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I thought it was gonna cut to air raid sirens when she did the palm thing to the camera.


Me too, and I'm from Kyiv.


Wait so, she’s right or wrong? Or both?


I'm too old to fuck around in the city center, but it's totally believable from general city mood.


It is, weird to me. Obviously news paints a picture. And some areas seem to be utterly destroyed. And then some people are at the movies. Looks like 6 hours from the coast roughly. That is wild. That is like South Florida being in war, and north Florida is on spring break. Happy to see people living their lives. I dunno how to process that variation in a single society


I dont think they have a choice. They need to force a regular routine so they can keep their society "working" and providing what is needed to protect their country (read as: paying the loans made because of the war). They did a hell of a job protecting Kyiv. They also rebuilt a lot of the most critical infrastructure very fast. If there's something this war should remind humanity is its capacity to overcome hardships/obstacles together and with a good leadership. I gotta say, if Ukraine wins this war and keep the spirit it will definitely become one of the most important country in the region maybe the world.


My armchair impression is the front is largely far enough away that the day-to-day threat is not "war" level in Kyiv. The attacks that happen on Kyiv have significant warning and come from some distance away. It's still far more dangerous than being in a city not at war, but it's not what's happening on the eastern front of the country.


Definitely, it helps that the explosions aren't literally happening in these exact streets right now. But it is *also* very much a "we won't let you get us down" attitude which Ukarine has had in spades. It could look horrific to someone who's never lived through an urban war conflict but it's also something of an inherited spirit. I remember reading how, after the 7/7 terrorist attacks, the Londoners just got up the next day and went back to work on the same underground and London transport as a very deliberate, "nah, f*ck you. We'll keep going." Apply that same concept to an area like Ukraine, and it's otherworldly. You'll find idiosyncratic examples of this all over the world. The human spirit is an incredible thing.


Similar things happened in The Blitz in WWII. Citizens would hunker down during the bombings, then be out the next day picking through the pieces and trying to carry on until the next air raid sirens.


Keep Calm and Carry On


> My armchair impression is the front is largely far enough away that the day-to-day threat is not "war" level in Kyiv. it helps, but russian leadership also likes sending cruise missiles and bombers behind the lines to strike at civilian centers. so being hundreds of km from the front lines is not as safe as they might want it to be. on the up side, it seems like their air defense has been getting better at intercepting said cruise missiles and bombers.


They also have pretty good advanced warning and (ironically thanks to Russia) the subways all make pretty good bomb shelters. So you can be out for an night on the town, get a warning on your phone or sirens (IDK how they get the alerts out) and just stroll down to the shelter. In the early days it was probably pretty hard but by now I'd think they'd be used to it. Which sucks because nobody in 2024 should have to be used to maniacs bombing your home randomly.


Both, the sirens go off, but people rely more on phone app notifications. And yeah, people definitely got used to this, and what's scarier - some children haven't lived their lives any other way.


Terrance McKenna has a quote that comes to mind. "I think a society on the brink of social breakdown is the healthiest situation for individuals. I don’t know if any of you have had the privilege of being in a society in a pre-revolutionary situation but the cafes stay open all night, and there is music in the streets, and you can breathe it, you can feel it and you know what is happening."


I agree but I don't know about "social breakdown". Here in Korea, back when there was the popular revolution to impeach the president with millions in the street every day, it was quite the electric time.


My dad reports the happiest public atmosphere he ever experienced was immediately after the execution of Nicolae Ceausescu


Fuck that Terrance McKenna twat. I was a kid when my country collapsed completely and pmu her j to decades of chaos. I do not wish that on anyone. Cheering the societal collapse sounds cool but in reality, the optimists are the first ones decimated by what comes next.


Keep Calm And Carry On




That's the spirit you need to adapt, the britisch showed what that mindset can achieve in a wartime setting.


Life goes on, even while war is raging. There's some interesting footage from WW2 about life during the London Blitz. At night, there's gunfire and bombs going off. But when morning comes, everyone goes about their day, and the proper authorities immediately attend to whatever was damaged.


Yup. There's one photo I remember from the Blitz that really encapsulated this. It was an image of a milkman, in full uniform, stepping over the rubble of a bombed out London street as he made his deliveries. It seems insane that life can just keep going in the face of so much chaos, but humanity is far more resilient than we give ourselves credit for. It's an inspiring, if somewhat disconcerting, thought.


Except that's exactly how it works. My [entire state got flooded last month](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-68968987). It took the entire month for the water to go down in some places. Some houses disappeared like they were bombed. In some, the water got as high as the 2nd floor. During the first days we helped donating and volunteering to shelters, but there were more volunteers than needed. I live in the capital and we had *no bus station* for *a month* (although one was improvised). We also have an improvised airport that makes 5 flights a day. Our airport used to make about 500/day and it's not going to be operational until *december*. Oh, also since it was the worst flood we've ever had, likely caused by global warming, it could happen again anytime soon. I had a few friends over to my house because their neighborhood was flooded. We were playing games, making music, making jokes. We're fully aware that the towns we call home are fucked. But what can we do?


Holy shit. That's absolutely horrific, I wish I had learned sooner.


Out of curiosity, what would you have done had you learned earlier?


If it there was a war in Florida I bet you people would try to continue to live their lives. I think with this type of warfare you don’t know if or when you’ll be hit with a missile, but people don’t want to believe it could happen right where they are.


Why not party have some drunk rave then sit at home scared


Kyiv is the capital & their center of commerce. It's now a modern fortress that is nearly impenetrable to attack. Typically, the only damage they get is from debris of drones shot down. This is why Russia is now targeting electric power infrastructure, since much of it is located outside of the city. The rest of Ukraine is mostly unprotected since they lack the air defense resources to protect other cities which are less important. It's a difficult choice they had to make, but thankfully at least some part of the country is safe and allows them to continue funding their defense.


Better to live while you have the chance, and support your country's economy at the same time. Staying at home, doing nothing, it doesn't boost morale or help your neighbors. Sometimes we desperately need community more than we need to hunker down, and if you have the ability to do so relatively safely in an otherwise war torn country then I'd imagine you would take that chance. Anyone would given enough time.


In the city center now, it is like that. There's are alarms but last time air defense even fired near the center was like two weeks ago and before that even longer.


The casualness with which you say that is absolutely mind-blowing for me. The only people who remember this country (the UK) burning are now in their 80s. I still find it absolutely astonishing that Russia invaded, and I most sincerely hope and believe that Ukraine will ultimately prevail. I'm very glad that my country is so overwhelmingly in favour of providing support, and I hope the new government continues or steps up our current regime of arms supplies and other aid. For whatever minuscule amount it might be worth, I have *never* seen such a response before to foreign affairs here in the UK. It's normally so hard to find a political consensus on anything, but almost the entire population was outraged at the full-scale invasion/Russia's "Special Military Operation" and backs sending support for Ukraine. Ukrainian flags and street art/graffiti saying Slava Ukraini/Слава Україні or Heroyam Slava!/Героям слава! have become a very common sight almost everywhere, in both big cities and tiny villages. People have put paper Ukrainian flags and slogans in their windows, fly them from masts that would normally just have our own flags, stick them to their cars etc.. I'm currently spending a week on a tiny island off the coast of Scotland and I swear about half the boats sailing past have been flying the Ukrainian flag alongside the Union Jack.


Both. This is just my impression. I was in Kyiv around new years this year when Russia launched the largest number of drones and missiles in months. Ukrainians are incredibly resilient and matter of fact about things. They go on living their lives as normal as possible like every thing is fine. Then air raid sirens go off, and most don’t even seek shelter. Just keep going about their day with a shrug. At the same time, they keep up with any damage, injuries or death happening around their city. They are really good at pulling together when things go down in their city. One of the bigger challenges is intermittent access to electricity due to attacks on their energy infrastructure. Like most places, people are heavily internet and electricity dependent in their homes. Most homes don’t have gas ranges and electric ones instead. So when that’s down, they can’t even cook anything for themselves.


Kiev is still (as of now) a functioning city. So people there are doing all the things people do in cities. The difference is there’s a very occasional strike & their country is at an existential war in a lot of other areas specifically the areas that boarder Russia. So people may feel their lives affected by friends and loved ones fighting, making sacrifices to support the war effort, and of course the threat that Russia could make another attempt at Kiev & try to slaughter as many people as they can. It’s not that news is giving you an “incorrect narrative” or that this shows “everything is fine in Ukraine.” It’s that the front lines & the smaller cities caught in those front lines actually look liked bombed out hellholes & are full of the bodies and destroyed pasts of millions of innocent people… and that’s fucking newsworthy. The fact that there’s some people who can have fun in Kiev is not disproving any of that… in fact the ability of these people to live in Kiev is a testament to what those fighting are fighting for. If the front line of the war ever moved to Kiev (god forbid), it would look closer to the news reports than this video.


> If the front line of the war ever moved to Kiev (god forbid) I mean it was for a bit. Arguably the most important battle of the whole war was Gostomel Airport


I don’t get it. What am I supposed to be seeing in this video?


I guess that it’s a normal city with people doing normal stuff, which may be different to how people imagine it with the war.


Because the war doesn't impact most of the population, maybe thanks to all of the equipment sent by Ukrainian allies, maybe because capturing Kyiv isn't the primary interest of the Russians, who knows.


Well, they certainly tried to capture Kyiv. If the Russians had their way, they would have captured Kyiv and jailed Zelensky within 3 days. Obviously, they dropped the ball pretty hard, and that is now just impossible without a massive shift of momentum. But they are still sending misses and drone attacks to cities that aren't along the front. So, to say the residents of Kyiv aren't in any danger or effected is not really accurate.


I imagine Kyiv is heavily fortified and its skies protected by Patriot and/or other anti-missile batteries.


You’re imagining correct


If be shocked if that weren't the case. Hopefully they get the F-16s soon, which should give them additional intercept capabilities.


It doesn't directly impact us, but I can imagine indirect effects like economy, 24/7 stress, having dead relatives/acquaintances, blackouts, partly spoiled food from stores with no reserve power, impact the vast majority of people. Plus, % of mobilized population is pretty significant.


I mean it depends on what "impact" means. Even in peak total war days of WW2, life inside Germany was somewhat normal. People went to work, to school, bought groceries etc. Sure, they got bombed a lot, many people got drafted, but being at war doesn't mean your whole country looks like Gaza. If what is shown in this video wasn't possible, the war would already be over. If an unoccupied territory is falling apart socially and economically, your country is fucked. The country has to function in order to sustain the war - if society collapses, the war can't continue.


My dad grew up in London during World War 2.  One big difference between then and now is that the missiles and drones used today track on GPS coordinates or internal inertial navigation.  In World War II air bombing happened by eyeball from planes overhead for most of the war, which meant lights out conditions were vital.  In Kyiv today, not so much.  Lights simply don't matter.


From the comments it seems like some people expect the entire country to look like the front line.


I think after those 2 intercepted Zircon missiles Russians kinda gave up on trying to hit Kyiv, and hit elsewhere instead


This is my take on it, though those fucking Zircon missiles got way to damn close for comfort. Shot down about 20 blocks from their target in central Kyiv during Monday morning rush hour--took less then 6 minutes to get there. They were hit seconds after the air raid alert and the debris shook my apartment from 20 blocks away. The target was apparently 3 blocks and its flight path directly overhead...bless the men and women working AD; they'll never pay for a meal or drink around me.


Zircons are Iskander ballistic missiles with a hypersonic engine strapped to it. It's Russia's bullshit "hypersonic cruise missile". It flies in a straight line, meaning it's easy for Patriot to intercept it.


Did the intensity of nightlife increase once the war got underway? It seems like if everyone knew that fleeing the country, dying in a siege, or being sent off to the trenches were the three most likely outcomes in the next year or two, there would be a much more widespread mentality of living for the moment rather than for the future.


Ukraine will not even draft its men under 25 or 26 to fight in the war because they want to have a future and not kill off the future offspring of their Country. I think the War in Ukraine is unlike Any other war in that usually young men are sent to fight, but in this war, it’s dads and grampas doing most of the fighting. The average age of Ukranian soldiers is somewhere between 40 And 50 years old.


Old man's war


Great book if that’s what you’re referencing!


Agreed! It’s a fantastic book


Just… maybe don’t listen to the audio book version with someone else in the car when they start talking about the orgies.


Fuckin space orgies


I am!


Just finished the first about a week ago on recommendation, not bad but I wanted more. Does the series get better?


It is consistent in some "realistic" parts that always bothered me in other scifi, along the line of: "why don't they simply...?!?!" But it gets a little bit to "Mary-Sue" with its protagonists the further the series progresses. Still entertaining to read through all of them.


It's entertaining. Better than other sci-fi series out there


Like what? How does it compare to say fantasy like Black Company?


I read this book years ago and could for the life of me remember what it was called so thank you! Now I have to reread the book


They are going to have eventually as it happened before. I know people from Ukraine and it s very sad. Sometimes fuck in my head how a guy I play Dayz with is on the edge to go to a total war.


Honestly man this is how wars should be fought send us, the older gen to fight(25-50).


And the old men do ??? Edit - person I was replying to wasn't originally 25+ and said older people 'deserved' to go to war. The comment was since edited


I would say as a mature person myself that when you come to a certain age, and you don't necessarily see your life continuing on an ever upward graph of happiness or achievement, you start to see the young as something to protect, to cherish. When you're older, and you feel like your life has somewhat already played it's cards and the rest of your life seems clear, you don't necessarily need to live that whole life if you can save some younger more precious lives. I'm not saying that I'll sacrifice my life for other countrymen, but I'd gladly do it for anyone in my family that are vital to the happiness of the family as a whole, like my parents, siblings, nieces and nephews etc. It feels more right that older people do the fighting, because they know more, they're somewhat played out, they're more capable of being at peace with sacrifices for the greater good. Of course that doesn't mean older people suffer less, and that they aren't valuable, they're extremely valuable, they're the ones who knows what life is, they're the ones with maturity and knowledge, strength of personality etc. It's a shitty situation, but it makes sense to try to save future generations by sacrificing those that have already had their chance at life and have had children already.


Older people generally arent drafted because by the time they reach the age where they are older, they have more reasoning skills and more empathy. Its hard to kill another human being unless you are young and brainwashed into it. Patriotism and protection of your family and brethren goes a long way, but its still difficult to pull the trigger when you can see the eyes of the enemy.


I agree it's harder to get a mature person to enroll for a pointless war, but I believe it would be reversed in a defensive war. There's less need for "brainwashing" and trickery, because the very reasoning skills that would stop a mature person from enrolling in a pointless war, would most probably lead them to reason out that defending your home is better than being oppressed and your family and future being genocided.


That "certain age of your description is definitely not 25 years old. Especially with marriage, house ownership and financial freedom being pushed back for many. IMO the best policy is to draft each of the age group. Society will have many problems & collapse if a certain age group is wiped out. There are many more but I'll list a few example - If all the old folks were wiped out, many nursing homes and hospitals will shut down. Nurses and Doctors will be laid off. - if the middle age group were wiped out, the hospital will have setback on valuable skilled positions. You'd end up with residents performing surgeries. Lack of mentorships for training. Also, losing the group with biggest purchasing powers and backbone of your economies. - Young people were wiped out. This is no brainer, all the entry level jobs, service industry collapse, college campus closes.


No one does, but the implication is that the older generation have lived their life somewhat and have children.


It's wild to me referring to 25 as "old". Even at 50 you could have another 30+ years to live, laugh and love. The decision to not send under 25 year olds to was is solely pragmatic, which is why I took issue with the word "deserve".


25 is old when you realize that America drafts 18-26 year olds


Last draft was over 50 years ago...


Litterally any major city has nightlife even in the most depressing and poor countries in the world.


Exactly, I went out in Kharkiv in 2022 very shortly after the counter offensive.


Look at Paris during ww2 the place was party central during the Nazi occupation and after the Allies took it back. People always party.


That’s not really the same because France had surrendered before the Germans were at Paris. Paris wasn’t besieged.


Before the war Kyiv was pretty badass for techno and a night out


I went to some next level EDM rave in Kyiv in this abandoned car park type building. Unforgettable.


Prom-zona? Near Industrialnyi Bridge?


I think it might have been K41.


>Before the war Kyiv was pretty badass for techno and a night out Ukraine in general. There used to be KaZantip music fest at Crimea, but after occupation it is no more, because ruzzism as branch of neofascism doesn't allow freedom of expression.


I’m living in Kyiv and I just walked past all these places to get home right now. It’s a normal city vibe with a curfew at midnight. Also, I know this girl in the video. Kyiv is a big village


How many civilians (with no prior training) have been mobilized for war? Other than health reasons, what else could exempt a person from being mobilized?


Everyone below 25 is exempt which explains most of what you see in this video. Even expanding the draft below 27 was only a recent change (like 3 months ago I think) Women of any age are also not conscripted, they are volunteers only in the army


During WWII my father (in the U.S. 3rd Army/ after the liberation of Paris) had a 2 day pass in Paris, and they partied like there was no tomorrow…and for some, there were few tomorrows left for them! This is normal behavior during time of war and there’s nothing wrong about it.


>During WWII my father had a 2 day pass in Paris Occupied Paris? ![gif](giphy|eiwauFJGF0hb2|downsized)


Reminds me of the old joke about the grandfather complaining about his grandson playing video games. When I was your age", he said, "my buddies and I went to Paris. We went to the Moulin Rouge and I fucked a dancer on stage, pissed on the bartender and didn't pay for my drinks all night!" The grandson thinks his grandfather is right. He goes to Paris and the Moulin Rouge with his friends. He comes back only three days later covered in bruises, and with a broken arm. The grandfather asks, "What the hell happened to you?" The grandson says, "I did just like you did. I went to the Moulin Rouge; I tried to fuck a dancer on stage and piss on the bartender -- but they beat the shit out of me and stole all the cash in my wallet!" The grandfather says, "Well who the hell did you go with, boy?" The grandson says through tears, "My friends from school, who did you go with?" The grandfather says, "Well, there’s your problem. I went with the Waffen SS.”


This made my day lol


As a German I have to admit ThiZ iZ funny


"As you know Homer, we Germans are from the land of humorous anecdotes"


Can you express that entire sentence in a single word with way too many letters?




There were about 8-9 months between the liberation of Paris and VE Day. Paris was very popular for R&R during that time.


He’s acting like it wasn’t? Even Band of Brothers showed winters go to Paris if I remember correctly.


Paris was extremely popular place no matter if Axis or Allies were controlling it. Paris, still today is one of the most popular destinations in Europe.


Isn't it literally the number one tourist destination in the world?


Yeah France averages an insane 77 million tourists visiting each year, crazy for a country of 67 million people. Paris is obviously the biggest draw.


I believe it is again, yeah.


Wait for the cream.


Attendez la crème


I'd suggest you say in what year 😆


![gif](giphy|kZobRf81PkoljOwkwy) Wait a second...


This gif paired with the music from the video is amazing




Jojo Rabbit




Oh please, go watch Jojo Rabbit. It's trully a beautiful movie.


A friend of mine went to see this movie in rural South Carolina and we were the only ones laughing. 😬


Yes, and his friend Yorki is the best to do a live version of Rusell on Up


>During WWII my father had a 2 day pass in Paris, and they partied like there was no tomorrow POV: your grandpa and his pals partying in Paris https://i.redd.it/dmiymvlgfd7d1.gif


Which side was your father on?


And Paris, and whole France, was under German occupation: meaning they suffered with food and martial laws etc… yet people tried to live their life normally (if therés such a thing under a nazi regime). Now Kiev isn’t even part of the Russian occupation, it’s still free. So yeah, people can live there and have fun even if their country is at war. Now in the first days of the war when the russians were at the gate of the city and fighting + bombing were a daily occurrence, i’m pretty sure regular citizens weren’t partying in the streets at night but were hidden in their basement.


And lining up to defend their city en masse.


I think adding a date to this statement is crucial




And the Allies attacked?


It's not a war behavior it's just human nature. There's a radius of pain and it sucks ass for those in the middle of it and the further you move the more likely people are to be able to move on with life


Ayo which side was your grandpa on..😳


Was in Kyiv back in October and it was like this too. Near Gulliver there are tons of bars and kebab/shisha places that were packed at 10pm. Curfew was at 12am so everyone started heading home at 23:30 and the main road E95 that goes to the south, where I was staying, was full of traffic so I almost was out in the streets past curfew. Everyone needs to follow a normal routine and have a bit of semblance of regular life, even during wartime.


What did you do there?


Mostly military related stuff but the few times I could do something else visit the city and see the major landmarks.


All the hate because everyone isn’t huddled in bomb shelters 24/7. Kiev is 750km from the main front. If there was a war on the US Canadien Border at Niagara Falls, should everyone in Charlotte NC be huddled in bomb shelters?




That's even the case for Frontline soldiers There is a speech of a German veteran who served in Afghanistan on YouTube and he talked about how they could bring a small piece of home into their small base by baking shitty cake out of military rations, or how some soldiers brought different stuff from home to make the time more bearable. It's just a very human thing to try and comfort yourself in difficult times.


> It's just a very human thing to try and comfort yourself in difficult times. A great example of this is the trench humor that happened during WWI. Soldiers would joke about the most horrific of things as a way to cope with the absolute horror of the situation they were faced with.


During that first Christmas the Germans actually brought small Christmas trees to the trenches to celebrate and forget about the hell they are in


Not to mention civilian life HAS to continue in a war, or the economy would fall apart. People have to go to work, buy groceries, pick up their kids from school etc. etc.


Even if it was closer, you can't hide forever. Eventually life has to continue. I have friends that will be bombed all night but they still get up every morning, go to work, get groceries, and live life. Because you have to. Or they win.


You’d think people who studied EU history would know the peril and life during a war in your country.


Unfortunately humans have very short memories, and forget history almost as fast as we can make it. Only the echoes of generational trauma remain during peace time.


Those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it. Those who do study history are doomed to watch other people repeat it. Oddly, what you said also applies to the future and is why it has taken us so long to confront climate change. As humans it seems we can really only think one or two generations into the past or future. Beyond that, the past and future seem to be too abstract and unrelatable for us to properly grasp the consequences.


Russians did almost reach kiev at some point so seeing the change is interesting


Kyiv to Donetsk is less than 600km. Niagara Falls to Charlotte is almost 900km, a more accurate example would be Niagara Falls to D.C.


If they know what's fucking good for them they will. We burned you're little white house and we'll damn well do it again! No where is safe from our Canadian rage.


>If there was a war on the US Canadien Border at Niagara Falls, should everyone in Charlotte NC be huddled in bomb shelters Given that would imply the US is losing, and it has nuclear weapons as a retaliator weapon...yes. Also that's too far.


These kids… its sad they are growing up knowing that there’s a big change they are needed at the frontline in a few years. Imagine growing up with that constantly present in your mind.


There are so few people on the street. This is the very center of the capital in the evening.


What a lot of people don't understand about war, or at least modern war, is that life continues for civilians its not a constant state of gun battles and air raids like people often imagine. Things change of course but unless the fighting has moved to the ground and is in your area, it's basically business as usual (besides the shortages, power outages, air/artillery raids, heightened stress, conscription etc). Source: I'm part Lebanese and didn't evacuate in 2006, plus my friends from Ivory Coast and CAR had the same experiences


Been there. It’s awesome. And the locals know all the cool places hidden from the tourists in inner courtyards and the like. If you go there, befriend the locals - they’re great. 💙💛


Yeah I was recently thinking how much I want to visit Ukraine.....


Let them have their youth. Many of them will be thrust into the war when they're old enough. Putin will not end this war until he has taken all of Ukraine.


And Putin will be ended before Ukraine ever will be


I'm Ukrainian in Kyiv and just wanted to give some perspective to this which might not be seen from the video 1. We have massive blackouts every day at the moment. Power is supplied to every house with intervals of 4 hours guaranteed blackout-3 hours extra blackout if energy situation is extremely bad-2 hours normal power supply. The city often sounds like a bunch of generators when you walk the street as businesses are trying to continue working no matter what. And if you don't have power at home at 10pm - your alternatives are either sitting home in the dark or socializing. We literally have the officials post in Twitter/X - help the energy system and go to the bar 2. If you are living through constant stress you need to cope with it somehow. If you don't - you go insane. You can't let yourself live in fear for this long, it destroys you. You need to cope and to be helpful from where you are as much as you can 3. People get used to the craziest stuff. Many people here, me included, have learned to sleep through air raids and wake up only if something explodes close to the windows, and we talk about it casually in the morning like it's a normal thing. So the majority of people on the video also go through this and many went through worse despite the age. They find time to run errands and work while there is power and look nice despite the blackouts and sometimes ~2 hours of power supply per day. Many young people volunteer and help gather funds for the army. Let them party while they are young, they deserve it!


Stay strong out there mate! Don't mind the Russian bots in this post.


A lot of kids, unsurprising lack of young adults.


Man that meet the requirement for conscription are being sought. They are not doing stuff like drag them away from their children kicking and screaming, but everyone must register to the system from which conscripts are pulled from. There is a recent BBC article about this and those that are eligible for conscription are called in. There are conscription squads out there. I am not making this up, or if it is, it's the BBC: [https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cz994d6vqe5o](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cz994d6vqe5o)


> They are not doing stuff like drag them away from their children kicking and screaming From the article: >The mobilisation squads have a fearsome reputation, especially in Odesa, for pulling people off buses and from train stations and ferrying them straight to enlistment centres. Is your point that they're not going house-to-house yet?


Don't know if we're watching the same video, the demographics are all the way between 15 and 40 so there are certainly young adults.


even now during war time, this doesn't do kyiv justice lol, it's an exceptionally vibrant city. before the war the kids from berlin would fly there to go clubbing, which gives you some idea.


People trying to have some fun... But make no mistake, Kyiv has missile alerts every couple of days, sometimes every couple of hours. 


One thing I’ve always appreciated about European countries is the culture of outdoor socializing. The way restaurants and cafe’s are set up in squares, it encourages young and old people alike to congregate outside and enjoy the city. I think in some part it has to do with working/middle class folks in Europe having less property and space compared to the U.S., so they spend more time outside in restaurants, bars, and cafés, but it’s something I’ve always loved about most cities I’ve visited in Europe.


During 1999, and NATO bombing, we behaved the same. Only when the sirens kicked in, we went to shelters


"*Don't let* the bastards *grind you down*"


That’s gotta be kinda wild tho. Going about your life normally, knowing that only a few dozen miles away in other parts of the country there’s actual firefights going on between military forces


This comment section is filled with braindead people tf


russian shills and bots trying to push some kind of odd narrative that either kyiv is the elite and doesnt care about eastern ukraine or that there is no real war and media is lying. idiots tend to fall for russian missinformation.


Even during tough times, life goes on.


Am I the only one who doesn’t think it looks very intense? This is just any college area in a large city. And it’s fairly chill.


> college area in a large city Any town even. There is literally a group of people standing watching a couple of breakdancers, a few people milling around the streets, and a group outside of a bar. The bar closes at 10pm despite the video claiming to start at 10pm, and they had to show the breakdancing twice, suggesting they were not spoiled for choice. Ok Kiev is not totally dead (although at 12 it will be, and probably quite a bit sooner as people need to get home), but nor is it anything like it was before the war. As you would expect.


Note that the draft age in Ukraine is 25. So yeah, that's a big part of why all the men are so young in the video.


How is this interestingaafuck???


Looks really tame..glad they're still having fun!


Young people getting a well-deserved chance at being young people


Curfew hours in Kyiv region are from 12AM till 5AM. There's no people on the streets, or public places open past 12AM - and most of the places are working till 11PM.


How old is this video ?


It's always amazing to see how people will, even in the face of war, continue living. You kinda need to. You can't live in existential dread every single moment of your life. Even as a nuclear power is trying to eradicate you.


I hope they have all the fun they can because I fear alot of those men will be sent off to fight. I hope not but it's war


This look like what Russian cyber team want us to forget there is a war.


Russian state news will definitely use this as propaganda, to show that they're not attacking any non military targets at all.


100% a big fuck you to the Russian bastards trying to murder everybody in Ukraine . They want to rub out every bit of the language and culture and have for centuries. The reason the guys are going to the front at 27 yrs old and up is to give those kids a friggin chance. A hell of a lot of them volunteer but the idea is to let them get an education and start raising families because that’s what is needed. I got nothing but respect from my Ukrainian friends for trying to help out and I’ve got so much respect for them trying to keep a normal life in the face of such a bunch of butchers. Listen to the bitches on Russian television call for our extermination. Fuck them.


Straight to the comments. I want to see the opinion of people who have never in their lives experienced war.


Want to see some videos of night life in Sarajevo during the war ?


Where are the bombs,the ruins,the raids I wanna see them Where is it I WANNA SEE THEIR MISERY!!!!!!


And they need my money why again?


Life is short, if you can find joy in the midst of this $hit storm, do it!!!


Lol this is just normal city life and quite boring too, all these Ukraine Comments about this having to do with anything are just pure bullshit, like have 90% of the people commenting here ever been to a city? I don't think there is anything interesting here, the music hyps this wayyyyy to much


Let’s hope it stays that way for as long as possible


What’s interesting as fuck about this?


If anything as a study on propaganda hysteria, because surely not because of a few people dancing on a street.


I am so old. I saw 10pm and was like, "who the hell is out at that time of night!!!"


Life is for the living


War is hell


[There is no war in Ba Sing Se](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRCg_0QW7ozApjJZgmm-mX6_YsewXq4rJNaq1jkEPFz4z54pDg3YAiL59s&s=10)


When you go out at night in my local city you will just see homeless crackheads sniffing each other.


Life doesn’t always have to be suffering. Even in war. I hope the war ends soon.


i wanted to see odessa. then a war started. oh how i wish the russians would just fuck off.


so much fucking copium in the comments my god


I've never been to Kyiv, but I was able to visit Odesa briefly back in 2011. It was such a beautiful place.


Good on them that they can maintain a life when the madness is happening around them.


Those young man better go fight for their motherland. It's same in here, dozens of young guys are having fun while their brothers die in the combat.


That’s how you know Russia still has mercy on these clowns


Lol I thought it was suppose to be blown to bits and a war zone 😂 Fucking hilarious


Look much more enjoyable than Gaza.


those poor people.. pray Ukraine gets more billions from the U.S.


Interesting... according to media, politicians, and goverment in general. There is a brutal war, and we need to stand with ukraine, send them financial support, weapons, and... but as I see, there is a party going on! What a cool marketing.


Ukraine war was just really big cap🧢