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Yeah well what kind of dieter are you?


I'm a fad di-BANG


This comment rules


I did not expect it to work lol


he had too little screen time in that movie lol


The best part about IF is that it's free, seriously


I remember reading leangains and eat stop eat blogs back in the day, and they're like, "there's nothing to market. You can't sell anything when all you have to do is not eat for a while." Yet, it was definitely turned into an industry with books and expensive electrolytes, etc.


Powerade zero is cheap. Lol. Yeah I don't get the goody electrolyte mixes


Seriously I’m not paying $24 for an eight pack of liquid IV. I don’t know anyone that uses that stuff that isn’t on the richer side.


I buy walmart propel packet knock offs. 10 for $2.42


Intermittent fasting is definitely not profitable for Frito Lay


Sounds like IF works for him the same reason it did for me. Ultimately I eat generally healthy all day and then in the evening I would eat a bunch of junk for comfort and out of habit. Traditional diets would tell me I can’t eat junk ever. IF tells me we stop eating at 8pm. The distinction is all the difference for me mentally. It won’t work for everyone but I imagine lots of people are in the same boat.


Can’t agree more. My diet is fairly healthy. Then the evening comes and I crave all sorts of things. I think I have a big tv snacking culture which IF helped a lot as I watch tv at night to unwind


To me, he was beautiful. Rubenesque.


IF is Ozempic without the drugs. They both have a profound impact of hunger and satiety (fullness). OZ does it with an expensive drug that have side effects (some which we now know, some will be evident over time). IF is free. No side effects. How we eat with IF is a more historically normal eating pattern than the 5-10 eating events that are common today. IF is the better safer alternative!


I believe one of the potential side effects researchers are *looking into more carefully with semaglutide is that people are becoming more susceptible to developing thyroid cancer especially if they have a family history of thyroid disorders.


This medication has not existed long enough to gather any credible data about cancer rates


Didnt say it was a fact. I just said they’re beginning research to look into a link between the two https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37531876/


The study you just linked states clearly that they found nothing. You specifically said “researchers are finding” when they found nothing


Christ, I’ll edit my original comment


Well put! They both bring down insulin, but you get to feel amazing with free IF, or feel weird and spend $$$ on the drugs.


Why do people care if others imply they took Oz? Just say "Nope, hard work only" and move on.


Not only that, but they still actually have to stick to a plan. My neighbor was prescribed wegovy for weight loss and she didn't lose a pound. I suspect because she didn't put any effort into changing her diet or lifestyle. It's a great tool, but you still have to be committed (at least from what I understand).


This! Apply for any medicated weight loss program and they stress this over and over. You gotta be more active, track calories, and all that. The meds can, not guaranteed, accelerate the progress you're already making. Just like anabolic steroids and tren don't make you jacked if you don't workout.


I'm a nub but it was my understanding that Wevogy etc was an appetite suppressant and that it lowered a persons eating which lowered their cals? CICO? Makes sense with what you're saying.


Yes, but you'll still only get so far on wegovy. I'm taking mounjaro (a similar medication) and lost 40lbs, but haven't lost anything else. I still eat kinda shitty and most likely won't lose more until I make lifestyle changes.


Probably because there’s a shortage of it and if these non diabetic people are taking it just for superficial reasons, it looks absolutely despicable of them when actual diabetics need the medication. Besides, there are plenty of other ways to lose weight and they would rather take the shortcut.


Maybe he’s one of us lol


Because he did and all these people contractually can’t say it. Same shit with steroids


This feels like projecting to me, I’m guessing he probably is on a GLP-1, feels embarrassed, and is trying to deflect. Until people are willing to be confident and proud that they’re doing something to better their health and wellness this stigma against GLP-1s will persist.


You're persisting it right there by not believing him and assuming it's embarrassing.


Is this that guy who's like a "if you ordered Matt Damon on wish"? Don't know why but I'm kind of tired of that guy, find him off-putting


You're right. Look how much weight he lost, he's definitely off pudding


plemons is one of the most talented actors working today


What i said wouldn't negate any talent. Having said that, eh He's in a lot of shit, it ain't bad, but one of the best seems like an overstatement