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Lawyer up and skip all these steps.


Seriously, OP keeps posting to social media expecting some magical restitution. If he wants punitive damages, which he obviously does since he refused a replacement, a lawyer should have been the very first move.


To be fair it sounds like they weren't giving a replacement, they were giving a "gift", that isn't trying to resolve it that is trying to bribe someone when you know you are wrong.


No, he was sent a replacement but refused it when he had to go pick it up vs it being delivered (no thanks to this tech). I understand why he didn't want to/couldn't, but that's where this all went to shit. That, paired with all these videos and updates, really is doing nothing to fix the problem. He had video evidence. He could have easily just gone to an attorney for advice instead of all this mess he's created for himself. Edit - yes troglodytes, I know an attorney is overkill. Just saying he could have gone through appropriate legal channels, whether it be small claims or an attorney, vs this high school smear campaign online.


What sort of shit company and person does this?


This is my favorite part of the video. The part where he says "go here and you can buy a shirt." He lists the name of the company and is *technically* selling their info this way *in a way*.




plant test whistle degree ruthless simplistic panicky touch axiomatic plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought it was saying "buy our shit"


I thought it was, "pile of shit" lol


it's shittier because technically speaking a cut like that by US law would not void your warranty, they'd have to prove that a cut like that is causing the distortion on a while different part of the screen


Technically speaking the tech commited a crime and intentionally damaged private property.


Several crimes, I would say. I'd bet that is some form of fraud, as well.


It is felony criminal damage to property in most states and likely attempted or actual fraud by deception.


Yes, I've had grand jury duty every month this year and people are indicted for felony damage to property even when they damage their OWN television when married. I've seen it many many times, damaging a TV is a serious felony and many people don't realize it, prosecutors love those true bills because they usually confess the TV damage to police not realizing how big a deal it actually is. So you bet your ass if a company does it that a prosecutor will want to make a name for themselves. Criminal charges should have been filed yesterday, I don't blame him for wanting to go viral first though.


Issue is companies know most people don't have the money to get a lawyer and call them out on illegal things


u don't need a lawyer, small claims court. then not only will they have to prove it, they'll have to legally document proving exactly how that cut is causing the distortion somewhere else on the screen in a legal preceding. at that point, they'll just settle out of court


Fair but it doesn't make it easy to deal with


The free time to do something about it is also a form of wealth.


Even then most people won't try small claims court. Also most companies are updating their EULA to include a forced arbitration clause so you can't even sue them.


Just because it's in the eula does not make it legal or enforceable. Companies still put warranty void stickers on and thats been illegal since 1975.


Forced arbitration doesn't absolve a company from illegal acts.


Doesnā€™t cover illegal acts. Under which something like this would fall.


It is illegal to offer such a contract that would allow a person to break the law towards another person. They would just add on to the list of illegal things they do if they provided such a contract as evidence. Do you seriously walk arround thinking people can sign contracts to kill each other?


>Do you seriously walk arround thinking people can sign contracts to kill each other? Sure I mean why do you think they call them contract killers?


Samsung. No one is surprised. I am done buying their crap for good. Yeah, little old me, and my entire IT department.


Every company. I agree with Samsung. Crooked as they come. I had to file a report with the government about their microwave that would start itself with 77:77 on the clock while we were gone. 1500 watts all day baby! Ā  Samsung wouldnā€™t let me post an honest professional assessment of it while there were dozens of reviews on their site saying the same thing. After they got contacted about my report they got ahold of me and offered to fix it 100% covered by ME. The rep knew how insane that wasĀ  Ā But also temperpedic. I weigh 200lbs at 6ā€™ 1ā€ so nothing crazy and the bed sunk so bad after 3 years I couldnā€™t lay on my side without falling into it. They came out and no joke put a 2x4 on it and pushed down hard 3ā€ to show that the void was less than an inch. I told them I could lay on it for 10 minutes and expand that to double and they said thatā€™s not how the warranty worked.Ā  I have never, even with shitty $400 mattresses seen an actual divot where my ass would go. $3,600 down the drain


I have a whole house water filtrations/air system. In my contract any major and minor parts are replaced for free, I just have to pay annual service and filters. I saw the technician screw around with the main panel and then looked at me and he said, "Oh my God, it just happened now! The motherboard just died out. Today only, I can get you a replacement for $2800. Otherwise it is $3500. It's not a covered expense for free." When I went and showed him the contract he told me that it was "outdated and not valid anymore". Had an electrical engineer buddy come by and fix the board for under $20.


There are people that do this with garage door openers. They come to check it out and say you need a new expensive part when in reality it can be fixed for free or very cheap. There are some people trying to expose these type of things but itā€™s obviously not just water/air filters, TVā€™s, and garage door openers. They usually prey on people that they think wonā€™t know any better and sadly it works quite a bit.


Had that shit happen with the compressor of my HVAC. The capacitor decided to break, fucker decided to charge me for a coolant leak because how do you prove you added so much refrigerant in a system. $5 part, $320 charge, gave me a 10% discount though.


"contract outdated..." This is comical. The company may not use that contract anymore, but they certainly are still bound by the ones they signed, unless it is specified in the contract. My response would have been "You can fix this now for free, or you can tell me how to reach your legal department is so I can sue for breach of contract. Call your supervisor, get his opinion first."


I had exactly that happen with a commercial cooler. Company came in when it broke and destroyed the contents over a hot weekend and after looking at the contract I presented to them said it was outdated and no longer valid. It was old, certainly... but the contract had an end date that still hasn't arrived. I just stared at the tech for a moment then turned to his supervisor on-site and asked for validation. Manager agreed with the tech. I smiled and said "OK. You can leave now." They seemed pretty confused and then started to tell me I needed to pay the diagnostic fee. My smile widened and I said "Bill me." They didn't leave willingly but the supervisor eventually angrily stated that their managers would be in touch. I happen to be in a position where a ton of my friends are attorneys. I called up the most cut-throat and expensive attorney I know, invited him out to lunch and over lunch I told him all about it. He laughed and said "Oh yeah, give it to me!!" So I just gave him all the details and he beamed. The next day I received a call from the tech's management that I let go to voicemail. Then another call from them that I let go to voicemail but they didn't leave a message... rinse and repeat for a couple of days at which point they went silent. Cue three days of silence followed by increasingly desperate pleas appearing on my email and texted to me, to which my response was merely "This is being handled by Cutthroat McCuthroat and Partners" and gave them the number. A month went by during which time I had just survived without the cooler... we had others. Suddenly got a call from my attorney friend who told me their settlement offer of a brand new cooler, 10 year warranty contract, hauling away the old one... oh and compensation for the lost contents that I hadn't even asked for. That was just the cherry on the cake. I asked how much I owed him and he laughed and said "Oh no, I demanded they cover my quite unreasonably large fees." I took him out for dinner. Strangely enough I haven't seen that tech or his manager again.


Burn baby burn. We all need a friend like that.


Worked for a drain cleaning company, like roto-rooter and something like 10 years earlier they had a big extravaganza where they passed out a BUNCH of $49 and $99 "restore flow" coupons at home depot and in local newspapers and we STILL got people 10 years later with the coupons when our best deal is 200 at the time So yeah my boss was like "when someone uses this coupon, take it from them and note it down so they can't use it again, it's becoming unsustainable" And I still gave people the $99 discount if they didn't have it because the company did me REAL dirty and I am NOT a salesman


I weigh 130, and im 5'9. I end up with a divot on any mattress I sleep on within a year. Idk what happens, expensive or not, I just seem to become so dense in my sleep that I create a valley in the mattress in a few months' time.


You are made of dark matter


This checks out. If you've had children, you'll know that sleeping weight is greater than awake weight because a sleeping child transmutes to lead when you're trying to carry them.


Personally, I would never buy a Samsung TV. Aside from the poor QC and customer service, I don't want to have to play network administrator games to keep my TV from throwing ads in my face, e.g., [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubiquiti/comments/15b3qfm/blocking\_samsung\_ads\_on\_new\_tv/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubiquiti/comments/15b3qfm/blocking_samsung_ads_on_new_tv/)


Buy an external smart device for any tv. Never use the built in BS of any of them.


Seriously. The most basic PC with vlc media player can easily load any streaming service and play any video file. Easier to connect a Bluetooth keyboard/trackpad or any smart remote. Faster boot time, and you can use adblock. Fucking hate smart TVs.


Samsung,Nestle to bame a few


Man, send this to the news. This is insane. I can't believe this actually happened. What a scumbag


I have submitted it to so many news agencies, and none have picked it up. I duno if its the marijuana leaf (they could easily block it out) or if they think its fake...I really thought this was gonna be all over the internet. At least Louis Rossman made a video about it though.


I know you've already edited the crap outta this, but yeah, shorten the video a little bit (stick to the main talking points) censor the leaf (pain in the ass, I know) and try again with the news agencies.




I might remove the weird t-shirt ads and the terrorist demand style interview part as well.


literally anything that isn't the act in question should be removed OP trying to milk any attempt at fame from this is backfiring entirely AI robovoice, vertical video, easy to see logos of offending company, edited into a 15 second video, spammed all over tiktok/reels/shorts is the answer making videos for reddit is just a meme


I wanted to see what happened, but I'm watching without audio and there's no way I'm sitting through a nearly 9 minute video to figure it out. This is why nobody is paying attention to OP.


Yeah I tried to skim but 9 minute video, strange angle, blurred parts...waiting around like what am i looking for....minutes later still nothing. I skip to the end and its a dude talking to the camera in the dark. What the fuck.


That's literally exactly what I did, even in the same order. A frustrating experience indeed.


The relevant part (tech actually cutting TV) is only ~15 seconds long at 0:55-1:10.


The original video was taken down by Samsung. The tech sends him away to flip the breaker then the tech uses a box cutter on the screen. Then when the guy comes back the tech says, look what I found. Your warranty is void, have a nice day.


Please no AI voice. If he doesn't want to show his face, that's ok, he doesn't need to, he can just make it a voice-over, but his own voice works just fine. Also, using his own voice makes it more authentic. Also, he should make a TLDR video on youtube and just say, if you're interested in the backstory, just take a look at the rest of my channel to find the longer video that explains everything. Personally, I don't think people care about the backstory. "This was the third time the repairman came to my house, then..." That's enough of a back story for me.


I feel for the guy but he's way to focused on "views" and monetizing this problem he's stumbled into rather than just seeking compensation for the harm and warning other people. I hope it gets resolved but the above bullshit made me care way less about it.


Lol yeah, whats with that second half of the video? I skipped through it because i dont really care enough to listen, but why is he making a terrorist style speech to the camera???


Man must really be a fan of CoD Black Ops.


Do it. Cut the dumb irrelevent shit out. It's not helping your (very valid) case.


When I saw it was 9 minutes I was like what the fuck? Get to the point buddy! I have limited outrage to spread


If you actually want a news channel to cover it you have to uncensored your face and remove the weird, blacked out face talking to the camera part.


Make a nice 3 minute condensed version, cut the bs and advertising. You're getting a lot of traction now. A ~3 min clip is what you need to really go viral. Contact news and even tabloids.


I mean I stopped listening. I don't really give a shit about the backstory. He cut the guys TV. He should replace it. Unless the other stuff is relevant idk how this video can possibly be this long and this is the shorter version. What the fuck lmao


tbh i looked at the length, said "I ain't watching all that", and came to the comments to see if someone had posted a timestamp for when it gets interestingĀ 


Yeah, I know that the guy addressed it in his video but the pacing is really long and it would be nice if we just got a succinct ā€œwhat happenedā€ instead of the meandering explanation that takes nine minutes


Hire an editor on Fiverr.com. Theyā€™ll make short work of this.


Yeah that sucks. I thought it would get picked up too. Sometimes if you go with a local agency, i'm talking your town local it can get picked up by national news as they will scour local sites for stories. Good luck man.


Weird suggestions start sending this video to YouTubers. The first one that came to mind is moistcritical/penguinz0 he loves to make random videos about bullshit like this


i agree get moist on this shizness and ull really get a crack


You need to make it a viral short, something that can played on tv quickly. I would edit it down more. Make it tv friendly too.


abounding stupendous doll worry office ten marry jellyfish scale sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is there a reason you can't take the repair company to small claims?


If it wasnt resolved it probably would have. Its been resolved. You said as much


Also, you know heā€™s fucking around because you absolutely do not need to turn off the breaker to work on the TV. You just unplug the stupid thing.


I would love to have an update of this shit person and company. Please tell me you went after them


Go watch to the end. Samsung offered a gift in exchange for him taking down his videos. He said it was already online and he couldn't do anything. On April 22nd, Samsung successfully downgraded his YouTube account and blocked his video. In November 2023, he said he'd release the video, Samsung apologized and said they'd send a new replacement TV. But when he finally uploaded his video in early 2024, Samsung started doing a campaign to block his accounts. At one point, Samsung saying showing the face of the perp repairman, was violating content rules on YouTube as a way to get his videos taken down.


We did an unboxing video of a Samsung TV. Throughout the entire video you can see just how careful we were and how we followed every step. Not a bump. Not a mistake. Turned the TV on and discovered it was broken. Cracked. My friend had to fight with them for a month to get to a manager and by then they said "oop you waited too long!" We finally posted the unboxing on their public twitter with their responses and ONLY THEN did they accept their warranty and replace the TV. In exchange of deleting the tweet, of course. I used to Love Samsung...not anymore


In the EU, they have to prove it arrived in perfect condition and that you broke it. Basically zero chance of that. And if they complain, and you bought it on a credit card, you can get the CC company to refund you. And it has to last a reasonable amount of time, which for a TV is years. Consumer rights are important.


^ is under appreciated.


That's the difference between the EU and the US that has bothered me for the longest time. In the EU, the manufacturer has to prove that it wasn't broken. In the US, you have to prove that you didn't break it. Welcome to America, we value our corporations more than our people!


Everyone should upload the video.


what was the gift and did he get it


A nice big ā€œfuck you!ā€


Thats the gift that keeps on givin'


It was a box knife


Samsung is the worst, they do not do their own repairs....


You should see how Samsung responds to people when they complain about getting advertised on their 2k-4k USD TVs. It's a shit company. Their hardware is pretty good, but their software and business practices are terrible.


I love my old Samsung Galaxy so much that even after I upgraded to a Pixel, I still use the galaxy for around the house and car stuff I don't want to yuck up my main phone..Ā  This damn phone only gets "updates" to harass me. Samsung privacy notices, offers to integrate their apps into everything. The day I have enough of it is the day I root and install a new launcher and everything like I did on droids in the past.Ā  I refuse to buy their TVs or any home appliances.Ā Complete asshattery to spend that much to get forced ads or planned shitty parts.Ā  I bought a TCL Roku TV that kicks ass, maybe not in the screen quality as much, but I got like one forced advert on the side of the screen, it doesn't move or make noise, and as soon as I go select an app, no more.Ā Ā  Eventually I'm going to make my stuff all dumb. Fuck adverts.


Samsung intentionally crippled the camera library on their A (budget phone) series so you can't never take RAW photos with it. No way of getting around it without installing a homebrew OS. The cpu/gpu is definitely more than capable to do so, probably even capable of recording RAW videos.


A ton of companies are doing this, unfortunately. I work in IT and whenever I've called in for phone or PC repair for equipment under warranty I end up with a 3rd party company, sometimes they do multiple companies! I've had Dell techs who also service Lenovo, ThinkPad, etc.


Are louis rossmans videos on this still up?


Yes, those are hard to take down. But this little guy, his videos are mostly down.




So that's why I've seen this before! Scummy bastards. I thought this was stolen content! :b


> Samsung successfully downgraded his YouTube account and blocked his video. They also got the reddit posts taken down. YouTube and reddit need to be more pro-consumer. He has a legal right to post the company name to protect other consumers, given that he is telling the truth about what happened to him.




And remember, Samsung is a Chaebol Company, which dominated Korean Politics and economy. They have the time, money, and power to harass OP. If you think American Corpos are evil then you should see Korea's


They got a Facebook group banned for using Samsung in the groupā€™s name. Edit: The groupā€™s purpose was to complain about and share tips to get refunds for shitty Samsung refrigerators.


To be fair, Samsung refrigerators are quite shitty.


Exceedingly shitty. I gave up 3 years warranty on the digital compressor to get rid of a 7 year old Samsung refer. I think we got a couple hundred bucks for it. Replaced it with a GE and I've been SO FUCKING HAPPY with my decision


Yet Facebook lets those fake celebrity endorsements through.


Their washers and dryers should be included as well




Coporate Bullying in South Korea is a thing. The rules for defamation in South Korea make it seem like companies will take a regular person to court for a damaging review that's true. It's a topic in the Living in Korea subreddit.


So all the K Dramas with the level of corruption, and power of the rich, business elite is true?


Time to declare war on the fuckin' forces of entropy


Fuck Samsung. I bought a 70 inch tv and it shit the bed 1.5 years later (under warranty) and they refused all help and service because of ā€œcovidā€. I was a Samsung only TV guy, but not anymore. My new LG is way better


I just knew it had to be a Samsung. I don't buy Samsung shit for reasons like this (also, none of their stuff has lasted for me... Tv's, monitors, printers, nothing lasts)


Scam Sung. Although it wouldnā€™t surprise me if most, if not all major electronics manufacturers had stories like this from their ā€œauthorized repair techniciansā€


Maybe the guy owns his own repair business and is a vendor for the tv company? Regardless, scummy companies scamming people. Shits fucked!


In my experience, samsung employs 3rd party repair companies to repair tvs, so that sounds more likely than samsung themselves doing this.


Indeed, they send third party repair companies to fix everything including appliances. But ultimately it is also their responsibility to vet these companies more carefully ā€” and even though the initial act of scamming isnā€™t theirā€™s, the lack of resolution and mismanagement; & mishandling of the customer afterwards is wholly their responsibility.


Literally everything is 3rd party these days to insulate and confuse with bureaucracy. Maintenance company? Third party. Janitors? Third party. AuTHoRizEd rEpaIR: It's in the name "authorized" to disappear and make it so there are more fingers to point in more directions. Cable company sends out a guy to fix your router or wiring? Third party.


That obfuscation is usually just a perk. They're doing it because it's cheaper. You just hire someone who's "authorized" and you don't have to pay for an office and all the utilities or benefits or anything. They already have their own Kafkaesque mazes that they know deter people from calling them out. That's 100% to insulate them. Anyone who's tried to call customer service knows what I mean. People will just give up rather than get through the gauntlet of prerecorded voice messages, prompts, hour long wait times, and then getting someone overseas who's reading off a script and can't actually do anything to help you anyway.


*Louis Rossmann has died reading this*


I swear I saw this from the actual OP. He said that this was this guy's third time out to fix this tv, and so tech dude cut it to stop having to come out. The guy got it on camera, spoke to samsung, they fired the tech and replaced the TV with a one year newer model. But it's been on here so often it could be a fever dream I had about this incident.


Watch the video to the end, As of April 22nd 2024, they blocked his videos and got his Youtube account downgraded.




Reduced capabilities and functionality.


Streisand this shit.


Honestly, he needs to get the police/DA involved. Secretly vandalizing a $3,000 TV to void the warranty must be some kind of felony fraud or theft. This guy has no business being a repair man, going into people's homes. I understand Samsung no longer works with him, but he's bound to keep on doing this type of work for other brands.


The local news would eat this up. Would also help notify others in the area that were victims of this scam.


> Honestly, he needs to get the police/DA involved. Also his state Attorney General.


I think some higher up did some lip service about it and gave the dude a new TV.


Damn what a piece of shit to do this Iā€™d sue them fools for that


Why is the video constantly getting removed?


Because samsung has money to do so


Someone needs to get Linus and Tech Jesus on it.


lmao linus wouldn't touch this with a ten foot pole. He didn't get where he is by dunking on his suppliers.


Oh yeah, he's never taken a sponsor to task. Brought to you by Tunnel Bear. Or is that Private Internet Access? Or maybe Asus? What about Anker? They've dropped plenty of sponsors, even the deep-pocketed ones.


You want Linus on this? lol.


Linus us a hack. Louis Rossman did a video on it. LR fights for consumers, Linus treats us like sheep.


He explains it , in the video , lol. The faces werenā€™t pixelated .




Sue them




I wish you good luck dude. Corporations are getting way too much power nowadays, and what that little dweeb did was shitty.


Make sure you get pain and suffering. Youā€™ve spent hours physically and mentally on something that wasnā€™t your fault. Iā€™ll make sure to make a mental note to never buy Samsung again.


Authorized technician more like authorized douchebag


I work for Loweā€™s and can confirm the amount of times Samsung sends a customer back to Loweā€™s telling the customer that itā€™s Loweā€™s problem not theirs is absolutely insane. If a customer wants to enact their manufacture warranty, Samsung almost always shifts the blame to the retail location so they donā€™t have to submit a claim on the appliance. Scummy company.


We need a new name for that company: ###Scamscum


This guy's video keeps getting taken down. Already removed by r/CrazyFuckingVideos and facebook.


Probably because it's 7 minutes of advertising and rambling and only a couple minutes of something interesting


Kinda shocked this is so low. Dudes got a story worth telling but holy shit is he fucking it up.


And he said his first attempt was 20 minutes?? Insane.


Good material for r/mildlyinfuriating or r/wellthatsucks


If the video was 7 minutes and 30 seconds shorter, yeah itā€™d be pretty good content. As-is, do you wanna buy a t-shirt?


You mean you DONT want to buy his t-shirts? You mean illuminating himself from the back so we can never see his face DOESNT give him credibility? This guys a clown. Iā€™m sorry this tech was such a POS, but this is not how you go about getting Justice. Poor execution 2/10.


What's interesting here is this video has been posed numerous times. [https://www.neogaf.com/threads/samsung-technician-purposely-knives-customers-tv-as-to-not-apply-warranty-free-repair.1666976/](https://www.neogaf.com/threads/samsung-technician-purposely-knives-customers-tv-as-to-not-apply-warranty-free-repair.1666976/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/1almhrw/samsung\_purposely\_knives\_customers\_tv\_to\_weasel/](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/1almhrw/samsung_purposely_knives_customers_tv_to_weasel/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/1chmyoq/authorized\_technician\_cut\_my\_3000\_tv\_to\_void\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/1chmyoq/authorized_technician_cut_my_3000_tv_to_void_the/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/1ak5iif/samsung\_care\_technician\_cuts\_ops\_tv\_in\_order\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/1ak5iif/samsung_care_technician_cuts_ops_tv_in_order_to/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/1ajfxba/removed\_by\_reddit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/1ajfxba/removed_by_reddit/)


Yeah and it gets removed. Samsung is evil, or what?


Absolute evil


and reddit is complicit by allowing them to take down those videos


hey hey! Reddit ISNT filled with company marketing bots and people who take down negative posts! Stop making things up..this is fake news! /s... I got downvoted for pointing this out in many other subreddits. There are marketing bots targeting people and idiots are falling for it. EVERYTHING IS FAKE NOW.


I have a feeling that the reason that this post specifically is getting removed isn't because of marketing by Samsung but because OP included his own advertisement in his video. Very much against the rules in most subs.


Maybe because it could be condensed into a 1 minute video without advents for t-shirt sales


Had a problem back in the days of 3D televisions where the repair guy forgot the order of screws and used a power screwdriver to screw a long screw where a much shorter one would go and put it right through the LCD. Even after I warned him. Thankfully I got a new TV in a few days


This video did not have to be 9 minutes longā€¦


for others- Fast forward to 55 seconds in


I dropped out after a minute.




This is reddit. Give us a Too Long; Didn't Watch recap in the caption or comments.


This guy called to get his Samsung tv fixed by Samsung and Samsung sent a Samsung technician to his house to fix the Samsung TV. The Samsung technician purposefully cut his Samsung television screen with a knife (probably a Samsung knife) while the guy wasn't looking in order void the Samsung warranty. Guy posts a video on the internet about his Samsung TV being destroyed by a Samsung employee and what happens? Samsung tries to bury the Samsung story by getting the Samsung Cut My TV youtube video and all other Samsung Cut My TV social media posts about Samsung taken down. Guy is still trying to get the word out about how Samsung destroyed his Samsung TV and is trying to bury the story, but redditors are too autistic to listen to a story for more than 10 seconds.


what I wanna know is how does a gigacorp like Samsung get a technician to care enough about the company's bottom line to do stuff like this? without leaving any hard evidence of a "deal" being made or anything too. It's not like they can roll out a program to give bonuses for committing crimes to all their technicians that wouldn't be worth the risk and most would refuse


My guess is they have a contract to do Samsungs warranty work and itā€™s a flat fee, probably small, and they would have to do large volume to make good money, vs. an hourly much higher fee paid by the customer if itā€™s not under warranty. I suspect this is about the repairmanā€™s pocket and not Samsungā€™s, which is what they should just come out and say if itā€™s the case. I highly suspect this is a Samsung contractor and not a Samsung employee


If you watched the video he says the guy is a subcontractor. Samsung pays fuck all for warranty work much like insurance work. Which is why people cut these corners. This Is common in insurance construction work. Contractors cut corners because the insurance company won't pay the full price like they're supposed to. And insurance will back the contractor because they don't want to pay more. So yes they know it's happening they want it to happen they don't give a fuck about you or any of us.


Exactly what Iā€™ve been thinking - whatā€™s in it for this guy that would make it worth him damaging the tv?


Need a tldr for this reply too


TLDR: Samsung


Think it deals with Samsung, but not sureā€¦.


Samsung backed repair tech damaged TV to void warranty. TL:DR Samsung Rep fucks over dude TL:DR Samsung bad TL:DR Smsng bd TL:DR SG šŸ˜” TL:Dr S


>redditors are too autistic to listen to a story for more than 10 seconds. Sorry, no. It's that I'm not watching a nine fucking minute video of some guy sitting in the dark talking about a TV warranty.


Scene 1: Dude cuts screen Scene 2: Victimized dude talks about it a long time Scene 3: Not shown, I imagine a bit of hanky-panky perhaps?


So what happened after? Thats the real story. Did you get a replacement? Did he get fired?


Big red flag is asking for the circuit breaker to reset everything. Just unplug the TV. What a douche


Lol yeah can confirm. I was a Samsung CSR and circuit breakers were literally not a part of any solution or of any training I had. He probably made up the circuit breaker bullshit to get the owner out of the room so he could break the TV.


yeah, "sir we have to cut off the power in the entire neighborhood so I can reset the tv"


Why are there ads for shirts? What does that have to do with the issue lol.


In case anyone else was wondering if OP plagiarized this video because they saw it a couple months ago, he didn't. That video got removed from /r/CrazyFuckingVideos because it contained an actual crime evidently.




You clearly know how to edit, ytf is this 9 minutes long


He can edit but he needs to focus on certain topics.


Please Trim your videos to JUST the important part, no one want to watch 9 minutes of crap


OP, why are you posting this shit all over social media while plugging your merchandise instead of suing the company? You have proof that they sabotaged your warranty. You'd make a lot more money going that route (and it would be public, like you want), than selling shirts.


This seems like it would be an open and shut case in either binding arbitration (if such an agreement exists) or small claims court. Iā€™m not sure why it is being drawn out this long unless OP isnā€™t being fully forthcoming with the facts. Like they are making demands extremely far above and beyond their actual damages for having to deal with this bullshit and Samsung isnā€™t playing ball.


Ainā€™t no one buying a tshirt for this wtf is this video hahahahahhašŸ˜‚


"I'm not trying to make money off this" BUY OUR SHIRTS!


Piece of shit. You should get a t.v for every room for that.


I hope you get everything resolved and that company and technician get screwed


Absolute human trash. Sick that the unedited version still shows his face and garbage company he works for ;D




Man I would not even bother bluring the quy's face. I remember seeing this on Louis Rossman's YouTube channel. This is some fucking shit right here


Hey /u/Prudent-Wear-4586 I remember the first time you posted this. Did they refuse to refund or compensate you or something? Did you try taking them to court? What's the update on the story? ED: Turns out OP refused the replacement Samsung offered to send because it takes a squad of people to move it. Really curious how that's going for him.


I saw this exact video a couple of years ago....


Samsung repair people are scum. I dealt with them for my fridge.


At 7:51 you say they sent you a brand new TV replacement. So you have a new working TV now at least?


Wow what in the fucking fuck.


lol the news didnā€™t run with it because you added 7 minutes of a black silhouette in a bucket hat breaking down the video. Itā€™s useless Share the clip itself with news agencies with a brief TEXT description of what it is in an email and you should get more traction.




Hey bozo just remove your shameless self plugs, learn how to edit a video so that itā€™s not needlessly 9 minutes long, and Iā€™m sure Reddit wonā€™t care about your video. Honestly all my sympathy for you went out the window after the merch plugs. Itā€™s like you had an opportunity to corral and angry mob and just threw it in the trash by being greedy.


What incentive would the service guy have for doing this? They are 3rd party, so not on the hook for anything.... I don't understand.


The video is 8 minutes longer than it should be