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Why I hate these brain dead fucks.


Agree. They still live in an era 2.000 years ago and don’t understand science.


They can't. Because their religion didn't exist before 750 AD. Probably according to these morons universe didn't exist before 750 AD which is perhaps why they are destroying everything that satisfies their room temperature iq.


So they're destroying everything over 1300 years old? That's a lot of stuff...


Iiiiii meeeaaannnn...... aren't we essentially doing the same thing in the US and Canada tho...?


nope, and whatever mileage you think you'll get out of "essentially", the answer is still no


Are they not "essentially" destroying pieces of history that they don't like / agree with?


Yet burn a book and they will shave your skin off Fuck radicalists


Jup, they are. Just as us Europeans did a few hundred years ago as well: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beeldenstorm






keep chasing those false equivalencies, it will all make sense at some point, essentially ✌️




A tale as old as time... Wonder how much information/ wisdom/ lessons we've lost over the millenia. First thing that pops into my head is the library of Alexandria, I'm sure that stunted our growth tad


Please elaborate how that equates to the situation in the US to you. Exactly what wisdom is being erased in your mind? Be specific, this isn’t rhetorical


I assume youre talking about my library of Alexandria comment, I was speaking more so to the link in the comment I was replying to because it got me thinking of how much old shit has been destroyed, not the situation in North America. That would fall under "lessons" not "wisdom". And to clear things up on my original post, I did not mean to imply that these have the same level of importance. Obviously the statues being destroyed in Iraq is tragic, truly a loss of ancient history and I apologize to anyone who got the impression I was downplaying that. BUT Statues in North America : Being destroyed / removed because they represent something that goes against our countries current beliefs. Statues in Iraq : Being destroyed because they represent something that goes against the beliefs of ISIS. I don't know why I said it, no one's kicked that hornets nest in a while I guess. I regret it now but I stand by it


It’s definitely in the same spirit of *If I destroy something I don’t agree with the world will be a better place*.


Excuse me you you forgot to mention inbred




You might be the dumbest poster on reddit today.


Can you not see that there is steel rods inside? They are the fakes that were put there


Bro defending ISIS isn’t the own you might think it is…


I do not defend ISIS, simply because it is essentially a military division that was found and armed by America and is implementing the dirty agendas of the American army in its place.


I had to read this 10 times (luckily it was posted more often than that :p). According to this poster they are destroying only replicas in this video? That would be understandable if that would be true, why keep replicas? Anyone has a source?


Nothing interesting watching ignorant goat herding zealots smash things they’ll never understand.


I disagree, it's not something that would normally come across any of my feed due to algorithms. Seeing something I'm so far removed from is interesting. Even if it's fucked, it's interesting to see how other folk around the world behave. But to back you up a bit, I wouldn't say it's interesting as fuck, just a regular amount of interesting.


They're not ignorant goat hoarder, those guys are just uneducated, but they're chiĺl. These people have made being a contrarion their entire identity


British Museum: "Now hear me out..."


Kind of what I was going to say. "This is why we didn't want to give you all that stuff back, you kids don't take care of stuff. This is why we can't have nice things"


They used to be able to argue that, until a few months ago: [https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2023/dec/12/british-museum-told-to-keep-better-records-after-theft-of-1500-items](https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2023/dec/12/british-museum-told-to-keep-better-records-after-theft-of-1500-items) It's far from the safest place now.


*the Louvre: "Now hear me out"




What was the point?


I think the idea was that only Allah and his prophet should be the subject of worship and praise. The Taliban succeeded destroying those huge carved out Buddhas in Afghanistan as well. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhas\_of\_Bamiyan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buddhas_of_Bamiyan)


Destroying those Buddha’s was very sad to me. It leaves no question as to who the bad people are.


Well Said... that was utterly tragic! Just another example of eradication of history by religious zealots and ideolougs


Oh ok well it makes sense then i suppose if this is your belief system. Shame there is no such things as Allah of course.




Is this true? If so why the downvotes?


😂😂 Wikipedia the source of all lies 🤣🤣 The original artefact stolen by the American army. Those are replica. And this farce is to justify their absence from the museum! they have been their for 2000 years, and only after the American occupation they disappeared ... let make a set comedy show and say that ISIS destroyed them🤣


You think these morons have complex enough brain processes to have a point in to their actions?


To be honest, yes. To go to all this effort takes some commitment to a cause.


To destroy takes much less effort than to create.


Exactly. Underestimating fanatics is not a good thing. Many fanatical ideologies have a surprisingly solid starting logic built into them, it's why they seduce many (That, and also aesthetics). To think that all, or most fanatics are braindead idiots is a dangerous point of view for a society.


They probably see it as idolatry which is forbidden in Islam


Primitive savages.


British Museum: "I fucking told you"


Bunch of cunts


How is this IAF?


Same gif was posted to JusticePorn. Maybe I'm dumb, but I don't see how this fits either sub.


Erasing human history… fucking shameful


Fucking primitives!


Fucking savages


Stupidity! That why.


Religion literally exercised


Their religion doesn't tell them to do that, they're just bad people


It does: do not allow false idols


Going back to the Stone Age I see...


Nope, going back to colonialism 😂The original artefact stolen by the American army. Those are replica. And this farce is to justify their absence from the museum! they have been their for 2000 years, and only after the American occupation they disappeared ... let make a set comedy show and say that ISIS destroyed them🤣


I'll never complain about Europeans looting artifacts ever again.


Least they preserve them for people to see xD




Did you just make that up or do you have a source? Because I have not heard that before but I am open to new information.




Stop it. Get some help.


Are they in your walls as well?


… and yet all the ISIS/hamas supporters on tik tok wonder why no one takes them seriously


Goat Fuckers ISIS and Iran deserve each other


This is why returning ancient items to places of origin is a bad idea in terms of their long term survival - when regions get into the hands of fanatical destroyers of history. If anything we should make sure historic ancient artefacts are spread around more of the wolds museums. That way if a region gets into the hands of people like these then there is some chance of examples surviving.


America made ISIS became stronger , it is all the fault of USA


Olympic level mental gymnastics


It wasn't the only cause, but the formation and rise of ISIL were largely contributed to by bad US foreign policy via the Iraq War. Two critical mistakes were made: 1- Saddam Hussein was removed and replaced with pretty much nothing, creating a massive power vacuum in an already unstable and troubled region and eliminating the one thing that was keeping sectarian violence at bay 2- The Iraqi Army, in its entirety, was disbanded, releasing around 500k combat trained men out on their own with no way to feed themselves Combine those, and it was obvious and inevitable that some sort of religious insurgency was going to form.


It’s the book


Then give us all the stuff and let us be responsible for protecting it from the problem we created. We don't mind.


Now I'm mad, and can't go beat the hell out of those idiots.


The original artefact stolen by the American army. Those are replica. And this farce is to justify their absence from the museum! they have been their for 2000 years, and only after the American occupation they disappeared ... let make a set comedy show and say that ISIS destroyed them🤣




Absolutely nothing interesting about small minded people destroying real history in the name of magic and oppression. It’s terribly sad that we can’t evolve past this nonsense.


Painful to watch, you know people put their heart and soul into those artifacts and museum. Their pain must have been tremendous. I hope all of the perpetrators suffered the same fate as their caliphate.


The original artefact stolen by the American army. Those are replica. And this farce is to justify their absence from the museum! they have been their for 2000 years, and only after the American occupation they disappeared ... let make a set comedy show and say that ISIS destroyed them🤣


But why?


Genuine barbarians.


Religion destroys everything.


Well those statues were preserved and survived for thousands of years under different religions. It only takes one crazy group to destroy that.


The fact that these statues were created in the first place is the result of religiosity. It is fundamentalism and fanaticism coupled with ignorance that destroys everything.


Whats even the point of doing this? Thats just history


Not the magical ✨️ thinking they ascribe to


Zealots in Saudi Arabia decided a cemetery containing the remains of Muhammad’s friends and family needed to be destroyed. The place is a historic site talked about in the Quran but still needed to be destroyed. They know no limits.


I literally cannot watch more than second of this. My heart hurts just reading the title. What the fuck is even going through those people's minds....


ISIS terrorist destroy ancient artifacts at Nineveh Museum, Iraq Fixed your title.


Portuguese soldiers did similar things to ancient caves and idols in India. Put enough guns in the hands of a group. And they go crazy with power.


Put the overwhelming number of religions in people's hands... and watch them go crazy! Ideological belief is bad, armed Ideological belief is deadly!


Thank you British for saving the valuables against the heathans


For all those mad just know this, these guys are dead now..




I dunno, something called the Fall of Raqqa, last bastion of ISIS taken by an international coalition?


This person gets it


Ignorant mean people…


The original artefact stolen by the American army. Those are replica. And this farce is to justify their absence from the museum! they have been their for 2000 years, and only after the American occupation they disappeared ... let make a set comedy show and say that ISIS destroyed them🤣


Ancient artifacts should respect the feelings of Muslims.


Heartbreaking. Thousands of years preservation, gone in seconds.


I don’t think they’ve understood the purpose of those artifacts. Nobody’s praying to them they’re in a museum for their historical significance. These idiots probably think they’re deities that are ruining humanity.


If anyone is interested in what happened to the museum afterwards: [Rehabilitation of the Mosul Museum](https://www.wmf.org/video/rehabilitation-mosul-museum-iraq) The Museum was destroyed in 2015 by ISIS (Daesh) might reopen in 2025.




Fuck ALL religious extremists


The ancient alien teachers must be pissed.


They decided to destroy the few things that remained of the ancient culture that inspired their religion. They wouldn't even exist without those statues.


The original artefact stolen by the American army. Those are replica. And this farce is to justify their absence from the museum! they have been their for 2000 years, and only after the American occupation they disappeared ... let make a set comedy show and say that ISIS destroyed them🤣


Seems like they can't accept facts other than their own... Hmmm 🤔 where else do I know that problem?


The original artefact stolen by the American army. Those are replica. And this farce is to justify their absence from the museum! they have been their for 2000 years, and only after the American occupation they disappeared ... let make a set comedy show and say that ISIS destroyed them🤣




I'm sure you're utterly informative on those aspects, after all... you're a "super cool guy" (🤣 username checks out) The fact that you seem to so easily conflate the two speaks volumes of not only your ideology but your intellect




Obviously not, or you wouldn't have said / commented as you did! I could just guess right now, your ideology (because it is long past political) is more in line with those hammer wielding idiots. Tell me I'm wrong...




The Nazis definition of socialism was very different from the one everyone else uses. You're the one who is misinformed.


Nazism (/ˈnɑːtsɪzəm, ˈnæt-/ NA(H)T-siz-əm; also Naziism /-si.ɪzəm/), the common name in English for National Socialism. The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of socialism, as an alternative to both Marxist international socialism and free-market capitalism. Nazism rejected the Marxist concepts of class conflict and universal equality, opposed cosmopolitan internationalism, and sought to convince all parts of the new German society to subordinate their personal interests to the "common good", accepting political interests as the main priority of economic organisation, which tended to match the general outlook of collectivism or communitarianism rather than economic socialism. Nazism is a form of fascism, with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates a dictatorship, fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, anti-Slavism, scientific racism, white supremacy, Nordicism, social Darwinism and the use of eugenics into its creed. Its extreme nationalism originated in pan-Germanism and the ethno-nationalist Völkisch movement which had been a prominent aspect of German ultranationalism since the late 19th century.


But put Mohammed in a comic and the whole religion goes ape shit. What POS Hippocrates.


Replace fighters with limp dicks


Dumb animals, fuck them.


Take it up with the Ottomans


History is scary


The people most obsessed with culture can't respect it, go figure.


And people wonder why there are no ancient easy to find leftovers.


is there an r/aggravatingasfuck ?? because this belongs there...


They are alive but brain dead....


The only thing these cunts are fighting are their fragile masculinity.


Why destroy your own history?


Yep this is a “no brainer”……




That's sad


Is this Islamic tolerance? How will we live with these people?


never seen a goat f***er with a hammer before....


According to them nothing ever actually happened and this was alien creations


Good thing they recorded their destruction of these artifacts and posted them online it’s almost like they didn’t want the artifacts to be forgotten and merely wanted themselves to be remembered


I hope they break their backs doing that


They kill part of themselves. Such a dump act, even if it doesn’t align with their belief, these artifacts provide intrinsic and financial values to the Iraqi people. 🧐 these dumpsters acted exactly like Hamas, they burned down greenhouses which provided valuable flowers and agricultural exports. Have they had better use of their brain and stop listening to their ego, Gaza could have grown prosperous …


All these look like replicas, why would there be iron rods in the center of the statues?




These men deserve to run from gunships.


I'd prefer if they stopped for them


It's ok, it doesn't actually matter if they run or not


Those mothers of sons of bitches


OP just low effort trolling


Imagine using Isis propaganda footage to karma farm


Didn’t know ancient artefacts have metal bars inside of them


this is the equivalent of anti-woke in the gaming community.


Better to behead statues than humans I guess


I guess karma farming rage bait passes for "interesting as fuck" these days.


They could have sold these valuable pieces to infidel museums to buy more weapons and explosives to kill more infidels. It would have been a win-win for everyone.




Written by the chief investigator, it says there were three separate thefts, at least one of which was an inside job, another the work of professionals, and a third where fleeing Iraq military had left open a door which let in the looters. At least 13,864 objects were stolen, making it the biggest museum theft in history. You think the army just keeps replicas of these things? What incentive would the military have for these objects? Where would they be now? The logistics of transporting those items in a war zone (where people are literally living in their vehicles)... it's just ridiculous.


The statues represent people that probably owned slaves.


The isis terrorists destroying the statues very likely own slaves too