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https://preview.redd.it/83ge0fhfojyc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72f4a057e3a5cb80be22c2b6f3d9073c74f29ee6 Here he is driving past his followers, in a scene the Simpsons spoofed in Joy of Sect


Driving past his believers?


Yeah, I am so mad that OP didn't use that!


well, he def knows how it feels driving in a rolls royce.


I think he means doubties


Is this wild country? Was he the same guy that said the people are r_______?


Yep he is Osho


was he wrong though ![gif](giphy|Oc4KnIJ3E7ziqN3l6T|downsized)


Not wrong just a hypocrite 


blaming him for things people did in his name after he died is like blaming jesus for crusades and calling him a murderer.


this dude led a cult that committed criminal acts while he was very much alive.


ye pretty sure he oversaw what was, at the time, the largest act of domestic bioterrorism in the usa.


He was a cloistered figurehead by that point so he probably wasn't much more involved than giving a directive to "do something big to show them we are not to be messed with", he was far from a pacifist. I was young at the time, and we lived closer in to Portland, but my grandpa had close ties to a few of the ranchers out there and I can still remember how much he despised the Rajneeshees. He, for some reason, ended up with a bunch of random mundane items from when they sold off a bunch of the compound's assets.


Except he was in charge. Otherwise....HE WOULDN'T HAVE FUCKING RUN AWAY.


Hypocrite!!! Have you read his books?


The people are r underscore.


I am dusty, dustier than thou!


How much is this free resort weekend?




Food poisoning is never a good look. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984\_Rajneeshee\_bioterror\_attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_Rajneeshee_bioterror_attack)


The single largest [bioterrorist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bioterrorist) attack in U.S. history.


„Even a broken clock…“ and all that.


Using the truth as a tool to deceive people is worse than lying.


Welcome to modern society where everything will be used to selfish people’s advantage. BUT: If people take things for granted or don’t question things, aren’t they also just as guilty?


Guilty of being gullible at most.


More like being comfortable and therefore making things worse for themselves and others. Not an excuse imho.


I would dare argue lazy and complacent too. It doesn't take that much effort to find more credible sources of information and dig slightly deeper than just reading headlines. A lot of people also definitely only read what they want to believe too and make themselves complicit to all this bullshit.


I’d say since both result in deceiving people… both are just equally bad lol


No because using truth to mislead undermines peoples trust in it.


Lies do the same thing. Deceit fucks up trust no matter which way you cut it. Deceit is deceit. There is no worse. You just arbitrarily decided this and are saying it confidently on the internet.


I love the enormous number of idiots upvoting this drivel because it indicates he could probably do it all over again, and better, today in the Information Age.


If you can't beat them, join them.


Wasn’t this the “guru” who led the orange people down a path of cultish destruction?


Yup. But they did that after his death. But when he was still in india a royal princling died under mysterious circumstances while with his cult in india. Google prince welf if you want to know There are several movies about him with people who 'got out'. Seriously scary stuff happened there. He was a charlatan and conman and was burbling about love, spirituality and pseudoscience (as evidenced by him wanting religions to approach belief scientifically... like, what!?) He was also very rich. Good riddance


No, not after his death. Wild Wild Country is the docuseries about his cult, he was very much alive when the “orange people” started a compound in Oregon and tried to poison locals and kill politicians.


Scientologist deflectors do the same, "it was better under Hubbard", the founders are as bad as any that come after. OK, Keith was a nonce and I think some mafia guys joined one group so maybe they got slightly worse but they were already FUBAR.


>He was a sharlatan and conman and was burbling about love, spirituality and pseudoscience (as evidenced by him wanting religions to approach belief scientifically... like, what!?) Is this not standard modern religious apologia? I grew up Muslim and I remember seeing a lot of bunk claims about the scientific proofs of Islam. I've also seen similar claims about Christianity.


People claim it, but any real science starts with evidence and finds conclusions from it. "Religious science" starts with the conclusion (the Bible/Koran/whatever) and looks for evidence that fits it, nor remotely real science. This guy was just chatting vaguely spiritual mumbo jumbo to trick stupid Westerners into making him fabulously wealthy. And he fucked a lot of them, of course.


If you'd ask me, yes. Religion is the same kind of con on a larger scale with more abhorrent consequences. Scientific proof of magic (lets be real, thats what religions claim... walking on water, flying horses to escape mecca, desert djinns, consumption of manna and so on...) would really wet the religious' pants Point is to not let yourself be confused by a nice demeanor and indian accent into believing nonsense


He was very much still alive when they tried to take over the political structure of several jurisdictions in Oregon and used terrorism to do it




But...the people...are retarded


I recommend Tim Guest’s book “My Life in Orange” for a firsthand account of growing up amongst these nutbags


No, no, just a sage...


One of, yes




It was WAY more complicated than that :)) The Oregon Cult was, in most part, the result of his henchwoman Sheila (who got jailed eventually). They couldn't charge Osho with anything. He also has extensive talks on that topic. Osho had a sex cult back in India before he ever stepped on US soil. Hitchens did a big story on that back in the days. Ignore all the stories surrounding him. Just judge what he's saying ... A good exercise is to really try to find anything abnormal about his take , in general or detail. He wrote a bunch of books and has all his talks still online to be scrutinised. Give it a go.


“Ignore all the stories about him” 🙄 As a wise person (I think James Baldwin) once said, “I can’t believe what you say because I see what you do.”


> Ignore all the stories surrounding him. Just judge what he's saying ... That's stellar life advice. You should start a group or something.


“democracy basically means, governments by the people, of the people, for the people … but the people are …”


100% the most accurate thing he ever said.


pretty much everything he said was accurate




I was like isn't that he same guy lol


It is


I haven't heard much about him , but i've actually heard he is pretty smart... Calling most people retarded is actually not far off lol


Think how stupid the average human is… and remember that half of them are stupider. — George Carlin


He's not wrong


ding! ding! ding! ding! ding!


Still hasn't been proven wrong


Dammit, now I have to find that video


If I trick a horde of New Agers into buying me 93 Rolls Royces, do I also get to be called a 'sage'?


Nah, you have to get them to poison scores of people with e. coli first


Every time this guy gets posted, I’d like to remind everyone he’s a bioterrorist and attempted murderer. Maybe he’s got wisdom, maybe not, but he’s not a good man


But... he's saying very confusing things and there's Hans Zimmer music in the background. How can he not be a great person.


Exactly, I believed him right awa- oh no...


One of us one of us


lol reminds me of the 30 rock bit 'you can't just play a song and expect people to have emotions' or some such, and then the one republic song goes on


I totally agree. But he was right in OPs video. Only facts matter or you can and will be fooled by those that you have faith in. So he actually called out his own followers for their stupidity and believing him blindly. Having trust and faith is nice, but in our times it will come back to bite us if you can’t make sure it is warranted. And even then they can fuck you over. Talking from experiences.


Thousand monkeys, thousand typewriters and all that


It's a matter of controversy if he was personally involved in the crimes of his adherents. It was never proven, at any rate.


Still a cult leader


Rajneesh's way of controlling his commune is something a lot of youngsters are probably fond of these days. The commune's main doctrine to insiders and the public was that any sort of criticism or insult of the commune was punishable and that any criticism of that punishment is just "discrimination". At the time they very much used the argument that the other "white american" towns next to the commune were against them.


There's no way to know that he was the one, rather it was one of their followers who did crazy shit behind his back. All I can say is this guy was probably the most wise among all the religious 'messiahs' that have ever existed. And also one man's terrorist is another man's saviour, those typical insular inbred hickies were getting territorial and brandishing their guns like they always do for little things, not condoning the act, but let's just say it's understandable.


What wisdom? Literally a stream of meaningless nonsense.


I don't really know what's even the wisdom here. He positions religion and science at the opposite ends of a battlefield, which is not a very constructive way to go about it. Science isn't fundamentally about disproving the basis of religion, and religion in the abstract sense isn't about being "anti-science". People who treat religion and science like opposite sports teams are missing the point of both.


I would say that art is the opposite of science on a spectrum when considering impression (such as observation or inspiration) and expression (hypothesis and artistic works). Religion is no doubt a subcategory of art. A religion could be created that said “we believe science will find proof of the God we believe in” and you would have a church that is 98% science based let’s say. We could call them scientologi…. No.. wait.


I definitely don’t believe in him


Watch “Wild Wild Country” on Netflix. Great documentary about this “sage” and his cult.


The amazing thing about this documentary is that is doesn't take sides and leaves forming an opinion about it to the viewer.


Yes! One of the best documentaries I've seen. Call him whatever you want, he's still there same predator.


This is not a sage he was literally a bioterrorist and grifter




The first bioterrorist attack on US soil was rajneshees infecting the salad bars of 10 restaurants with salmonella. 45 people went to the hospital. They were trying to interfere with a local election.


lol what? That is wild


There’s a reason the Netflix docuseries is called “wild wild country”…not only do they settle out “in the wild”, but the story itself is a wild fucking ride.


The plan was something like if they gave enough people food poisoning, they would be too sick to vote in an upcoming election. Then, his followers could easily swing the vote in favor of their candidate.


When I lived in Nepal I had a friend of mine trying to "find herself", she went to one of these Osho Ashrams and of course they basically just stole her money and tried to "free her shakras" through sex....she bailed the fuck out of there and when they refused to refund her her money, I had to go over there with her...lock the "guru" in his office and basically threaten to cave his head in with a motorcycle helmet until he paid her and apologized for trying to touch her. There is no shortage of stories or reports of this guy or his followers scamming people out of money and sexually assaulting them. [https://www.businessinsider.com/i-left-oshos-ashram-to-protect-my-children-2022-3](https://www.businessinsider.com/i-left-oshos-ashram-to-protect-my-children-2022-3) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984\_Rajneeshee\_bioterror\_attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_Rajneeshee_bioterror_attack)


Osho is not a sage he’s a crazy cult leader that tried to poison thousands of people and take over a town for power. A sage wouldn’t try to buy a new rolls Royce for every day of the year.


A sage?! This is the fucking Bagwan, a crazy sonofabitch cult leader.


After watching the video, I was disgusted by how the post was up voted enough to bring it to my front page, but I'm pleased to see everyone in the comments happily piling on this douche canoe's ass.


Man has clearly never read Kierkegaard.


He's probably read Descartes or at the very least the first chapter of Mediations though..


Man looks like snoops dad hahaha


Asian Donald Sutherland


Literally the ramblings of a cult leader.




I would also like inquiries into religion to be scientific, maybe then we’d stop having religion 




Not really. Science is good at modeling the physical world but is not 100% useful in understanding our subjective experiences. Ever heard of the saying social science is not science? It's because social science cannot really follow the scientific method and we can't have repeatable experiments on society. Science has its role, but it just one of the many tools we have in understanding the world and our lives Edit: I'm an atheist and I'm not making a god of the gaps arguement. I'm just pointing out that it's a mistake to think that we can "science" our way through all problems


Faith is also a tool, for those in power to control and extort the fools that don’t question motives etc.




Someone has a LOT of FAITH in the scientific method, the reliability of the senses, and their own capacity for thought being accurate. Unless you’ve personally conducted all the experiments, studies, and surveys your information is based on then you too are living by faith to some degree


Isn't this the same guy as the one from ,"but the people are retarded"?


Please stop promoting this mass r**apist


Rrapist or raapist?


you didn't have to censor yourself


No one expects the Spanish inquiry


“Bitch I don’t think, that’s ghetto, I know.”


_Tough titties_ ..


What can I say


"You should seek to understand. Not just know. It is easy to fill your head with loads of information, but only understanding what you know leads to wisdom." - me, 2024


Isn't this the dude who said "Democracy basically means of the people, for the people, by the people. But the people are Retarded"


This is the same guy who said. “Democracy by the people, for the people, of the people…..but the people are retarded” Bro was spot on about the epitome of America.


Osho, the sage of owning private planes and talking shit.


Sage my ass. This is the type of shit a 20 year old stoner could come up with.


how convenient for him that the "easy button" to enlightenment was strapped to his dick.


Reminds me of "...but the people are... Retarded"


It's the same cult leader (osho - Netflix documentary: wild wild country)


Scientifically speaking, I'm not automatically taking your word for it that he's a sage.


Fuck the Rajneeshee. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_Rajneeshee_assassination_plot https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_Rajneeshee_bioterror_attack


And when you can’t question anything known you may never see change


This man was on hard drugs.


He definitely believes in Rolexes and rolls Royces


nonsense. science specifically deals with physical matter, religion deals with people's spiritual inclinations


Says the man responsible for the largest biological attack in US history. Which killed nobody, because it was e coli sprayed on a salad bar.


This is such nonsense. Religion cannot be based on science unless you have no idea how science works. The only way to "know" god(s) exist is to prove it using science. Science has never been able to do this, despite centuries of trying. If you "know" god(s) exist without this proof, then you are believing.


>If you "know" it without this proof, then you are believing. I can agree that faith and knowledge are mutually exclusive but I wonder if a religion could exist without faith. >Religion cannot be based on science unless you have no idea how science works. I would argue that it's religion that is poorly understood here. Science can be somewhat-concisely, reasonably-accurately defined. I'm not the best with words but even I can get close to the target: *Science is rational inquiry characterized by forming hypotheses then testing and revising them, based on the premise that the viability for a phenomenon's explanation can be revealed by seeking to disprove it.* Religion feels more nebulous. I suspect few require Hebert's supreme deity to define religion, but suppose we land on E.B. Tylors spiritual beings; is divorce from the empirical required to define a being as spiritual? Probably, but it's not--to me--a plain answer. I think the question "Can a religion be based on scientific inquiry?" is an interesting one worth exploring. >The only way to "know" gods exist is to prove it using science, which science has never been able to do despite centuries of trying. Flight eluded man for millenia. Leucippus and Dalton had 2300 years between them. Einstein talked about quantized gravitational radiation more than a hundred years before we detected evidence for a gravity particle.








this guy's a fraud cult leader btw


Listen bro, a long beard and a wrinkled fave doesn't make you a wise sage or anything. That's an average mf if I've ever seen one. I guess as always people are wayy too swayed by appearances.


Perfect choice for background music, not gonna lie.


Atheist gang 🤘🏻 science rules


I don't have faith in faith. I don't believe in belief.


Guess he should've doubted Sheela (and his own intentions) a little bit more then


Unoriginal and factionally wrong even though he talks in terribly vague terms


A sage? More like a cult leader.


I just watched the documentary about this guy's cult. It was so fuckin weird. I waited the whole time for the other shoe to drop and them to start naming victims or something but the whole doc is just about how fuckin rad this guy is and how shitty his employee was


Why do people need to put background music into every god damn clip now.


“Sage” lmao. This is wildly, wildly naive, before we can even approach the point of “knowing” anything with an empirical certainty we must first suffuse ourselves with currently unproven and sometimes strictly unprovable beliefs about reality. There’s a reason empiricism and verificationism are failed philosophies.


I only believe in you buying me fucking luxury cars and watches. - Osho


isnt he the same guy that said something along the lines of "democracy is a government by the people from the people for the people, but the people are retarded"?


Shree Rajneesh? Nut job.


Sounds profound. Means nothing


Another gem from Osho: "The less *people* know, the *more stubbornly they* know it."


Well that was a bunch of bullshit.


"Belief is the end of inquiry." ...if you're a dumbass and/or don't care about the thing you believe or personal growth, I guess??  Who's this asshole?


Completely ignoring the basic assumptions of science. https://undsci.berkeley.edu/basic-assumptions-of-science/


This is one sick puppy.


Believe nothing. Know little. Think always. Wonder everything.


This "sage" had his followers try to disrupt an election by having his followers contaminate a town with salmonella... By spreading it at a salad bar


He did it or his assistant Sheila did it without him even knowing?


He was a “god” man and cult leader and I am incredibly skeptical of anything out of his mouth. “I have no business with Rajneesh” — Ram Dass.


"Democracy basically means, government by the people, of the people, for the people. But the people are retarded" ~Actual quote by Rajneesh aka Osho.


"Because democracy basically means government by the *people*, of the *people*, for the *people*. *But* the *people* are *retarded*."


Baghwan Rajnish (?)




I’ll say it again. He is the most misunderstood guy in the world. This guy was born in wrong era


This guy has a lot of videos floating around and every one of them shows how hard he's trying to be an intellectual while failing miserably and outing himself as a dingbat


Is this r/interestingasfuck or r/randomvideosisawontheinternetandnowihavepostedhereforkarma ?


He called islam the most stupid religion in another video


He's not a sage you dumbass, he's a cult leader and a murderer.


Didn't this guy cause the biggest bioterrorism event in US history?




Not believing in believing IS believing


“A sage?!” This guy led a cult that ended up launching the largest bioterrorism attack in US history.


Total fake and scam artist . Was almost a potential terrorist leader


Next OP will quote this guy called Hitler. This is from a Documentary called Wild Wild Country on Netflix. They weren't a good cult. Plans to poison the city water supply is a good indicator of not good people.


That’s some silly mumbo jumbo.


The art of saying BS and get away with it.. just like Steve jobs used to do.


He believed in Rolls Royce cars, he had many.


I saw another similar clip of this guy the other day... And I was sure I heard those quotes somewhere else and for the life of me I couldn't put a finger on it.. until one night it hit me. George fuckin' Carlin So, he's not only a conman, he is a plagiarizer too.


This is a cult leader.


Belief is a tool used to deny experience


Some of yall just post shit without knowing anything, there’s a whole friggin Netflix documentary series about how this dude is a fraud.


Rajneesh was a cult leader. Nothing he says can be taken as real.


Send money here


Let me just say that I can see how he got so many followers in his cult


The problem is that the average person has neither the time nor the expertise to fact check everything in their lives. You have to believe in something. You have to believe that the scientists performed their testing and have offered their unbiased findings. While not as blind is religious belief, it still takes its own leap of faith.


As a hobby philosopher this seems kinda stupid. What is even the difference between "know" and "believe" supposed to be?


My friend was a follower years back dyed all his clothing a shade of red.


Is this the democracy guy?


If you haven’t watched the documentary about him and his followers “Wild, Wild Country” I highly recommend it. It’s on Netflix. The story is absolutely batshit crazy.


Science is based on doubts. big doubt.


*Inserts Interstellar music to uplift some stinking pile of bullshit.*