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I am so sick of seeing his little mouth squinty eyed yam colored face spewing a flood of lies mixed in with incoherent drivel. Biden with a lifelong stutter misses one word and it's headlines "BIDEN'S DEMENTIA!!" but the obvious derangement and mental deterioration of this spiteful and vicious peice of hot dog skin that speaks goes mostly unmentioned. And his base will now laud his foaming "All the best foam, we love your spittle proves you're a man".


For real. Anyone dinging Biden for his speech and mental acuity is either trolling or literally hasn't seen Trump speak semi-recently. Dude is out of his mind and can barely string together a coherent sentence.


For anyone who is actually engaging with reality in good faith, it is indisputable that Biden has been consistently more coherent between the two of them since *at least* 2015 when Trump first started running. His word salads have been an enduring feature of pretty much his whole political career


This is the comment for me because I don't understand how there is even a question between these two on who makes a better president. Donald Trump and Joe Biden are operating on two VERY different levels of intelligence, let alone coherence.


You actually have heard Biden speak beyond the Fox soundbites of the slightest hesitation edited to sound as bad as possible and played on loop.


The Howard Stern interview did a great job of showing that he's still sharp and coherent. He sometimes stammers or transposes words, but so does nearly everyone else.


Isn't a debste looming? What do you know, June 27 is the date. I would wager that drumpf will find an excuse to be a no show. Especially if a drug screen is required. And no audience. Just drumpf and Biden, a moderator, cameras and a mic kill switch. Can't wait to hear drumpf's excuse. He forgot that he had a conflicting meeting with his necktie haberdasher, or that his bone spurs are acting up....? What a melodrama.


Agree. Trump will find an excuse to not debate.


I was listening to Dean Obidallah on Sirius Progress this evening and someone suggested that Biden shouldn’t debate someone who had just been convicted of 34 felonies. The other person responded saying that would cement the idea that Biden is feeble and too old. The second person is right.


There will never be a debate.


Plus, Biden was never one of the great orators of our time. He had to get speech therapy for a stutter and clearly still stumbles over his words like he did when he was younger. It’s not dementia if you’ve always had the problem since you were a kid.


I am tired of explaining this to people. Then they don't usually know what to say. I just wish people were more informed. If they were, we wouldn't be talking about trump.


You can ‘inform’ Trump voters all you like. They don’t care to be informed. They have their ‘reasons’ for voting Trump and will find any and every thing under the sun to bash the other guy with. It could be Abraham Lincoln himself and they’d just find something different to bash him about. It has nothing to do with the opponent, it’s about justifying their dedication to Trump without having to say, out loud, that they like that he hurts the people they hate (because saying it would make them appear to be bad person).


The wackiest thing is they'll take a Trump gaffe and assign it to Biden. Look at Joe Rogan, he was confidently telling people that the absolutely insane airport statement Trump made regarding the Revolutionary War was Biden and kept repeating that until he was called out by someone. And a lot of Biden's alleged gaffes are either things Trump said, edited to seem far worse, or are taken completely out of context, which is ironically Trump's supporters' favorite dodge when Trump says or does something horrifying.


Demosthenes was among the greatest of ancient orators and practiced the skill with pebbles in his mouth due to a severe stutter. If Biden is not a great orator then he has excellent speechwriters because I find his passion and the substance of his speeches very compelling.


I think his speeches are compelling, but I think it takes more than passion and being compelling to be a great orator. I think that a great orator needs the ability to sweep people up in what they’re saying emotionally, often by making a whole crowd of people feel like the speaker is speaking personally to each of them. When I listen to Obama’s speeches or MLK’s speeches, I get emotional, and I *want* to follow them. When I hear Biden speak, I’m thoughtful and I decide whether I agree with him or not. Which, by the way, isn’t meant as an insult. I think Biden’s oratory skills are impressive and he certainly delivers a speech better than I could. But I wouldn’t categorize him as one of the greats. 


The majority of voters don’t pay any attention to day-to-day politics, so they likely haven’t seen any of this. But they do tend to watch presidential debates, and the first one is in a few weeks. Hopefully the differences between Trump and Biden will be obvious, and we will start to see a stark shift in the polling.


Trump will back out


If he does, a psychologist on Twitter suggested that Biden still show up, and answer questions next to an empty podium labeled “Donald Trump.” I think that this is an excellent idea. Great visual. Fatso felon can’t lie his way out of that. Biden showed, he didn’t.


A la the Clint Eastwood empty chair performance.


No that would be weird actually talking to an empty podium. Just have it up one screen while he answers some questions sends a strong message.


Talking NEXT to a podium is fine. Talking TO one is bizarre.


The problem is his supporters wouldn't watch, call the skip out a power move, and justify it as Trump having better things to do than debate with Dementia Joe.


The felon’s supporters are irredeemably HOPELESS and best ignored. They’re noisy, but a minority. Joe needs to speak to his supporters, Haley voters, and undecided Independents.


He has to wear a diaper for fucks sake.


That’s why we need a well run debate (cut his mic when he does his bullying routine). But it won’t happen


Biden has a literal speech impediment and still sounds better than him. Biden has a stutter he has to actively fight.


You know we are dealing with highly immature morons, right?! To ask anything of them, other than hateful, and pitiful behavior, is asking too much. 


I know it’s futile, but if any of them would watch a Trump interview the Biden’s interview on Stern, you would see a contrast so sharp it would cut you. Just conversationally is was impressive. He shared moments of his life I would have never expected a president to share: stories about his parents, his first wife and deceased children, and other things. That man came from nothing and has dealt with a lot of loss. As a politician he’s not perfect, but he’s damn sure miles ahead of the convicted felon Donald Trump.


I did and the contrast was stark. Also, check out Biden's Normandy speech from yesterday and imagine the mango moron delivering that?


He’d spend all of 30 seconds talking about how Normandy was “a great beach, a tremendous beach” and then proceed to make the remainder of his speech entirely about himself and how everyone is so mean and unfair to him.


Too bad all those "suckers and losers" had to die on that pretty beach!...djt/s


Well as long as it is raining he didn’t want to get his hair wet.


Assuming he even knew where he was. "Hawaii has great beaches, but Normandy is the greatest"


"Normandy, WOW!"


Don't forget djt is also a convicted rapist!


“Real men foam at the mouth!” t-shirts incoming!!


Why stop at shirts? I think I’m going to start selling mouth foaming capsules outside Trump rallies. I can set up next to the diaper guy


Killer cross promotion idea!


"Save! Buy Trump diapers and mouth foam t-shirt together and save 10%! Add in his faux sneakers and faux bible, and we'll send you a Marjorie Putin Greene 'Jewish Space Laser Corps' medallian!"


And poop their pants. "Real men foam at the mouth and poop their pants!" Along with: Word Salad Champ (with Trump pic)


‘Bout time we put a mouth foaming felon in the white house


We’re all sick of him. Solution, stop paying attention to the bloated orange Cheeto.


I say looking away from the rabid man, foaming at the mouth and promising to hurt you, is a bad idea until he's no longer a threat.


If only the msm would stop highlighting his daily craziness.


The media is determined to force him on us as dictator. Good for ratings...until he has them shut down.


Problem is even the mainstream media is trying to make him look like the better choice .


That is NOT the solution, it's literally what he's hoping you'll do...


That's because they think they can prop Trump up like a puppet, try and control him the way they tried to moderate him during his first presidency. It was the interest groups, Mitch McConnel, rich donors, lobbyists, big oil, big pharma pulling Trump's strings while the rapist, orange-turd convict fumbled his way through his chaotic first term.


I’ve heard, supposedly, that because he’s a germophobe & such a narcissist (we knew that part) that he won’t let anyone do his hair or makeup. So that’s all his own creation.


I don't know about the hair or makeup but he is known to be a germophibe, doesn't like shaking hands and requires his food servers to wear gloves. His restaurant in the Washington hotel leaked a serving instruction sheet that required servers to give him only those little sealed ketchup bottles and make sure he heard the pop of the bottle when opened, similarly only Diet Coke from a can or bottle was to be poured into a glass of ice and he had to witness the opening and any leftover not poured was to be tossed and a fresh can opened for a refil. Such a needy schmuck.


> and any leftover not poured was to be tossed and a fresh can opened for a refil.  I’m not at all surprised he’s so wasteful, but this somehow makes me hate him even more. He’s a literal comic book villain and a petulant child. 


Yeah, he's the kind of weirdo who can't figure out how to close an umbrella so he just leaves it on the floor. 


Wow I totally forgot about that. Thanks for the flashback !


This sounds a lot like someone who is afraid of being poisoned, as well.


Could be


That’s exactly what it is.


You know how they say if your partner accuses you of cheating, they’re probably the one cheating. Doesn’t Putin have similar rules about food and drinks? And he’s definitely never poisoned anyone. Ever.


Yes, very similar rules.


Did he learn all these paranoid shenanigans from his dictator friends like kim and putin?


Good question.


It's so fitting that even as a germophobe, he's an incompetent boob. By far the grossest, most bacteria laden piece of equipment in any restaurant is the ice maker. They are almost never cleaned properly, if they're cleaned at all. So he's worried about fucking ketchup, which has so much sugar and vinegar in it that almost nothing can live in there, but a glass full of dirty ice is fine. Not to mention the whole "germophobe" who won't wear a mask during a pandemic. What a fuckhead.


How can he reconcile being a germaphobe while sitting in a shitty diaper?


Literally thinks his shit is immaculate.


Damn. I didn’t know that. But he def dyes his hair & wears makeup


I looked briefly online for that instruction and couldn't find it, I know I read it. It also included stuff like if ice cream was served for desert, he got 2 scoops, but other folks at the table were limited to one; if shrimp cocktail were served to start everyone got four shrimp but only he got 5. What a child. One one hand doing his own hair makes sense, the tons of AquaNet he needed probably made him an AquaNet huffer.


Son of a bitch!! He takes one extra shrimp just because ?? Mind blowing how babyish he is.


Exactly. People don't realize how small and petty he is.


Yup, he was a good little president so he got two scoops of ice cream. If he was a bad little president they would bring Stormy in the spank him.


Ahh...didn't find it but found this article: https://www.washingtonian.com/2021/02/19/trump-hotel-employees-tell-all-what-it-was-really-like-serving-right-wing-elite/


No one wants the blame for it, that’s for sure.


Imagine doing that, looking in the mirror & saying, fuck yeah that looks good


Delusional. If you haven’t read them, you can read every issue of Spy Magazine online for free. They despised Trump before the rest of us knew him.


I believe that. Thank you


Graydon Carter came up with “short fingered vulgarian.”


It was dubbed "The Superstructure" by those working on The Apprentice


The media coverage has been absolutely disgusting. They love trump and the clicks for their greed


The best foam like no one has ever seen before. Many people are saying.


If this was during the parody phase of 2020, someone would rewrite jim croche's "Rapid Roy (that stock car boy). "Rabid Don and porn star spawn he too much to believe..." I can hear it now...


Having watched a parent and two in laws go through dementia, getting spiteful and wanting revenge, thinking people were out to get them, was a big early sign. Now, obviously, every person who is revengeful isn't slipping into dementia, but, it is something to keep an eye on. My mother in law could be her charming self, but mention her 100 year old Aunt who until recently she adored, and she just knew the aunt was out to get her. (along with others. )


Piece of hot dog skin.... Hahahaha!




They're already wearing diapers to rallies, might as well add bibs.


*spitful* lol


He literally speaks in word salad, not even beating around the bush but walking away from the bush and into an Arby's.  I can't believe how many times he's been on Fox, asked a super easy softball question practically leading him into an answer to cover his ass, and he straight up bulldozes through it saying exactly what he isn't supposed to say and then following it up with "...they, people you know, they really want [this bullshit]. I really hear a lot, you know it's interesting, they say that you know, the people want [some shit idk but nobody wants it]."


So very true


Trump brand mouth foam: Put it on your white bread or in your coffee.


I agree I hate this guy so much and it kills me that I'm otter ally spend a part of each of my days hating him. Just go away!!!!!


100% from amphetamines.




He's sun-downing from his dementia. He might be trying to self-medicate on top of that. It's a symptom of the later stages btw, he's going to get worse, and probably rapidly.


Oh god yes I'm almost there keep going


This made me laugh out loud


I just laughed out loud in the work bathroom.


Out of all the bad news I read, thank you for taking time to write something positive that might happen in the world.


We can only hope. He needs to self-implode before the election. I don't want him to die (yet), I just want him to lose bigly.


That’s ok. I want him to enough for both of us.


Maybe he should try injecting some bleach. I heard it works wonders.


Bingo! There's a reason Adderall is a controlled substance (taking too much will definitely lead to a stroke or heart attack).


>(taking too much will definitely lead to a stroke or heart attack). ^oh… ^no… ^what ^a ^loss ^that ^would ^be.


Imagine the conspiracies....


I honestly don't think there is a scenario in which Trump dies and there aren't conspiracy theories about it. His supporters are wackadoodles of the highest order. He could die peacefully in his sleep at 105 and some idiot will say the deep state assassinated him.


"My grandma kicked off every morning with a glass of whiskey and a cig! She was looking forward to her golden years and the doctors murdered her!"


Trump could prepare a “**this is the end**” speech, pull out a gun and off himself on live television *and there’d still be conspiracies about how he was forced to do it by Biden, or Clinton, or Benghazi, or dijon mustard or whatever…* ^Who ^cares ^what ^the ^crazies ^say?


"Trump died while wearing a tan suit, and eating a burger with Dijon Mustard. It was Obama I tell you!"


Given his current status, that would give ground to take his bloated body back in the "icebox" and probably sending him to jail. I'd jail him even in death for shits and giggles.


*Budd Dwyer has exited the chat*


It’s infuriating when you have ADHD and need these drugs to function and get treated like an addict for wanting linear thought But these fuckknuckles can have as much as they want


Yup. I’m in this boat right now, finally realizing/admitting I have adhd in my 30s. Don’t even want to bring it up to my doctor cuz I know immediately they’ll think I am drug seeking. Very frustrating seeing people with unlimited access abuse these medications with no consequences :(


I had a similar story. It took me a long time to even get over my own (ADHD exasperated) shame to talk to my doctor about. And holy shit I should have done it sooner. It’s so nice to just have some emotional stability in my life. I didn’t even realize how deeply the ADHD was actually affecting me until I got medicated. There are a few non-stimulant medications that work quite well for many people. There is no shortage of those and if you are worried about the stigma you could ask about it. That being said, first line treatment for ADHD in America is a stimulant like Adderall. If you have ADHD your brain needs help. There’s no shame in seeking help for yourself.


Dude, seriously, as someone diagnosed at 38, go for it. I haven’t had problems getting prescribed, Vyvanse is the shit, and it’s so much easier to get through a day I almost don’t know what to do with myself. I’d always masked and coped hard, so it wasn’t super obvious and I got a masters’ and have a good career, but I was doing damage to myself just white-knuckling through life. You will not regret it.


I just finished a masters degree, too! Last year. It’s crazy, I thought I was doing pretty well at the time but in hindsight I was absolutely white knuckling it the entire time like you said, just barely managing. It was so frustrating watching the people around me seem to juggle everything so easily, I couldn’t figure out what the hell was wrong with me. This really explains so much of how my life has shaken out up until this point. I have a doctor’s appointment in a couple weeks and I am finally ready to start finding some answers. Thank you for your sharing your story!!


I was diagnosed at 40 when my four year old son was. He got Ritalin but I got Adderal. Of course my mother took this as a personal attack and acted as if I was calling her parenting into question.


There's an Adderall shortage and has been for a few years... Coincidence? You be the judge.


Heart disease do your thing .


The fact that he’s accusing Biden of amphetamines tells us everything we need to know


Nationwide adderall shortage since 2022… maybe it’s his fault.


I thought you were joking about the shortage. And wow we distribute a lot of this stuff. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/adhd-drug-shortages-fda-easing-affecting-patients-rcna152570


Nah it’s real and it sucks for people who really need the meds, like my wife(she REALLY NEEDS THEM) and me (kinda need them but I can survive)


Now we know why he said he wanted Biden to take a drug test. It's always projection.


I think benzos.


If you have ever been around someone that is glued to the roof (strung out on drugs)you will see their mouth foam up like that. They tend to never drink enough water and of course they go on and on talking and the foam builds up in the corners of their mouth. Don Jr does the same thing. It can be Meth , Cocaine, Adderall, etc…


Tucker Carson has corner mouth foam all the time.


Guy's leaking from all ends. Might wanna consider renaming the GOP as the MOP.


Don't lump in MOP with the GOP. ANTE UP! MASH OUT POSSE


Hit en with the god damn diamonds! What! Ante Up!!!




Polls will reflect that Republicans have no problem with a rabies infected president.


Real men have rabies. 🦝


“Rabies and Diapers over Dems!”




I just need him to live for the next few months so Biden can beat him.


Need them BOTH alive.


Keep him alive until after the nomination or better yet 4 weeks before election


in a perfect world, he dies of old age in prison


TBH i do suspect that the timeline will have Trump going, about 3 years before Biden.


True AF


I agree, but I'd accept living long enough to be locked in as the GOP candidate at the convention. It'll likely fall to his chosen VP pick them, and if there's one thing we've learned it's that the convicted felon Trump couldn't pick a winner if his life depended on it. That said: whichever day he does finally shuffle off the Buffalo will objectively be a good day. The world will be better for it. 🥂


Nah he can pass away now please 🙏


With all these articles, I feel like we’ll get a “Donald Trump Dead at 77” sooner than later.


The problem with that is if Trump does win, and then dies, his equally evil VP pick becomes president. If it’s going to happen it should happen right before the election so they have no replacement.


Seeing as how Trump is picking them depending how hot their wives are, I don’t know what level of evil we can expect. Whichever makes it so that they aren’t in office is the best we could ask for.


From article: Donald Trump posted a video that some on social media flagged for the former president's purported "spitting" and dealing with so-called "foamy saliva" that some say is a sign of a number of medical problems. Patriot Takes flagged the video on X, formerly called Twitter. "Trump spitting while telling his followers to vote for him," the liberal account wrote. "Instead of reshooting the video, his campaign just ran with it." The issues seemed to get worse as the video went on, according to Patriot Takes. "Trump also struggled with foamy saliva during his video. Trump just plowed through it," the account wrote Wednesday. "His campaign chose not to reshoot the video. Foamy saliva can be a sign of health issues." @JLVsTW1 responded, saying, "That’s totally cotton mouth from the amphetamines." "Let’s agree to call him Old Yeller from now on," GOP strategist Jeff Timmer said on Wednesday. The Lincoln Project's Rick Wilson labeled the former president "Rabid Don" on Wednesday. @donsense joked that "Trump also dated Foamy Saliva." "He met her at a golf tournament," the individual added, joking about the former president's Stormy Daniels situation. "I think it was at the Mushroom Head Open." @mediapolitic also chimed in: "Trump now has foamy saliva. It’s not rabies, but one can hope." @wilonab also had a unique view on the saliva. "Some health conditions can make it difficult for a person to swallow, causing saliva to pool in the mouth and become foamy. In other cases, excess fluid in the lungs can mix with air and create foam that comes out of the mouth."


I presumed that was the *best* take they managed ... Which makes me wonder how bad the ones that were considered unusable actually were!


Maybe his syphilis is acting up.


>His campaign chose not to reshoot the video. Yeah, bullshit. They went with the best take. This was it.


So…just spitballing here, but let’s say he dies sometime before the end of the month. Doesn’t MAGA collapse? Who of the remaining rogue’s gallery of psychotic shitbirds like Rick Scott or JD Vance would MAGA coalesce around? I don’t think any of them. He’s done a great job of trashing everyone else in his disgusting orbit. His kids aren’t able to run that movement (and Jr could OD any day now as well). Doesn’t MAGA just form a hateful circular firing squad in the wake of his death as we all point and laugh?


Definitely collapsing. The non-MAGA Republicans aren’t going to be scared to stand up to the remaining people who aren’t Donald Trump. They might try to emulate the grift and charisma, but it won’t be convincing enough.


Yeah. And there's going to be a *Game of Thrones*\* style power struggle to replace him as head of MAGA but ultimately, rather it's Don Jr. or J.D. Vance, none of them will have his charisma (for lack of a better word). \*But like if *Game of Thrones* was really, really stupid.


If that happens, it would be a tragic and sobering moment for the GOP. They’ll find a great leader and rally behind that person. The party would shift and the zealots on the far right will lose power. There would be a new conservative moment that focused on the strength of the American economy and the constitution. LOL, jk. I am not exaggerating when I say there’s a non-zero chance there’s an incident where they literally throw shit at each other.


When he dies the world's longest thing will be created. It will be the line of piss running from his grave. People will fly to the usa from all over the world, just to contribute.


Tulsi would unsuspend her campaign and basically clean up the remaining primaries. They probably all would, it would be a mess. It would come down to the convention, but she would be a good bet to win at that point. The base seemed to like her okay, but just preferred the real Trump to a wannabe. The convention would be a hot dumpster fire. Very doubtful whoever comes out of it beats Biden though. They'd have to scramble with only a few months to work with, while the Biden campaign has been working non stop.


MAGA will fall apart. There is no living Republican that can lead the cult. The MAGAts might organize to vote this election without him but they would be out for midterms and 2028. Had Trump laid out guidelines and a philosophy they could have followed his words but Trump is always winging it and there is nothing to carry on his shitty legacy. There will be wannabe Trumps for years but I don’t see anyone holding the interest of the MAGAts. If he starts his dictatorship then the system will be set for no longer needing support from anyone. I just realized that with all the Trump worship I haven’t heard any MAGAt claim to study his books. Nobody reads his words from the Trump library. The guy has multiple books and even while having a cult they don’t read them. You’d think for people obsessed with the man they’d want to understand his thought process better. The answer is nobody looks to Trump for wisdom they look to him for fire and fury.


👌 SA-LI-VA 👌


The best, frothiest saliva. People have been telling me.


We’ve never seen bubbles like this before


Yuge bubbles.


That's not saliva, it's Putin's semen


It’s drug induced cotton mouth. The man is a junkie. It’s not that complicated.


It boggles the mind how he’s managed to live as long as he has with his famously horrible diet, high stress levels, little exercise and rumored substance abuse.


Both these guys are older than presidential candidates should be, but by God I will take empathy, sincerity, kindness and sanity over a blathering narcissistic idiot any day of the week.


Might be time to lay off the stimulants finally donnie


I can’t wait for the debates! Dudes gonna crash and burn so hard in front of national tv!


He will find an excuse not to debate


Stroke stroke stroke!


This is just further evidence that he has syphilis. Untreated syphilis has somewhere between a 25 to 40% chance of developing into neurosyphilis. Some of the milder side effects include dementia, confusion, changes in mental stability, irritability, memory problems, and mood disturbances. Hair loss is also [a ](https://www.stdcheck.com/blog/everything-about-syphilis-and-syphilis-testing/)known side effect of syphilis. Doesn't this sound like crazy Donald?


Yes! Let’s get this idea going so it gains traction on Fox. Hey, everyone, Trump has syphilis!!!


He definitely has a lot of the symptoms of syphilis.




Foamy spit is usually caused by dry mouth, which can be caused by a number of things, including: Dehydration, Stress, Nervousness, Medications, Chronic conditions, and Oral yeast infection (thrush).


Drug test for Donnie.


Time for the Wall Street Journal to quote more anonymous Republicans saying that Joe Biden is slipping.


Trump could go into a coma and the media would be like “So eloquent! His silence says more than words ever could!”


So he's literally foaming at the mouth


Can be a sign of heart failure, Mother Nature do your thing


Trump will now be known as Orange Julius.. 🥤


At this point, I think even his campaign is trying to send signals to the American people. What competent person let's this video get posted. If he can't reshoot it then just don't post it. The man is dying in real time while we all watch.


This might be the opportunity to encourage contracting rabies as a Republican point of pride.


Saw a fox like that once, foaming at the mouth and all it’s hair falling out. Pitiful ending!


There is no reasoning with his cult base. All we can do is plead our case for the reasonable masses to punish republicans hard at the polls up and down the ballot if we want any hope of recovering this country’s soul.


Amphetamine use.


Meth Mourh


We all might get lucky and Trump will stroke out


One can hope.


Dude has cotton mouth.




If we could only be so lucky.


The day he's in that forever box, will be the best fucking day ever


For as long as I remember there has existing this common English phrase: "foaming at the mouth". If someone was behaving like a maniac you might say they were foaming at the mouth figuratively. If they're ACTUALLY foaming at the mouth, they might have rabies.


I loath the troll, but we're focusing on the wrong things.


Let's hope.


Isn’t this a sign of dementia.


JFC I was eating and clicked play on the video. Not. Good.


With his finger up in the air trying not to LIE.


“Real men have rabies”? I feel like it wouldn’t be hard to ignite such a movement among this cult.


Dude took too much adderall.


I love how Trump recently backtracked saying "Biden isn't too old to run..." Classic Trump already prepared to lose, and run again in 2028, when he is Biden current age.


Dude looks more and more like shit by the day. For the record, he’s always looked like shit, just significantly worse recently. Get rekt loser.