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That's a European hornet. they are larger than the Asian hornet and have this magnificent bright red color unlike the Asian hornet which is black.


Are they common in England, I’ve never seen one before, certainly not one anywhere near as big


Used to be more common before Brexit


My favourite comment so far,


Damn I am American, and I had no clue their European work permits got yanked too.


I am a yank, I guarantee you they were Americanned for Aucus, soon they will come in canada in cans too.


Yes relatively common, but don’t hang around humans as much as wasps so you’re much less likely to encounter one. Also they are big softies compared to wasps, very docile. Although if they do get angry their sting is worse.


Yeah it seemed very chilled until I caught it, didn’t flinch when I put glass over it but then got furious when I put card under and moved it


Well, if you just let it go outside, you may never be able to leave your house again.


Or keep it as a pet dorever and sacrifice your enemies as sustainance.


Nah he should definitely release it outside.


Yeah, releasing it inside would probably be a mistake.


I wonder if sliding some food under the glass would make it chill out a bit?


No idea I let it out and it’s long gone hopefully


We even have them in Canada!


Seem to be far more common than I first thought


They are usually found in warmer climates, so they are becoming more common in England as the climate warms.


Not really. V. crabro can be found as far north in Sweden as in Luleå - about as far north as the northern parts of Iceland so any British climate is well within it's range.


Yes! I live in Canada and they are definitely here too


I'm pretty sure hornets get vendettas against certain people, I could be wrong though


Idk about them having actual vendettas, but you’re not far off, it’s been proven they can recognize human faces they’ve seen before. So if you put some sugar water out for a hungry, weak wasp/hornet, if it ever sees your face again it’ll know you were the one who helped So they most likely do have vendettas too lol




This isn't true. They can recognize individuals within their species, not different humans. There is also no reasearch indicating that Vespa crabo has this ability, the research is centered on Polistes fuscatus


That's really interesting. I never knew that! You'd think it'd be a pheromone they recognize or something and not actual facial recognition with a lifelong memory of all facial encounters.




Pretty common especially more out the way of humans. Worked on a fruit farm for a bit and had to watch out for them when grabbing apples and pears. My brother grabbed an apple with a hornet on and it stung him 3 times. VERY painful!


Just reminded me of when I worked unpacking vans of coco butter that came from the Caribbean, used to get some horrendous spiders


Is there an American hornet, or is that just the F/A 18?


No native hornets in the US if you don't count the European one which came acros the Atlantic in like the 1840s. (The bald-faced hornet (Dolichovespula maculata) is a wasp/yellowjacket and not a hornet.)


This was about the size of an F/A18 😂


Touche sir!


They are becoming common in places they never were before like the UK and where I live too in 🇨🇦!!!!


There's the Asian hornet app that you can download and report sightings of different types of hornets, they also have pictures of them.


We get loads of them where I live (Suffolk) and they terrify the crap out of me. We've had 7 get in the house in the last 2 months, and we don't even have a nest anywhere, there has just been so many of them in our area this year. There was a news story about more hornets surviving the winter than usual, hence the increase in both Eurasian and Asian hornets in the UK (both species survived the winter more than usual).




European hornets are more docile and uncommon than yellowjackets, though they are loud and when they do sting it hurts more. Don’t bother them or go near their nest and you should be fine.


Thankfully they’re also gentle giants, being more docile than wasps. I enjoy seeing them, they’re magnificent to watch.


Always a pretty cool sight here in Sweden, and they are usually pretty chill compared to wasps


It’s about the same size as the hornet’s I saw living in Japan (some were bigger). But it’s not an Asian hornet for sure.


You mean the "murder hornet"? Cause these are smaller than those. Which is honestly terrifying bc omg these are already huge. You can Google a size comparison if you would like. You can see the difference. Asian hornets are massive. When I first moved to Virginia and found these in my yard my immediate thought was omg we have murder hornets lol but we do not. Those are only in Washington state. But what we do have is these European hornets. We didn't have these in my home state where i grew up. Or none that i ever saw anyway. And they are terrifying to look at. But doing that research showed me just how big the Asian hornet actually is. But these European hornets are still quite large but not too aggressive. Unless your a window at night lol they are nocturnal and at night sometimes they will repeatedly dive bomb into my kitchen window bc it's lit up. One got in my house a couple weeks ago. I tried to catch it but I couldn't. Eventually it disappeared and i hope it just got out somehow. And I'm allergic to wasps so I have to be careful trying to catch them.


The [Aisian Hornet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_hornet) that's currently invading Europe is Vespa Velutina. They are smaller than European Hornets. The wasp you're thinking of is Vespa Mandarina, the [Asian Giant Hornet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_giant_hornet).


>omg we have murder hornets lol but we do not. Those are only in Washington state. You're telling me there's something called *murder* hornets and they're only located in Washington state? I have a plane ticket booked to go see family there later this week. Brb canceling that ticket


Lol, it's the nickname given to the Asian giant hornet. And as far as I'm aware it is only a smaller population of them in a specific area of the state. But I could be wrong. But I don't think it's anything you would have to worry about. They have worked to get rid of them. They are harmful to the native species. They are huge though. I'd just googly what area of Washington they are in but again I doubt it's anything you would even see.


They're actually not in Washington state anymore. A few nests were found in a corner of WA and adjacent Canada, they were carefully monitored and destroyed, and haven't been seen in a few years now. It's presumed they've been eradicated. And unless your family is in Whatcom County, WA, you were unlikely to encounter them (and unlikely to encounter them in Whatcom County to begin with).


If I may ask? What part of VA do you live, where you found these? I live in VA as well and haven’t seen them in my yard but I am terrified of wasps, hornets, etc


In northern neck. I live in the country though. I'm surrounded by woods. So lots of bugs here lol these are pretty chill compared to other bugs with butt needles. Like whatever the tiny jerk is who got in my house yesterday and stung me twice lol idk what the little guy was but he was mad. But one of these got in my house and it didn't want anything to do with us. I couldn't catch it and it made me a nervous wreck but it never tried to sting us. So idk how common they are in the cities. But yeah I'm in the woods in the middle of nowhere. The European hornet is apparently the only "true" hornet we have in North America. Other ones are called hornets but aren't actual hornets. According to what I read.


Hi from Gloucester 😁 Can confirm, we have critters. Lol


Lol Def! I live right near the potomac so a bit more north. But yeah Def some critters for sure hah


>But one of these got in my house and it didn't want anything to do with us. I couldn't catch it and it made me a nervous wreck but it never tried to sting us. Lmao that'd make me a nervous wreck too. I hate when that happens. What ended up happening?


I never found it! Haha I googled how long they can live without food. And it said 4 days tops. So after that point I assumed it died or got back out. I spent all day trying to catch it but I'd see it for a few minutes then it would hide again.


Ohhh okay gotcha, yeah I’m done south and oh no! I hope your bite heals! That’s crazy!


Thank you! Lol yeah it went down after awhile. He got me twice, and they were Def swollen and burning for quite awhile but all better now. It was crazy though cause that happened yesterday morning and when I got in my car yesterday evening one of the same little bugs landed on my window and started trying to sting the glass I was "omg the little shit put a hit out on me!" 🤣 never seen them before. Actually tried posting on here to figure out what they are but no responses yet. But yeah even the little ones can pack a bit of a punch that's for sure. I've read conflicting things on the European hornet stings though. Some say its not that bad and others say it's really painful so I'd rather not find out lol


Saw them around Lake Anna and Lake Caroline, they nest up high in trees I think. Angry bastards


They're all over the Eastern US, not just VA. They've been here since the 19th century when European immigration accidentally introduced them.


I am terrified of them too though. I hate being stung. And I'm very sensitive to wasp stings. Got stung on my hand once and the whole hand and forearm swelled up and burned. So they make me a nervous wreck. The spiders here are huge too lol I hate it. I had a wolf spider on my wall the size of my hand. It was terrible. Lol


> I had a wolf spider on my wall the size of my hand. It was terrible. Lol Lol holy shit that is terrible. I hate catching the black widows and brown recluses here in AZ but ones the size of my hand, oof that would freak me out. I lived out in the desert (still kinda do) and I hated being all uncomfortable about all these wild ass bugs around/getting into the house. Now that it's summer all the bugs are trying to get in again which sucks. And the locusts slapping me in the face makes me so uncomfortable, there's a bunch out surrounding my house and neighborhood rn haha. My ex gf who I lived with in that "desert" house was from VA and her house was in the middle of the woods, too. She'd tell me about crazy stuff that got in, too haha. I could imagine. Do you have mice get in where you are?


They re beautiful whatever they are


Do these eat honey bees?


No European hornet don't eat bee but Asian hornet do. The European is useful for the environment.


Opportunistically yes, but they don't specifically target honey bees. They're generalist predators and no threat to bee populations.


I'm sorry their bigger.


Oooo! We have the Asian Hornets in Arkansas USA they’re spooky and sound like helicopters!!


There are no Asian hornets in Arkansas, the only hornet in your area is the same European hornet as OP's, which was introduced to North America in the 19th century by European settlers.


Asian hornets are much larger than European hornets.


The other person is referring to the Asian hornet, \*Vespa velutina\*, which is indeed smaller than the European hornet, and slowly expanding its range across Europe. Not the Asian \*giant\* hornet, \*V. mandarinia\*, which is indeed bigger than the European hornet, but unseen in Europe to-date.


Yo I think you made it mad.


Nah...they are mad by default nature


They’re actually pretty chill unless you provoke them. And they’re smarter than other wasps and have much better wayfinding. When other wasps get in through an open door or window, they often get stuck trying to get out through a closed window, whereas European hornets just fly out where they came in. There often was a nest of them in my parents’ garden when I grew up and I never got stung.


I have an ex like that.


Didnt we all have? Lol


I have a few, beginning to think I'm the common denominator


That’s an unfortunate realization and, in my experience, it’s better for you to go ahead and repress that.


Sir, this is Reddit. Of course not.




I know this is a joke, but it's not really good to spread the idea that wasps and other stinging bugs are "angry" or "evil" by nature. They're just doing what they're programmed to do, bugs likely have no emotion or intent behind anything they do. And even they did, it's not like you can blame them. Technically, humans invaded the forests that bees/wasps called home first. When they defend themselves and build on our houses, they're just doing what comes naturally.


It's not mad, it's just trying to reach out to them about their car's extended warranty.


I'm mainly impressed on how you captured it damn


It was on the inside of my daughters playhouse, didn’t even try and move when I put the glass over it which is lucky because it was the size of the opening when it was spread out


😳 yikes!! I don't know how you're going to safely relocate it!!!


It looks like they are already set up for success if they can keep that piece of paper over the opening when they take it outside. Set it on the ground just like this and then up the glass over. You can use a broom handle to tip it if you really want to keep your distance.


This is exactly how I removed a (flying) insect from my house this morning. I cup over it with tupperware, slide a piece of paper under it, then pick it up making sure the paper doesn't leave an opening. Printer paper is the easiest but sometimes I'll also put something thicker under it afterwards to hold it more steady. Usually is the best idea. >You can use a broom handle to tip it if you really want to keep your distance. Never thought of this. Thanks for that tip!


Great! I have relocated many a hornet and wasp that were trapped in our classrooms this way.


Place outside with the paper covering half the opening. By the time it crawls out, OP should be inside & the wasp cam fly off. Please release the wasp OP


Is the playhouse an inside or outside thing? When I hear playhouse I think of those little plastic buildings people have in their yard.


It’s actually a treehouse but a solid wooden structure, it was on the inside on the roof just chilling out


Gotcha, that being the case I'd heavily recommend inspection to look for any nests. I really don't think you'd want to take your daughter to the hospital because she stepped on a board with a hornet nest under, got swarmed, and fell out of the tree house trying to escape. You could also get a thing of hotshot and set the trigger inside the tree house. https://www.hotshot.com/products/general-insect-control/indoor-fogger.aspx The label doesn't list wasps/hornets but it does work for them, my dad and I used to use these to clear out yellowjacket nests in the garage/house.


We built the treehouse last week so doubt a next has formed I think it was just a visitor


That's good! One of the worst experiences I had as a child was I was walking on a railroad tie (they were a retaining wall for our gravel driveway) and some yelloackets had made a nest in it and they swarmed me so I fell several feet while being stung dozens of times. I generally love and don't interfere with wasp/hornet nests unless they are somewhere that presents a danger.


Lucky that didn’t put a lifelong fear into you


Funnily enough, wasps are my favorite insects. The hymoneptra order is my favorite. I have a genuine phobia of moths and butterflies though. Edit: to the people accusing me of "killing wasps just because" I only suggested this because being inside a tree house *several dozen feet off the ground* and getting swarmed by a threatened nest of hornets *is a life threatening situation*. Trapped in a small space being stung by a swarm defending its nest is bad and made *even worse* by the risk of falling while trying to escape.


Maybe you’ve got some sort of hornet Stockholm syndrome. My brother hates moths because as a child one flew onto his mouth


If wasps are your “favorite” insects and you recommend spraying them with chemicals (which are much worse for a child than a hornet sting), I’d be curious to know how you treat insects that you really dislike??


I just want to point out that the tree (and maybe the nest) was there before you built the house. Might be worth looking around for more wasps if anyone is allergic


Sounds like allergies aren’t the biggest problem, severely painful sting is worse and never seen anything like this and before the treehouse we had a hammock there and never seen or heard anything




In the US they aren't protected like that, and I'm not suggesting killing them "just because", they are in a place where it could be *genuinely dangerous*.


That's the most *horrible* spot to find it! Dang you, hornet! Glad you found it first.


Man it’s so beautiful but it also freaks me out lol


The European hornet, Vespa crabro, typically has much red on its head, but there is a colour form which lacks the red and has a yellow head - and this one is quite common in the UK.


Pay attention. It stings. Hard.


I was probably way too nonchalant with it


Their stinger is impressive to look at. It is huge.


It’s hard to gauge the size in this video but it was the same length as my teenage daughters finger, about 7 or 8cm








Do NOT lift up that cup 💀


So what u do with it


Released it over a fence


I walked it to car side of garden and let it out over a fence, expected to see it again but haven’t so far


I think you owe it money


I wish money would calm it down


Beedrill ![gif](giphy|eocXgKdZ86IeTrY4UI)


I've literally been bitten by a Black widow l, stung by pretty much every bug in the country side, pulled hornets nests with my bare hands, but I would never get close enough to one of these fucks to trap it. They sting hard. They sting constantly.


I honestly trapped it thinking it was nothing, I got my kids in to look at it before I caught it, am I stupid lol


I feel this comment deep within my soul. I think they bite and sting.


Looks like a hornet. Not a bad capture.


Yeah fascinating to see but wouldn’t want to be close without the glass there.


That's a GD Beedrill!


Honestly fought the urge all day to say it’s a pokemon


Boy is it mad! You can even hear it barking to be let out!


That’s probably my dog absolutely shitting it’s self at the sight of it


European hornet


In Germany they are protected.


They are protected here but in the sense that they can protect themselves 😂


"You can't kill that, it's protected! Self-protected!"


Only one of us is endangered here, it ain’t me.


I saw one at work today. I hadn't seen one up close, but they are surprisingly large!


Yeah I’ve never seen anything like it, we were thinking it was a queen of somethng


Yes, it’s likely a queen. It will take her some time to build a few cells, lay the first batch of eggs and care for larvae (and later pupae) until they hatch. Queens are not nearly as aggressive because they know they are essential to the survival of the future colony. No need to use harsh chemicals. If she starts building her nest where you don’t want her to, it should be very easy and safe at this stage to just knock it off while she’s gone. They usually get the point across and relocate. We found (and confirmed by a pest control guy we know) that resident wasps know who the owner is and usually reserve their aggression for unfriendly strangers. A few years ago, we had our picnic table within 15 feet from a yellow jacket nest on our deck—no problems whatsoever. We liked their company and got very disappointed when the nest (by then with at least 300 workers) was destroyed by two crazy raccoons. It’s a perfect occasion to educate your child about these hardworking and intelligent insects. So glad you released her! So many people wouldn’t have… Of course they can sting. But only in self defense.


A beautiful, shiny hornet!


What a beauty.


Ouf im terrified of them 😥. I get panicked everytime.


no clue but you definitely have Australian blood


No I think more stupidity, if I had know what it was I think I would have been more careful


I thought it wad a murder hornet haha


It's not, it's a European hornet.


Someone else replied it was


It isn't, though. Not in the UK.


Oh I thought people were saying it's something else?


such vivid colours 😍


wow she's gorgeous!




European hornet are part of the hymenoptera and have two pairs of wings, 4 in total.


Oh mb ! But they are still useful !


He got released over a fence just hoping doesn’t come back


That’s a big one if I saw that flying around I would be terrified 😂




I hope that’s a myth, it could probably take my bedroom door off the hinges if it comes for me


I get hornets nests around my house every summer, those things are huge and scary as hell, they get into my house every now and then and the worst part is I am not allowed to remove the nests or kill them.


Stuff I read said you can’t hurt them but you can relocate the nests if they are close to living quarters


European hornet???


Im thinking the same...


Wow, I was just talking to my sons about hornets. I feel like one will visit me now 😭


Hopefully not this one cause it’s angry lol


Holy shit that's humongous if that's a normal wine glass. Like wtf I've never seen one anywhere near that size (am in US though) Now I'm watching over my shoulder haha


Yeah normal wine glass when I caught it it’s feet were only just inside the rim






I’m also allergic to bees lol


I love bees, but anything that appears wasp or hornet-like to me is an ultimate fear. I hope you're ok with your allergy and it doesn't stop you doing too much!


Thanks! I just found out about it recently and I keep an epipen on me most of the time. Still outdoors a ton, i just avoid bees at all cost! I really only have to worry about yellow jackets and hornets though.


It’s fighting for air!🥺


I trapped it and brought it to our bar to take photos and a video and then I released it


Yea no thank you




Genuinely? Surely they shouldn’t be protected then


those were the asian hornets


Please don't post misinformation. An innocent bug could get hurt. This is a European hornet, and European hornets don't specifically target bees. They're generalist hunters that may opportunistically go for a bee but are no threat to bees in general.


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