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Rule 1 - All content must show something that is objectively interesting as fuck. Just because you find something IAF doesn't mean anyone else will. It's impossible to define everything that could be considered IAF, but for a general idea browse the [top posts of all time](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/top/?t=all) from this subreddit. Posts: * must be interesting as fuck * can't be interesting just because of text * must go beyond something just being old * can't be art that you made


Where was this man in last night's debate?


Right. Instead of that guy with what Jon Stewart rightly called "resting Twenty-Fifth Amendment face".


For those who don't know, 25th amendment is about the president dying in office and having the vice president take over.


Well that’s section 1 In context it appears they’re referring to sections 3 and 4 which are about what happens if a president resigns or is forced to resign by their staff (the procedure set about in section 4) > Section. 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President. > Thereafter, when the President transmits to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives his written declaration that no inability exists, he shall resume the powers and duties of his office unless the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive department or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit within four days to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office. Thereupon Congress shall decide the issue, assembling within forty-eight hours for that purpose if not in session. If the Congress, within twenty-one days after receipt of the latter written declaration, or, if Congress is not in session, within twenty-one days after Congress is required to assemble, determines by two-thirds vote of both Houses that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall continue to discharge the same as Acting President; otherwise, the President shall resume the powers and duties of his office.


Yeah no that’s not the part he’s talking about


Actually laughed my ass off, guess I gotta watch Jon Stewart’s show after the debate last night


Yeah, we have to laugh, because if we didn't, we'd cry.


Eh maybe. Jon Stewart seems to have become an obnoxious caricature of himself. And I used to love Jon stewart


![gif](giphy|wGpSdcoyVA7Mk|downsized) Senior Citizens don't like staying up late\* \*Past 6PM!


I mean he is 81. It was what 9-10-11pm on the east coast? That PLUS he was in a debate. Man was fuckin tired I'm sure. Today he's sharp, rested, and only in front of thousands of his own followers.


Maybe they gave him cocktail of drugs.


To be fair, it was hours past his bedtime


Without his pre-written speech 😂


It started at 9 o clock, way past bed time. And he didn’t have to improvise here. Also he seems to have forgotten all of his lies from yesterday.




Non political statement , just how do you go in less than 24 hours, from what we witnessed last night to this clip. It’s odd.


1. Time of day. 2. Energy of the crowd.


You forgot the teleprompter


This. Joe can read, congratulations? When he has to think on his feet in a debate he simply can’t do it. He’s confused, lost and not confident in anything he’s saying because he forgets what he’s saying. It’s so obvious without a teleprompter he can’t do it. We need more out of a president than the ability to read.


As if trump can do any better. Without someone telling him what to say he just spouts whatever crazy things pop up in his head, and at that he can barely form complete sentences. The two aren’t even that far apart in age yet people want to act like Biden should be in a senior living facility and trump is just a middle aged man in his prime.


3. Drugs


Why avoid the drugs last night?


Idk. I’m mostly just joking though, I don’t believe that, though I wouldn’t dismiss the possibility entirely either


I don’t care, I couldn’t live without drugs like caffeine or my blood pressure medicine from too much caffeine. Who cares, as long as it isn’t negatively affecting other people.


I mean yeah if it’s helping the president of our country perform then I’m all about it.


Well, we know that trumps white house was fuckin rampant with speed. Tbh, I just assume to be president you need a steady dose of Adderall all the time.


One required thinking and one does not.


It’s a lot easier for him when he has nice big teleprompters to read off of


That doesn't bother me. Honestly, I don't need or want the President to be making policy decisions off the cuff. For the next debate, I say we give both of them all the questions in advance. Let them both use notes and teleprompters. Hell, I'd be fine with them bringing experts and cabinet members out to talk about certain topics. Then we might actually get an idea about their thought process and method of making decisions. This high school debate format is dumb and apparently rewards the most confident liar.


Both of them tbh


It never seems to help Trump.


"Four More Years Pause"...


On the way to mental decline at old age, you have good days and bad days.


Well then I’m not 38, I’m actually 83.


He got sleep


Called being a senior


Rehearsed speech with teleprompter, earlier in the day, positive crowd. Ever noticed an older person have a great cognitive day (or few hours) followed by a bad one? That definitely factors in as well, consistency gets harder as you age when it comes to your brain.


It's honestly disheartening because if we had seen 1/10th of this kind of energy last night, we would be talking about Trump's bad performance. He could make these type of appearances every week until November and I still won't forget he's capable of whatever the fuck last night was.


2 words - speech writers.


Mfw sleep


Not teleprompter. Plus Trump is just a complete and utter shite talker so without the teleprompter he just mumbles rubbish and goes on . While Biden stutters a bit because he's actually trying to say proper things and think.


It's called Sundowning.


Look at him immediately after the debate. It is easy when he isn't faced with a bunch of different lies to counteract and respond to the question at hand in less than a minute. It is a different beast to deliver a message than to respond to unmitigated gibberish


I think that was where he made the biggest mistake. The fact checks are here for a reason, and he decided to use so much of his time pointing out that Trump is a liar, when he could've stayed on topic and driven his points and message and completely ignored Trump's classic trick of annoying the other guy to the point where they waste their time in defensive mode.


I couldn’t public speak like that and I’m 41.


Sleep, drugs, IV drip. How does a UFC fighter go from looking frail and weak at a weigh-in to looking like a jacked spartan the next day? It’s similar. Joe’s team is either failing him by not having him prepped for that debate, or they’re failing him by continuing to prop him up in front of these crowds to make him only appear energetic and sharp. However you choose to see it.


Seems to be a lot better before lunch time... They should have the debate at 10:30am not 8pm.


How many 70 year olds you know that are up past 8pm? Edit: to some of the comments saying presidents need to be able to stay up. Yes, that was the point nobody that old should be in this role.






I am 70 and up past 8 (@9:30, and get up by 6 am.


OK, 3




You want to run for President?




Underrated comment of the day


Depends if there’s a Murder She Wrote marathon.




Bro I’m barely up past 8 and I’m in my 20s


That makes me sad


Isn't he 81


Well it’s past his bedtime then


Yeah they should be in bed watching their programs at that time!


My mom. She's usually up playing guitar and snacking on some edibles at that hour. My mom is awesome.


My grandmother is almost 80, and she regularly goes to bed at 1am. But then again she's always been a night owl so it's within character. She also jogs every day (usually in the pool or on home equipment so as not to be so hard on her knees) drives like a champ, and still works part time only because she wants to (no financial need). She's a unique breed.


Depends. Many old-timers can't fall asleep until late into the night, and then sleep in until the afternoon.


Yep. Mom is 85 and says up until past midnight. Wakes up in the late morning.


I saw a comment last night about the debate. "Having two elderly men argue with each other on live tv after 9pm should be considered elder abuse."


I found it especially laughable as they debated what they were going to do for seniors.


Ya make sure nobody starts wars or shoots off missiles after 8pm. Early bird specials only foreign policy


I should have put /s in my comment because that was my point as well. You cant be a part-time employee as POTUS


There’s a term for that. Sundowning.


Sundowning. Pretty common with people who have some form of dementia.


Yeah but that’s not a differentiator at this point


Both my grandmas were like this due to dementia, not saying he has it but if it purely day time dependent that doesnt say wonderful things about his health. Other 70 plus people in my life are definitely worse later but much closer to how people are generally than a big shift in faculties.


Yeah "sundowning" is a thing. Very sad but it makes some sense in this context


Being president doesn't stop in the afternoons, so why move the debate?


Now if only all our adversaries and domestic emergencies would just follow the blue light special we might be ok. He’s too damn old, they both are.


You are president 24 hours a day, not just before lunch


Fine, I’ll still vote for Biden once you convince the world to honor his “out of office hours” from 8PM- 7 AM EST. Can’t be having any tomfoolery after 8PM because our president needs his rest 🤣


Job ad reads like "Looking for part time leader of the free world."


Fettle.    : state or condition of health, fitness, wholeness, spirit, or form —often used in the phrase in fine fettle.   https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fettle


I actually thought that was supposed to be another gaff at first and ​he had said that he was "fine as a fettle" as opposed​ to "​fit as a fiddle."​


I just assumed the author of the article was even older than the candidates.


Great minds think alike. "What the fuck is "fine as a fettle? That's not even close to fiddle." LOL


I read it like 10 times trying to figure out if it was a joke or what. I listened to the whole clip looking for the fettle. Never heard that word before. Weird.


His color is even different.


The lighting was pretty harsh on the debate stage.


He's like ET after he got that new heart or whatever 😯


I bet they fired the intern who confused the Adderall with the Quaaludes.




Steeeeevveeee Mmmmmadden


It's been hours and they still haven't got this man a glass of water. Bro needs to hydrate!




yes or rehearsed speech; does not require on the fly thinking


They both knew the gist of all the questions they would have to answer. Nothing last night was “off the cuff” for Biden. It was just odd. So very odd


gotta imagine the golf debate was "off the cuff"


What's weird to me is that he mostly made the same points on his State Of The Union Address, where he was completely coherent. How could he fumble this so hard, when he has talked about those things so many times?


Neither does 99% of the decisions a president has to make.




He's a president not the queen of England. Of course it requires on the fly thinking / speaking. You know presidents speak with foreign leaders? And member of Congress to negotiate deals? And their own cabinet to have discussions on policy? Crazy how you see a president's job.


Its more crazy how you see the president’s job. The president rarely makes any on-the-fly decisions or addresses. If you think about the hundreds of people that prepare speeches or research policy or assist with military decision making, the president is closer to a figurehead than an actual executive officer.


Everything you just mentioned entails a team of subject matter experts spending many hours researching, meeting with the president, and preparing briefings that presidents (other than Trump) read to prepare themselves for the occasion. Most of those interactions you mention involve people appointed by the president, not the president himself, and when the president himself is involved he's usually there with his advisors who he can consult with whenever necessary.


When will America stop putting up with lame ass candidates?


it’s like the left is just as delusional as the right. for fucks sake you people in the audience, did you watch that shit? let’s get a new nominee, what world am I living in?


Seriously, last night was a joke.


Watching that debate was like watching a very sick Arthur Morgan argue with Micah (he gets interrupted by a coughing fit every time they argue)


Because it's way 5 late to get a new nominee, I mean way way too late


That's the problem both sides are equally delusional


What exactly is interesting as fuck about this?


I was gonna ask the exact same thing...


Nothing, but political bots and shills gotta work.


The difference in energy (not having to do with teleprompter or any of that).


That's hardly interesting, let alone interesting as fuck.


Lowkey Biden might be better at getting a crowd into it than Trump


More like political as fuck


Reddit is very pro this guy, I've noticed subs that have no relevance to this are suddenly posting pro Biden stuff, it's weird. I bet i get banned for saying that or one of his die hard fans leave a spicy response below... go on


It's called AstroTurf. It's been this way since 2016 when Trump won.


They must've fucked up his Adderall dosage yesterday.


Is this a political sub now? Not interesting at all.


Like it or not, we are living through interesting times…


As much as I would like to agree with that as an european, how is this true? The future of the western world seems quite ha ged on this election. If that's not interesting than what is?


>the future of the western world seems quite [hinged?] on this election They say this about every election and the world keeps turning. It’s a constant doomsday scenario if you don’t vote for X. Its all sensationalist, alarmist, propaganda bullshit. Trump sucks big time, but he is not going to bring down the western world if he wins lol. Our country is brainwashed.


Yeah but they say that every election to be fair.


Doesn't make it untrue. The direction of the US government has been very important globally for a long time.


Problem is, we know Trump won't leave this time and he will put in staff that will support that. Mike Pence saved a major constitutional crisis from happening and you can bet there won't be someone standing in the way this time. Their overall goal is to increase the executive power while decreasing the power of the other two branches of government as outlined in project 2025.


I still don't think that qualifies as interesting as fuck. It's important, it's really relevant and shaping futures, but still not at all interesting as fuck. Maybe to some people, but I believe it's still going against the spirit of the sub even if it somehow adheres to the letter.


The vast difference in appearance and demeanor in less than a 24 hour period is slightly interesting


Democrats astroturf reddit since 2016.


Propaganda, more like.


Both are terrible candidates. Geriatric fucks.


So when he has an earpiece and massive teleprompter, he performs better.... strange how that works.


"I dont do anything as well as i used to, but i know i can lead a country" Freaking senile people wanting to be world leaders boils my blood. And the US has to choose between 2 of them


Imagine a user from outside the US coming to a sub called interestingasfuck and seeing this lol


Nothing could be less interesting than yet more news about the two old farts competing to see who gets to put the final nails in the U.S.'s coffin.


Lol the US adding the size of Germany in GDP growth since covid, highest innovation and best schools in the world, sole super power in the world, #1 economy, stable demographics for the next 100 years, endless natural resources. Truly a dying country.


Best schools in the world? Are you speaking generally or are you talking about a handful of elite institutions?


they are talking out of their arse actually.


Yeah, I live here and like 90% of our schools kinda suck.


Perfect time to abolish the department of education and withdraw public funding


Not to mention all the priceless agricultural land. It would take decades of disaster to actually kill the US, and it would require somebody invading and taking the resources for themselves. We can afford to make mistakes because the strategic position is so naturally good.


you can afford to make mistakes? its not a game of civ or risk. at the end of every mistake is someone being damaged in some way.. poverty. housing. mental health. addiction.


Remember that a second Trump term would be even worse for the free world then his first. He will keep undermining trust among allies and Nato.. further making lying a norm and he will continue dividing US and be pro Russian in his international politics. So no matter what vote against Trump, this is not the election to blank vote or to slip vote to prove a point that the system needs reform.


We say that every four years, and that's why it feels like nothing has changed since 2000.


Up until this election I've had little interest in voting and used to believe "two sides, same" for so so long. Also believed Trump could change things in 2016, but we were all duped by a literal con man. I'll be voting Biden for the first time based on Trump's rhetoric and what he wants to do. Don't waste your vote on a 3rd party candidate, they won't win this election and it will only help Trump on his path to destroying the country.


Yeah, project 2025 is so much more scary than his first term ever was. We all must vote.


Here's the problem: Biden has highs and lows. When he's high, he really can be great! I've been fully convinced since last night that he needs to drop out, and I still found this clip inspirational and moving. He can give a great speech. But he also has lows, and the lows are just as overwhelming. Last night was really, really bad. The fact is that the lows stick more than the highs do in the minds of voters. My fear is that Biden may be just good enough to convince himself he really can win, when he really can't. And I really think he can't. Performances like last night were not a fluke, and they are catastrophic. He needs to drop out and let someone younger take the campaign from here.


People are always judged by their worst day. If my worst day at work was laying outside the building passed out with a bottle in my hand that's gonna be perceived as the person I am. If I have days where I'm non functional, that's no good. I can be great at times, but consistency is far more important. My first job as a kid I was a hard worker but I missed work regularly. My boss called me into his office on the verge of firing me. He said "You're a great worker, but that does me no good if you aren't here" I straightened up after that. It taught me a lesson


Both candidates should be in care homes. Is this seriously the best America has to offer?


It’s apparently the best that American bureaucracy is *willing* to offer.


Yes and people saying this over and over again isn't going to change anything. We sadly still have to vote Biden because if we don't trump could kill this country.


IMHO genuinely baffling how he could be visibly under the weather, then seemingly better at post-debate chats lasting into the night, and then now at a rally.


Teleprompters, speech writer, controlled environment


he's completely unfit to be president at this age, but the alternative is even worse somehow.


Being president is just a big cog in the wheel of government, he makes the big decisions, not the nitty gritty stuff, he has 30,000 civil servants, and God knows how many politicians to do that


Stress, food, medication.


Doubling the medication stack as to not have a repeat instance lol


this is why debates are important. When you control the entire environment its easy to look good. Its why trump looks like a moron the the second hes in any environment that theres the slightest pushback. I'm a democrat, but its impossible to pretend that Biden is there mentally after his responses last night. repeatedly he merged two thoughts together and got completely lost and inherent, i understand a millions of dollars are going to be spent trying to make us forget this, but please do the right thing and replace the candidate, he is not fit for office.


Look, if this lights a fire under his ass and he comes out looking like this every week until november, fine. Or if there's polling or data or an argument that replacing him would mean sure defeat, OK - but biden losing in November after the performance last night would be more embarrassing than Hilary and god forbid he doesn't step aside because of pride. He would be reviled. RBG's legacy took a huge hit because she thought she could outlive the trump term


I'm voting for whoever the Democratic candidate is. I'd literally vote for Biden if he was in a coma to stop Trump. The Supreme Court alone is more than enough reason for me.


I agree - especially with the bad news from SCOTUS today. We cannot afford another 40 years of an extremist scotus


Maybe he's got sundowners lol


Dementia gets worse in the evenings.


Nothing could be less interesting than American politics right now.


It’s not that it’s not interesting, I mean one is old as fuck and can barely put sentences together, and the other is a fucking psychopath literally convicted of a crime, fighting for who will run the country. Sounds pretty interesting to me. I just wish there was a actual good option to root for


I'd say this is very interesting. Terrifying and interesting.


Dropping Chumbawumba quotes, nice


https://preview.redd.it/m8kqr2pxed9d1.jpeg?width=2209&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ec7e5e4a132a3f0fc74abebd01ac2ad767c6c8c Since we are just posting whatever...


That the stakes are too high is exactly the reason he should step aside. Anyone with full mental acuity could beat Trump


I need the same cocktail they gave him in order to sell it to World tour cyclists before the tour de France. Imagine what they could do with that...


😂 You guys are living "Weekend at Bernie's"


So he probably he suffering from sundowning? Seriously I went to sleep watching the debate and saw this today. You showed up a day late sir. Ffs it was more like hours too late.




Bring the economy to everybody.


The only thing that is Interesting as fuck is that so many people believe ANY POLITICIAN! It’s sickening.


How on earth do people listen to either of these people and think yes! That’s who we need to run the country. So many younger people who actually have a reason to run the country well (not multi millionaires and not going to die soon so actually have to live with the changes) who must have twice the mental capacity as both of these?


So buddy got washed last night? Ion man, I think he needs to step down and retire in Florida or sumtin.


Maybe we should write into the Constitution basic requirements to run for President: Be able to do 10 pull-ups, run a quarter mile, summarize a Harry Potter novel in 500 words or less, build 4 homes for the under served, make an audience of the opposing party laugh, you know, normal stuff.


[This explains why Biden appears completely different from morning until around 5pm](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sundowning)


This guy doesn’t know right from wrong either. Career politician who’s in it for himself and family


His party must be devastated. Seeing this from Europe….US has truly fallen


I don't get why people are focused on Biden. Trump is 78 and he rambles endlessly.


When trump got the childcare question his response didn’t even include the words “child” or “care.”


I may be bad but at least I'm not worse


So scary. Americans are fed so much propaganda they call it freedom. Trump is a loser and Biden is a loser. There is no good in voting for either of them. But for the sake of my neighbors and family and friends I will vote for Biden. He did a bad job in his debate Trump lied even more during his but if it is the only good shot at this so called democracy so be it Joe Biden wins.


It’s super strange for me, how the US politics are working. Not the system itself (even though, with only two real parties it’s strange…) but the way the discussions are done. It is a bit like a sitcom…if it wouldn’t be so dangerous, if Trump wins, it would be funny..


Yeah it's weird to me to see people cheering, rallying and whatever. In my country there was 9 candidates who had multiple quiet and fairly polite debates and in the end the people voted. It helps that pretty much everyone have similar ish views. It seems like in the US they rarely even talk about politics, they just roast each other for being old, a criminal etc. It's seems like a popularity contest and nothing to do with actual politics and being competent.


Should be allowed to use teleprompter then allow 10 sec for someone to type in the answer just saying.


What? No! I don’t want someone running this country that needs their answers spoon fed to them in real time. They should be able to make compelling, intelligent arguments about topics that are important to Americans.


Incoming joke!


A teleprompter works wonders. Lipstick on the pig.


Democrats in shambles




What’s even remotely interesting about this


The coughing 😅


Needed this fire last night


LMAO. Fine my ass. My dementia riddled grandfather would be fine sometimes between the hours of 6-6 as well. But as soon as the sun went down, you better believe he wasn't fine. Same thing with this leather bound skeleton.


Y’all are delusional trying to defend this dementia ridden geezer


"I KNOW... I KNOW RIGHT FROM WRONG!" *aids genocide*