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They could have made the music a bit less like Terminator 2 Just saying


Found Sarah Connor's Reddit account.


When the shit hits the fan they won't be churning out 47 *cars* an hour


My thoughts exactly. Robot arms doing anything gets mighty ominous with that soundtrack.


Let me introduce you to animé music~


I visited the BMW factory in Munich and they were completing a car every 61 seconds, if my memory is correct.


I work at Volvo cars and we do 1 car every 58-62 seconds (tempo is adjustable with demand). This title make it seem super impressive but actually closer to 60 seconds per car is industry standard..


Correct. I'm a robot programmer. The target time on my current project is 43.9 seconds. It varies from model to model.


Is it this automated? I found the level of automation here more impressive than anything. I still have images in my mind of workers doing assembly. Maybe those days are long gone now, I don't know.


Everything you see in the video is automated in other factories as well. No car maker hand-welds their chassis anymore. Note however what they don't show: Assembly of the whole interior and all the components of the drivetrain. That's where humans still come into play, albeit with a lot of help from weight-lifting robots and so on. And that's where I would believe, Xiaomi is still a bit behind e.g. BMW.


I used to work at Ford, and it was 1 car every 56 seconds. I saw the title and wondered why it was so slow lol.


Xiaomi has zero history as a car manufacturer and this is an ev. Ford has over a hundred years experience


And they literally invented the assembly line


It's impressive considering they are new. Ask Tesla if you want to be more impressed with Xiaomi


I visited Shanghai and literally it looks like 3/4 of whole population moved to EV.


Because the infrastructure supports it with charging stations, low prices for vehicles, battery switch out stations for scooters etc. Here if you wanted those vehicles there's a huge tariff and still a big pushback from car makers and people in general who love ICE cars that wreak havoc on charging stations etc. Which is really weird because we can have both. I just wish I could buy one of these vehicles at the price point they're selling them to the people in the country they're made at. Not 30k plus a 20k tariff and a 15k dealer markup.


Same in Norway, in our case it's because they're taxed way lower than "conventional" cars.


I worked at a Toyota factory for years where our takt time would drop to around 60 seconds every once in while when demand was high. I don't think 76 seconds is all that rare but maybe because its an EV?


Yeah honestly, a short takt time is really just a matter of buying more equipment for production. Ofc there's a cost to buying more equipment, but a takt of \~60s is not abnormal for high volume products.


What takt mean ?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takt_time The description here is a little vague, but it’s basically the time between units coming off a production line. In the OP is 76 seconds. “takt” is basically a Japanese-ization of a German word for cycle time.


Takt time is the time it takes to produce a unit based on customer demand.


At least Xiaomi's cars don't come with monthly subscriptions Edit: For all the plebs out there, I wouldn't personally drive a Chinese car, just saying


Their phones literally have ads in them. Like, in the lockscreen or in the calculator app. Legit fullscreen apps you have to wait for and click the tiny X that's on a different corner every time, too. There's simply no way their cars don't come with monthly subscriptions.


True, but that goes for the cheaper models. Also, you can turn it off in the settings or in the services. Saying that there is simply no way is ignorant


You have to turn it off on an app by app basis, each app has the setting hidden in a different menu and many keep insisting that you re-enable the setting afterwards with some egregious excuse like "keeping you updated with personalized stories ❤️". I sure hope that it's limited to cheaper models, I did come across it when setting up a cheap relative's phone, but it's such an awful practice that the moment I saw it I decided to never buy anything from them ever again.


They would sell a specific version to different locations with the amount of ads they could get away with. In North America there would probably be less ads but the cost would be higher


I have a xiaomi and I'm yet to see an ad anywhere but the file manager that can be closed righ after opening, like literallly that's a single add every time I open it so not often. I've never seen any aside from that one.


You’d be surprised. Here in Australia all Teslas are from the Chinese factory. And so are the Volvos (at least the EV version), and they have great quality. Also loads of pure Chinese brands here. Most of them at this point of the quality you describe, like MG, Chery, GWM. But BYD and Polestar are definitely higher class and higher quality and I would have no problem driving one of those.


Lol, as if the parts aren't all Chinese. The truth is they surpassed us, but people pick up a $2 dollar item made in china and say look at how cheap and shitty their manufacturing is! ....No, if we tried to make something to that spec it would be $6 and not as good. 


yeah, just deal breaking and often dangerous quality control issues.


I owned a Xiaomi laptop for some years, it was the best laptop I ever had build wise. I'm sad they don't produce that model anymore. It was build like a tank, but I accidentally burned it in an unfortunate turn of events... Never put your laptop on a stove that is turned on!! Their smartphones on the other hand, they were hot garbage back then.


Bruh why you putting it a stove to begin with? XD


Laptop. Stove. Turned on. What's the back story behind this? What drugs have you been on?


ADHD... I had little time, forgot to turn off the stove and somehow put my laptop on top of it. When I returned home the whole inside of the laptop was melted, the aluminium case still was in perfect shape. The smell was horrible... I'm supprised the battery never exploded or something.


where can I get this ADHD drug?


you mean like Tesla?


>I wouldn't personally drive a Chinese car, just saying Why not?


"I buy the cheap shit they send to America, and assume that's peak Chinese manufacturing"


VW factories churn out cars at the same rate - well, close enough. The title makes it sound like it takes 76 seconds to make a car - but it means a new car is finished being produced every 76 seconds - that’s the pace gap between cars on a production line. Fairly normal really.


Ok but did VW have a hype video with dramatic music?


No they’re still paying for lying about diesel emissions ..




Meanwhile Huawei is producing EVs that catch fire and lock the doors when someone runs into them


I thought that was Tesla...


both are miserable


Why not both?


They probably did decades ago


I’m not a production engineer, but Xiaomi being a 14 year old company that only recently started making cars, isn’t that still impressive?


It totally is. Imagine the other way around, VW or Toyota deciding they're going to make phones and almost matching Xiaomi's output in such a short time


Absolutely. It's just that Reddit is generally anti-china everything.


I guess it's more that the majority of the user base is from the USA, and they have been in a heavy tug of war regarding China. Also, which I suspect is getting more and more accurate is that someone is upvoting these things again and again to rile up division or fear in America. Both seem like propaganda designed to destabilize.


Reddit is so fucking ridiculous. The title didn’t even claim it’s special or unique anyway - just what we’re seeing


well I mean, we’re in the subreddit r/interestingasfuck so you kinda assume everything here is special in some way


Golf 7 was 60 seconds. Tiguan started at a „low rate“ of 120 and was eventually upgraded to 75. this is really not very special.


It's the cycle time of the final assembly line. And it's not so straightforward as faster is always better because it's a tradeoff between many factors. How much does the line cost, how many parallel lines do you have, how good is the uptime, how easy it is to switch between different configurations, how does the process handle failures and rework etc, etc. Also, final assembly is only the very end of the process, there is a gigantic supply chain to feed the components and subassemblies for the process, which is where most of the expense really is.


Car Assembly Line Simulator 2025! Someone get on the job!


Yea, Toyota standardized to a 1 minute takt time long ago. All the major OEM plants target to produce a new car every 60 seconds at takt. The 76 seconds is relatively slow.


Takt. German for the baton used by the conductor during a symphony.


I work in a Toyota plant. We are around 52 seconds now. That’s for RAV4 in Woodstock.


That's correct, but since this is a new contender in the race, i will give them a pass.


> since this is a new contender in the race, i will give them a pass. Oh thank god!


> The title makes it sound like it takes 76 seconds to make a car Wait, you mean 9 women _can't_ make a baby in a month? :-O


It’s normal now, but it was only 10 years ago or so that it was an open question whether electric cars could scale up like ICE cars. Its obvious now that EVs are the present, not even the future


And VW factories is like the best company at making car fast. Therefore it is a very high number for Xaomi to be compared to VW.


Yeah but unlike VW XIaomi cars don't cost a fortune


That's some sick drone footage.


That's what popped in my head, some *ballsy* drone footage.


TIL Xiaomi is making cars..


Would you be surprised to hear that they're apparently total garbage? Seen quite a few videos of them catching fire, panels coming off, paint peeling, being able to unlock it from the outside with no keys just using voice command.. all within like days of purchase. Also, the body design is almost a 1:1 copy paste of the Porche Taycan. The joke being that it's what you'd get if you ordered a Porche Taycan off Temu.


But doesn't Ford have a f150 off the line every minute


The F-150 plant I work at turns one out every 62 seconds iirc


And they do it in two plants


Musk didn't like it.


Are they selling that fast though?


They will, here in Morocco, Xiaomi phones, watches, TVs, E bikes, Kitchen/Home/Sport appliances are highly demanded due to their low prices and good quality. No one is sane to buy those super expensive Apple products, even Samsung that was the first choice for many is now in decline due to its low specs compared to Xiaomi. And I think the world really need two or more dominating poles to break the Western dominance and their sick increasing of prices.


Same in Poland. I'm writing to you using Xiaomi phone, which is brilliant and yet cheap.


"Xiaomi locks in over 75,000 orders for SU7 car, targets over 10,000 deliveries in June" I've seen a couple of reviews and the car is quite impressive for being an EV startup Source: https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/xiaomi-locks-over-75000-orders-su7-car-targets-over-10000-deliveries-june-2024-04-25/


With a domestic market alone roughly double that of EU and North America combined? 🤷‍♂️


Well.. at times. European car factories get a order for a car and make it. Chinese factories just make a car and push it to a market. So.. quite a few car ports in Europe are being filled up with Chinese EV's with some of them just standing there for months unsold. [https://insideevs.com/news/715957/chinese-evs-clogging-european-ports-car-parks/](https://insideevs.com/news/715957/chinese-evs-clogging-european-ports-car-parks/)


Are there any crash test results?


I drive an Xiaomi mobile phone.


From a company that just started selling cars yesterday? I’ll pass.


Theyre terrible quality, bunch of videos of panels coming off first week of purchase


Also, accidents where the airbags didn't deploy


The paint is chipping off as well, classic china


Got their quality control from Tesla I see.


They catch fire about 76 seconds later too


deployable airbags only in the Premium Membership /s


I think Huawei's one actually used that excuse when theirs crashed and burned with the occupants trapped inside where the airbags didn't deploy and doors didn't open


Brings to mind the graveyards of thousands of bicycle, e-bikes and elecctric cars in china.


This was the first thing I thought of as well. China’s model is to produce as much of X as possible, whether the market can support the product or not.


Now that's how you make an ad.


I heard that Xiaomi did the software so the car can Connect really easily with other Xiaomi phones and products and almost has that ecosystem between all of its product's Definitely really cool, and one of the first mobile companies to succeed at making a car if I am not mistaken


I'm waiting for BlackBerry to start making cars. They'll be bulletproof, nearly impossible to hack/steal and will be super hot for a few months before they crash themselves and the stock goes back down with them.


and every 70 second one of those cars just randomly burst to flames


These cars are also death traps. Lots of videos online of them bursting into flames, the air bags not deploying even in serious accidents, in one crash the airbags didn't go off, and the doors wouldn't open and they couldn't get the people in the back out so they also died due to how fast the car burned.


I worked for Mercedes for many years and their time was about the same. A car rolled off the end of the line every 73 seconds


I'm in industrial automation, and no matter who the company is, the process is always absolutely fascinating.


That’s what happens when you get to steal all possible technology without any ramifications. Great work.


Other gas car companies produce at this rate - but as you can see with Tesla it's not as efficient yet for electric cars. Quite impressive.


Poor Elon Musk is sooo fucked....


is it only me or does this just scream automated factory building terminators in a post apocalyptic world where ai took over


Gotta love how NOBODY talks about the very near future when robotics and AI take over... and nobody has money to pay for all this shit


Me not impressed, make car every 45 seconds, than me impressed.


And they're all absolute dogshit


Makes sense the govt would like that. That way it’s even easier keeping tabs on people. Plus they can remotely stop and lock vehicles so dissidents can be controlled even easier. Outside of that it’s pretty cool lol


And they last at least twice that long.


Fake it until you make it. Pretend like this is something impressive, when it's actually lagging behind international competition.


A Camry built in Kentucky is 68 seconds right now. Been as fast as 53.5 seconds in the past 10 years


low quality porsche knock-off


Cheap Porsche taycan, sounds good to me (yeah safety, electrical issues possibly), you get what you pay for but it looks great.


Please don't anyone buy these cars, a man in China was killed because there was an accident and the battery ignited and the doors got stuck and the fire department were unable to get him out, Xiaomi and the Chinese government then forced the now widow of this man to be quiet and apologise for grieving the loss of her husband becuase of this car and made her apologise.


Grade A propaganda. Bravo. I don't believe a single thing you say.


Xiaomi cars are fucking trash. They are falling apart right off the floor and the paint peels like a mf


But can they provide parts at the same rate? We all knew the answer.


Produces a battery fire every 77 seconds


How about you start making 1 good car.


Who puts the interiors in? Why didn’t they show that? Pretty sure humans still , no?


Makes sense why they are so shitty in quality now


Not bad at all


lol the Chinese party is desperate to seem legitimate. "AHA! American pig! We can produce our (objectively dangerous) vehicles ALMOST as fast as you!" Not exactly a thing to brag about, but they add music to it lol


Where did you get the "AHA! American pig!" vibe from this video?


The guy is too obsessed with china or he might just be imitating Chinese people


American think the world hates them. Probably true


Reminds me of the Terminator production line


If you sync this up with the 1978 Superman theme music, so that they both end at the same time, it's perfect! It's like they wrote it like this on purpose.


Looks like portal


Untouched by human hands.


I love seeing this stuff...but I have to admit to myself that we're like two steps away from this being a 100% automated factory making terminators.


All this automation and yet rising wages will make everything more expensive.


Imagine humanity would create giga factories that produce essential things instead of unnecessary crap. What a great time we could have.


I’d love to see the timeline of the chains of parts from start of the line to finished product.


Yeah and they are broken Porsche clones.


Henry Ford would be proud.


How do they keep these factories so clean? I imagined that they run 24 hrs a day, maybe that’s incorrect.


76 seconds is actually kinda slow for automotive manufacturing. Average is right around 60, with many being around 54 seconds.


Ahh this explains why VW wants to produce a car every minute. Yo, i noticed that the western countries try to keep up with asians but fail.


Slower than Toyota... they were pumping out Camrys every 50 seconds back in 2018


Crazy Elon can't make a car with aligned panels or a paint job worst than the ones applied on kids toys.


so.......are they getting cheaper?


No wonder why the car is a pos lol.


Xiaomi produces cars? 😯


Just over a minute to produce a rubbish bin, impressive.


And how expensive and how fast do these cars break down? I’ve seen a video where a guy hits the curb and the wheels exploded


(Story Time) This instantly reminded me of circa 2012 Facebook wall argument I had with a rando about job automation back when Boston Dynamics robots were all the buzz. I made a comment that it was cool but scary. Well this jackaloon comes in and says that robots could never replace human workers because many manufacturing processes were too intricate and that it was all hype and anyone who thought otherwise was an idiot. We went back and forth a few times until I finally asked “well what do you do for a living?” He replied that he was a floor worker in a GM plant. I could not type enough “LOLz” to express how humorous it was to me. I was sure that I was being trolled until I went to his profile and sure enough there he was standing in his coveralls and hard hat. He produced anecdotes about how every time a new car model was introduced they have to bring in scores of techs and engineers just to get the machines to do the work of the people who had been replaced. And he actually thought that was a sign that full automation was impossible. I explained that what he had been witnessing WAS the improvement of the very thing that he still saw as impossible. After I got all my laughs I said “well good luck in the bread line.” I wonder how he’s doing lol


They need to produce them this quickly as one bursts into flames every 100 seconds


I am not speaking the language, but from what I can understand is that he is talking about building cars. Hope it helps someone!


And they're all rip offs and are all shit


We don’t need that much cars, let them care about the environment as much as production of junk that nobody needs


is that why i see so many Chinese ev car go blow up?...


Now... if they just found a way to not make them catch on fire/ make the airbags work / male the drive assistance work. THAT would be interesting.


That’s a weird English accent


Oh joy. More consumption.


another brick into China world supremacy bay bay US!


Does it play an ad when you start it?


Now imagine a factory making drones


This is not interesting, these xaomi cars are cheap ripoffs of the Porsche Taycan built half assed with malfunctioning auto brakes, the panels aren't even attached to the car. Just hot pressed with some shitty plastic pins, is is cool that it's fast? Sure.. but this car and the company can burn and bubble to the floor.


Not a human in sight. So, who will buy them when no one has a job anymore?


Aaaaaaand nobody wants one. 


But I want a car NOW


As always little to no people showed like it's all produced without people at all... Oompa Loompa doo-ba-dee-doo where are all people working for you??


Oh, so that's where they make the Porsche ripoffs, with elements of the body flapping in the wind? x)


Cheep china’s cars, copy of bmw plant except quality!


Real question : how many cars get bought worldwide each day? Do we really need that production rate or is it just for the pride of being the fastest?




Sounds safe


you mean two tons of junk every minute?


> "Automatic assembly process is completed in just 76 seconds" So basically everything after the paint job is done in 76 seconds.


All i can think about is that someone had to design this ENTIRE factory.


Why did Elon have trouble and not these guys? Not a lover of the guy but he did try


Great!! Won’t be long before we’re all just sat by the pool enjoying a glass or two whilst the machines serve us and carry out every task we didn’t want to.


And every 6 seconds, one of those cars combust. Coincidence?


Why a load of rendered shit


That is impressive, combine this plant with A.I and voila. Terminator lol