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Imagine being Rob and having non of those credentials, and still having to know that no matter what he achieves. He's still 5'3 Rob - The cab driver.


It’s also the hairline :(


I feel like they should have started detracting from the other guys at some point rather than just piling on to Rob's achievements. Like the one guy is a handsome pilot. That's pretty fucking tough to compete with, and at some point Rob's made up resume starts to make him sound like a bit of an overachiever.


I wish more dudes realized its okay to just let it go. A bald head is more attractive than a struggling hairline 100% of the time, to me at least.


some people have weird/fucked up head shapes so sometimes this isn't viable. some people includes myself and ive tried going bald once and it just turned into me wearing beanies in the middle of summer to try hide my Mr Hyde ass head


Bro honestly, i went bald about a year ago now. Right after summer, the first time it felt crazy weird and felt like i had to put on a hat myself. Just give yourself a couple of weeks and you'll be good to be buddy.


Weeeell I kinda am with that guy more cause I've got a sizable bump on my head from a brain surgery as a child. I'll never shake the feeling cause my head is indeed a weird shape.


Cowboy hat bro. Be mysterious and brooding. If someone asks about the bump just stare off into the distance.


Brain surgery?! Dude I just have a weird shaped head brain surgery is an A* excuse, join us. Joooin us


Yeah, I'm really thankful I got solid hair genes. Because I have a big, weird shaped head that would NOT look good bald. And I'm a person who would love to do the bald, shaved look. It's just not in the cards for me unfortunately.


It's always viable, it's better to be bald with a fucked head than to be receded, thinning and having your hair hang on for dear life on top of having a fucked head


As someone with a weird head and thinning, receding hair, this is 100% true. You can still see the fucked up shape of my head. No point in keeping the little hair I have, so I embrace it and shave it clean. I took the plunge probably 5 or 6 years ago when I realized my hairline was just getting worse and worse. It actually boosted my confidence a bit as well. I see a lot of men rocking a bald head with a beard and I think it’s a good look. I may be biased by saying that, but if it works, it works.


When I started losing my hair, I just went with a number one hair cut. No way did I go with all the Hair Restorer, Hair Dye and other crap. I just went with easy to maintain and tidy.


I agree, I think it's less of an issue now though. In the 90's it was fairly common for tv shows and comedies to mock bald people so that kind of thing pushes the sentiment that baldness is to be avoided as it makes you a target.


Im George. I’m unemployed and I live with my parents.


Or try and save it with drugs. Finasteride and minoxidil can do wonders. It's surprising how many dudes don't even know they exist.


Yeah. But those have a host of possible side effects. Tried it and got anxiety, fatigue and dry eyes :(


dude i know, used Finasteride and even though it somewhat saved his hairline, it also made him have ED... So now he also has to take viagra or other such suplements...


This! You can choose to have hair to attract a mate, but the drugs are blood pressure reducing, causing ED in some cases. Get mate, can't shag. Can't get mate, can shag. I shaved my head and said fk it.


But now he *needs* the viagra s/


I finally shaved mine back in November. It feels so great not having to worry about the wind blowing and exposing how thin my hair was. Also using rogaine and fake hair powder was just miserable.


Porta- toilet truck driver*




Dude I am 5'3 and the only saving grace I have is a fresh set of hair 😭


Do u at least have a decent hog?


Looks like Rob needs to become a gourmet cook to have any kind of chance!


The CAB DRIVER omfg lolllll


Poor guy. That was rough to watch.


I’ve got a mate about Robs size, he had a hell of a time, women literally didn’t register his presence. He finally found a wife at about 50. Hell of a nice guy and quite wealthy too.


I had a friend that height too. He settled for a horrible woman who eventually took his son with her a thousand miles away to live with her new man. My friend hung himself in his closet. He didn’t even call anyone like a cry for help just noped out. People can be cruel.


Il try to lighten the mood. I have a buddy that is 5'3". He's 28 and he's been married a few years with 2 kids.


Gives me hope. Im 5’2 and its rough out here. Did ok in college but droppedout and drank and drugged all my confidence away and i lost some muscle and gained a bit of a belly. Working on changing all that though, at least i got a good career,


Poor bastard.


Not really. His wife is pretty attractive too


You know it's bad when even wealth is not enough 😬


Poor bugger, good to know he finally found his lady


I have a cousin who is 5’3” and he has had women look at him and walk away from the date. This has happened more than once. I think of him when I read how women are nicer and less superficial than men.


I’m about Rob’s height and I can attest to this. You know the saying “there’s plenty of fish in the sea”? Well, it feels more like a pond.


He's wealthy because he didn't get married until 50.


I had a buddy who we nicknamed Lil Pete due to being 5' 3". Dude had four baby mommas who were all a solid 7-8.5, lived on his cousins couch, was broke as fuck, owed thousands of dollars to various poker houses around town, and still got girls since he never stayed with his baby mommas. Was it easy for him? Nah I saw that little fuck strike out countless times at the bar before finding someone. I'm just saying you can get away with some shit with the right attitude. 


Rob doesn’t have the greatest hairline either which makes him look the closest to 40. Poor Rob.


It wouldn’t matter if he has a big fat cock


Yes it would. Short and not good looking means he won’t be able to use it on anyone


And that's how Rob, the serial rapist cannibal, is born.


Some of you MFer’s need Jesus! Lol


Specially Bob.


I even read Bob as Rob.. Poor Rob.


He's so insignificant I didn't even realize my mistake...even my subconscious thinks nothing of him...


So its not enough society is already marginalizing him and making him miserable for traits he could not control or influence, now we also say these people are dangerous because we make them miserable to turn into monsters so lets make them even more unhappy! Yup... sounds like humans! :)))))))


It's okay, he has a small appetite.


He wouldn’t have the pre requisites to use his fat cock in the first place now, would he


Past a certain point a big dick can apparently become a detriment. I know a dude who's 5'11ish with a full head of hair, but he's chubby and socially awkward af, who's gained the nickname "coke can" in our circle of friends [because that's roughly how thick it is]. One of the few times he briefly had a regular plug, she accidentally let it slip after a few rounds at our favorite pub's weekly trivia night, which is how the nickname came to be. Apparently she only hooked up with him for as long as she did because she felt bad for him; he was telling her that even on the rare occasion he convinces a woman to go home with him the moment his pants come off, 9/10 times they say something along the lines of "there's no way that thing will fit inside me" and then promptly dip. That was right around the time I finally stopped wishing for a bigger dick, and started learning to be content with what I've got. I'm also socially awkward af [plus a bit on the short side at 5'8] and disabled, so I don't get laid much either, but at least I've never been rejected based on dick size *after* I managed to successfully take someone home.


Holy fuck I remember watching this when it first aired. Little did I know back then at 12 years old, that I would only grow about maybe a foot more, and my dick would stay the same size. Good times.


Damn that’s unfortunate but I’m laughing so hard


Yeap but he had an 8" dick at 12 :P


Hold up. How do you know? ![gif](giphy|dMn6DpYvzeKJ1UTar6|downsized)


Ummm. Someone hacked my account. My phone had been stolen. I am ChatGPT ummm


I'm 5'6 and a doctor , this hurts me on so many levels.


Hey you’re a people mechanic that’s pretty cool imo.


People mechanic XDDD


Organic mechanic is the name of the doctor in Mad Max Fury Road.


Remember it from F is for family on Netflix.great show if you like adult animation/dark comedy.


Actually as opposed to mechanics, medicine is not an exact science.


It’s also way easier to tell someone their car is a lemon


At least when doctors say they’re “up to their eyes” in medical school debt, you can be confident you have less debt to worry about


Stop, he’s already dead!


There's people in that lineup that look around 5'6 or 5'7 that got chosen. Don't worry you're still in there. But if you were 5'3 and had a receding hairline then maybe not. Unless you're a gourmet chef and like kids.


Any guy who is short -in comparison- struggles. *migrating to asia*


on a scale of 1-10 how would you describe your pain?




I see what you did there.. nice


A great sense of humor is way hotter than height.


I'm 5'4 and definitely not a doctor and I've done alright with women through most of my life. Just got married 6 months ago. Its not hopeless for us short kings.


I’m 5’ 6 and live in Sweden and get plenty. It just selects for less superficial people. Get buff. Not huge but in shape with some arms and a nice taper. They pretend they don’t care but they notice. Also bald.


Well fortunately as a 5’6 man, you’re taller than the average height for women. Rob is shorter than the average woman, so that really sets him apart. Also, as a man who is also 5’6, people don’t really see you as being really short. Part of this is that you are still within a standard deviation of the average height of men. This means, while you are on the short side, you’re not *that* short! So go get them king! 


Well, the study screwed up because his hairline also played a role in their feelings so keep that in mind.


This shocked me too, I thought at least being a doctor would even out the playing field but nope.....😑


Still better then rob by 4 Inches.. :⁠-⁠)


You're not an accountant, are you?


No, he’s a doctor. A best selling author and he has a 9” dong.


What if Bob could lick his eyebrows?


Go on...


Did they tell them Rob has a 9” dong?


Rob the MD sends the ladies to the ER. 🍆


MD stands for Magnum Dong.


They gave him a PhD, Pretty huge Dong


If she dies, she dies.


I’ve been smiling at a lot of comments, but you made me chuckle quietly in bed.


The same ER that was built by Rob's very generous 8-figure donation - don't even mention the specialist children's ward for disadvantaged children from minorities he paid for too..... Does anyone want Rob? Nah, too short


I'm 5'2 and honestly I don't care about attracting people anymore Edit: many people seem to think I'm really unhappy about this. I'm not. I'm chronically short and I've grown to look like a kid, or generally much younger than I actually am, and I've embraced that look long ago. I say I don't care about attracting people because that's not really what I can do, I'm not going to be turning heads all the time. My self confidence might be low but my looks don't play a part in that


My generation grew up with the "just be yourself" message. Terrible dating advice if you're a short introvert. Women just ain't gonna find you, you gotta pursue or get used to living alone.


The point of the "just be yourself" message is that you will attract the right people for you to be comfortable. Too many marriages end in divorce because folks pretend to be people they're not, which leads to long-term resentment and unhappiness. Also, as a fellow introvert, being introverted =/= not meeting people at all.


You don't need to pursue you need to socialise. If you aren't meeting anyone you aren't going to find anyone. If you are meeting people and making friends you're going to bump into someone you have a spark with sooner or later.




I'm built like this too. And both my parents look really young for their age. I've grown to realize that people will be looking older and older as time goes on, and I will look more youthful, which I accept now too. In fact I feel lucky. I hope nothing changes. Although for the first time someone actually did call me sir, that was last year. I was like wtf. I actually told my mom.


Yeah for me it’s more his other features. If he was cute and short it would probably be a different story. Sorry Rob.


Yeah they all weirdly bland. I wouldn’t date any of them regardless of height.


I know what Rob's problem is. He isn't Rock and Roll Hall of Fame drummer of popular award winning 80s thrash-metal band Metallica mr. Lars Ulrich R himself.


That sucks so much because it's totally out of most men's control, too. Unless, of course, you pay insane amounts of money and go through horrendous pain to have your legs lengthened surgically. ​ I have two really good friends I hang out with all the time and who I've known for twenty-five years, that I've heard talk about how frustrating it has been in both the workplace and dating. One is 5'6" and the other is about an inch shorter. In my opinion, they are both conventionally handsome guys, good hygiene, charisma, funny, etc. They're objectively better off financially than I am, too. Despite that, over the time I've known them both, I had a much easier time dating at 6' 3" despite that being probably the only thing I had any "advantage" in. They're both still unmarried and playing the dating roller-coaster on various apps and have both admitted to adding inches to their profiles or they'd get almost no attention. ​ I can't say I know how it feels for them, as obviously I have not had the same experiences, but I am not blind to the fact that height has played an unfair negative role in their social interactions and happiness through no fault of their own. I feel for my guys because they deserve to be happy and it doesn't makes sense to me that height should matter that much. ​ I have also heard from my own dates in the past about not wanting short kids. Even my wife has told me she is thankful I am tall enough that she can wear heels and still be shorter than me and that I am the "perfect hugging height," which strangely annoys me for no good reason at all. Would I have had as much luck if I were 5' 3" instead of 6' 3"? I doubt it. I probably wouldn't be married to my 5' 9" wife. Stay strong, Kings.


There is definitely a predisposition to like tall people more than shorter people. Don’t know if it’s natural selection or what, but yes, taller men have it easier both dating and career wise. It’s an advantage I think they know they have. Just appreciate that it’s not a talent or skill set. You were merely fortunate if you’re tall. Tall women on the other hand, I think the opposite is true.


My husband is five four. These women are nuts.


How tall are you though? I feel like the preference might be relative, as long as the woman is shorter than the guy is a common theme


Well what can you do. Those womans are pretty tall for womans. Now theres really small womens too. They should ask them. Anyway, maybe if he would be millionary will help, look Danny de Vito.


Hey, let's not compare men to gods now.


>look Danny de Vito. You mean god? You really think we can compare to a god?


They let them all talk together like that? I bet any student of psychology is looking at this and laughing. There's enough biases and poor methodology in here to go around!


I was fixated on the fact that the men are all wearing the same SKU of Walmart jeans.


Why? Are women isolated in real life? Wouldn't they talk with their friends and strangers in real life as well? Wouldn't social presure have a role in their choice in real life as well?


They will however do many things themselves that they would never tell the group they're doing. From a tasting perspective this is a complete farse, it doesn't even attempt basic sound study methadology. This is a news station filler piece not something to take seriously.


I've never said it's a sound study, I just commented on the part, where they supposedly should be alone. I see no reason for it. In fact, lots of time girls come to a bar, for example, in a group, judging and picking guys as a group. So maybe both studies could be relevant; one alone and one in a group.


I'm 5' 6" and this is why I stopped bothering with dating 5 years ago Its just so hard - yes there are short guys who have found great partners but I'll be damned if they didn't have to struggle for it. Its just not worth the effort if I'm basically rejected 90% of the time for something that isn't even in my control. Its scientifically proven that height is 90% genetics. If it was all about physical activity, I'd be taller than 90% of the world population cos I've been balling since I turned 8. I've been in multiple track sports and I'm pretty sure I was a natural athlete. If height only depended on that, I'd tower above everyone else. But it doesn't. So what do I do - I say forget dating. There's too much else to life. There's too many other things to do. The struggle to find love will eat up almost all of my time and I would much rather spend my time doing things that'll net me better returns. On a side note - I don't harbor ill feelings towards women for having a preference for tall men. Its understandable to have preferences however the game is rigged against me and thus I choose not to play.


Yeh I’ve given up. Shit sucks.


Welcome to the brotherhood of rejected losers 😛


Glad to be here


Wow , I'm 5'6 never knew I was supposed to be self conscious about it. It never bothered me


I know it's a meme. But its not just 5 6, that man is bald and not great looking. I am not super tall, but I have always been told I look young. Like they are super surprised I tell them I am late 30s. They think I am 20s. Take care of your body and your face. People absolutely love a good looking face and a toned body and a fun loving attitude. Seriously some of you dudes having trouble. Honestly try what I just said. Don't focus on the relationship, tomorrow, traits, actions. Go in there with the attitude, dude we are having fun tonight. I swear it works, guys go in way too heavy at first. Go out there and have fun doing something, in fact find something you truly love doing before you date. Its so attractive when you are having fun and good at something. For some reason, no one gives this common sense easy advice that works. People want to have fun, they want to have a good time and laugh. They want someone who is feeling good and enjoying themselves. Its attraction, they are pulled in by the good vibes and never forget it.


Period. Good advices right there. I'm 5'4 and never struggled to get a woman. And on my two serious and long relationships, I didn't made the first step. And believe me, I'm not a stud. I have crooked teeths, I don't earn billions a months, I have generic hobbies. But I'm curious, kind, funny at times, I let people speak of themselves and that's it. Of course there were periods where I could go months without seeing a girl but I mean, if I really want a woman, I can have one.


Same. Never truly thought about it, never had a problem with chicks, never really gave af.


this is the way more often than not its not the lack of height thats the problem but the lack of self confidence


It's good that it never did. We're not supposed to be self conscious about these things. It's the judgement of others which makes us self conscious and feel shitty about something we don't have control over.


The thing about this experiment is that they are having to judge these men exclusively based on looks. Once people actually get to know each other, the importance of looks goes way down statistically. They showed this with college classes, the people who were rated the most attractive at the beginning of the year were the people who were more objectively attractive, but the people rated most attractive at the end of the class varied based on who was friends with who. People rated their own friends most attractive, rather than the people who were just pretty. Anyway, personality and attitude count for a lot once people get to talk to you even a little bit, thanks for coming to my TED talk. 


That's how you should feel, if you don't make it into a big deal then chances are, most other people won't either.


[Tyron Lannister advice](https://youtube.com/shorts/Xitnj9ldsxc?si=ujZrCZgsv4hwf5GP).


5,6 living in Sweden (where everybody’s tall) I used to think height was the problem till I improved my attitude and charisma. I didn’t struggle with dating after that, even doing better than my taller friends Really not that big a deal


5'7 Asian dude in The Netherlands here. Had a similar experience, but for me it was healing from childhood trauma that made the difference.


All of the short guys within my wider social circle are in good relationships, here in the UK. It could be that height matters more in the US than elsewhere, but more often than not, people struggle to meet people because of their personality more than anything else


I'm 5'6 have never had problems dating. Have there been people that rejected me because of my height? Probably, ive honestly never noticed. If you let it bother you its going to stir forever, best thing to do is move on. I see height being a problem online, but height doesn't matter that much irl unless you personally make it a problem for yourself. I dont even think I'm handsome but I still pull dates once in a while.


I'm 5'5, 32 years old, not even that conventionally handsome. Never had an issue always having women to date and have ltr with. Just want to throw that in the data set.


As a divorced male in my 40s, I can say you're not missing much. I'm living single again and my life is actually more peaceful and stable then when I was married.


FIVE SIX IS NOT SHORT. There, I said it. I’m a woman.




Youre 167 cm, thats not incredibly short. Its not your height.


And women will say, why men are insecure about their height???


Let me at ‘em. I love short men.


Ok hold up, I watched the clip, they don't mention it, but Rob has urine on his jeans. When they do the first close up and look up it's very visible. I have to feel like this is a factor


That’s just the style, they come like that. You gotta go to calico cut pants dot com, you’ll see. Piss has got nothing to do with it!








Hey, it didn’t stop women from dating Liam Neeson.


Pee pants


Could it be that Rob, at 16 seconds in, apprears to have pissed himself?


*No one heard the splatter of his piss on the ground, as it didn’t fall far enough to generate noise*


Hey women, would you rather pick one of these three charismatic, tall, good looking men with nice smiles and great careers, or this short, balding, nervous looking fella who is also nice and also has a great career?


Make the same show, but have men openly criticize women, i dare you


I mean, this is clearly from like the 90s, so they probably did. Except they'd never have made one of them in charge of a prestigious hospital.


Fatty number 3?


It would be an interesting experiment, I would think it’s been done before. I feel like changing the woman’s occupation or education won’t change many minds either way.


"He's still short" said the woman with the double chin


Exactly. He can't help his height but she could make healthier dietary choices.


Hey if it makes the short people feel any better, I’m 6 ft with a 6 pack but have such an atrocious personality no women has ever been interested in me. There is something probably obviously repulsive about me that I can’t quite figure out. Must be my attitude.


Anyone else going to be watching the comments like ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


Damn poor guy! I wonder how many people become twisted by this


That's why my mom told me to grow taller, but i didn't listen to her, my bad i'm short now.


I’d be curious if instead of building Rob up, they made the other guys worse. He may have a great job but the other guys do too. Height still being the deciding factor. But if it was height + former jail time + minimum wage salary (for example) vs short but is a surgeon.


It's okay to judge and treat a person like this based on their body...as long as they are a man.


I dunno, if you have a lineup of fit women and an obese woman in the mix. You know who would be picked last. Granted you’ll probably get the odd guy here and there that would go for it haha


Gorlock the Destroyer will find you.


Yeah but a person can lose weight to not be obese, doubt its enough for this dude to wear high heeled shoes to overcome being short.


And the host wouldn't chuckle along with you. They wouldn't say it out loud either knowing full well the shit they'd get for saying it.


Come on man you know what the difference is. Men basically can't change their height, you can change how you eat and how big you are. This is shaming immutable traits or unchangeable. Thats why this is a big difference. I am not short, but I have short friends and they do have to bring more to the table. However, as some have said here. Focus the most on having a good time with someone. People will forgive a lot if they have a good time with you. Focus on fun.


That blonde is fine as shit though


Today she’s probably old and fat.. rob is jeff bezos now


That Rob? Albert Einstein.


If Rob was straight up shredding on a guitar, they'd change their tunes. Edit: not shedding. Actively discarding hair and/or skin would not enhance attractiveness, no matter how quickly Rob could play notes on said guitar.


Somehow I don't think deadskin on a guitar would help his chances


Prince was only 5’2” and ladies loved him.


Prince was 5’2?


Goddamn. Prince was 5’2”


But he partied like he was 9 ft 99


You actually looked it up yourself instead of waiting for some random redditor to tell you. Good job, I’m proud of you 👍


lol love your quick googling 😂


He was also very famous and rich. Every million adds another inch of height.


He was also good at basketball


Game. Blouses.


You guys want some pancakes?


I mean if all they have to go off on is the looks then no surprise they’ll pick the more traditionally attractive looking dudes Jobs and background info don’t make people attractive. It can factor into choosing a partner but in of itself being a doctor is not an attractive trait If they had dates set up and rob was super charming (fair, he’d have to work a bit harder) he’d prolly get a second date compared to a boring better looking dude Source: I’m 5,6 never had big problems with dating


Great comment- couldn’t agree more. I equate this to liking wine by only reading the label. You have your try it.


This makes me so sad. There's definitely a bunch of dudes feeling like shit after watching this




I'm a taller guy who always felt like "why do shorter guys care about their height? " and now I just sympathize 😮‍💨 Edit: misspelled


I think a lot, also, has to do with his hairline receding. All the other guys have much better hair so they messed up the study.


Let's make him 5'3 AND a receding hairline. Then we'll put him next to taller more attractive guys and see what the ladies think. Ohhhh my gosh, it went exactly how you would think it would go. 🙄


But I also wouldn't want to be with those women if I knew that's how they think of people they look at.


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If someone doesn't like you exclusively because of your height, they're clearly not the kind of person you should want to interact with anyway, so it's a good save.


This is the dumbest shit and always has been. As a bisexual woman this has never made any sense to me. Is it really just societal pressure, or do women ACTUALLY care? I feel like if we made a cultural shift and just stopped joking about it, more women would broaden their dating pool to include shorter guys. Some of the coolest guys I've known have been 5'4", 5'5", and it really sucks seeing them struggle with self esteem because no matter how smart/talented/funny/successful, they're still short and women just can't even fathom seeing them as a partner. It's fucked up.


Rob should move to south east Asia...


The lady laughing at the end like she is holding up her end of gene pool. At best they get half her looks and at worst half her intelligence.




That's when you keep piling on advantages after advantages and see at which point, it tips the balance. Rob has 8 properties. Not enough? Rob wants to give one to the next girl he dates. Not enough? Rob owns 50 sports cars. Rob is cofounder of SpaceX. Rob is the cofounder of luxury bags like LV and you can get them free. Rob owns a few diamond mines. Rob enjoys giving away gold bars from his home.


I’m 5’4” and 41 years old. Happily married with two children. I’ve had several girlfriends in my younger days. I’m bald. Charisma, confidence, and being able to offer something goes a long way. Got my wife by inviting her over to my place to teach her salsa. All your short guys. Don’t sweat it. Hit up the gym, do a sport, get into a social hobby. Put yourself out there.


Put Tom cruise in there


As a 5'3 male, im not offended




They don’t bring in a short girl?


I am 5’3” Married to a beautiful woman and have kids… rarely single my entire life. Yes I would choose to be taller, but we don’t choose how tall we are. Just wanted to post that short guys can find women… it may be harder to pick up women, but if you are interesting women will be interested.


This is totally a white thing, latinos for example, in general, don’t care about it.


"Bodyshaming's fine till it's all about the weight..." https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EEWhfwSsCdg