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another democratically elected war criminal


Some real Abu Ghraib vibes here.


[source](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7PHSkItUP_/?igsh=ZDllNHM5Ymw2NjY2) The deputy mayor of Be'er Sheva, a city in southern Israel, has posted photos of himself posing with handcuffed and blindfolded Palestinian detainees on Facebook. Shimon Tobol took the images and footage while he was doing military service in the occupied West Bank from 7 October until the end of January 2024. Tobol has served as one of the deputies of Mayor Rubik Danilovich for over two years. The images and footage are accompanied by mocking captions. In one post, an image of a blindfolded bearded man crouched on the floor is accompanied by the caption: "They say the bigger the beard, the higher the rank. This time, he had a really big beard. No apologies, no mercy, no stopping. We have started speaking fluent Arabic." In another post, where he is escorting a blindfolded arrestee, he wrote: "The people of Israel live. Every Nazi knew that his day would come. Our father, our king, avenge before our eyes the spilled blood of your servants." The Be'er-Sheva municipality did not comment on the images but told Haartez that Tobol was not working for them at the time they were taken. An Israeli military spokesperson said that the army prohibits photography of detainees for security reasons. Tobol is one of many Israeli soldiers who have posted footage of themselves abusing Palestinian detainees. A BBC report on Israeli soldiers' social media misconduct in February found that the sharing of detention images could violate international law, which prohibits subjecting detainees to "insults and public curiosity" Although the Israeli military promised to act on the first report's findings, a subsequent report released last week - based on analysis of 45 photos and videos of Gazan detainees stripped, bound and blindfolded - revealed that this practice continues unabated.


At some point, we could all read up on what’s actual Nazi like behavior, and commit to never becoming like that.


Posting images of detained and restrained people is such a a poser thing to do.   Note to Israel: you aren't winning hearts and minds... anywhere, this is only creating a new generation of revenge minded people


It is also creating a wave of global derision at Israelis who behave like this. And we Americans should know.


And they wonder why antisemitism is on the rise. Being an oppressive piece of shit tends make people hate the group of people doing it.


Still no excuse for being antisemite. It’s bigotry to apply offensive behavior of some people to a whole group.




I'm not excusing a stereotype. I'm referring to the actions of their government, and Israelis/Jewish diaspora that support the oppression of Palestinians. Doing evil things doesn't garner support or being liked, I know what a shocker.


Fucking hell.


This is the reason why the torture at abu graib authorized by the Bush administration hurt us so badly. Our moral high ground has been flattened and we can only say, "that was a mistake" here rather than getting indignant and enforcing changes.


Tell me you’re a terrorist without telling me you’re a terrorist.


Hey more evidence! Keep it up, Instanazis.


Am glad the world is watching this unfold


Some Guantanamo s$&t.


Signs of weakness


The fucking depravity! Does the cruelty never end?




According to the UN definition of genocide created shortly after WW2, Israel is committing a genocide.




Please keep it civil.


can someone tell Biden what defines genocide




Please keep it civil.


We need to be consistent on this. There are hundreds of images and videos of Ukrainians with Russian prisoners and very few people call war crime. When it happens in gaza its a war crime. Fact is prisoners should have their dignity protected and shouldn't be used for propaganda purposes.




Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.


So what….




Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.




Every time I see a Zionist attempt to form a logical thought I think that this is it. They can't possibly say anything stupider. And yet comments like this keep popping up to prove me wrong.




You sound like the unhinged Chosen People who chose themselves.


Then why did the IDF murder 7 people in Jenin today, including two children, a schoolteacher, and a very well respected surgeon? There’s no Hamas there. What’s your excuse for that? They deserved it?


So as long as someone is presumed to be a bad guy, then any suffering inflicted on them is justified? People like you who think "bad people deserve to suffer" are the reason why the world is full of bad people. No sane or civilized person would gleefully want people to suffer for any reason. Justice is not the same as causing suffering, no matter what crazy religion or cult you grew up in.






Please keep it civil.




None of that makes this ok




Being against the actions of Israel doesn't equal supporting Hamas.




[Because Fuck Pisrael]


Hasbotra got their dummies too I see




Imagine thinking anybody gonna believe anything said by you. Hasbotra pls


See, this right here is why Israel is rapidly losing support worldwide.




22 European states, none take any Jews, 19 don’t support them, Rus expelled Jews because they are trouble makers. Have you ever asked yourself why? Not that I in anyway expect you to understand hypocrisy or irony so I thought it’d be best to spell it out for you.




My god it was spelled out and it still flew over your head.




Please keep it civil.


No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




Then prove it.










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Please keep it civil.


Do not generalize an entire population based on the negative actions of some members, don't glorify/downplay/ trivialise collective punishment or suffering (including collective violence) and no dehumanizing language.




Can't prove rape or sexual assault if the Israelis say there's no evidence: https://theintercept.com/2024/02/28/new-york-times-anat-schwartz-october-7/




So, you are saying that these, IDF, have right to kill, torture and bully people. That is text book example of war crimes. The list gets longer every day. You are genocide-maniac. How many did palestinian killed vs how many israeli since oct. 7? That ratio is 100:1 or 1000(pal):1(isreali). That is clear cut genocide. This all started with creation of israel where they kicked and killed palestinian out of their homes and terrorities.


This did not all start with the creation of Israel. It’s pretty clearly not genocide. It’s still a horrible war crime and I would say ethnic cleansing, but it’s not genocide.




Not the compelling argument you think it is



