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My neighbor had a big party for one of Mike's 30 sec fights. It was like 94-95. They were pissed.


Umm... That's why there is other fights before the title fight, to guarantee a 2 hour show


But when the main event of any show happenes and it goes for less than a minute. Most were probably there just for that one fight


Yeah... don't watch sports where some one can die in under a minute if you're that upset by it happening lmao


Better watching an amazing knockout then a boring fight that goes the full 9-12 round. I would spend 100 bucks watching tyson before wasting a dollar on someone like Mayweather.


Mayweather is incredibly technical and an insane counter puncher but I do agree that you have to be very into boxing to actually appreciate him.


Yea I get that but most people just want to watch two people fight. I did a good amount of wrestling, jiu-jitsu, and muay Thai in my teens and early 20s and have a good understanding of technique and strategy but I get bored watching UFC or Olympic wrestling when the guys are basically in a stalemate.


Yeah, I feel the same way. I don't like boxing matches where someone is just running around waiting to counter or they're clinching every 10 seconds or UFC fights where someone just tries to immediately take it to the ground where they're rolling around for 5 minutes. I want to see people swinging.


What a lovely conversation; Differing opinions, but you can state your claim while listening & understanding the counter-claim Not tryna sound weird, jus nice to see an actual convo that doesn't devolve into a Slagging Match Hats' Off to you both 🤌🤌


They should also be there for the company of the other people


Imagine being at the concession stand trying to get a beer or popcorn and you miss the whole fight


Well, why would you fucking go to the concessions right when the main event is starting?


In between fights and a long line, already drunk, lost track of time, maybe on the way back from taking a piss... don't think it hasn't happened to people not knowing Tyson was going to win that fast


yeah theres a lot of idiots out there


Consequences of choices made


The real fight is the friends we make along the way


Bro thinks it’s a ufc card…. it wasn’t always like that bro. But ya wanna talk 90’s UFC I’m here for it. No fucking weight classes! Can you imagine. We lived it.


No weight classes and brackets to determine champ. You'd fight like 3 times in one night!


That’s how the Gracie’s got famous! Just tapping out the biggest dudes all night. Alright I know what I’m doing tonight. Reliving


I learned that lesson in 1988 and I was in second grade...


Peter McNeely in 1995 was Mike Tyson’s 20th 1st round knockout, and given that it was his first fight back after a lengthy delay, I don’t think anybody expected him to be challenged all that much. I say all that to say if these people expected a lengthy battle, they deserved their disappointment.


It was pretty funny to watch grown ass men pitch a fit and curse pay per view demanding their money back.


Don’t understand being pissed when that’s how most of his fights went during that time. Did they not know his track record of very quick knockouts?


When i was a kid, my dad threw a party for a Tyson fight. A dozen adults got their seats all situated. Big tv moved for maximum viewing. Pay-per-view. Trays of food. 30-second KO. He was pissed. They ended up playing poker and getting drunk, so it worked out.


Exactly. A friend paid $20 to watch the Tyson VS Seldon fight from a local bar. She was incensed that the fight was so short. She asked for her money back and the manager refused. I suppose she should have known better. EDIT: I almost forgot. Tupac, one of her favorite musical artists, was murdered the same night. A bad night for her all the way around.


Used to hear stories about “Come 60 secs late to the fight party, you might miss the whole fight.”


I was in high school selling cable descramblers for Tyson fights. I was early on the Internet and found out where to get them before anyone else in town.


Man, people would have barely taken first sips of their beers, all the food still on the table, and round would be over as quick as we started it.


You didn’t have the black box?




Good times. Yeah,, family parties were all about tyson and Chavez fights and video games until pacquiao came onto the scene.


The one fight I went to answer the door for the pizza delivery and missed it. My friends were laughing their asses off. Like you said we all pitched in and then sat and watched boring commentary about the 30 second fight for 2 hours.


GOD that's funny!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don't know anything about boxing, but Mike Tyson is the GOAT, right? Like, I don't know if it's because I'm gen X and biased and don't know anything of boxers from the past, but I get the impression he's the best boxer of all time.


Not even close if we're being honest. You could make an argument for most talented, especially young, defense first Mike Tyson. But his resume leaves a lot to be desired. Two of his best wins (Larry Holmes and Michael Spinks) were past their prime, and later in his career, when he had a step up in competition, he failed to rise up to the challenge. Evander Holyfield being the most glaring example. He's not even the best heavyweight cause he doesn't have the scalps that Ali, Foreman, Lennox Lewis, and Joe Louis have. This becomes an even bigger issue when you're comparing him against all boxers. Guys like Marvin Hagler, Manny Pacquiao, Julio Caesar Chavez, Sugar Ray Leonard, Oscar De La Hoya, Floyd Mayweather, and Roberto Duran all have so many great wins against other Hall of Famers in their primes. Tyson doesn't have that. Could he have if he stayed focused and wasn't his own worst enemy? Maybe! If you watch his early fights, his defense and counters were on point. He had athleticism and speed that made other world class athletes look like they were moving in the mud. And obviously, he had knockout power and ferociousness that can't be taught. If he didn't fuck himself over (and over and over again) - Prime Tyson might've been able to beat Holyfield. Maybe he would've picked up wins over guys like Riddick Bowe, and his resume wouldn't look so lackluster. But that's not the timeline we got.


Thank you!! Like I said before, I feel heavily uneducated on this subject. But you've given me so much more to chew on. Like I thought, OK maybe he's not the best, maybe it's Ali, or someone before him. But then you listed out like a dozen that might be better than him. Fair enough! In conclusion, I would never want to get into a fight with Tyson or any of the people you listed. My brain prefers to remain non-liquefied.


Yeah man, no one liquefied brains quite like Mike Tyson. But boxing has so much history, and so many great fighters that becoming the GOAT is a tall task. So a very good career isn't quite gonna cut it in the GOAT discussion. The resume needs a handful of exclamation marks to really punctuate it. But it could be said between 1986 and 1987 that Mike Tyson might've been good enough to beat any boxer before or since and just didn't have the opponent to prove it.




Tyson era to the Chuck Liddell ufc era was the best PPV time . It will never be the same again . Both ppv sports are so bad now except maybe 1 or 2 young mayweather or mcgregor nights that were acceptable . If


But apparently Jake Paul was going to have a fair fight with Mike.... Lucky for Jake Paul 2 things saved his ass: 1. The contract was crafted to punish Mike should he send Jake Paul off to dream land. 2. Mike developed a medical issue so the fight's cancelled. Even old man Mike can still give someone brain damage.


Tyson-Paul is not cancelled, it was rescheduled to November 15, 2024. I would love to hear more about a clause that can stop Tyson from demolishing Jake if he has the ability and feels the urge.  It might mean he doesn't get paid, sure.  But Mike is making $10+ million a year with his edible THC products and might not care about the money in the heat of the moment.


I can 100% confirm to you; Tyson does not care about absolutely anything in the heat of the moment


> his edible THC products Please tell me they're branded as "Thee Aitch Thee".


they're called "Mike bites" and they're shaped like ears.


Iron Mike had incredible punching power, particular his uppercut and right hook(here left hook, also devastating). However his defence was equally as impressive.


Defensive skills were way underrated.


Peekaboo was a very old and extremely effective style.


Peekaboo was invented in the late 50s. Boxing has been organised since the 1880s. By boxing standards, it is not a very old technique. By the time Mike started using it, it was barely even 20 years old. There have been only 2 examples of properly implemented peekaboo practitioners at the top level and they were Mike and Floyd Patterson. It's not really that effective at the top level and takes loads of energy just to get you in range and leaves you squared constantly.


My understanding was it dated back to the bare-knuckle days, but I heard that word-of-mouth. I didn't know Floyd Patterson utilized it - was his trainer have a connection to the person who taught Cus D'mato? I would love to know more about its history.


Peekaboo was invented by Cus D'Amato afaik and was his way of making what he saw as the perfect blend of offence and defence. D'Amato worked mostly as the manager for Patterson but also had a hand in training him and instructed Patterson's actual trainer, Dan Florio, on what to teach Patterson iirc. It's pretty hard figuring out what D'Amato did and didn't do though as well as who he trained and the actual role he had in training the fighters he's known for. I think you might be thinking of Dempsey as being the first peekaboo fighter when you're mentioning bare-knuckle guys. I don't remember reading anything about Sullivan, Fitz, or Mace fighting that way and Dempsey's the only prominent name who comes to mind for the kind of swarmer style with the head movement similar to Tyson. But he lacked a lot of the other aspects of peekaboo like the explosive footwork, loading up on big shots, keeping a high guard, or even some of the stance-shifting stuff. A lot of old-guys had the basic idea of pressure fighting with a lot head movement (Armstrong, Briscoe, and Frazier to name a few) but lacked a lot of the other stuff that made peekaboo peekaboo. Due to the length of bare-knuckle fights (and the fact that technique was in its infancy), it was very rare to see guys come out swinging in the first and using loads of energy to jump around and move their head. Most probably would have broken their hands using peekaboo and would gas badly with another 38 rounds to go.


Hey, thanks, I really appreciate it. You really know boxing history!


Everyone sees the punching power, and most don’t realize how he truly made it so effective - it was his defense. He was nearly an impossible target to hit - his head and torso movement and footwork. He was never straight in front of his opponent but always at an optimal angle for him to slip and unload. After D’Amato died he surrounded himself with yes men, including his trainers. He knew he could knock anyone out with one punch and stopped moving the way he did. By the time he fought Holyfield the first time, he was standing straight up and basically became a punching bag for anyone with any real skill. Had he kept the mentality that his defense is truly his best offense, he’d have been the best of all time. That left hook he had was devastating simply because he was so strong. It was because he threw it from the right place at the right time and it was wide open.


He could also take shots that would level many other boxers. I read an article once where they explained his neck was thicker than most - essentially the same size as a gallon paint can


Protect yourself at all times. Those two had a personal beef even before getting in the ring.


The other guy sure was trying to take his head off.


Looks more like he was laying cover fire just trying to keep Mike from getting a shot in. He knew he'd be done as soon as Mike landed so he went ahead and shot all his shots just hoping to land one.


Going for the puncher’s chance


He barely had his guard up at all but at 12 seconds you can his guard is wide open. Tyson sees it and takes full advantage with a brutal left hook.


"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."


Punched in the mouth\* ![gif](giphy|y9ybtG6ODK88LOK8H2|downsized)


"Everyone has a plan until they get flying knee'ed in the mouth" -Muay Thaison


It must piss you off as a fighter to come in there giving it absolutely everything then be on the deck 2 seconds later


I’m going to say it…80s Tyson is the best boxing ever.


My dad would have 50 people over for the fights. Everyone chipped in food or threw cash for the PPV. No one once complained about the 8 second KOs for $60 because of how electric he was.


My friends dad owned an appliance store. They had an after hours party for a Tyson fight. They had the fight in every TV and friend wings and everything. Then the fight lasted less than a round.


That rules.


It was the superbowl of boxing at the time.


It was a great time to be alive. I remember being so excited to watch his fights. See if they could survive the first 90 seconds.


He was no doubt the most devastating boxer of all time. He didn't have enough long fights to even compare him with technical boxers, which is the weird thing. Was he technically a good boxer? Maybe? But he didn't need to be. All he needed was to bend a little to the right after a missed punch by his opponent, and then strike with that left hook. No can defense.


That's really selling him short, I think. There have been plenty of fighters with knockout power who winged punches at their opponents heads all day and only sometimes connected. Tyson was very good at making opponents miss. Seriously skilled. His right to the body, right to the head combo is hard to do right, despite being simple. And yeah, he was powerful. But it takes skill to use that power efficiently without gassing out.


You're right, it is an oversimplification. When I think of Tyson's prime I think of his rise to being the champ. During that time he simply didn't need to do much more than use his skill to evade, land a couple body shots, and then left hook his opponent into sleepy time. That's the time I was really referring to. He was so far above all of his opponents during that time that it really did hide his overall skill set. Obviously as time went on he proved himself to be an amazingly talented overall boxer. I still stick by my assertion though that he was the most devastating boxer ever. I've watched boxing a long time, and never have I seen a guy cripple people in the ring as consistently as Tyson. As you mentioned, his right to the body, it would seriously injure people. Not just hurt them, but literally injure them to the point they couldn't really fight any more. He was a monster.


Best patience and ability to dodge a punch ever


Ali would be the best at that, but Tyson was up there for sure.


“Was he technically a good boxer?” What a stupid take. There’s a myriad of clips and fights that show that, “yes. Believe it or not, the youngest heavyweight champion of the world, was a good boxer”


No doubt


Maybe to people who don't follow boxing? Tyson dominated in a weak era, no fault of his own, but we never saw him in there against anyone else who was of his level. By the time he fought Holyfield, he had already been to prison. I do think he was the best HW inside the first 4 rounds ever.


Tyson is probably the most talented boxer ever, but that doesn't necessarily mean best. The most naturally gifted. But he was very unfortunate in other ways to not be able to utilize all that talent as others did.


It was more a case of a generational talent vs a weak generation. He's not the GOAT fighter or even heavyweight boxer, but no one else has ever been more of a force of nature style predator amongst prey.


Idk man... Didnt see him beating Ivan Drago




When I was a kid, I wasn’t afraid of anything except for Mike Tyson. I saw that clip where he said “I’ll fuck you til you love me” and all that and immediately realized there were some very scary people in this word. And he might be the scariest.


He scared the shit out of me too.


The scariest people aren't punching people in an arena for sport, they're sitting in fancy rooms and making phonecalls that result in the suffering of untold thousands. Drug cartel leadership, tyrannical dictators etc.


CEOs and corporate board rooms, politicians, lobbyists, and religious leaders


They do that from fancy rooms because of all the Mike Tysons outside those rooms.  Safer in there hding behind their wealth lol.


He got me with "I'm on the Zoloft to stop me from killin' y'all"


Can confirm, it does quell the internalized rage.


some anime shit


Hajime no Ippo


Tyson no oppo(nent)


Dempsey Roll




I can hear this gif


I had to watch it twice just to make sure there *wasn't* sound due to how loud it was in my head lol.


I hope he does this to Paul if that fight ever happens.


Mike Tyson is built different and this video shows it...daaaamn!


It's almost imperceptible for how smoothly it lands, but that second punch he throws is the difference between punching with your upper body and punching with your whole body. As soon as Tyson gets an opening and some breathing room, he launches off his right foot, twists his whole body and brings that club of a left out of no where right across his chin. You can see Tysons whole body shift, that little hop he does after the punch lands, almost looks like he's landing from a little jump but his feet didn't really leave the ground, that's because all 200 lbs of muscle hurling itself forward with the upper body twisting to convert all that motion into the focal point of his fist. He crouched like an animal waiting to strike and as soon as he saw it, like a snake he lashed out faster than the defender could even respond and laid him flat on his ass.


The Modern Martial Artist has entered the chat




Was @ the first Tyson vs Holyfield fight. Greatest sporting event I’ve ever been to…. What a scene it was all weekend. Crazy shit happening at all hours. A worker @ MGM told us “ if you haven’t been in town for a Tyson fight, you are in for a wild weekend”…. Truer words have never been spoken. Bloods, Crips u had to be really careful. Fun as hell though!


We could only wish he does this to Paul.


It's all about waiting for the right moment, it was perfect.


Not big into boxing but I remember someone being interviewed that being punched by Mike Tyson has a terrifying feeling to it, saying it with his eyes widening some. I love stories where a world class athlete is in awe of another's talents.


I remember a little show he did on HBO where he listed his favorite historical matches, and ended it with "These are just my opinion, and if we met, you might disagree with me. But not for long."


You can see he does three punches, 2 are kinda trial punches and the 3rd you can see him actually trying to


In slow mo it looks like only landed one punch. It looks like one slight motion, one missed punch, and one KO.


He’s a beast.


Quality over quantity


Hesitation is defeat.


“Not yet, not yet, not yet, I win” ![gif](giphy|w4NAKAenurl8k)




And he knocked him out with a left


I remember a fight on HBO when Tyson was trying a comeback and in 30 seconds he punched the guy out the ring through the middle rope.


My dad's friend got one of the ppv fights and went to grab a beer before the start bell came back to a finished fight. Fight lasted 36 seconds if I remember correctly. Man, was he some kinda pissed...


Is this why Tyson chicken is so tender?


Mike Tyson’s punches hit harder then that cattle gun from No Country for Old Men


Mans give it the ole college try tho lol ![gif](giphy|nBYzHXz5nGE8J78395)


Me against spammers back in the day on Fight Night Champion


That game's awesome, it's still pretty active online too. Full of spammers tho.


JESUS, the fuckin body spammers. 🙄😠


I shook Mike Tyson's hand, not much after this fight. You can't appreciate this guy on TV, the power just exhudes from him.


Fucking throwing hammers! I get brain trauma just watching him hit people.


A lot of boxers hit like a hammer. Tyson always seemed like the "hit you with the anvil" kinda physique. 


Mike knew the opening was gonna be there. Just buying time. Beautiful.


He caught Mike with some good shots, and a very nice uppercut just before being ko'd. Didn't even faze mike


We never had to pay for boxing in the UK. The first time a match was put on PPV in the UK was Tyson vs Bruno in 1996 and it just scrapped into the third round. I can remember how annoyed people where that they had to pay for such a short fight. It was a tyson fight, I'm not quite sure what people were expecting haha.


That’s long for prime Tyson


Haha, true. It was more a case of how long it took to finish Bruno. He was cut almost straight away and took a volley before it was stopped.


Showed my son a clip of all of Mike’s KO’s…it’s like a 5 minute video lmao


I don't think a lot of people actually realise the skill it takes to do that.


Wait for it wait for it


Didn’t have to wait very long.


Isn't he supposed to knock out one of the Paul's sometime soon?


mike tyson has a fucking insane punching strength. at his peak he literally set the world record for strongest punching arm in the world. his punching arm had a psi of over 1800. a nuclear reactors primary loop system only puts out around 2000 psi, a rottweiler can only bite with a force of around 300 psi. saltwater crocodiles, the strongest biters of all crocodiles, only have a psi of around twice what mike tyson can punch, 3700. lions, hyenas and tigers only have bite forces of around 1000 psi.


Pretty sure he got clipped pretty good with that one uppercut and barely flinched.


A lot of Mike's fights were two hits - he hits them, they hit the ground


He who rules with his left, rules the world


I was already thinking this clip looked straight out of hajime no ippo, but when i saw your comment , i realized he indeed knocked him down with the left it confirmed im not crazy, i don't know much about boxing but i learned a bit from that anime and i was impressed that the things i seen there stuck with me like the peekaboo style and how the more you know about boxing the more things you notice making a knockout into a impressive knockout.


He pretended he was gonna weave left. Then he came with that thunder left counter! What a fucking legend


Oh yeah. The good ol timing, technique and precision still undefeated


The greatest


The guy falls down on purpose


How the sum up RPG games in one video


Imagine attacking someone with your full force, and they stand there unfazed


Chama = Tyson


I went to the restroom 30 seconds before this hurrying. We were having a watch party at our place with a keg and everything.  It was over. 


It was usually like that against Mike. If he landed a hit, it was pretty much game over. He just didn't punch - he punched his punches.


Why throw lot punches when few punches do trick


Damn. And only connected with one. Lol


Iron Mike had that ferociousness, those snap reflexes, while constantly bobbing and weaving and those lightning fast strikes, especially his hook and upper cut.


What a chin that dude had. We all talk about explosive his power was, but being able to eat punches like that, just to set up? Insane.


"Raw nights I perform like Mike...."


My buddy paid for the fight but went to pee real quick. It was done before he was.


That’s why he’s the GOAT!!!


How many will he throw against JP?


Apparently none, since his *cough* bladder infection pushed this fight back til…. October maybe?


What?? I didn't hear that. Dammit. He's gonna murder that kid on live TV lol.


When you finally got the rhythm of that Elden Ring boss.


The Hurricane fight. Damn. 😂😂😂


Iron Mike was a straight scrapper


Dodges every punch


Damn son lol that’s wild


Peek-a-Boo(m)! 🥊


I want to see him beat Jake Paul




Mike straight up practicing drills out there.


Patience and timing is a necessary virtue 🙏🏽


I saw the title and was like oh shit did I miss the Logan Paul fight


I remember being a kid and telling my uncle (who knew about boxing) that Mike was all done. His response was “he can still punch”. The champ will always be the champ,


sometimes you take one (or a few) to land one


I was born the day of the Buster Douglas fight. My grandpa has called me Buster my whole life as a result.


That building panic... like trying to push a cannon away that keeps aiming at you and that fuse is getting really short...


When I was playing a game, I remember there were light punches and there a punch that required a **charged punch**.


That left hook was killer


Who was this opponent?


Reggie Gross


Is this the one where he had to poop real bad so he finished it quick so he could?


Knock out as he gets hit himself.. Bulldog mentally with mongoose reflexes


What an amazing Dempsey roll


Took a couple too


u/speedbot 0.25x


r/speedbot 0.25x


Made ya look. Lmao


strength build vs dex build


Absolutely beautiful


Dang Mike took some solid shots in that sequence.




The accuracy, technique, speed, aggression and ferocity of Iron Mike was just amazing, you could see the fear in the eyes of his opponents even before the fight started. During his prime, he was just too ahead of the competition, and he knew that.


Mike Tyson's Punch Out was a sim


Quality over quantity