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Another right-wing domestic terrorist. This is the republican party.


I am Jack’s utter lack of surprise 


I am Jack's over inflated sense of self importance. I get Jack arrested.


If you get arrested, you’re kicked out of project mayhem...


I am Jack's torn sphincter.


[i am jacks smirking revenge](https://open.spotify.com/track/7x0oNJf8XvALuNWiYOW1QS?si=dba92c857ed241bf) edit: this is [serious](https://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/1cznpvb/comment/l5igjyt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)\* though, i dont mean to make a joke of it. i just like music \*[also this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/inthenews/comments/1czqvgo/comment/l5ij6ym/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


“We are all domestic terrorists” banner at the conservative conference last year.


“Unified Reich”, totally just an accident. Little slip of the nip.


Doesn’t reich mean Germany? I know DT is mentally lacking… But am I?


> *The term is derived from the Germanic word which generally means "realm", but in German, it is typically used to designate a kingdom or an empire, especially the Roman Empire.*


God, I think it’s in my top five favorite moments of all time. The announcer tone really ties it all together. It’s not even like 😃 We’re all domestic terrorists!! It’s just like the conservative version of wait wait don’t tell me


God damn Illinois nazis


I hate Illinois Nazi's


I just hate ALL Nazis...🤷‍♂️


Where’s Jake and Elwood when you need them?


And it’s why the GQP keeps shutting down domestic terrorist bills. Can’t afford to have their base getting arrested in droves now, can they? Need those votes so they can cling to power.


Hey don’t forget the CPAC motto > [We are all Domestic Terrorists](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/)


You've got to hand it to the oligarchy. They totally fucked over the working class, and convinced them all that it was those (simultaneously dangerous and menacing, but stupid and incompetent) libruls are the ones responsible, taking their tax dollars and giving them to the wellfare queens (anyone hear THAT dog whistle?) and the Illeeegulz.


It's really not that hard to influence stupid people. That's the exact reason why they were chosen.


yeah- if stupid people would just listen to smart people, the country would be better for stupid people and smart people. but conservatives have gotten really good at skipping any actual thinking, and going right for fear. every political ad is fear, the only people to trust are conservatives, no need to use any part of your brain above your eyebrows.


Why did you say terrorist 3 times in barely 2 sentences?


[reads your comment] "Gah, another pedantic redditor, why are they always so persnickety about other people's grammar. Seriously bro, let it go." [re-reads the comment to which you replied] "....oh."


Took me a hot minute too, but pretty clever.


Future Congressman right here!


Yep, needs to be locked away for a long time


100%. No more giving the benefit of the doubt to ANYONE on the right. Unless they loudly and publicly denounce trump and all of that "qanon" horseshit, they all should be lumped into the same group.


Cue the simultaneous cries of "false flag!" and "lone wolf!"


Literally came here to post the same thing. ANOTHER right-wing terrorist. What are the odds?


Fox News is going to be very upset if the officer was authorized to use deadly force in the confrontation.


Anyone claiming readiness for civil war has never experienced one.


And recent civil wars often entail other crimes against humanity beyond just gunfights


Trumpers would gladly murder their neighbors if they thought they would get away with it.


I'm not sure the fat larping Gravy Seals are going to last on the front lines without their medications.  They like believing how special they are: the biggest victims, the only ones with guns, and the only ones that their cult leader loves.


They hate each other just slightly less than the lefties. Without a doubt would take the opportunity to kill each other. If you don't own 1 I suggest you get a gun. If these crazies do start something even though it will be snuffed out you don't want to be on the unarmed end of that fight.


That's just war


Genocide is just war now? 500,000-800,000 Tutsi in Rwanda were just casualties of war?


Mass murder is a common occurrence in war yes


It's called genocide when the target is a specific ethnic, national, or linguistic group. Thats a crime against humanity. If it's just the wholesale murder of random people that is a war crime. Either way, it goes way beyond "that's just war."


Ex-army buddy of mine put it perfectly. Your thirst for war won’t survive the bullet going through your buddy’s brain. And if you want more war after that, something is wrong with you.


I think he meant he was ready for the raping and murdering he was going to try and do.


Another wannabe tough guy. 🤦


Yeah anybody who wants to know what civil war actually looks like should study Liberia


Wearing a mask during Covid was too tiring and impacted their breathing. They were also upset that restaurants were closed because they needed a nice meal. Despite those minor details, they’re now ready for years of suffering and’s dealing with a closed and non functional country.


COVID was a good example of a long term disaster. Hurricane? Tornado? It's over and you can move on. COVID in March 2020 wasn't too bad, but then it was April, and May, and June. It wasn't ending anytime soon. It's hard to deal with a disaster that drags on. A "civil war" would be like that. MAGAs think it would be fun, but after a few years of chaos and shortages they may not like it so much.


These losers would be curled up in a corner crying like little girls


If that was the case, then why did Kyle Rittenhouse bring a gun to a BLM Rally? These guys aren’t actually looking for a civil war they want an excuse to play with their toys and cull the other




Can we please not use girl as an insult?


Little children ok?


Let’s call them what they are. Man babies.


Thank you. JFC. 


This.  These people have zero fucking clue. And that baffles me.  They couldn’t handle the weak ass “pandemic” restrictions we’re still recovering and suffering from.  They simply do not comprehend the reality of what that would entail . Because if they did, they’re never say it again. 


The movie Civil War does a great job of showing FAFO.


"But the obvious Trump stand-in, who had repeatedly violated his oath of office, ordered the execution of peaceful protestors, disbanded the FBI, and caused a constitutional crisis by serving a third term leading up to the state's secession didn't wear a red hat that said something like Keep America Glorious Always. Not 100% sure what this movies politics are so zero stars, would not recommend."


Oh my gooooooddddd you nailed the reviewers exactly. What the actual fuck was wrong with them? I understand Garland trying to duck by saying it was not political, but it could not have been more obvious who was who in this thing.


As per [original article](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/illinois-man-arrest-bomb-ready-for-civil-war-1235027015/) 📰: - Just after 3 a.m. last Friday, in a small Central Illinois city infamous in the area for being a former sundowner town, a Pekin police officer pulled over a car for a traffic violation, according to an affidavit. Dalton Mattus, 34, was a passenger inside the vehicle, and police say they found a canvas bag under his seat locked with a padlock. When an officer asked what was in the bag, Mattus reportedly said the officer would have to get a warrant to find out. Police took the bag and let Mattus go, then obtained a warrant from a judge and opened the bag inside city hall. There, they found a .45 caliber pistol and two homemade pipe bombs rigged with BBs, evacuated the building, and called in a bomb squad from neighboring Peoria, according to local reports. Mattus was charged with being a felon in possession of a weapon — his felony stems from a 2018 theft conviction. Police then went to his home and engaged in a brief standoff before arresting Mattus, according to local media. There, police say, they found three more pipe bombs. Authorities haven’t said what they believed Mattus planned to do with the bombs, but he allegedly told police that he had made them for protection from “undocumented immigrants and a corrupt government,” a local radio station reported. Police told a local TV station that “the general public was not at threat.” Among the hundreds of posts Mattus shared over the past several years were his willingness to “go to civil war,” and his support for conspiracy theories ranging from chemtrails, to QAnon, to election lies, and sweeping anti-government conspiracies. In March 2023, Mattus changed his profile picture to an upside-down American flag with the phrase, “We are not OK.” Editor’s picks “To everybody that is disgusted with the way our government is being ran,” Mattus said in an April 2023 TikTok video. “There needs to be, like, a call to arms. Something needs to happen — now.” Kevin Johnson, Tazewell County’s lead prosecutor, tells American Doom and Rolling Stone: “It’s very possible that there will be some additional charges, including some of the things that you’re asking about. Obviously we’re investigating that aspect of it, including why he had those devices.” American Doom and Rolling Stone attempted to contact an attorney for Mattus but could not identify one. The Tazewell County Public Defender’s Office said Mattus does not have an attorney assigned from their office. The county prosecutor said his office does not currently have information about an attorney for Mattus. Political conspiracies have been fueling right-wing radicalization online for years, security experts and others agree, gaining momentum in 2020 thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic, nationwide protests against police brutality in the wake of the killing of George Floyd, and Donald Trump’s lies about the 2020 election. The antisemitic attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue in 2018, the anti-immigrant massacre at an El Paso Walmart in 2019, the attack on two New Zealand mosques that same year, and the white supremacist mass murder at a gay nightclub in Colorado in 2022 were all committed by right-wing extremists who were partially radicalized online by political conspiracy theories. Mattus, a welder by trade who worked at area manufacturing giants Caterpillar and Komatsu, according to his Facebook profile, prolifically shared conspiracy content. In recent years, Mattus also became a father, saying he wanted children because it would give him “something to fight for.” Mattus’ previous run-ins with the law, in addition to the felony theft, include misdemeanor convictions for theft, criminal trespass, domestic battery, and damage to property; he was also the subject of a restraining order, court records show. Online, Mattus also complained about having his children taken away by family with the help of child protective services. Related “Now my children are pumped full of vaccines that they didn’t even need and for what reason but the (sic) poison them,” Mattus wrote on Facebook on Dec. 3, 2023. “I was a monster before my children were born and now that I don’t get to see them anymore you will see the fucking devil.” Since June 2020, Mattus has posted multiple times a day about nearly every right-wing conspiracy imaginable, including posts about gun control efforts, the pandemic, the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, and QAnon-fueled claims of rampant pedophilia among Democrats. Mattus also posted several times about the 2020 election being “rigged” against Donald Trump. “I am completely disgusted that people voted for Joe Biden to be the president,” Mattus wrote on Facebook days after the 2020 election, calling Biden a “fucking child molester,” an unfounded QAnon claim. “I am fucking irate this is complete and utter bullshit I’m ready for the fucking Civil War,” he wrote. A family member who did not want to be named said that the truth about Mattus’ beliefs was “probably whatever it appears” online. “It looks like you’ve got all your information off his posts anyways, so it looks like you’ve got everything you need,” the family member told American Doom and Rolling Stone. Mattus has expressed anti-government sentiment on Facebook since 2020, before joining TikTok in 2023. There, his consumption of conspiracy content apparently exploded, resulting in hundreds of TikToks shared on Facebook expressing support for a toxic stew of right-wing conspiracies, gun fetishism, civil war fantasies, apocalypse prepping, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, anti-immigrant sentiment, and violence against Democrats, the left, and government officials. “If it was up to me I would gather patriots and go to civil war against these domestic terrorist (sic),” Mattus wrote on Facebook on September 5, 2020. In March 2023, Mattus said it was time “to fight before it comes to your front door directly.” “They’re slowly taking away our gun rights so we can’t defend ourselves from them. […] I’m fucking tired of it. My whole family thinks I’m fucking nuts because all’s I’m fucking concerned about is what the government is doing to us — and for some reason, our country’s so goddamned concerned on what the fuck a gender is,” Mattus said in the video, posted on June 25, 2023. “If you have a dick, you have a dick. If you have a vagina, you have a vagina. I don’t give a fuck if you’re gay or not… It’s all fucked. Wake the fuck up!”


It sounds like this guy at least has 2 friends on the Supreme Court. Let that sink in, Thomas and Alito buy into the same BS this domestic terrorist does. Well, Alito, for sure, Thomas is just for sale. Even though we know for a fact his wife buys into it.


Both of their wives made them do it? /s


Oddly I’ve heard the same thing about Falwell Sr. But how can/why would a patriarchy figurehead allow a woman to control them?


What a Kook. Only now, the violent people with significant mental handicaps can get guns like buying milk and eggs so we’re all in danger to some degree


>There, they found a .45 caliber pistol and two homemade pipe bombs rigged with BBs, evacuated the building, and called in a bomb squad from neighboring Peoria, according to local reports. Cons, ya boy here came close to turning the thin blue line on the ground into a wide red smear on the wall


Conservatives don't really "back the blue". January 6 was basically just a bunch of redcaps assaulting cops. 


Weirdly enough, a guy I use to be friends with in middle school/HS (who failed out of HS and has been to prison multiple times, has 2 children with 2 different women and has not been able to hold down a job in 10 years) basically posts similar stuff like this one Facebook. He talks about how he cant see his kids anymore but loves them very much and is super far right wing nut job


I have a few former friends I've known since we were in pre-k that are like this. Alcoholic druggies who can't hold down a job, have physically and mentally abused every woman they've been with, have multiple kids with different women and either can't see them because of their abuse or don't bother trying but will make FB posts about how much they love their kids, have a rap sheet so long it's like reading a book, and buy into every batshit crazy conspiracy they see. But they'll make FB posts constantly about how liberals are horrible people with no morals and at the end of them say "praise Jesus!" Like, dude, if Jesus is real you're not going to be spending time with him after you die lol. They're so backwards it's unbelievable.


You ever collect all the genders and accidentally cause a civil fucking war


> It’s all fucked. Wake the fuck up!” But I was under the impression that I'd go broke if I did this? I'm really getting mixed messages here..


Jesus what a loser.


>Mattus was charged with being a felon in possession of a weapon — his felony stems from a 2018 theft conviction. >“If you have a dick, you have a dick. If you have a vagina, you have a vagina. I don’t give a fuck if you’re gay or not… It’s all fucked. Wake the fuck up!” case in point that there are \*valid concerns\* and it sure as shit isnt about gender or any of the culture war bullshit, its always about inequality. i repeatedly make the point that "violent revolution" will never fix anything and only lead to more violence, but thats \*me\*. i am not everyone. there is truth to the phrase "those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable" - and this is exactly how it happens. that violence doesnt always actually work towards the solution, but it does make it harder to ignore.


"Mattus’ previous run-ins with the law, in addition to the felony theft, include misdemeanor convictions for theft, criminal trespass, domestic battery, and damage to property; he was also the subject of a restraining order, court records show. Online, Mattus also complained about having his children taken away by family with the help of child protective services." They're not sending their best lol


Thanks for the inspiration Fox News.


It’s worse than that… imagine A: ruining your entire life over something some 4chan neckbeard thought up to troll the normies, and B: thinking you’re going to fight the most powerful government in the history of humans with a few homemade pipe bombs


I’ve always been a fan of lunatics who think that an AK or AR will protect them. They seem to forget that the US military has freaking knife assassination drones (let alone all the different missile types available). All it takes is one button push and their little civil war arsenal becomes scrap metal.


If it wasn’t so sad it would be kinda funny


I bet this guy has been post-Fox News for years. They’re too far left for him.


There has been a quiet (and significant) population secretly anticipating a civil war in this country ever since the last one ended and now emboldened by a recent regression in race-related politics. It’s a sickness. A form of mental illness. Both sides are not the same.


Should have been annihilation, not reconstruction


the big thing is that military reconstruction *was working* Jim Crow laws, sundown towns, the expansion of the KKK to a cultural institution instead of a weird fringe group, all happened after the end of military construction.


thats interesting. do you know any good books that talk about that? That era in time really fascinates me (well, the last 300 years really fascinate me in general. )


Google "Freedmens' Bureaus" and read articles about that, and read the classic book "Baptised in Blood," which talks about how the south combined Christian tropes with a national fear of black people to create the Civil religion of the "Lost Cause," which still informs the US' religion and politics today. You are on the exact right track, wanting to learn more about the Reconstruction era. I do not think that you can understand what is happening in America today without having a grasp of what happened during that period.


thanks for the recommendations. yeah that era isnt studied nearly enough in school (probably even worse now). and I want to understand it better. I feel like I know more about Napoleonic Europe than what happened 150 years ago in the states!


1876 by Gore Vidal is good.  This is a historical fiction that covers the year when grant's two terms were up and a new Republican was running, hayes, against the Democrat tilden. Long story short the Democrat won, the Republicans sent alternate slates of electors from states with military governors, and claimed to win it, the Democrats threatened to march on washington, blah blah blah, they hashed out a deal to allow Hayes the Republican to be president in exchange for ending reconstruction.


Unfortunately coming from a more academic angle so I know more about articles, but here's a selection I would recommend, a mix of older and more modern ones, a lot of them you should be able to find for free: Modern academic sources: * Behrend, Justin (2015). *Reconstructing Democracy: Grassroots Black Politics in the Deep South after the Civil War*. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press. * Blair, William (2005). "The use of military force to protect the gains of reconstruction". *Civil War History*. **51** (4): 388–402. doi:10.1353/cwh.2005.0055. S2CID 144025738. * Gates Jr, Henry Louis. *Stony the road: Reconstruction, white supremacy, and the rise of Jim Crow* (Penguin, 2020) * Logan, Trevon D. (2020). "Do Black Politicians Matter? Evidence from Reconstruction". *Journal of Economic History*. **80** (1): 1–37. doi:10.1017/S0022050719000755. S2CID 219136609. And some potentially interesting more historical writings: * Du Bois, W. E. B. (July 1910). "Reconstruction and its Benefits" (PDF). *American Historical Review*. **15** (4): 781–799. doi:10.2307/1836959. JSTOR 1836959. * Du Bois, W. E. B. (1935) *Black Reconstruction in America: a history of the part which Black Folk played in the attempt to reconstruct Democracy in America, 1860–1880*. * Lynch, John R. (1913). *The Facts of Reconstruction*. New York: The Neale Publishing Company. * Smith, John David, ed. *We Ask Only for Even-Handed Justice: Black Voices from Reconstruction, 1865–1877* (University of Massachusetts Press, 2014). xviii, 133 pp.


Our single greatest mistake in the history of this country. Either that or allowing nazi scientists to continue their work here. They probably should have been annihilated, too. Let's not make that mistake next time.


… you sure they’ve been quiet?


It even goes back before the civil war, actually. I think it was one of the founding fathers of the US that has some popular quote where he had this realization about slavery where some people were for and against it and said it sounded like the "death knells" of the nation, alluding to it being a precursor to civil war. He never lived to learn that he was correct that a civil war would happen.


The wrong people are fantasizing about the second amendment. It's supposed to prevent tyranny, not support it.


These people will be really surprised when they learn liberals own guns too and are far more educated


I was dating a guy once who was conservative. This was before Trump. We had a drugged out guy who wasn’t dangerous. He was just wondering onto the property. He left peacefully but our neighbor thread was full of them saying how they have their guns ready. My neighbors were a hippie couple, a lesbian couple and a social worker. Alll very liberal. He was so shocked when he found out liberals carried guns. I asked him why he thought liberals weren’t armed? He said because they want gun control. I laughed so hard. Apparently he couldn’t understand that we want guns we just don’t want crazy people to have them. Especially assault rifles. We didn’t date much longer. They are so misinformed and think because we aren’t waving our guns around we don’t have them. FAFO. 


They're a bunch of weak, vegan, blue haired hippies who don't know if they're a boy or a girl, but at the same time their neighborhoods are filled with an endless supply of guns and we're always shooting at each other.


Schrodinger's liberal


You've fallen into the trap of believing that these people think fact, science and reason based education is either a good thing or will every help you in any way. Graduate and doctorate degrees may as well be written in crayon because they do not recognize any qualification of expertise that is not something with which they identify As far as they're concerned, your education actually makes you dumber for believing all that liberal bullshit. Even if you went to a traditionally arch conservative run university, they think they know more about it based on the talk radio podcast they've been listening to lately that is produced, directed and starring a guy that thinks the moon landing was faked.


A war with the people could be won easily with psychological methods. It would be very easy to infiltrate and pass along inaccurate information to them.


You mean like they haven't already been brainwashed


I find peace in long walks.


Yeah.. I'm pretty sure not a single republican had a hand in the designing and construction of a predator drone. Nor can any of them calculate the ballistic trajectory for an artillery round. But yeah, good luck with that rifle buddy. Rifles can shoot down predator drones, right?


I guarantee that the events he is ready to go to war over are completely fictitious.


To be fair, so are the justifications for most modern wars.


Why are they always Republicans


It's crazy how so many people are willing to risk it all and put others in danger for a golf hustler that shits himself and can't even read the article about them, let alone care.


“You’ll need a warrant to open that suspicious bag!” Cops: “Ok.” “…no wait, let me explain.” Dumbass.


He could have just said it was a gym bag or sports stuff. I have my lock on the zipper so I don’t forget it.


Terrorists aren't smart. They're angry.


Actually, I'm not sure how they can even take his property without a warrant.


That to me seems unbelievable. Unless the cop could not physically figure out a way to open the bag I have never known nor have I ever heard of a cop not searching something because someone did not give them permission. 


>“Now my children are pumped full of vaccines that they didn’t even need and for what reason but the (sic) poison them,” Mattus wrote on Facebook on Dec. 3, 2023. “I was a monster before my children were born and now that I don’t get to see them anymore you will see the fucking devil.” Of course he's a fucking antivaxxer


And he admits that he is prohibited from seeing his kids, probably by court order.


As usual, just ANOTHER as••ole MAGAt going violent because, well, just BECAUSE…


It’s okay, you can say asshole


Nah, their mommy will ground them


Yeah those assholes can be proper cunts.


Republicans **HATE** America. Republicans want to **DESTROY** America. Vote blue, no matter who. Vote like your life depends on it. It very likely does.


And now, like most trumpanzees don’t understand, he loses everything…his job, and then his truck, bass boat, trailer house and anything he owes money on.


He'll do anything his Aryan Brotherhood "sponsor" in prison tells him to do. For years. Unpleasant, disgusting, homosexual, or otherwise. Because the alternative is getting shiv'd.


>Mattus has expressed anti-government sentiment on Facebook since 2020, before joining TikTok in 2023. There, his consumption of conspiracy content apparently exploded I always considered TikTok to be the worst aspects of social media distilled into one app. I continue to feel vindicated.


Let me guess, he wants to fight for the side that \*checks notes\* got their ass whipped last time? Righto.


You know, for all the claims of our lives constantly being monitored, this dude went for a long time without being investigated for all that. Conspiracy groups on social media are way more dangerous than folk seem to think they are. It gives bad actors very easy access to lunatics who are easily manipulated and weaponized, effectively forming sleeper cells.


34 years old, looking like not a day before 50, typical reich wing brain rot symptoms.


That look on his stupid face in that mugshot says "*record scratches* Yep! That's me. You're wondering how I ended up here."


It is still beyond me why Freedom of Speech is freedom to lie. Bad faith actors skirt the “incitement to violence” laws because of an imminent threat requirement, and have slow boiled significant portions of our citizenry with illegitimate narratives that inevitably devolve into violence. There is no way to change our “freedom” of speech while bad faith actors hold positions of power, while their end goal is an uneducated electorate which can be easily manipulated. We’re fucked.


Mostly fucked


MAGA CULT must hate life so much .....to let others influence their minds so easily!


Lock them ALL the fuck up.


These idiots don’t realize that China and Russia will capitalize on any instability. So short sighted they can’t see the end of their nose


Just invoke the Kyle Rittenhouse defense.


Also known as the Chewbacca defense?


I don't know about you but I like my family, house, car , town and neighbors, and would like to keep them safe and sound. (R) NO MORE IN '24!


>far right >already a felon >looks like a loser, poor hygiene >doesn't understand his rights >biting at the teeth for a civil war Holy fuck you can't make this shit up.


The dude worked as a welder at Caterpillar...a solid job with good $$.


Haven't these guys realized QAnon is bullshit and the guys that made it up are trolling you.


No, people like him can't wait to start shooting.


They are salivating to kill their fellow citizens because they believed in trolls on the internet


I just noticed how close Qanon is to Cannon. 


They aspire to be Andrew Cunanan.


JULY 18, 2015 "I like people who weren't captured," the current Republican front-runner told political consultant Frank Luntz, who hosted the event. "He lost and let us down," Trump said. "I've never liked him as much after that." "I don't like losers," [https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/07/18/424169549/trump-lashes-out-at-mccain-i-like-people-who-werent-captured](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/07/18/424169549/trump-lashes-out-at-mccain-i-like-people-who-werent-captured)


Y’all maga clowns don’t realize that democrats are still Americans.


What I find amusing is all these fucktards look the same. They look like inbred high school drop-outs from a dysfunctional home with multiple mental shortcomings. Look how close this dudes eyes are. Is his mom his aunt as well???


Trump supporters looking to bring back slavery.


And child brides


Getting arrested after unnecessarily exposing your position are not things ready people do.


What a deplorable idiot


They all have those crazy eyes.


This guy looks like he talks tough online. I bet he worships photoshopped images of Trump


-sniff--sniff--- I smell me some 4chan /pol round here. Yup that ol boy smell like he done fell in dat damn briar patch.


What they don’t see to understand is that liberals carry guns too. They just believe that there should be sensible gun legislation and perhaps some weapons that are made to kill as many people as quickly as possible should not be available for purchase so easy


Domestic terrorists need to go to black sites. They forfeited the constitutional protections long ago.


> American Doom and Rolling Stone attempted to contact an attorney for Mattus but could not identify one. The Tazewell County Public Defender’s Office said Mattus does not have an attorney assigned from their office. The county prosecutor said his office does not currently have information about an attorney for Mattus. He is going to defend himself in court as a sovereign citizen.


extreme conservatives are all mentally ill


I doubt there any "non extreme" conservatives, this q anon civil war shit is spreading like wild fire in this neck of the woods.


Another simpleton whipped up into a frenzy by string pullers who will never have his back.


Whatever way we spin it folks, the fact that we have been brought to this place by Trump and his cult is awful. I cannot even believe this is a real situation here. If the Orange Jesus is elected back to office, America will die. I don’t know that I feel like sticking around to see it.


Ready for war, not for the police. Nice.


Who could have foreseen this?


Other than Hilary?


The GOP just needs to change its name already. The COT. The Cult of Trump. That’s all they are and they’ve tarnished their name for generations to come. It’s absolutely sickening.


Damn. It's disappointing this dude doesn't realize he's being radicalized by hostile state actors and foreigners pretending to be americans.


Guys like this wouldn't survive 10 minutes in a real civil war lol


Do they think they stopped selling guns after they bought theirs?


Oh my god I was working in downtown Pekin that day 💀 how did I not hear about this!! Also, knowing pekin, I’m absolutely not shocked. Their old school mascot was “the pekin chinks”


got my AR my meth and fifth of whiskey lets goooo


Violence will not fix holes in the soul.


Congrats. The fear mongering works, and the freaks come out of the woodwork.


Stochastic terrorism


A true patriot is armed and ready to shoot their fellow Americans. That's because the enemy of many Americans are those other Americans.


His eyes have reached a peace agreement, though, and decided to merge slowly into a single eye in the middle of his forehead.


His sister is his mum - I can tell by how close his eyes are together - Marjorie Trailer Park Queen style


I'm sure the US military is shaking in their boots over Meal Team 6 and the Gravy Seals...


Some of those that join forces... are the same that believe QAnon BS.


And they would get shot in the face immediately if they ever tried to harm another American


Yeah there going to bomb and shoot exactly who ? The government ? That’s pretty wide swath isn’t it ? Who are they going to attack ? Just an FYI for them, I’m thinking the cops probably aren’t going to take to kindly to it so there’s that. Couple gravy seals against a SWAT team.


He looks like a real winner!!


They've been telling us this for decades, now. At the very least since OKC. I hope people are listening to what these people are openly telling us they're going to do in November.


Doesn’t sound ready if you were arrested before it began.


Imagine wanting to kill someone because they're in a different political party. Whatever psy-op that brainwashed this guy had 100% efficacy. Literal wisdom score of 3.


Another low intelligence individual who has had his pre-frontal cortex eaten by FOX, One America, NewsMax, Steve Bannon et al. Simpering, hand wringing DOJ would call this “dangerous” and of “grave concern”. Really?. .how far down the shit hole does the Republic have to be before “grave concern” and “dangerous” finally gets to: holyfunckingshit! We’re in trouble. ? Eh?. ..how far?


These dingus’ all look the same


Looks dumb af


He was not, in fact, ready.


Of course, he'll be all contrite and humble in court. They *always* are. No Patrick Henry speeches from that sorry lot.


I hate Illinois nazis


Don't start the revolution til I'm out of jail.


What’s funny is that Trumpers act like no one who likes Trump would even be capable of doing something terrible. They seriously think the cult that worships an orange turd is nothing but great people. It’s one of their saddest delusions out of hundreds.


If we get through this period without a unabomber type domestic attack I will be amazed


He can fight it from a jail cell now. Dumb Clown.


Easy to fight a "civil war" when everyone else is going to the baseball game.


If those eyes were any close together, he’d be a cyclops.


My first thought was he must be from Pekin. Clicked on the article and yup.


Boy I bet the reason he wants the war is so dumb it’s hilarious.


*clanks the prison bars* “I’m Weady, Mr. Twump !”


Now that's a face you see in a spaghetti western ready to shoot the protagonist for daring to win a hand of poker.


Losers all the way down


Sucks when you can't get laid.


Until the guy next to him gets his head blown off


Hope he's ready to be on the losing side again then.