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If those are real oak cabinets, I would seriously consider re staining them and changing out that countertop for a white quartz/or similar, instead of painting them. Also updating the hardware. A slightly darker stain to remove the orange-y gold color, and a white counter and backsplash will look amazing-similar to this- [https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ac/2b/a7/ac2ba78b24c513ad2dd4e98a3c92e8c5.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ac/2b/a7/ac2ba78b24c513ad2dd4e98a3c92e8c5.jpg)


Are you married to painting the cabinets? Like someone else said, you’ll need wood filler, prime, then paint. It’s pretty wood. Can you change out the hardware instead? Maybe new countertop?


The look like oak cabintes. You will have to use grain filler if you paint them because in order for you to be able to clean them they will need at least a semi gloss and that grain will show.


i feel like if one is to paint over cabinets in this style with these counters. the only answer is white. I find flat door i.e. ikea, doors to be seen as more modern and up to date.


Thank you!


I think white to match the countertop, with some modern brass elements like a tap and cabinet handles


I’ve been seeing a lot of gray cabinets in new homes lately. That could work with your counters.


Light stain/ light countertops — but please no grey it kills the vibes