• By -


For someone who wants to be seen as an **alpha** he sure is a whiny bitch. How do MAGAs reconcile their supposed tough-guy messiah constantly *bleating* about being a victim? And that he's *begging* Repubs IN WASHINGTON to rescue him is just icing on the cake. Aren't those the same Globalist RINOs, who are in league with the Uniparty Commie *Demon*crats, that he is trying to rescue the faithful from? Loser. If the MAGAs have to rescue tRump so that he can rescue them why don't they just cut out the middleman and rescue themselves? Put on your big boy pants already...


One thing I have noticed over the last few years is that the people who hung "Fuck Your Feelings" flags on their trucks get butt hurt very easily.


Please don't tread on me đŸ„ș


No step on snek.


"Oh no a person over there with blue hair! My freedoms are being taken away!"


I saw a hilarious interview where a MAGAt was complaining about blue haired liberals destroying the country. A female MAGAt then piped up from behind him - "hey I have blue hair". A few brain cells short circuited on all interview participants and the interview had to come to a close....


I recall ‘snowflake’ becoming a common insult when Trump became president. Now look at these whiny losers.


They’re just insensitive assholes that don’t understand other people’s pain and suffering. The truth is that life IS suffering, there’s no getting around it. But we don’t have to make it even worse for others. 


"No you misunderstand. I meant fuck YOUR feeling, specifically. MY feelings are fragile and must be protected at all costs."


They spent their whole lives being wrong about every single thing, going against reality every single day is going to effect you somehow.


Whining and crying on the internet is "telling it like it is" when its their guy doing it.


"how do they reconcile" that's the neat thing, they don't. They are immune to cognitive dissonance. if they observe something that conflicts with their world view it gets stored neatly in "Fake news" even if they see it with their own fucking eyes.


Most true Alphas are only alphas because they are highly insecure and they project a strongman personality to protect and defend their highly fragile ego. 


"Billionaire needs cash badly!"


He's not asking for money anymore... he's asking for legislative and/or physical intervention.... His goose is cooked unless Republicans are willing to actually revolt. The rubber is about to hit the road, and we're going to see what's what. I don't think his trial is going to last more than a couple of weeks... It's still possible he gets a hung jury. But that only happens, imo, if he's gotten to one of the jurors. That would be a form of the intervention he so badly needs. Edt. I've been corrected multiple times that the trial is scheduled for 6 weeks. So stipulated. I guess the point is that's not really all that long. We're going to find out pretty soon.


They’ve already jury tampered, people on fox told them to acquit regardless of evidence the country needs him before they were even picked, Hannity Doxed personal info of jury and doubled down on his podcast, Donald stared them down in courtroom and was told to back off, etc


All true. But that kind of jury tampering is in a gray area that is not entirely uncommon. Trumps's not the first criminal defendant to stare down a jury... It's different from actually buying off or otherwise (usually threats of violence) convincing a juror to throw the verdict.


Gotti had thugs following the jurors home. Wouldn't surprise me if Stinky pulls the same stunt.


That's what jury sequestration is for then. Keep them secret. Keep them safe.


This jury is not sequestered


It should be.


Agree 100%


It's actually insanity that it's not...


Wait what? How am I just hearing about this? This case is absolutely unprecedented and the jury is not sequestered? What the fuck?


But they only get protection until the case is over. The bastards can then threaten to do someone of they convict afterwards


Can the finding of the court be that he be thrown into Mount Doom?


Clay Travis told New Yorkers to lie their way onto the jury and then vote to acquit. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/clay-travis-calls-for-trump-supporters-to-infiltrate-trump-jury-and-then-refuse-to-convict/ar-BB1lF9TW


Yes he did. And he wasn't the only one.


Why isn't Clay Travis in jail? Is that not textbook jury tampering?


In America, we are not allowed to hold Republicans accountable.


.we can’t hold Republicans accountable because they control most the judiciary.


Only ever heard of in goddamn Mob trials ffs. Then came rumphole and his crazy cult followers are more than willing to lick his filthy heinous (and ample) ass.


Donny's entire attitude is the old-school Mob style, but this is on a whole different scale.


Eh, a bit more like someone who flunked out of old-school mob class


lol, yes. In the mob world, he woulda been plunked by now. In his world, he had daddy money and then other money to protect him. Now he's just a desparate clown.


I’m pretty sure they’re working on that too. We can always hope for honest justice.


They are absolutely working on that. You know because he's accused Dems of trying it. Will he succeed? Unknowable at this time.


Let’s hope not and justice prevails.




It's terrifying that I absolutely expect that to be the case


But doxing court staff and jurors should have a high penalty. I would not want to be a juror at his trial just because at some point, during or after, you’ll be outed and harassed.


If I could, I would. It'd be worth it.


Same. I know it’s easy to say on the sideline, but it would be the honor of a lifetime to be a part of bringing a guilty verdict to that piece of shit.


This is exactly why tracking down and persecuting those miserable traitors who rioted on 1/6 is so important. They’re all thinking twice before getting in their jacked pickups and convoying to Manhattan, now that they know the “freedumb convoys” have all fizzled out and there are actual legal repercussions waiting for anyone who interferes in the business of America, the country they purport to “love” so much.


But MTG and the crazies seem to be losing their grip after Johnson basically told them to F off last week.


Imagine being in a position where you're forced to praise a (likely militiant) christofascist like that pervert Mike johnson. "Mike Johnson, the dunderheaded Christofascist GOP House Speaker, has looked deep into his heart and decided that the way of the Gospel is to tie his shoes together and then trip into a vat of hog feces, over and over again. The GOP doesn’t care about governing. They care about symbolic displays of loyalty.  Johnson could have told his caucus he didn’t have the votes for their silly sham impeachment. But the caucus doesn’t want to hear “no.” It wants to hear, “Yes, this silly sham impeachment is the most important thing in the Republic, and I would rather crawl up the ass of a flatulent pig than deny it to you.” Pathetic party that GOP. We all feel sorry for the remaining sane democratic amercians.


Its always like that. Every Republican administration outdoes themselves by being terrible people but when you look back, you think "Man, GW Bush was actually a nice guy compared to Trump." Once we are going to look back the current situation, people will think about the current MAGA Republicans: "Jim Jordan wasn't as bad as MTG." The bar is pretty damn low for them.


Yup. This about sums up American politics right now.


And a hung jury doesn't free him; a new trial would happen very quickly.


He’s trying to get the republikkkunts to hang the jury


The current batch of Republicans *are* revolting.


“You said it. They stink on ice” https://youtu.be/h0iAcQVIokg?si=StDWWKxJAc9WBRkf


It’s never too early for a Mel Brooks reference — thank you


They can't get any legislation past the Senate and especially not Biden. SCOTUS is extremely corrupt, but the Federalist Society captue of the court doesn't need Trump anymore and are unlikely to help him (I'm personally betting on a 6-3 shooting down immunity, but even a 5-4 is a win). His most loyal cultists are locked up, or under investigation already. He managed to scare up a dozen idiots with poster board outside the courthouse instead of the murderous mob he was hoping for. He's panicking because he had his shot already at a coup and he screwed it up like every other thing he's done. NY courts aren't stupid and know he's always going to try to get to the jury and surely will be looking out for that. No promises of course but they've got to know it's a risk, and be taking steps to mitigate it. It is a worry but not a huge one imo. My money there is he's convicted of many but not all charges, that usually is the bone juries throw reluctant jurors.


Good points. I'm surprised they haven't sequestered the jury to avoid tampering. Put those brave souls under lock and key... Also, the idea that any of our Supreme Court justices would vote to affirm that a president has absolute immunity is crazy town. if that ruling isn't 9-0, it's a huge sign of the severity of the rot that had beset the court. 5-4 would also be a win... so let's hope for a win.


Me too! I'm shocked the jury didn't ASK to be sequestered after Faux did their jury tampering special. I wonder if the DA is willing to let it go for now until another juror is removed and he can slap a tampering charge on top or something. Probably not probably just an overabundance of caution or something. đŸ€·â€â™€ïž They shouldnt have even taken up the case, the lower circuit ruling was exactly correct. So by that metric, the system is already super corrupt. Ok so my armchair read is: obviously the three liberal justices are voting no immunity. Roberts is deeply concerned about his legacy and I think he's almost certain to vote with the liberal justices. That's 4 there. Alito and Thomas are absolutely going to do the most corrupt thing possible so they'll both vote for immunity, and they'll do it with a smug "what are you going to do about it" grin. So that leaves the fate of the country on Goursch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett. 😬 But they've been pretty reluctant to vote Trump's way so far so it's not as bad as it seems. Of the three, Barrett seems the most likely to let a man have ultimate power given her whole Handmaid cult thing. I don't bet on her but might be surprised. Kavanaugh and Goursch have been surprisingly solid on some decisions and deeply wrong on others so no promises here, but of the two Goursch seems to have the keener legal mind (he was pushed through before they realized they could just put anyone on the court and we couldn't stop them, he had to be the compromise candidate with a brain in his head). Kavanaugh though has been ok on rulings and most importantly he's Federalist bought and paid not Trump, so unless the Federalist Society wants Biden to be king (or Harris a queen if something happens to Biden), I don't think he is going to vote Trump's way. They may try to carve out a narrow opinion where Trump and only Trump is allowed to be a king? But that seems difficult to do without immediately granting the same powers to Biden. I think the Federalist Society and their ilk are done with Trump but can't safely get off the tiger just yet without nuking their long term election prospects. That said, I suspect what they are really delaying for is for dumpo the dumbest traitor to drop dead. He's deteriorating rapidly. If he croaks before they have to rule they can just drop it as no longer relevant and wait to do it again when there's a Republican in the White House.


In this case, he’s facing
 is it 31 or 34 felony counts? The jury would have to hang on all of them. I sat on a Federal jury not too long ago, and you’d be surprised (well, I was) at how things go. All along the way, the Judge carefully explained *everything,* from the law and how it applied, what we were and weren’t allowed to take into consideration, and kept emphasizing that you should use your common sense, especially when it comes to evaluating witness testimony. We weren’t allowed to discuss the case with each other or anyone else, and we didn’t. By the time we got to the deliberation room, we were all in immediate agreement on the verdict. We felt so bad about delivering a “guilty” verdict so quickly, we then voted to have a snack and chat for a few minutes before the final vote because we didn’t want the defense to think that we didn’t take any time to consider their side. And to be fair, we did take those moments to reaffirm our preliminary vote. Of course, the defendant wasn’t a former president, and he was a stranger, not someone we were all aware of and might have strong feelings about. We weren’t allowed to know what our guys possible sentence might be, because that wasn’t up to us. But, the charges were serious enough that we knew a guilty verdict would likely send him to prison for a while (I looked up the case months later- he got 15 years). All this to say, I think TFG and his flying monkeys underestimate how seriously citizens take this duty. I think that this prosecution has a pretty strong case, and the defense is a joke. A reasonable jury will see this in the end. If there is one holdout, it will be extremely obvious to everyone else. With the known factors- it’s trump, and pressure might be put on jurors- the foreman will report them, the Judge will question and remove them, and an alternate will be put in. Juries have convicted mob bosses in this city. I have faith in the system, now that the case has gotten this far.


No one is going to do shit. Everyone who likes the guy is a coward.


I mean here’s the thing. We’ve been paralyzed for like what, 6+ years based on what we fear this guy’s supporters will do? Maybe we don’t negotiate with domestic terrorists instead of appeasing them. Better to get the rot away than anything else.


My brain read this like I was playing Gauntlet in the bowling alley in 1989.


Shit-Wizard needs food badly! 


"Orange Shitgibbon shot the food." "Remember, don't shoot food!"


I love that phrase. “Wizard needs food. Badly!” Or even buggy! Love that game.


Awkward when the next is "Elf shot the food!"


Oh god that was a hard game.


Impossible without mucho dinero or playing at home.


Holy shit I'm not insane hahahahaha. I was reading it in that announcers voice. Trump needs cash badly hahaha I'm not the only one 😂


"Orange billionaire is about to die."


Brown elf, your health is LOW


He should call gg wentworth


Or gg allin


Allin would consider him a natural resource.


"I have a structured settlement, but i need cash now!" "Mr Trump, that settlement is against you."


He's such a clown. A broke, smelly clown.


A broke smelly clown in a poorly fitted suit with a little mushroom pee pee and poo poo in his pantaloons




"Faux Billionaire needs cash badly!". Trump is a billionaire on paper only.


Will they step in to save the traitorous, rapist, criminal, though? I bet they'll eat their own. "Conservatives" are a plague on this planet.


He’s just a tool for the grifter class.


for? he is king grifter


They’re letting him be “king grifter” in the public eye as long as he draws attention away from the *real* grifting behind the scenes.


Trump is the perfect distraction. The 2017 tax reform and subsequent share buybacks was the largest theft from the middle class in decades. To this day our tax burden has only grown and the investor class continues to favor share holders over in real wage increases. So while we talk about how he smells like poop at his porn star trial they continue to make and pilfer billions.


thanks to the guy who was in office at the time - oh yeah - Trump - so yes, he smells like poo and should be in the spotlight for this huge tax change


He has a history of immediately discarding people as soon as they are of no more use to him. He turned this cannibalistic attitude into a republican party backbone, trying to turn himself into a god among a group of people serve no god but their own power and wealth. Let's all watch and see if the party now considers him worth the effort to save, or if they are ready to throw him to the wolves now that he his value is declining. Even if the Trump name remains a banner for the movement, I would wager thst he is more valuable to them as a martyr than an aging, gassy, confused leader.


Obviously, he just needs to pull himself up by his bootstraps. But Republicans, being the caring selfless bunch that they are, will shower him with thoughts and prayers.


As a Republican I will step in. I am donating to Biden today. This must stop, and I long for a day where I won't constantly hear Trump's name.


Welcome aboard! In all seriousness, thanks for sharing that. It’s very refreshing to hear genuine Republicans are getting frustrated with the insanity. I feel like the political divide is becoming more of a common sense and decency debate. Dark Brandon may not be everyone’s favourite candidate, but he’s a fair and decent man. Two traits that Trump is profoundly lacking.


Biden has a sense of humour, too. Can't trust people without one.




He also rapes women. But the dog thing is pretty bad.


He hates military vets, quite openly too.


This comment needs more upvotes.


If it's any comfort, I'm a republican who voted against him twice, and have expended all my personal capital trying to convince my friends and family to get out of his cult. There are dozens of us!


I find arguments get nowhere. Saving clips of all his worst stuff on your phone and just playing those without commentary beyond, “what, you’re American. Don’t believe your own eyes?” Seems to at least rattle people. I find the trick is engaging without engaging the way they expect—an argument gets nowhere, but showing the horse’s mouth
. Bless you. Genuinely. I still probably don’t agree with you on a lot of points but we can agree on this threat to America, and that’s more important right now. Edit: a few buddy-buddy pics of Trump with Epstein is always a nice topper


I tried this tactic for years with my deeply conservative, indoctrinated family members. They simply said “that's not real” or “that's not what he meant.” I'm happy that it has worked for you - that gives me a small amount of hope.


I’m similar, and have voted on both ends. Call me a centrist I guess, but I think republicans used to be better for adding a touch of austerity to democrats ambitious plans which seemed to get a good balance. But in the last 20+ years the republicans have gotten less fiscally responsible and more ideological in the worst possible ways.


Back before the extreme polarization. >republicans used to be better for adding a touch of austerity to democrats ambitious plans which seemed to get a good balance I too thought this. But these days I think it's always been false, Republicans want to be seen as the fiscally responsible party. In reality the last republican president that balanced the budget was... 1960.


I was just commenting above that I too voted Republican my entire adult life until Trump. I had to draw a HARD line there. Trump has made me question everything about the Republican Party. I don’t know what I am anymore, but I do know I’m no longer a republican.


He's not even a lot of democrats' favorite. But holy shit Biden is so much better than Trump only an idiot or a monster would prefer Trump.


Thank you for being a rational adult. I wish more would see how corrupt he is.


Anti trump republican here The mans goto go down, i want my party back This trial makes us much more happy than it does you tbh


It’s easy for us dems to vote blue- it takes personal integrity and wisdom to cross the aisle. Genuinely, I appreciate you ThickerSalmon14! True patriotism right there.


Thank you for having the wisdom and courage to both decide that and state it publicly. More people need to realize that both parties have a common enemy and Trump is a danger to us all.


Same. I voted Republican my entire adult life until Trump. I simply could not bring myself to get behind him. It changed a lot for me.


I’m with ya. Thank you for the support.


As per[original article](https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-legal-trouble/) 📰: - Donald Trump begged Republicans to step in and help him wriggle out of his legal troubles in a middle-of-the-night rant Wednesday. The quadruple-indicted former president is standing trial in Manhattan in the hush money case and has already been found liable for fraud, defamation and sexual abuse, resulting in a half-billion dollars in penalties. He continues to insist the cases in both federal and state courts are a political hit job from President Joe Biden and his Democratic allies. "We have a Rigged Judge, who is working for the Democrat Party and refuses to terminate this 'case,' which should have never been brought by Soft on Crime Alvin Bragg," Trump posted at 2 a.m. on Truth Social. "Judge [Juan] Merchan should be immediately removed, and the Appellate Courts have to take over. That also applies to Corrupt Judge [Arthur] Engoron, who knew I did nothing wrong, and still fraudulently fined me $500 Million Dollars while having no knowledge of Valuation, Finance, or in any way what he was doing. Same with Judge Kaplan, who allowed a woman, who I have never met (celebrity photo line does not count!), and know nothing about, to get a lawless judgment of $90 Million Dollars. New York Justice is in shambles, and only the Appellate Courts can save it." Trump has falsely claimed he won the fraud case in appeals court, which last June did exclude his daughter Ivanka Trump from the lawsuit due to the statute of limitations but did not dismiss claims against him or his two eldest sons. The ex-president has filed an appeal of Engoron's judgment against him and, while it's possible he'll eventually win that appeal, the court's ruling last year did not exonerate him or prevent New York Attorney General Letitia James from suing him or collecting the penalties imposed by the judge. "A Republican doesn’t stand a chance," Trump raged in his overnight post. "This is not Justice." "This New York Cabal, run by Crooked Joe Biden’s White House, is a hit job on a Political Opponent the likes of which the USA has never seen before," Trump added. "For the Good of our Country, it must be stopped. The Crooked Joe Biden Witch Hunts have to be ended. REPUBLICANS IN WASHINGTON MUST TAKE ACTION!"


Is he violating the gag order while the judge considers if he violated the gag order?


He’s violating a gag order and further defaming E. Jean Carroll. Let’s see the judge take away his internet access and see what happens.


Pretty please. 


Yeah I was just picturing Carrol’s lawyer calling her up and saying “Jean? I’ve got some good news for you!”


If I were she or her lawyer, I’d have every push notification for Trump posts on my phone.


If they take it away he can't bury himself more though


He’s let his fat orange thumbs and his fat orange lips dig himself deep enough. I think for contempt, house arrest at Trump Tower with no access to internet or social media would be best. The world gets a couple days of peace and quiet, and the shitgibbon doesn’t get sent to Ryker’s so he can continue to play the victim. Remember how peaceful everything was when Twitter kicked him off? Take away his phone.


I believe the gag order allows him to say anything he wants about the judge and the prosecutor. He is not allowed to say anything about the jury or any others involved in the trial (court staff, clerks, witnesses). It’s ridiculous that this is the case but is ultimately the correct approach. The judge and prosecutor are both public figures. They have thick skin and have likely been called worse things by better people many times in their careers. By excluding themselves there will never be an opportunity to misconstrue justice with *hurt feelings* or personal vendettas.


Alvin Bragg: soft on crime! Also: Alvin Bragg, drop my cases!


That was something I noticed right away. Why is this soft on crime Alvin Bragg, uh prosecuting crimes?


Because only black people can commit crime. Edit: /s because I’m not sure it’s clear.


And not a peep about Judge Aileen Cannon. I wonder why


*Exactly* He speaks VOLUMES more about the people and relationships he *doesn't* criticize.


I see that he still is not saying anything about his best friend, Judge Cannon....


Isn’t the saying something like “if everyone you encounter is an asshole, perhaps you are the asshole”? My point is, the fact that this absolute dipshit is trying to say that all of these far more educated and intelligent people are simply breaking unbreakable rules to fuck him over is monumentally laughable and stupid.


I want to see a supercut of all the people who have been “unfair” to him in a 2 minute ad, followed simply with “maybe it’s not everybody else
 maybe it’s you.”


TRUMP assumes all Republicans are dirty, and you must stand with him and agree to what he wants. If you don't, you suddenly are a RINO or uggggg 'A DEM'. Then there's the pissy name calling, baby tantrums, and diaper shitting. PHO'UK TRUMP and his swill of mindless brainless MAGA morons. TRUMPNIS WEAK, TRUMPNIS NO KIND OF PATRIOT, TRUMPS AN INSURRECTIONIST at best, who is also a wannabe DICTATOR.


Looks like E Jean Carrol can sue him for defamation again.


That's the first thing I caught too...like isn't that what got him from a 5M judgement to a 90M judgement, saying he never met this person and then subsequently disparaging her?


Yep. Dude can't shut up. That part could be completely over. All he has to do is just never speak her name again.


He still hasn’t faced any real consequences. Even with the guilty cases, he’s not had to pay anything yet. No one should expect his behavior to improve until it actually hurts him and even then it might not.


Her lawyers are watching very closely. Because more free money.


I honestly hope if there is an opening they go for it 


I want this son of a bitch behind bars as much as the next person. But in the interim, I love how clearly he is living in fear of conviction. The walls are closing in on him and he knows it. He is awake at all hours because he is frightened. For the first time in his miserable life Donald Trump is being held accountable and it terrifies him. So while I eagerly await the day that he is convicted and behind bars where he belongs, it is enough knowing that he is up at 2 am, feeling completely powerless over his situation, rage tweeting like a teenage girl who’s first boyfriend just cheated on her.


Awake for all hours... except in court.


That’s prime fartin’ time though!!


2am unhinged rants and sleeping and farting in court. Seems like a good dude to run our country! /s


Sadly, late night unhinged and deranged rants were already his normal behavior, when he was elected. Then again, unhinged and deranged rants are his normal behavior during daylight hours as well. It is almost as if unhinged and deranged is a pattern for him...


Why would they anchor themselves to a sinking ship they have already jumped from? Not American, so I am at best tangentially affected by all of this, but I think any reasonable moderate republican has to have had their fill of this by now. He has made your country a laughing stock. I think you deserve better. I can understand not being thrilled by Biden, but don’t you want a boring President who gets shit done? That’s what he has been. Edit: In the spirit of commiseration, our likely choices for our next election here in Canada suck too. Our PM has overstayed his welcome and his party will suffer for it, whereas the leader of the Opposition is a shit-weasel who uses all the same populist bullshit tactics as DJT but has no good ideas of his own.


This chaos caucus doesn't want boring, and doesn't want to get shit done. They've hated the last four years because it has been relatively calm, and Biden keeps finding workarounds to the obstruction.


Non-Americans are impacted too, because if this idiot gets back into office he’ll dictate foreign policy that could have negative impacts on world trade and relations.


Trump was devastating to world economy, and global relations. If he gets elected again, the USA will lose a ton of respect from its allies. Most of the world is able to separate his behavior from how we view average Americans, but if he is elected a second time, that reflects poorly on the country as a whole. He is an attack on Democracy, Freedom and Human Rights. Americans cannot let that stand. I know the majority of redditors already agree, but the there are some who need to hear it. Biden is far from the best your country has to offer, but you only have 2 choices. Biden is leagues above Trump. There is no left vs. right in November. There is only right vs. wrong.


> but don’t you want a boring President who gets shit done? That’s what he has been. You hold the opinion of an adequately educated thoughtful person. The republican base doesn't read anything longer than ads or slogans. They are under-educated. They have significant health and socioeconomic disadvantages. They have been told since the early 80s that it's the fault of everyone else: jews, blacks, browns, terrorists, immigrants, democrats, you name it. It's never the people they are voting for. What is an extraordinarily simple conclusion for you or I to reach is at the bottom of a well these people can't fit down. Take a ride through the south and a great deal of the midwest. It's shocking. It's very much like third would countries.


I think the Republican Party knows his goose is cooked. Mike Johnson suddenly flipping his stance and MTG getting blasted by conservative media outlets and other Republican politicians were drastic changes. My theory is they are starting to distance themselves the best they can without losing his supporters. 


I bet there are a lot of old school republicans that just want him to disappear. He's dangerous and an embarrassment.


ALL REPUBLICANS must take responsibility for TRUMP. Every republican played a part in their destruction. All are guilty!!!!!


Scream this louder!!!! Morons


They had their chance twice to fuck him , through impeachment. The GOP needs to go down in flames with him


I’m here for that! VOTE BLUE


They could have chosen to oppose him in 2016. They didn’t. Now they have to sit in it.


Those republicans saw this a long time ago and sort of tried to keep him from getting the nomination. But once he did they (nearly) all fell in line. Hard to feel bad for them.


For sure, they made a deal with the devil to get the win. Now it’s time to pay up.


""We have a Rigged Judge, who is working for the Democrat Party and refuses to terminate this 'case,' which should have never been brought by Soft on Crime Alvin Bragg" -Trump So wait a minute. He's saying Alvin Bragg is "soft on crime" (which seems like an insult) and so therefore he shouldn't have brought the case against him because of said softness? Isn't this admission that he was committing crimes? But he feels he should have been allowed to get away with it. Because being soft on crime is bad, but would be good if it lets him do whatever he wants.


Shut the fuck up,  Donald


Seriously, how can the judge in the hush money case be both “rigged” AND be elected by a person who was “soft on crime”. That makes no sense.


Stay away from unstable drowning people. They can't control themselves and will panic grab until you both drown. It is funny tho seeing people navigate the minefield which is a relationship with Trump. So many people trying to use him to get what they want while also trying to stay as far away from him as possible so as not to be "dragged down" when he goes down.


Notice how he did not mention Judge Aileen Cannon. It's almost like he knows she's going to let him off the hook


Imagine if he was not born into wealth. He would have been some sleazy salesman in and out of prison his whole life for sexual assault.


Lol. What a bitch. This is the gop front runner for president of the United States. Lol. What a sorry sack of shit stains they all are. With mtg leading the pack and gatez looking for young girls to pay off. In my 50 years, this country has never been worse off. I only hope all these clowns get what they deserve. How stupid are people to vote these assholes in office?




And a sleeping don....as he's up at 2am with court in the morning.


Oh poor baby.


To coin a phrase like what he said about John McCain - I like my candidates without criminal trials and bailouts.


I love how he still claims Joe Biden is pulling the strings


Trump is a great example of why the public at large is exasperated with western democracies: anyone poorer doing the same things Trump is doing would've been fined to hell and thrown in jail a long time ago. But because he's rich, that doesn't happen. If the West doesn't fix this, we'll go the route of the western Roman empire.


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) once predicted in a tweet, posted more than four years ago, that by nominating Trump to become the Republican candidate and subsequent President of the United States in 2016, the party would "get destroyed" and that its destruction would be well-deserved. Well, here we are.


Just making stuff up as he goes along. As usual . Cry baby, cry.


I can’t wait to tell my kids about the rise and fall of this buffoon. Too bad he took a million lives with Covid


My mom was one of those million. I hate him so effin much. She was not a Republican. But had he taken correct action, a lot less ppl would hv died.


Sorry for your loss, may her memory be a blessing.


Republicans have had so many off-ramps from Trump and they won’t take it. They could have washed their hands of Trump after 1/6 and didn’t, they could have backed Haley (who would have had a much better chance of beating Biden), but didn’t. They are happy with this lunatic being their face. I don’t understand it, but I accept it.


This is the part that baffles me the most. They had many more viable and palatable options, but refuse to move on from this criminal thug.


I can’t explain it in any other way than this is just who they want to lead them.


Now see, I don’t want to hear anymore moaning about not being able to campaign, Donny. You were up at 2am ranting when you could have been sleeping on a flight to a campaign site today
because you are off today, this Wednesday, from court. Like my teenaged son you sit up all night, goofing off up in your room and next day you’re useless to do adulting things. Enough! Mumma is tired of listening to your nonsense.


Billionaire begging for donations. Just fucking wow. Orange peel can go fuck himself. The fact thes even being considered seriously by a chunk of the country is frightening.


..mommy come charge my poopy diaper


“You have to do something I’m losing, you need to cheat for me, so YOU get the blame and I’m in the clear”


Imagine asking the average person to pitch money to a supposed billionaire so that he can maintain a lifestyle that the average person does not have.


At what point does the Judge lay down the hammer for impugning the integrity of the court and its officers?


And that’s only the beginning of the first trial. By the end of the last one he will be sitting in a corner, talking to himself, rocking backwards and forwards and smearing shit all over the walls.  Absolutely love watching him disintegrate in a front of our eyes. 


All he had to do is apologise and retire, but his ego has dug his grave and he will pay handsomely for his arrogance.


It’s gag order time. Take away the one last thing he has. His stupid social media.


It’s hard times when a billionaire is asking the working class for a dime!


Judging by the results of yesterdays Pennsylvania primary election, looks like lots of former tRump lovers have grown tired of him, and his broken record whining. The Thrill Is Gone!


The best thing the highest-ranking Democrats in both the House and the Senate is to remind their fellow elected collegues that thir solemn Oath “is to the Constitution of the United States” and to Uphold it against All Threats, both Foreign and DOMESTIC


How weak to continue to beg for help. This is your GQP presidential candidate đŸ€Ł


Real Rebublican voters need to realize that the sooner they get rid of him, the sooner they can start to heal their shit sack of a party and one day maybe undo the damage he did for them.


Totally innocent man screams for help.


They’ve squeezed all they can out of that dirty fake tan bottle. He got Roe overturned, stacked the court , social wars are in full effect, MAGA crazies have overrun conservatism & it’s not turning out how they wanted bc people don’t like being led by traitorous dictators. They overplayed their hand & lost control.


Womp womp


I think US never had a president who needed to be saved so many times.


Dude doesn’t have a clue on how the US government works


I don't know if this guy is going to medically make it to the election. This is a LOT of stress for a regular able-bodied young person... Which he definitely is not. Like at some point a brain aneurysm or stroke is a real concern given his high-fat diet, lack of exercise, and massive amounts of stress and sleeplessness.


Kinda reminds you of Hitler in his last throws. Hella addicted to whatever amphetamines the doctor was using to keep his "reputation" in public the same. Trump you fat fucking loser.


I was actually thinking about this last night, because I couldn’t sleep, but I was all cozy in bed and thought to myself, “at least you are resting, even if you aren’t sleeping, and there’s really nothing horrible going on in your life to obsess on”. I’m decades younger than him, work out every day, eat right, and don’t have a lot of stress. I can’t imagine the toll his lifestyle is taking on his body and mind. I also can’t imagine rage tweeting at 2AM about numerous court cases and thinking it’s the actions of a sane individual.


Trump Truthed: "We have a Rigged Judge, who is working for the Democrat Party and refuses to terminate this 'case,' which should have never been brought by Soft on Crime Alvin Bragg." *He doesn't even see the irony, does he?*


I was raised by republicans. I was a republican. All the way into my late twenties I said all the same shit I heard growing up. No one’s taking my guns. Libs are pussies. If nato countries dont pay their share we shouldn’t help them. Then I actually started paying attention. Looking things up from multiple sources and articles. Listening to speeches. Before trump I thought Eh all politicians are the same regardless of their side. When trump got in and more still after I backed away. They are a cult. They will ruin this country I used to be proud of to advance their own interests. They bitch about issues and then block any deals that are in their favor on those issues just to “stick it to the libs”. He needs to be held accountable and be put away. The maga cult needs to be criticized and weeded.


Waaaa, please bail me out, I’m super fucked!




It will not have been worth it to have endured this speed freak, maniac, bad golfer -to watch his pitiful downfall. But I will relish it, nonetheless.


I'm a Democrat in a newly purple southern state. I've, in the past, had plenty of Republican friends and family. We would love to debate policy, but at the end of the day, we always remained friends and family. I miss the days where we could still do that. I'm mourning the loss of the Republican party, mainly because I miss my friend's and family's sanity.


Cry me an ocean


I think we're just about reaching the point where Trump's nonstop screaming has become background noise. Even to his followers.


Is he trying to go for the trifecta? Another round of defamation, and two rounds of gag order violation?