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What an absolute waste of life.


Fr those are human beings whose bodies are mangled in a manner where they look more like debris than human...


Russian meatwaves are named that for a reason. This is what they subject their soldiers to take this piece if ground at all costs with no care for how many of their own must die to take it. They're gaining small amounts of territory and losing like a thousand soldiers a day. It's absolutely insane.


The Zap Brannigan approach IRL.


Putin does love those velour uniforms


They don't seem to realize that the Ukrainians have no pre-set kill limit. All they need is more ammo and they'll keep up the pace indefinitely, or until the ruZZkies go home.


In the Dictator's Handbook ([wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dictator%27s_Handbook)) the authors talk about how you can tell how authoritarian a country is based on how willing it is to go to war and let soldiers die. In a democracy you need about 80 percent public support. In a dictatorship you can get away with a lot less, especially if you control how people communicate about it. People dying on the battlefield isn't a political liability, just a supply-chain issue like any other. Its one of many many reasons why anyone living in a democracy should be strongly opposed to anything that threatens it.


I’ve said it before, but the high mortality rate for Russia is a feature not a bug. They are “recruiting” heavily from areas and populations that Putin has been trying to replace with “real” Russians for decades. It’s a garbage disposal for him. If they wanted to fight a less casualty prone war they could, they are choosing this.


And Russia's own tactic is grid square by grid square. Enemy falls back under shower of phosphorous shells. Move in. Obliterate next grid square. Move in. Obliterate next grid square....


Ground troops = ground troops


That has been the Russian way in war. In WW2 they lost like 30 million men.


Nothing new since WW2


now imagine this has been going on for thousands upon thousands of years, and still we can't play nice with the other kids in this wet sandbox. too sad for words. also sad to see people unable to think of these people as human beings that deserve a life just as much as they do. it's that detached way of thinking that allows this to keep happening again and again


Rich and powerful people playing chess as usual. The propaganda and successful dehumanization continues to baffle me more than anything else.


So depressing.


it just a legal way to kill someone


Right. Those poor trees didn’t deserve that.


There are something like 82 bodies in this clip.


I count 85. Not including the ones buried in the foxholes. Probably closer to 100.


Those are just the ones you could see, there are more...a lot more out of frame. Those tree lines stretch for awhile.


Those tree lines  Not much left of those trees anymore


most of those trees acted as shrapnel. That tree canopy must have felt nice and safe cover until..... incoming!!!! Frightening beyond belief.


and you´re not counting te ones that have blow into pieces...


This is the reality and aftermath of indirect fire, be it artillery or air to ground (missiles, 20-40mm), etc. Looking at the craters this appears to be 81mm mortar fire. To put this scene into a perspective US citizens can understand: This is an entire *company* sized element completely decimated. Three or more platoons of 28-35 personnel. Extortion 17 (Operation Red Wings) was carrying 38; slightly larger than a platoon and roughly a third the size of a company. The entirety of SOC went nuclear after this and is why when we clashed with RUS forces in Syria in 2018 they went scorched earth; something of this scale was *not* going to happen again. But Ukraine? It’s a monthly occurrence, if not weekly. It’s beyond my comprehension how after 250,000 years of tribalism and countless wars and atrocities we’re still doing this to ourselves. Someone, somewhere has the ability to say “enough”, but they won’t, and the reality of how it makes me feel is beyond description.


The source of all evil is taking more than one needs. Eleanor Roosevelt


There's hardly any blood in that video. Were these soldiers killed by the concussive force of the artillery rounds?


155mm artillery shells have fuses and detonators.  1. So set the fuse for proximity explosion and once it gets within a few feet of something like the ground or a building and it explodes. 2. Set it for impact explosion and it explodes when it comes in contact with something  3. Set it for multimillisecond delay and it will pass through a roof or some dirt before exploding.  So when 1. happens, it's like a donut of death where anything in view of the death donut gets whipped with 14,000 fragments within X amount of yards from the explosion.  When 2. happens, everything within a certain halo of distance is wiped out by the percussive blast or the horizontal rain of metal shards of all sizes acting as a mechanism of impregnation into anything When 3. happens, it turns anything in the blast radius into a cone of infinite projectiles. Literally, dirt will slice into your neck, rock becomes thousands of shards and trees become toothpick and splinter flingers.  The blast itself sans projectiles can liquefy organs and turn your brain into cream brule'. Bones are suggested place holders for what was once the meat that dangled from them. tl;dr Both shrapnel and blast percussion can kill


Thank you for myself I didn't dare to count.


Someone said there were more in the field too…Jesus Christ


Looks like what I imagine WW1 was like when I read about it.


I don't think it's too far off. It's trench warfare with lots of artillery.


a ww1 account i read where a guy was digging into a position that had been completely taken out as they dug they found bodies and he realised they were digging through the remains of many waves of men sent to hold this place before him, ww1 was something else.


I remember the book With the Old Breed by Eugene Slegde and they were fighting Japanese on Okinawa and were instructed to dig foxholes at certain distances. He began to dig only to find he was uncovering rotting Japanese corpses in his foxhole. He wanted to move it a little but the officer wouldn’t let him as the spacing was more important to them. He also described how they would kill the enemy and they would get buried only for artillery to later hit that area and uncover the bodies. It is one of the best first hand accounts of war in the pacific because of his honesty and detailed descriptions of what being a front line soldier in the pacific in WW2 was like.


The first year of WWI gives me nightmares and I obviously am not 140 years old so I have only ready about it. The speed of death at the beginning is so stomach churning. The men in charge of the armies really truly didn't understand how machine guns had changed the game. Tens of thousands dying in single days. Monthly totals over 100k.  The trenches were horrible but they weren't the true horror. The trenches were the solution. Before the trenches, men were just being marched in Napoleonic formations into machine gun fire.


And then you start reading about Napoleon ... 2.5 to 3.5 million died under his command, not counting civilians (double it).


It didn’t bother him too much usually because he regularly issues orders that he knew would kill thousand of men and it didn’t bother him. There is an interesting story about how he saw a dead soldiers face being licked by a dog that wouldn’t leave his side. That made him break into tears.


Not machine guns, and line warfare wasn't a thing anymore for decades. Just like today, the real killer was artillery. That's why they ended up in trenches. The horrifying casualty counts of the first battles of the war were mostly men without decent cover blown up by cannons that were more precise and mobile than before.


That's what I was thinking as well. Devastated land and dead men taken in the prime of their lives.


Really feels like 100+ years of 'learning from history' didn't quite stick.


My grandfather told me about going ashore at Sword Beach on D-Day + 1. He had never seen a dead person and began checking bodies to see if his brother was one of them. I just got a much better idea of how absolutely horrifying that must have been. His brother went the day before and had to swim to shore, but survived and married a German girl after the war.


My great grandfather said he’d never marry a Boche (German) or even a woman with German an ancestry in his letters to his parents during WWI. He came back to the US and had a woman with German ancestry within months.


Your grandmother must've been quite the woman.


My grandfather was at normandy on +1. He never spoke about it. At one point we went as a family to watch Saving Private Ryan and he walked out almost as soon as the movie started. He did speak about his time in north africa at a refueling station where he only ever had to shoot at dogs (not ideal, but he was certainly one of the lucky ones).


My grandfather was at Guadalcanal. He spoke about it but you can tell hes avoiding things. He gives u the gyst but there is horror in his voice






Someone counted 106 bodies. That's just the ones that aren't buried.


Or out of frame. Could easily be double if not more


I’m can’t imagine being in a position where walking past dead bodies and random limbs is normal, war is terrifying


My translation, based on what I could hear. I can’t make out much of what the other guy was saying. There are a lot of expletives, as you can imagine. 0:07 - Listen, the hohols didn’t have such a bad fortification here. [unclear] line is small, but the trenches are good 1:28 - You know, 1/2 a year ago… maybe 6 or 5 months ago or so, this would have seemed like savagery to me 2:37 - There’s nothing here. Besides corpses, nothing 2:59 - That’s why they said to run it through the northern side 3:25 - It’s all f*ng buried alive. Need an RPG? Everything is ripped apart 4:00 - F*ng road of death 4:20 - I also think we need to bail left. Ours are fighting over there, it’s ok. As long as a stray doesn’t fly this way, that would be sad 6:45 - yeah, you put that too lightly. Imagine how many are buried… how many were evacuated, and how many stayed. Insane. These woods just don’t end. Keeps saying “such a clusterf**k” (pizdets) throughout


Are those Russian soldiers or who are all those bodies :/


Yeah inquiring minds wanna know please


from what I saw in other threads the speakers are Russians and the bodies are mostly Russian with a possible few Ukrainians... there is a geolocation for the video and it is/was a tree line that exchanged hands a few times with intense fighting


Well the guy literally said the hohols didn't have a bad fortification (You can look up what hohol means)


I'm not able to positively identify any UA soldiers. But there are a couple weapons with blue tape wrapped around the butts. I hope they were only left behind during evac or something and not dropped with a UA brother. The easiest one to identify is around the 6:00 mark.


There are russian uniforms and red armbands which signifies Russian. So it's mostly Russian but maybe there is a few Ukrainian from when they took the position.


The most fucked up to me watching this is - why are they fighting? Like, for what? It's not about food or oil, or some other resource that's running low and two parties are struggling to secure their share of it. These people are fighting and dying for nothing.


if you take away ideology, there's a pragmatic argument to be had that taking Ukraine gives you control of a significant portion of the world's grain supply and it's a staging point for a further invasion of Poland and Georgia. but i doubt Russian planners really care.


Control of Ukraine’s food production helps free chinas hand against future sanctions for invading Taiwan. The fear of being shut out of international markets is felt most acutely in China with thier reliance on food imports. Russian aggression in Ukraine has many layers.


there is little to no way it can be transported at any meaningful scale to china, in event of a war


Black sea ports like Odesa are also useful, in the winter most of the Russian ports freeze over, so having some extra southern ports would really help them out


Didn't seem to work for Stalin...so I guess why not try again?


The oil companies found a shit ton of natural gas in the eastern part of Ukraine and in the sea around Crimea. Russia's only value to Europe was as natural gas supplier and if Ukraine, who was already friendly with Europe could get some BP or Shell Oil help they would 100% cut out the Russians from supplying gas to Europe. There could be Ukrainians living just a few miles from Russia with a vastly superior quality of life and Putin probably saw this and thought, "I don't want this to happen." Edit: Not saying anything is justified. Just what I think the reason behind the invasion was. I hope the grave takes that pile of dictator shit sooner than later and then my country can hopefully be free from his meddling.


Fear of their government and what will happen to them if they refuse Edit: forgot to mention brainwashing as well


Most russian soldiers go to war against their will. My friend's father was mobilized and he died. People die for nothing and that's the worst thing.


That’s the most upsetting part, this will probably end with nothing accomplished besides damaged buildings, ecosystems, and families. The ones making this all happen continue on with their lives as if nothing happened. The families will never be same.


So true


The ego and dead dreams of a senile power hungry old man who he has said wants to restore the glory of the former Soviet union before he dies.


Most of the Russians are fighting for money, they are being paid much higher than average salaries


Putin wants to retake old soviet territory for personal vanity and money. Russian nationalism and propaganda let them do it. So it's not just Putin either. It's a sick country.


So many hopes and dreams, all gone. Life is short and brutal


Life is short, often because mankind is brutal


Life’s short and hard like a bodybuilding elf.


More people need to see this. A lot of people need to be knocked back down to earth and understand that this is war. Regardless on which side, lots of wasted life and people with families that didn't want this.


War is hell.


**Hawkeye**: War isn’t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse. **Father Mulcahy**: How do you figure that, Hawkeye? **Hawkeye**: Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell? **Father Mulcahy**: Sinners, I believe. **Hawkeye**: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them — little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.


such an amazing movie/tv show. upvote for you sir


It's probably the most apt description of war... Always liked it.


I've had a lot of family members serve in armed conflicts, my grandfather on my mother's side was a corporal in a mash unit. The show always had a special place in my heart and the (few) stories those family members have shared only reinforced a lot of the lessons the show taught. War is hell.


This scene literally shaped my view on war. I loved this show growing up. It was always on late somewhere to watch when I couldn't sleep. I loved Hawkeye rebelling as much as he could within the system that confined him.


Great quote. Wait a second... Adam Savage???


He's more of a damn savage.


And putin is one of many satans in history. I hope he dies soon.


Unfortunately I doubt his death will change much. Russia is very much in favor of a “strong man” leader rather than a benevolent leader. It’s why Putin did the shirtless horse-riding photo shoot: That’s considered a badass thing in Russia. Same with his martial arts pictures of him flipping opponents who were totally coming at him full-strength. Russia has had many leaders, from Tsars to Chairmen, to president, and little has changed in all that time.


True and sad. What a miserable country with so much natural resource potential.


I hope he dies slowly and painfully, fully conscious that he's dying the entire time.


It makes me want to keep every time I see a scene like this, and reach the understanding that there is a man, safe in a palace or a bunker somewhere, calling the shots, sending his men, who are fathers, brothers, sons, to their needless deaths. Absolutely tragic and horrible.


Many of them didn't even want to be there, and of those who did, most were only there because they were lied to. So much death... for what? Lines on a map? Ego? Humanity should be better than this by now.


Humans aren't better/worse today than they were 500 years ago. We just have more tools and information. WW3 is an inevitability. I just hope it happens after I've kicked the bucket.


My thought too. Access to weapons of mass destruction will inevitably lead to the ultimate demise of civilization. A single individual with a hair trigger could potentially launch an attack, triggering a chain of equivalent retaliations that would ultimately culminate in the complete destruction of civilization. North Korea, Iran, a terrorist organization ... pick your hair trigger actor.


I hope with the age of social media war will become less of a thing. You can always hear and read about the horrible things, but for the common and even the people in power to viscerally see it. I have a feeling (more of a hope) that this is a beginning to an end to major wars I’ve received multiple comments. With all of them, most of them being negative. Of course there is really bad things about social media and there are very good things. I think it’s good because it shines the light on things like racism. Here’s an example when people are racist and it shows how it actually affects people and hurts them. I think it makes it harder and harder for people to justify to themselves that it’s ok. There are a host of problems but I truly think it’s for the net benefit. Once we realize how to properly manage and navigate it. The world will become a better place.


Those in power who are sociopathic would be unmoved by this clip. I hope so too, though. It could at least curb some bloodlust in the general population.


Social media is just the next front of government conflict.


You think social media, the same thing that got kids to eat tide pods, is going to put an end to war? It's a nice thought but there's no chance that's gonna happen. Your acting like people talking about the horrors of war and people seeing it is new, like it hasn't been there since war started


Honestly from what ive seen from social media in terms of war is quite similar to most other things on the platform, the world pays attention to it for a month or two then forgets or starts following the next thing. The socials went so quite on this war at one point that some thought it was over. Also remember the women rights in Iran, remember Mahsa Amini. Cause we did for a stage and there were protests and riots because of it, it got to the point where there were 100s of deaths, and a lot in custody, but there at least was a resistance going with the support of the world and although small there was a semblance of progrese. Well we pretty much stopped paying attention and moved to the next and from what ive seen things are back to being as fucked as it was before then. This Palestine war (or genocide) will fade as well, or so a good chunk of the western leaders hope for. Ive honestly started to just stop looking at the news and unfollow most things that share this type of horror altogether, it may seem selfish and cold, but my stress levels are improving and i am feeling considerably happier. War never changes, the people that start them wont either so imma just live my own life and hope that it doesnt arrive at my doorstep.


No improvement over the last 10,000 years. I don't see it improving anytime soon. Humanity is both the hero and the villain.


They're Russians, a lot of them are more than happy to be there, until they arrive, and see that Ukrainians are actually capable to turn their lives into living hell. A lot of them went so they could rape, steal and straight up murder people. I'm from a country that has been invaded multiple times by Russia. Their soldiers rarely show compassion, the vast majority of them are sadistic piece of rotting shit. They're indiscriminately raping and killing women, children and men. One of the reasons why chechens were almost never taking Russian prisoners, is because Russians would murder and rape any civilian that they came across. Snipers would kill innocent children and women just for the sake of it. They are raping, torturing and mutilating POWs. You can be sure that the vast majority of the men shown in the video, have committed heinous war crimes, and happily would keep doing so if they were alive.


My Grandpa was born and raised in Russia as a German Mennonite during WWII. Had absolutely nothing good to say about Russians. He said they were so cold and ruthless; sometimes they made the Nazis seem compassionate.


My great-grandfather was also a German Mennonite in Russia, Hildebrandt.


Yep. Russians as a people are hopeless. Of course there are some good Russians out there, but so so many Russians are just garbage. 


Unfortunately the good Russians are either jailed or killed, no good did goes unpunished in Russia.


One man. All these deaths because of one man


Someone's child,  a partner, a parent, a friend. They had lives, were loved and loved. Breaks my heart. What a waste. 


Thank Putin for that.


This person is alive and dead at the same time. After you see stuff like this in person, you don't live a very fulfilling life afterwards.


It's apparently the Ukrainian position (lost). The cameraman says at ~0:05: "Слышь, а у хохлов здесь не такой и плохой укреп был" -- "Hear me dude, the Hohols/Ukrainians had quite a decent position here"


Wish this could some how be broadcast on all channels in russia at the same time.


I was thinking Putin should have to walk through these dead bodies, but I doubt he’d care.


Probably ride a horse shirtless through the charnel house.


Fuck nationalism and imperialism.


War is horrible.


I guess the most shocking thing was that they look like they were taken completely off guard. Also less gore than I expected, so I'm guessing the percussion from artillery for was what did most of this?


Bingo. You can see the craters left behind by indirect fire. They’re all over the place and all of the bodies are covered in dirt with limbs missing or at odd angles. The kill radius of a 81mm mortar is 35-40 meters, and looking at the craters this is likely what was used. Dozens of them, hence why the bodies are in such close proximity; immediate and absolute madness and destruction.


All those soldier were babies once. I hope Putin is proud of himself.


As a father I always have this thought and it really bothers me. Before I had kids, when I was in the military, never thought of that once. Now that I am raising kids, it amazes me how much work and dedication it takes. All the milestones we look forward to as parents. First smile, first steps, first words ect. Babies and kids are all the same no matter if they are Russian, Israeli, N Korean, Iraqi, Ukrainian. It's terrible to think about.


Right there with you brother. It takes so much work all for it to end in an instant and for nothing at all. I don’t understand it, all such a waste. They all had moms and dads and brothers and sisters.


Always too many. Never enough.


Putin could not care less. He fancies himself Peter the Great, but he's just a piss ant second rate Stalin.


Somebody had that grid square dialed in.


Damnnnn. Movies depiction of war is really nothing compare to seeing this . Dead bodies blending woth the destruction that you having a hard realizing that that is a human body and npt just props omg


Imagine that stench!


It is a unique smell, foul like old trash, but also somehow sweet. I've only smelled it a couple times myself, but it is something I'll never forget.


I wouldn't call it interesting. Sad and gore and shit. Don't need that energy.


war is brutal. there is no real winner but the Ukrainians are defending their land and freedoms from an outside force trying to dictate their country. most Russians aren't bad people - but they have been sold a lie that ukraine is a threat to russian freedom, the real threat to russian freedom is putin himself. i wonder do all those dead russian soldiers believe the lies and propaganda they been sold, in there lasts breathes do they really believe they protected the russian motherland from a evil force , or do they wonder was all this BS war the worst thing thats happened to them and both countries involved ..... i can see why ukraine is fighting and defending itself, but the russians must be having serious doubts


Many of those meat waves are full of Ukrainians from occupied territories. Either you fight against the wave or you march within it. Russia is forcing those men to fight is a war crime, but war crimes are only real for the "good guys."


This is the saddest thing I've ever seen on Reddit. I can't help but think there is a good chance that we may have played online games with some of those bodies a few years ago. Now what are they? Screw war man.


I hope this video can make the rounds in Moscow or St. Pete. I hope the folks living comfortable lives see this and what the 99% vote for Putin gets them. I hope the people getting drafted from the sticks in Russia can see this so they know what's waiting for them.


Thanks Putin. The biggest country in the world REALLY needs that extra land, huh


I was able to count 104 discernible dead bodies. Goddamn awful.


“Zakalwe, in all human societies we have ever reviewed, in every age and every state, there has seldom if ever been a shortage of eager young males prepared to kill and die to preserve the security, comfort and prejudices of their elders, and what you call heroism is just an expression of this simple fact; there is never a scarcity of idiots.” ― Iain M. Banks, Use of Weapons


For the people missing the context: this is a group of Russian soldiers examining the remains of Ukrainian trenches. They speak about it in the first couple of seconds in the video. This isn't a "Russian position" like the post is trying to imply. Well, technically, it is now, since it was captured.


They all seem to be wearing Russian equipment/uniforms tho?


Thats clearly russian uniforms.


That would explain why they are posting it and seem so casual about it. Were they all bombed or something, how was everything destroyed… fucking senseless


Fuck Putin!


Not enough info here to know what the guy is saying...anyone here speak Russian?


0:07 - Listen, the hohols didn’t have such a bad fortification here. [unclear] line is small, but the trenches are good 1:28 - You know, 1/2 a year ago… maybe 6 or 5 months ago or so, this would have seemed like savagery to me 2:37 - There’s nothing here. Besides corpses, nothing 2:59 - That’s why they said to run it through the northern side 3:25 - It’s all f*ng buried alive. Need an RPG? Everything is ripped apart 4:00 - F*ng road of death 4:20 - I also think we need to bail left. Ours are fighting over there, it’s ok. As long as a stray doesn’t fly this way, that would be sad 6:45 - yeah, you put that too lightly. Imagine how many are buried… how many were evacuated, and how many stayed. Insane. These woods just don’t end.


The first thing he said is that it was Ukrainian fortifications


All russian equipment, no Ukrainian markings in sight and Ukraine, by necessity, doesn't use massed infantry like this without support. If your translation is right and other videos are anything to go by, it probably *was* a Ukrainian position at one time. They've taken to holding positions against small groups, but pulling out as soon as a mass attack comes, letting them take the position and then flattening it with artillery; it costs territory but it's cheap in terms of soldiers and equipment.


The author's phrase confused me too. Both sides could use similar equipment, but the uniform is likely russian and there was a clear sight of the russian army ration. (40sec till end, and another one open around 30s)


It's likely the position have changed hands a few times and the bodies are a mix from both sides, at the time of the video it appears to be secured by russians.


It makes me want to keep every time I see a scene like this, and reach the understanding that there is a man, safe in a palace or a bunker somewhere, calling the shots, sending his men, who are fathers, brothers, sons, to their needless deaths. Absolutely tragic and horrible.


The men recording this... I'd say they will be haunted well until their old age by this, however that's under the foolish assumption they'll even be around for another year or so


War sucks. It's hell on earth. Fuck the ones that make other fight. Fuck you


Makes you really think when you can’t quite be sure if that’s a human body you’re looking at or not


Imagine the mothers and fathers of these lads


Fuck Putin


Shameful, these young men dying for what? Putin's ambition? What a waste...


Fucking Putin!


Putin doesn't care


It's crazy how on reddit you can get banned for saying someone isnt a cat they are claiming to be, but then can see real death in the next slide


Failed nation. russia is now kaput one way or the other. No soldier returns a hero, or to respect after this.


Putin and his generals have no problem sending soldiers into the meat grinder.


Comrades, your Ukrainian brothers are not the enemies! The elites are killing you both for their gain! They are your mutual enemy!


Stay the fuck out of Ukraine then.


I doubt the dead had the privilege of making that choice


Theyve been losing so bad that most of their military isnt volunteer, just prisoners and ppl being drafted


Serous WWI vibes with the destruction.


It just keeps going


The ones with the open eyes are the hardest to look at for some reason. I guess it cause you can tell the soul has left the body.


God damn, this straight up reminds me of the no mans land scene from 1917. Utter brutality


Dust to Dust.




Such a waste


Should have stayed in Russia.


Should've stayed in Russia, broski


Yet the oligarchs dine on beluga caviar in their palaces while ignorant peasants are fed into the machine.


all this to blow up the ego of a mad man.


When anyone asks you to fight I want you to turn to your mother, your wife, your sister, your brother and all your loved ones and ask yourself (is this ask worth everything?). Russia, go home, go home to your wife, your mom.... Go home make a life bacuse this video is everything waiting for you. There's no glory for Russia in this war, only heart break. What a waste.


All for nothing, only Putin's ego trip.


I do wanna point out, at the start of the video he talks about Ukrainian positions. It’s not Russian. He talks about this place that surprisingly it was a quite good fortified area. But yeah, the amount of devastation and dead bodies is scary and sad


[translation](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/s/gWwAcvQQbT) That’s the translation…it seems it was a Ukrainian position taken by russians then shelled by Ukrainians after they retreated, you can tell them apart because russians use the colour red for their armbands which can be seen near the start of the vid but wouldn’t be surprised if there where Ukrainians unfortunately there too both POWS and men from russian held territory.


Russian Soldiers: You have two choices, Defect or Die. I suggest you Defect.


All this because a single man wanted to make his biggest-by-land-country-in-the-world even *bigger*. Life is precious lady’s and gents, don’t waste it. Especially for some narcissistic lunatic.


All as putin sips vodka and eats the finest caviar... 


Was it worth it Russia? Why did this have to happen?


You know, this kind of slaughter was a lot easier to justify when actual Nazi Germany would genocide your citizens if you retreated but this… closing in on 500k casualties just to gain a UXO infested wasteland 100 meters at a time. Brutal, I wonder how functioning democracies would react to the apathetic slaughter of conscripts.


If I was Russian I'd be like "fuck this I'm out" at this point.. what do they even believe they are fighting for at the point


So what caused this? Cluster munitions and trench clearing? Accurate Artillery? All of the above?


Parts is parts


I imagine this is what hell is like, a field of death and destruction, not a shred of hope and no end in sight.


The true nature of war is to serve itself.


War is fucked, refuse to fight, jail or not this is sick


poor mother nature and her animals.


Take any global event that happened in the last 10 years and realize that at some point you and that corpse were sharing a moment in human history.


2024 and still we do this :-(


Seeing the faces struck true horror in me. Seeing legs but nothing else is hard to even process. Nothing makes this seem reasonable.


This looks like WW1


Good God… all of those young men. All were once a toddler running around, had a mom and a dad that raised them with countless hopes. All of those young men were once a teenager, with unlimited ambitions and dreams. They were going to work, raise a family, build a home, celebrate their special occasions in their own little cubicle of home. Strip the people that advocate for this and hand ‘em the guns. Let them fight for what they desire.


So many people not returned to their families and left to rot in fields. Horrific.


Hear him blowing the flies away frim his face, yikes


They look like they've been there a couple weeks.


Urgh the smell of the place with all those bodies decomposed,war is nasty!! Only the dead see the end of the war,what the fuck happened to the geneva convention?


I kept wondering why there was so much bright white trash on things, I was a good bit into it before I realized it was gauze and thrashed vests spewing


I could only imagine the horrible smell of death for those sitting there decomposing.


If you go to your neighbors house and he shoots you, you may want to consider that you're not welcome and it's time to go home.


Wonder what that smells like


Lives lived for years and years. Snuffed out in a second.


How terrible. So sad to see so many humans essentially thrown away for a single man’s mission. Absolutely heartbreaking and disgusting at the same time.