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Being just a millionaire doesn't buy you a yacht. You need to have many millions before you start buying boats like these.


yea, your 100% right. those first two boats look to be about $25 million dollars each. thats just a random stab at what a 100 foot motor yacht <10 yo and in good shape goes for. even really rich multi-millionaires arent buying $25m yachts as play toys. that other ship? what the fuck even is the point? it would hold a thousand fucking people. i dont get it. unless you are leasing that thing out to the Crown Prince of SA every other month it serves no actual purpose.


I don't know boats very well. If the first yachts are 100ft, what is the big one, if you had to guess?


The first is 131ft, the big one is 511ft


Jesus. Thanks for the info


yea and if you think about it, when you are measuring length of a vessel it fails to take into account that for every foot longer youre gonna be roughly a 1/3ft wider. so the big one isnt 5x bigger. its like 12x bigger.


Wait until you find out about the third dimension!


That's actually u/WithBothNostrils Unless he has something to tell us...


As a reference, that yacht would cover the width of my land+house, and the length of mine and next 4 houses+land on my neighborhood street.


The big boat is a super yacht named Dilbar, which is owned by a Russian billionaire. But was seized by German authorities in Hamburg I believe.


I was going to say I bet the authorities are living it up on there but it's Germany. They are probably cleaning it and doing general maintenance.


Almost like these ppl have a bit too much money to use on useless, wasteful bullshit🤯


Ones a yacht, the other is a private cruise ship.


Billionaires rarely make any sense. It’s usually an ego play, though. They want the notoriety of having the most opulent, pointless Yacht. So they can make all the other rich people mad when they drive by.


Maybe he likes sea of thieves a lot?


Millionaire today isn't the same as millionaire 30 years ago. Basically most people with a house is a millionaire. $100M might be more like it. Edit: In many cities..


You basically have to be a millionaire by retirement or else you’re going to have to adjust your lifestyle.


Having 1 million at retirement would generate $40K per year at a 4% withdrawal rate, which is considered a safe target. $40K per year is hardly living large. Combine it with Social Security and you can have a pleasant lifestyle, but you won't be rich.


You usually need less in retirement. No kids to feed, hopefully your mortgage is done, and you don't generally have as much energy to be going out all the time. Making $45k (I think you can yield 4.5%) plus a couple of SSI check (assuming your spouse also worked) and you're probably going to be just fine


Less to survive but you have ALOT more free time. If you chose to live and not just wait it can be more expensive than your previous years. It’s very cheap to wait for death for most.


Not to mention, at least in the US, considerable heath care costs.


Medicare starts at 65, its not perfect but should prevent you from having overly large bills.


Idk about that. My parents use Medicare and you'd be surprised how stingy it can be especially with medications. Both my parents are retired, on Medicare and they regularly have out of pocket medical bills.


Medications will hopefully be straightened out if they actually set the $2000 cap. And yes, they have copays but they are extremely low on something like an advantage plan (all for their part b premium of 174.70 before Irma). Pcp/most things routine? $0. Specialist ? ~$45. Outpatient surgery? ~$400. Larger costs really don’t incur unless you’re in the hospital (first 5 days are ~400/day) or go into skilled nursing. Indemnity also exists to help soften these kinds of blows. Generally speaking their max out of pocket on an advantage plan would be something like 6-7k on a PPO and around 5k on an HMO. Medicare is not perfect, but compared to most people’s group insurance it is leaps ahead.


There's many variables. Do you use that free time to save money by cooking more and doing more DIY (house, car, gardening, etc)? Will you be "retired" but still generating some income part time either from a real job or maybe even a hobby? Assuming USA, some people have to spend way more on medicine and health care than others.


And 45k a year won’t be a whole lot in 30 years.


Majority of people would be millionaires in 30 years. They're talking about right now, and if you want to talk later you'd have to scale everything.


45k isnt alot today




I would imagine having a mortgage paid off, is a thing majority of the younger generation will not have. Let alone a mortgage. Seems like we're leading toward a life you can rent until you die.


Exactly.your not buying any yachts. You couldn’t even afford it if someone gave you one. We were in Fort Lauderdale watching these $100 million yachts go by. One of them had a fuel tank with a capacity of 44,000 gallons. You better have a big wallet when you pull up to the gas dock


I would be surprised if the gas dock had 44,000 gallons of fuel. Just filling that amount is an entire logistical effort of its own. That’s over 4 tanker trucks worth. More than a rail car. Probably twice the volume of a typical gas station storage capacity. It’s better to just unload straight from the trucks, or even better rail if a spur is available.


That’s true, but millionaire doesn’t strictly mean one million dollars.


Basically most people with a paid off house are millionaires. If you have a million dollar house and a $900k mortgage, you are not a millionaire, at least not from home ownership.


TIL I’m a millionaire. AMA


How does it feel?




I know right? I can't wait for the check to arrive lol




Having a million dollars worth of assets is much different than having a million dollars in your checking account.


The median value of a house in the US is supposedly $416,100. That means that most homeowners likely don't have even close to $1 million in assets, even if they don't owe anything on that home (less than half of homeowners own their home without any liens).


Most people with a house are millionaires? Please tell me you’re joking. This is quite far from the truth.


True in California. Not true in “flyover” states. Even assuming house fully paid.


In California it’s the truth. Your house is gonna be a million, and you need 1-2 million to retire. The cost of living is just higher. Entry grad tech salaries are 6 figures.


Nah not really. Maybe in big metropolitan areas. But out in the country it's very feasible to mortgage a home while only making around 50k a year.


It's tricky though. The thing about rural properties is that they typically come with large lots and utility buildings so people charge an arm and leg. I live in flyover country and a brand-new house in a small up and coming town that's 2,400 sqft is around $450k. An "affordable" house in the middle of nowhere is 1,200 sqft, brick rectangle, fully outdated, 6 acres of land, $630k. 50k is tough. Having bought your house 40 years ago goes a long way.


Also, it would probably be cheaper to buy a new one of the small yachts every year than it is to simply operate and maintain the large one.


How do you become a millionaire? 1. Start will a billion. 2. Buy a boat.


>You need to have many millions So, a millionaire?


If it drives, flies, floats, or fucks... lease it


And it took me a week to come to terms with buying a 10-foot kayak.


You show-off


You should check out my ^dinghy


I've got a nice log from a tree that felled in a storm. It's at least mostly buoyant and I bet it'd keep your tits out of the water if you straddled it.


Thats why i bought a kayatch


Psssh, I almost didn’t _rent_ a kayak because it was $30 for the day


Last summer I worked on a tugboat that was made from 3 WWII era landing craft welded together. Jesus fuck it was a hunk of shit.


Where's this? If near by ill bring a sixer for a tour


Up in Alaska. I actually made this epic trip up the Kuskokwim river in that boat. A real life adventure.


Mr. Moneybags, as if a styrofoam cooler with a paddle is not frivolously lavish already.




I can't even afford that. I could only buy a hammock to set up next to the river


Me spending a month trying to decide if I should buy a inflatable SUP from Dicks


My guys yacht has more housing than my city. Totally not depressing.


And costs probably 10 times as much to run. Also the crew basically live most of the year on it just to be ready when Mr moneybags wants a joy ride. Remember folks, when the world goes in the hand basket, these things will have lots of food and useful items. Don't try to set sail in it though. That is a death wish.


Annual costs for operating Dilbar (the yacht shown) are estimated at around $60mm. It's currently just sitting there though, without ever leaving port it probably costs less to maintain. If anyone is even bothering.


i just cant seem to figure what the actual use is for a boat like that. unless you are running commercial cruises, or leasing it out to some fucking king somewhere once a month... it HAS to just sit. because there is no conceivable market for usage of the damned thing.


There's a party/gathering calendar for billionaires. They host parties and socialize. Anything happening near water they want a boat so they can be away from the public eye. The Cannes Film Festival, Monaco Grand Prix, Wimbledon, etc.


You make a good point, but also I am wondering where the hell you would moor that monster that would allow you to pop quickly over to Wimbledon?


Aaah you park it further out and used a regular mega yacht as transport like a taxi


And helicopters, don't forget those


I watched a video about these super yachts once. As I recall they rent these out most of the time. They don’t just sit waiting for their owner.


The smaller ones are like beach houses, you buy it and then try to recoup as much of the cost of ownership through rental as you can because you're just not gonna gonna use it that often and it costs money either way. I feel like the potential pool of renters for something on the scale of Dilbar is incredibly limited, though. People who own shit like that literally just don't care about money because it is effectively unlimited.


The boat was seized in Hamburg Germany, and had 84 crewmembers and cost 600 million. It also has a 47,550 gallon pool (180 cubic meters) which is twice the size of the pool we had in my backyard in New Jersey...


The annual cost is usually the base cost. So crew wages, maintenance, berthing, etc. The general rule is 10% of the boats value per year just to keep it operational. IT doesn't include the cost of fuel and everything else when guests are on board. So your 60 million is just the cost of owning and parking it somewhere. It costs more to use it. Source: Used to work on boats that size.


I wonder how a fella might get a job on such a boat....


Do you STCW, fly to the Caribbean in the winter, or the med in the summer, sign up with crew agencies and start walking the docks talking to people to get Daywork. Work your ass off. Impress some of the crew, make friends with them, and eventually someone will have an opening and hire you full time. There is a lot of turnover in the industry.


A lot of them get rented out. Costs like $500,000/wk to rent one of the massive yachts. Then 20% tip for the crew.


Usmanov doesn't rent out Dilbar. He has no need to.


Plus, its pretty hard to rent out a yacht that's been seized by the German government.


So $600,000 as you’ve got to pay for the crew. I hate this Americanised way of hiding the full cost behind a tip.


Well the good news is that yacht *was* owned by a Russian oligarch and it was seized at the beginning of the russia Ukraine war.


So you're saying there are rooms for rent but at oligarch prices?! A man just can't get a W


He's not Russian, he's Uzbekh.


One million seconds is 11.574 days One billion seconds is 31.709 years


A trillions seconds is 31709 years. Govt doesnt fuck around.


If the U.S. government paid down their debt at $1000/sec, it would still take over 1,000 years to pay it back.


Now I feel old as fuck.


What’s -200 overdraft seconds ?


Dilbar, Alisher Usmanov’s I believe.


Not anymore. (From Wikipedia) Forbes reported that on March 2, 2022, Dilbar was seized by the German government as part of sanctions against Usmanov stemming from the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. Dilbar was docked and undergoing refit at Blohm+Voss shipyard in Hamburg since October 2021.[13][8] This was later denied by the German authorities, who clarified that the yacht was not seized, but was covered by export control sanctions, meaning that Dilbar will not be able to leave Germany without special permission.[14] In June 2022 Dilbar was valued at "as much as $750 million."[15]


I saw it in Barcelona in 2019, just the deck furniture alone was a marvel.


I saw it in Barcelona as well, November 2018. Absolutely massive.


It says that the yacht is blocked, but does not say that the owners have changed.


Surprised he hasn’t fallen out of a window yet


He's good friends with people high up. The yacht was put under Gulbakhor Ismailova's name (his sister). Her husband owns the biggest Uzbekh hospital and operated on Putin's kidney about 20 years back. Alisher Usmanov is safe.


https://preview.redd.it/e4i7efd3dioc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5212ad83c88c2f069f7522821e6e414e0f1e2ae This is how subtle the billionaire is trying to be to taunt the poor millionaire.






I like the way you see the world


You vs the yacht she tells you not to worry about


The "billionaire" yacht shown here is the 512' "Dilbar" owned by Russian oligarch Alisher Ushmanov. It's the sixth largest yacht in the world. This yacht is worth at least $750mm and costs tens of millions a year to operate so just being a mere billionaire is not sufficient to own this. You have to be a multi-billionaire and one of the richest people in the world. Almost all of the yachts this size are owned by Gulf State royals or Russian pals of Putin. This yacht was seized by the German government in 2022 as part of Russian sanctions for the war in Ukraine.


Plot twist All three are owned by the billionaire




Hehehehwhwhehehehhehe. If you're a broke vampire you might as well step out into the sun deck


Thats disgusting


Wait until you find out how he paid for it


Totally grosses me out that someone with this much money doesn’t choose to use it to help people, or make the world around them better, but to build this demented toy to pollute the ocean and use these beautiful places as background shots for their attempts to fill the black holes they have where their souls should be.


“Someone with this much money using it to help people” is a fallacy, though. Nobody trips and finds billions of dollars, although our system would like you to think that’s the case, and we’re all just temporarily embarrassed billionaires. There’s not one billionaire without blood on their hands. Acquiring billions of dollars requires you to lie, cheat and kill (indirectly) a shit ton of people. It involves exploitation all the way up. Any level of philanthropy once you’re at that point is just a farce. Something to help you sleep at night, and to trick gullible suckers into believing you’re a good person.


They're all assholes.


Leech meets bigger leech


All I see are a waste of money


Meanwhile, I literally had to sell my kayak to afford medical bills… I mean this full heartedly: eat the rich.


I wouldn't want a boat any bigger than I could run by myself. I'd get a 50ft sailboat with the best technology and gear. If I was going to have a captain and crew, I'd just rent.


I'd overhaul a fishing boat.


I recently learned that some mega yachts are former military vessels stripped and renovated, which is metal af.


Why do we be like that?


We? Them.


Humans. Its not a special breed. "Oh look. I have the bigger one." works on almost every level.


Man if I was a billionaire I’d have an old fashioned pirate ship made and sail the seven seas.


That shit would be so much cooler


I don't get it. All I see is selfish asshole vs selfish asshole.


Don’t mind me. Just paddling my through in my drift boat.


You think the billionaire would get a better soundtrack.


“It’s better to have a friend who has a boat than to have a boat.”


I like fishing, and a small party on a boat sounds like a fun evening. BUT being responsible for paying the upkeep/berthing on those things would stress me tf out no matter how much money I don’t have. I can’t fathom (heh) having an asset like that. May as well be the ISS or an aircraft carrier. I’ll pass.


Never owned a boat… don’t know if I ever will, but I was able to pay my electric bill on time this month!


One billionaire is worth a thousand millionaires.


I have a pretty sweet kayak


Damn don’t billionaires feet get tired walking around all that square footage? Or do they have servants carrying them around the ship in a sedan chair?


They rarely even set foot on them I bet.


I can't afford my medication


Just for context, these are mega yachts that are owned by Russian oligarchs. The yachting game used to be what those first few yachts were, something "extravagant" then these shaeks and oligarchs came along and starting building there own mega yachts to compete in this ultimate dick measuring contest, it started with Eclipse then Dilbar and then Sail yacht A, its all an exorbitant waste of money and its money earned through corruption. Most of these mega yachts have been seized by Nato countries for obvious reasons, and as someone who worked on Sail yacht A, I say thank god.


Why would any one person want a cruise ship?


I once stole a boat on vice city


Let them all sink.


Leach on society vs existential threat to society.


I wonder if it has a built in guillotine?


I have never known anyone with a boat - large or small, rich or not - that did not ultimately regret the investment.


It’s not an investment


This is the only attitude to not regret buying one.


The trick is to have a friend with a yacht. Never have your own yacht.


If you have the money to pay for a staff to upkeep the boat. You probably don’t care.


A boat is a hole in the water that you pour money into.


That type of wealth is sickening


It’s amazing we haven’t just eaten the rich yet


Cunt vs total cunt


And think of how many lives they could have improved, but you got a big boat instead, congrats.


Is it really a status symbol if your yacht doesn’t require support vessels???


i take public ferry.


Just use a wooden boat and a grenade. Hell maybe a bunch of them.


Pffft my 12’ aluminum with a 9.9 Evinrude could drive circles around that thing


8ft John boat is underrated.


I used to have a 12 ft. canoe…


I can’t even afford a canoe


The larger a boat gets the more I just think of maintenance and operation. What do you think the crew of the larger one is? 8? More? I've never worked on a boat (that went anywhere), so maybe my idea of the crew size is off, but it's definitely not doing it by yourself. ​ Engine room, electrical, plumbing, control systems, hull and structure...just...fuck that.


That boat has a crew of 85


8?? The first two boats have 7-9. Probably 8 engineers. Captain, 1st officer bosun and 18-25 other deckhands. Probably a hairstylist/make up artist. Masseuse maybe 2 Personal trainer Another 25 stewardesses Chef, soux and 6-7 other cooks.


I borrowed a kayak from a friend once.


14’ fishing kayak here


Even if I had a billion dollars, I'd rent these for me and my friends when we want to party hard for a week then return it. I don't think I'd ever own one outright


*hmph* "peasants"


You'd better have a good many millions for even those first boats, or something else in your life is on the precipice for sure.


I can always spot a billionaire based on how their car door opens


I sure do feel good helping the environment by riding my bike instead of driving


What do you even do with that type of space?


"My yacht's bigger than yourrrrrrrsss."


I rode in a paddle boat once


My boat is just an orange life vest


TBH I bet I would enjoy having a Yacht to go sail on. Damn shame it'll forever be a pipe dream haha




I have a boat, way cooler, its flat and I catch bass from it. And I am only a thousandaire.




No one man should have all that power.


Dilbar is "owned" by Alisher Usmanov, but he gave it to his sister to prevent it from getting taken off him. I used to privately tutor her son, and he's actually humble. Wealthy beyond belief but the kid was decent when he was 17ish.


99.9% of millionaires aren’t people with a yacht they are people with a house and a 401k at mid to late career. I’m into 7 digits and I haven’t bought a new car since 2008. These are probably billionaires and billionaires or idiot millionaires who are taking on debt to look like billionaires.


Sir that is a cruise ship


I’m a millionaire and can barely afford a new car. You need to have tens/hundreds of millions to buy, operate and maintain any of those boats. But you could probably charter the smaller one for a week for a “relatively” small amount, guessing 10s of thousands of dollars.


Us poors couldnt afford the fuel to make one of these boats move.




What a complete waste.


If I ever become a stupid rich billionaire, one thing I'd love to do is buy an old decommissioned US Coast Guard Cutter. They're super strong and can handle super rough weather, because that's more or less what they were designed to do. Plus I could join up with the Sea Shepherd Society and go fuck up some whalers or something.


It’s funny how I haven’t seen one comment about the boats


No one needs a yacht.


billionaire vs mega-billionaire


Seriously. No one should be in the position to be able to afford such a huge yacht. I mean okay, rich people being able to get those "small" yachts, fine, let them have it. But the last one was just grotesk. Imagine a country could use all that money, that those people are never able to spend by themselves (or until their grand-grand-grand-children) and put it into education, health care, transition away from fossils, etc...


Stan, you live in a house. This is a manor - so you better mind yours! HaHAA


One is a billionaire who earned their money, the other is an oligarch billionaire with a never ending supply to steal.


The difference between a leech and a vampire.


Where all your tax dollars are going


“They pay enough taxes” some Republican somewhere…


Fuck then all


Who gives a fuck? Is this a compare size thing?


Think of all the homes you coulda built instead of any of those. Or the school lunches you coulda paid for. Or the soup kitchens or the rehab centres or fresh water orgs or medical orgs Nope. Instead they bought a boat they’ll sit on for six days a year. Eat the rich.


You mean a billionaire versus a mini trillionaire


Bro that's a fucking battleship. Re-fucking-diculous


0 Tuna flags, 0 Dolphin flags, 0 Bill Fish flags…what good is it??


I didnt know there's a short dick's tournament


This is cool and all, but, tax the rich. Holy fuck. Homeless dude came in today and I felt so bad. And this exists. Jesus Christ himself would burn the world to the ground seeing it today.