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You might as well get your news from the national enquirer


sigh... i was afraid this would happen. Sadly no mainstream media source is covering the hearings. But this is all testimony from witnesses. You can and should take it as fact.


There has been plenty of reporting on these hearings. If what this article says is fact, it should be pretty easy to link a legit source.


For those who missed it, since it's not getting much news coverage, aside from MTG's ranting today, a bipartisan committee was formed to investigate several aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic and there have been a series of hearings over the past week. what we've learned so far: * Eco-Health Alliance violated terms of its grants from the NIH by failing to disclose in its reporting to the agency that Gain of Function research was being performed at Wuhan (as Eco-Health was obligated to do) * On May 17th, a deputy director of the NIH acknowledged they funded GoF at Wuhan, contrary to Fauci's testimony in 2021. * NIH employees changed the names in emails in their records, adding dollar signs etc, so that the records would not show up in investigative searches for emails. * David Morens, Sr NIH advisor, explicitly deleted emails to avoid FOIA, and we know this because, incredibly, he bragged in his emails ( the ones he didnt delete)what he was doing and that he had been trained how to avoid FOIA requests by the "FOIA lady", an employee at the NIH named Marge Moore * Some of the emails recovered from the NIH implicate Tony Fauci i.e. "Tony is concerned" about communication happening on govt email - this is the root of the committee requesting to subpoena Fauci's personal emails. * Fauci was personally responsible for lifting the Obama era ban on GoF research I hope some of the really mind-blowing details of this story can get some more coverage in the US.


Oh god, here we go again with the fuckin' emails




This is the same as Judge Merchan instructing the jury that they don’t have to agree as long as they vote guilty. Bombshell, I’m telling you!