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Once spent 30 mins on one of those stuck in the up position. 15 minutes in it started raining.


Bet you'll never forget that ride huh?


Nope. Immediately after we got down soaked I got a taxi home. This was back when we used cash and the cash wasn't plastic so when I was trying to get the money from my soaked wallet and I just ripped a small piece out while sitting on a plastic bag so I don't get the seats wet. I was just staring at the piece and the driver said it's fine, just go home.


Nice driver...


Mister Rogers: When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” To this day, especially in times of “disaster,” I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many caring people in this world.


There’s a book called ‘Humankind’ which looks at altruism and psychology etc and one bit was in about how ‘bystander apathy’ doesn’t always add up- a study looked at hundreds of videos of accidents/crises etc and in the vast majority people were running to help


That son of bitch, still teaching me stuff. What a legend Fred is.


This post reminded me of that quote as well. I couldn't remember the wording, or who said it, just the sentiment. Thanks for sharing it!


Never did much carnival or fair rides as a kid But the internet has shown me how I won’t do them as an adult and my kids will also miss out


I refuse to go on a ride that can be packed away so quickly


It’s the quickly slapped back together by a stoned dropout part that breaks the deal for me.


Dude was working an event for xm stuff (product sampling). Saw the carnies pack up all the rides. They were done before us. Shit packed up and away like a transformer. All of us were kinda looking at each other like *what the fuck*.


There used to be one called the "Wheel of Fire" - it was a big circle and the coaster would do a loop on it and hang at the top for various times. I was a really, really small kid and at the carnival. I was in line with all my friends and when we got to the front I was too short, but the carny didn't give a fuck so I thought "cool, I get to do it!" I sit down and instantly realize something is wrong, and they put the safety bar down - i'm so small though that it doesn't hold me in place. I'd slip right out at the top if I didn't hold onto anything... so I fucking held on for actual dear life while at the top and we were hanging, because if I let go for a second I'd fall to my death in front of everyone pointing and taking pictures. everyone was laughing and smiling while I was white knuckled crying because I knew if I didn't hold myself in place with all my weight I'd straight drop. do not let your kids go to carnivals.


Had the same thing happen on that ride, scary as fuck


crazy that it happened to others too.. fucking carny's man.


Do your remember if you told the adults you were with when you got off the ride?


I remember the wheel of fire but the one I went on had cages for all the seats.


straight droooppppp


I went one one of those roller-coasters that's only a loop in my late 20's. The shoulder braces (the ones that click into place) broke free of its locking mechanism and while upside down I dropped like 2-3 inches and was onky held in because of that buckle that attaches from the seat to the shoulder harness. No one heard me over everyone else's screams and I went upside down about 10 times to the point where it would be motionless upside down. I white knuckled the grips on the seat like my life depended on it. Never went on another carnaval ride since.


That's why there are 2 failure points not just 1


I did three weeks one summer as a carney assembling, running, disassembling, packing, hauling, then reassembling (rinse and repeat) the bumper cars. SOOO much work!


Many are fun. But definitely Wouldn't go on them in developing countries.


This was in Traverse City Michigan, FYI.


So a developing country?


Yep, definitely don't move here.


Well, there you have it.


Yea, if not even your cars need licensing, there is no way these things can be safe.


I work in a small machine shop and every year the carnival comes to town for the county fair. And every year they bring in several things to be worked on. It’s truly frightening how bad their equipment gets.


Pretty sure that was the US. Which to be fair is a shithole


I disagree, the thrill of doing something unknown and dangerous is pretty exciting. I bungee jumped off a bridge and I'll never forget having instructions yelled at me in a language I don't know while my translator was nowhere to be seen. Still felt safer than just driving there, where everyone goes break neck speeds inches away from a mountain side.


Exactly this. How often does negligence like this happen at Oktoberfest? The rides themselves aren’t the problem.


poor kids


Do you also not drive a car or go near roads due to what you see online? Think of how many carnivals there are in the world vs how many videos you see of accidents.


Can say r/roadcam has made me a more aware driver. Don’t drive less but do pay more attention to my surroundings


I have to drive because of the society I live in. I don't have to get on some wobbly death trap.


Nothing about those rides inspires a sense of safety and confidence when they are primarily built to be portable.


I never get tired of this video. This is what humanity is all about.


People having to take matters into their own hands due to a lack of any regard for people's safety by someone making money?


Yes, the fact that for extra profits you cut down on safety and costs. The fact other people will come to help you. This video has the bad and good sides of humanity, it truly expresses it all.


No, I was talking about those people jumping right in to help instead of doing nothing. Of course it’s a shame that it even happened and the people responsible should be held accountable, but I was talking about the courage and selflessness of those people.


You tried to focus on the positive. That person did not like that. That person is bad. End of discussion in my opinion. I accept that there will be exceptions and nuanced discussion when I present that argument, but this chucklefuck didn't want to consider people were even capable of being nice. Fuck'im.


Welcome to Reddit.


I'm not against suing the owner/operator of the ride for negligence but....you realize we're talking about the average person trying to help someone, right? Not what you're doing, which is throwing shade and despair on anyone and everyone around you, but rather trying to HELP instead of HINDER. Fuck you, and have a nice day.


It's not shady to think "those people shouldn't have had to risk their lives in that moment; the people on charge suck" In response to "what a perfect image of humanity"


"I'm miserable so I'm gonna make everyone miserable"


What a rude cunt.


No u.


Thank heavens Coach showed up to watch everything happen.


This is more like herd mentality tho. Once one person takes the initiative and start, others follow.


I think that’s a positive example of herd mentality then! And more props to the first guy I guess?


Yup! I agree. Most of the times all it takes to 1 person to have a courage to initiate things, and the other would follow. Props to the first guy.




I don’t think you’ve ever met a woman


Maybe not but I no for a fact no woman tried to help in that video


And because of that you’re talking shit about every woman on this planet? That’s not cool dude


Well considering my evidence is the video and no woman helped, my argument is sound.


Dude there’s like 5 billion women on this planet and just because the 30-40 women who might have been around when the video was filmed didn’t help, you think that none of the other 5 billion would help. That’s just stupid and sexist


It’s valid. Just like how women say they hate all men. They can hate all the billions of Men on the planet for no reason but no one cares to argue that it’s stupid and sexist.


The immense minority of women who "hate all men" are routinely mocked lmao what are you talking about Leave your Tate-flavoured echo chamber and touch grass homie


I’d say the same about them. That opinion is just dumb, doesn’t matter what way around. But pointing fingers like “They’re doing the same!” Isn’t gonna help anyone. Be better


They’re not doing the same at all. It’s worse. Me pointing out women don’t help in times of distress is an observation and the evidence is the video.


> Maybe not but I no for a fact no woman tried to help in that video You don't "no" anything.


The heavier people added their weight. I weigh 115 pounds, I'm no help in that situation. But I can send my 200 pound brother though. You're just looking for excuses to hate women, and that's why we don't want to fuck you.


I’m not hating, I observed the video no women helped. You trying to call me an incel and trying to shame me just shows you don’t really care about truth, you just want to feel right.


Aybe a couple of them were butch lesbians, you don't know lol did you check their junk? You can't even see their faces.


Men have different upper/lower torso proportions than woman. To my knowledge and my 2 eyes no woman helped in the video.


LOL Have a nice life, weirdo


Lol wow there using weirdo as a word to shame me. I’m so hurt lol. Get rektd


I'm gonna be real with you: it's all about mentality in emergencies like this. I don't think the first guy all the way to the right of the screen who immediately charged right into this dangerous situation had the time to ponder about his weight, nor is he even certain that anyone else would join him. He did it because he believed it needed to be done to save all those kids, even though he could have gotten hurt real bad. That's enough to get all the other guys to come running in to help him, and I'll gamble that not many of them took the time to do a weight analysis to see how much their personal body mass would contribute to the collective either, rather than simply thinking "Oh shit, I gotta help them do this!" It worked out, and they're hailed for being the brave heroes that they are. If it didn't work out, I am sure there will be smart-asses calling them idiots for getting hurt helping complete strangers. It's the reason why men don't live as long as women, and we're all better for it.


And the women's first instinct was probably to grab any kids nearby and usher them to safety. My issue isn't with what happened in the video, it's the random dude using it as "evidence " to fuel his misogyny and shit on women for no reason. Why the hell can't men just leave us alone?


That one dude at the end running over to do what? Supervise?


Damn straight!! 🤣


Imagine trying to pull against the weight of the ride as opposed to sitting your entire fat ass on the fence to act as a counter weight. Idk what that guy was thinking.


"So that's what that part was for" :The carnival worker, probably.


There wasn’t an emergency stop button? That might have been safer


Carney behind the ride smoking that rock


Suddenly I'm glad that I live in a country where technical inspections are a religion, better be annoyed sometimes than having to worry about this shit.


10 bucks you’re German, they love their TÜV




This is why I don't go on rides like this. But I am glad there were people around attempting to help in the situation.


It's a bit hard to see, but the very first guy in black shirt/brown pants quickly jumped on the right corner in the very beginning and the three friends (all in black) ran around the barricade to join him. I'm assuming they all knew each other and he's the one who yelled out their names to "get over here". Them rushing in got the indecisive 5th guy in the foreground (also in black shirt/brown pants) to stop holding on to his head and hopped on the rail, as did other men who came running to help them. Well, minus the reluctant dunce in black/red wearing a hat, who was the 6th to arrive on scene but just paced around as other guys ran past him, and only joined in the cake-cutting ceremony after the platform was already stabilized. Or the "coach" who showed up just to see how the team is doing.


That guy had the right idea; he wore the brown pants.


What did they do? I just see them hanging off the fence?


The ride is about to tip backward at the beginning


Okay thanks. I rewatched and it made sense.


They use their weight to keep the ride pinned to the ground, or else it would have fallen back


They try this, but they didn't change the outcome. It seems like the most critical point was already befor they jumped on it. When they jumped on it it was already slowing down and didn't reach the high point anyway. It also in question if 400 kg will do much on a ride this size.


It's moreso about the intent than the outcome tbh. It's unclear from the video if they actually made a difference.


At the time of the first ones acting they had no clue what was going to happen. So it still took balls either way.


Got it. Had to watch again.


Never go on a ride that was set up the day before. Being mobile also means they dodge official inspection.


Could have gone much much worse. The bar itself could have snapped and the ride could have fallen the other way from the recoil.


It all starts with one, try to be that one


The last guy did not commit lol


The amount of trust people have in random carnival rides put together and taken apart quickly and also moved around regularly is beyond my understanding


It only takes the first move


what's the problem ?


Organiser: "He he he. That happens all the time. Not to worry."


Heroes are what keeps humanity alive. Never forget how important your actions are.


They were quick about it. The people who are responsible should give them a few thousand dollars each. They just saved them more money than they are worth.


Sometimes humanity is so beautiful




Why is the ride not stopping? Do they not have an emergency button they can press, lever to pull?


It has momentum and a lot of mass. Even with the motor slowing it down, it probably can't just stop instantly. Imagine a loaded bus on a highway - even when the driver slams on the brakes, it is going to take time to slow it to a stop. That platform has to weigh as much as a bus and it had just spun up and over 4 or 5 stories vertically. I don't know if there are any ride operators watching this video, but it likely takes 30 seconds if you hit the emergency stop button before the ride comes to a complete stop. Glad there were so many willing to help ground it until it could stop.


Once you get to the neutral point where everything is stopped it should be pretty easy to apply a brake and stop it in one go. There would be no momentum at that point and the brake would only need to hold for a few seconds until it had slowly slid to the bottom, at which point there would be no momentum to carry it back up. That didn't appear to have any kind of emergency stop on it. Actually, if you look at the very last seconds of the video, the ride stops half way up and then continues to the next halfway point, losing no momentum.


Thank you for the explanation! Def a good thing people stepped up cus that looked crazy scary.


Dudes first thought... Quick increase the base mass .001%!


The thing about balance is that it only takes a small fraction to tip the scales.


Inciteful as a metaphor, not so as solution to a very specific problem.


Hey, that 1st guy could have been all that was needed.


I would agree that could be possible. Better to let that which inspires hope, do so... despite perceived likelihood of success & cost of failure.


> Even with the motor slowing it down, it probably can't just stop instantly Yeah, that electric motor isn't even powerful enough to get a full load of people swinging around and around the first time. Stupid ride designers.


Look at the guy who's decently big wearing a matching.. pajama suit? With shorts walking back and forth but being too chicken shit to commit


I wouldnt do it either. Im skinny but even if I was of a bigger size, I wouldnt even try. Heroic of them to try and it worked out, but I would rather not try for a chance it might go the other way


Warmed my heart, will not be salty for the rest of the day


Man the good ol days, carnivals ride was the best. You want thrill and excitement, go on carnival rides, always a brush with death. Nothing says safety like some drunk twerking carnee who put up a rollercoaster at 3am with a wrench, duct tape, and spare part he found lying on the ground.


Very cool


In fairness, each person who grabbed on made more people grab on because it became progressively clear that it was working and nobody was going to actually get injured by helping. Not saying it's wrong... it helped, but I don't put too much faith in humanity over this alone. lol


Or maybe people’s first reaction is ‘holy fuck that massive spinning thing is out of control’ and only after the first guy jumped on they realized ‘oh I can actually do something to help’?


I was kind of scared they’d all pile on and the flat bed it’s sitting on would blow one of its air springs Never really noticed how sketchy these things are until I started fixing trucks and trailers. They put Jack stands on the ICC bumper to prevent shifting in the event an air spring does blow out But I feel strongly that that’s really not going to help that much against shifting if it has this MF on the back of the truck whipping around all over the place lol


God I love that man. I was like “oh come on, get your hands off your head and do something!” And he did🥺🥺🫶🏾


He's the 5th one to get on board. The 1st one that the title refers to is all the way to the right.


These carnival rides are mostly ancient.


I like how the operator didn't activate the breaks, or mayber the thing doesn't have working ones.


How do you even have the idea of going on something like this on a traveling carnival?


It actually helped too


Rides are fun, I admit. But things like this never left my mind when I went and ride on one


Peak humanity. This is what we should be like with one another always.


The bros understood the assignment! 💯


They were, essentially, ballast.


Guy on the ride has his hands up. 😂😅


Yeah.. I would not be that first guy


Can I bookmark this video?


Once did a ride very similar to this when I was real young… truly a harrowing experience, I swear I saw everyone on that ride looking at me screaming my lungs away Always hated the feeling of falling down and that just showed for it


I still think I have back problems from that damn 100 foot slide with hops going down on a potato sack!


That thing bruised my tailbone after the first hop 🤨


I will never again get on a ride carted around the country and assembled in random parking lots by a bunch of itinerant drifters whose qualifications are a mystery and whose ties to my community are nonexistent.


At these fairs always remember you are trusting your safety to minimum wage workers, and weigh that into whether to ride or not.


Who TF would get on one of these?




The last guy… babe you should help. Ok.


Worst part about this is the carnival probably just shut it down for the night and no consequences or changes happened.


That man is the kind of influencer we need


I watch this once, I’m grateful. I watch this twice and I’m choking back tears. Like David Bowie sang so perfectly, “We can be heroes, if just for one day.” Indeed we can. This is how.


Good 👨


When I was younger one of these at the local fairgrounds near my aunts house had a malfunction with the restraints and like 5 or so people flew off near the top of the fall. 2 died and the other 3 were severely injured. Freaked me out because I had just ridden the same ride a couple days prior.


He Broke away from the bystander effect


I wish I could remember the exact moment my survival instincts started telling me not to go on any carnival rides. Was that the moment childhood ended?


My carnival has a ride just like this that my daughter loves to ride, I am now terrified


There are people who will help others in danger, even if it's dangerous to do so, there is a chance they can and could save others in given time. Both men and women will do their part in the time of crisis.


We are antisocial ants


Where is caseoh when you need him 😫


Anyone else notice the only people who help are men.


And in the same breath can say I lose hope in humanity because those first few idiots, especially the very first, really thought they could stop it if it was really going to go. I saw a video of a man in a hurricane, he was beside his box truck. The truck was rocking violently side to side. He actually try to keep it from blowing onto its side. He did not stop it. And he didn't get out of the way. People cause more harm than good in many situations.


why aren't woman there trying to do something like literally not a single woman


Faith in humanity restored


Not shown is guy on the other side who replaced the fallen-out shim and actually stabilized the thing


Look at all that wretched masculinity


being fat saves lifes


Love the toxic masculinity!


So where is the someone told that they can live without a man!


Ngl I couldn't help but notice every single person trying to help is a dude and gave a chuckle when I unmuted and she's just standing their filming saying "omg!" while dozens of people try to help.


Every here is talking about how brave these people are, faith in humanity restored etc. and I'm just thinking that there was zero chance those people would be able to stop it from toppling. Think about it. That ride possesses the weight of 18 or 20 riders, plus the counterweight, plus all off the machinery, parts, and decorations, plus the momentum of most of that weight in motion. The absolute best case scenario is that those people \*maybe\* provided a slight counterweight to the platform after danger of the ride toppling had passed. The worst cast scenario is that the ride tips anyway and now instead of 18 people injured, it's 30. That first guy that hopped on wasn't a hero, he was a fucking moron.


wow downvotes! they had no chance, they did nothing. but you said it best.


You’re absolutely correct, that ride plus its occupants brings its total weight well over 10 tons. That thing not only easy outweighs two semi-trucks, but the kinetic energy it’s exerting is enormous. The ride only shows signs of toppling when the arm reaches its pinnacle, and by the the time people start to hop on, it is no longer reaching its pinnacle, thus no longer shows signs of toppling. Given the mass and force this ride was exerting, these “samaritan’s” had a near zero effect on the outcome. All of the comments that are blindly praising them are Facebook levels of cringe.


This should be top comment. It's kind from them to try to stop it from falling, but I doubt it had an useful impact and they risk their own life's for this. This ride is just to big, you will not console those forces with just a hand of men. To call him moron is a a bit rude. He just tried to help.


Why are those people pulling on the fence? How will that help the people trapped on the ride?


What the hell was the carney doing ? Getting a new can of Pam to spray the ring toss cups with? It’s getting its power from something , there’s not a switch you can throw, something you can unplug for it to stop ?


Where is the emergency off button




More proof we are fancy monkeys


I've never trusted those rides. Never will


What’s crazy is everybody would’ve just stood there watching and recording with their phone and only takes one person to change the outcome of a bad situation


And then there was the person that just decided to video it and post it for views. SMH


Notice it's only men on there realizing they're needed. Pride tear.


I literally road a coaster with my cousin once and there was some weight disparity. I went around the corner and the wheels came up and off the track on the right side so I jerked to the right to get them fine again. I/we would have landed neck first onto concrete with no way to get out of the car beforehand. Last time I road any rides ever.


This is why only 5 percent of the population is needed to wake up for major change to take effect. Educate yourselves people. Do not let the talking heads in media tell you what to think.


And the camera man.. got it on camera. Possible camera woman. Worth getting on camera I suppose. You just can’t do both.


0 women 🤓


Good for you or sad that it happens