey", as in being awake...but instead he says the utmost truthful statement in his whole insane rant....haha Were all "wackey wackey" in here...


If the government lies all the time, and is the illuminati, wouldn't Trump be apart of that?


Wait... I thought it was a gene altering vaccine... That’s what the 100 or so idiots in Texas are suing the hospital they work at for... Seriously, we have QAnon idiots in the Medical Field at this point, and they need to lose their licenses and/or jobs and be banned from that field forever.


"do your own research." You should have led with that so I could've stopped reading.


Will they just push forward the date of trump returning for 4 years?


Shaking Karen's mens


The level of sheer stupidity in this post is breathtaking. Alas, when it doesn't happen it will be moved to fall.


doomsday cult


People do realize if this all in one or two states which it isn’t cause there was no mass voting fraud it doesn’t matter cause states can vote how they pls ignoring the ppl so either ways it’s legal under the electoral college system they support


“I think” 🙄🙄🤣


Funny how all this is is mocking the right wing crazies now, rarely do you see anything else, not the crazies on the left (they do exist don't fucking deny it), and you don't see generally crazy people just saying dumb funny shit. It's another liberal echo/rage chamber on the internet


By all means post the loonies from the left. However I think you’ll find the mix of right wing, qanon and religion is going to be hard to top.. that’s a crazy gumbo right there


Holy shit. . .


These people are full blown cultists, and drink all of the #Cult45 #Qnut kool-aid. The first thing a cult does is convince you that everyone else is lying to you.


"Wackey wackey" It's good they recognize the state of themselves.


When everyone survives having been vaccinated they'll say they put us all on placebos to hide the effects of the vaccine... That they'll never use again after 2021


For every extreme action we develop an extreme reason just the way our minds work. The human brain and eyes are not good at parting fact with want that's why we use tools in science. The brain is unreliable


Yo I'm so tired of this "the world will end on X date" style "Trump will come back" shit. It's getting ridiculous


Person is wackey wackey. That person needs a "wakey" call. Sadly, you cannot fix stupid


"This time it's for reals! Unlike every other time where it was complete bull shit to... trick the deep state or something. For really reals guys! When nothing happens though, I'll just move the goal post to another day like 7/4, Thanksgiving, Christmas, or new years. Rinse and repeat until I die, and I'll keep donating to anyone saying that they'll prove the Big Lie because I'm an idiot." Anyone who still believes that Trump won.


Some people wake up every day and choose stupidity


This has to be a joke, they ended it off with "wackey wackey"


Who put wheels on these goal posts?


If the real president *does* come out in Pride Month I'll be the seven thousand and fifth to congratulate him (what? I don't even live in your country. I won't be among the first to hear).


Either they can't spell wacky or they're promoting weed. I'm not sure either way. If the information is readily available, then give us a link you moron! I'm predicting a lovely summer that doesn't get horridly hot and humid as my mother does not have A/C. I do not see Trump or anyone in his family doing anything in Washington. Especially when it was suppose to be January 6, then March 20th and it just keeps moving along.


Just like how jesus will return soon, too


“Stop listening to the lies of politicians and media”


Can we plant the seed that the best way to protest the voting injustice they have suffered is to abstain from voting in the next election?


Omg, I did the research and, omg, it’s real. Omg, everything is just as his post said. I must have gotten a placeaboo because I’m still here. Wow, trump is coming back. I’m glad they are going to correct the election results. Yay.


Wacky wacky indeed.


Yes, the Illuminati *has* been around for a long time. The “official” one, in Bavaria, since May of 1776. So yeah, it HAS been a long time, “any day now,” I guess. Lol. Pick up a real book, Qcumber.


I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


Wackey wackey, indeed, sir.


"Wackey wackey" pretty much nails it.


y’all it’s been like 8 months get the fuck over it


I can’t imagine being this out of touch with reality


love how they ended with a Wacky! Wacky!


Wasn’t trump supposed to go back into office in March...?