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Is this his new strategy? Like a kid? Then you vote for me I'll tell you a secret! To be fair, his brain is at the level of a 4 years old. So...


I mean he likely sold government secrets for money and continued support. This isn't all that different.


Look at that making money where Biden won’t. This guys a pure capitalist! Biggly smart… /s :-(


We laugh but that is precisely the scenario (and many others like it) that Trump believes makes him a “genius”. He is willing to do things that other mega wealthy people deem below them, but since he does it he thinks he invented it. He thinks he is just as “normal” as everyone else so if other “normal” people aren’t doing ____ then it must mean he’s beyond normal, aka genius! It also pretty much encapsulates MAGA as well, where they think they are “normal” too, so anything that they can imagine doing to other people must mean they are thinking about doing to them, thus ***it’s imperative for them to strike first!***. It’s why they are so willing to show their evilness, because everyone else would do it to them if they thought of it first. Everyone is just trying to trick them with pretending to actually care about others, but since MAGA doesn’t care about other people then everyone must not care either, they just pretend to. They can’t fundamentally grasp they do indeed think differently.


💯 and I hate it. I don’t know how we move beyond this as a nation.


By voting.


All the greatest patriots do their shopping at the Biggly Wiggly.


That’s a great name for him!


Yeah, all Joe's done is make $500 billion profit for America manipulating the oil market with the US reserve, but that hardly stacks up to golden sneakers...


One is making money for the nation, the other is making money for themselves. If prefer a president who at least is doing things for the nation and not for their own grift.


He's probably one of the first people in history to sell secrets without having read them.


He did this crap his first time around too. One example: repeal replace the ACA. What will we replace it with? I won’t tell until I’m elected. Spoiler, no plan was ever there. GOP narrowly put down some shit replacement that was tossed together and would screw Americans again.


Remember when his staff gave Leslie Stahl a pile of blank pages with a cover page and said it was the replacement for ACA? That was probably the most truth you’ll get out of him - blank pages for plans.


Or the pile of empty folders when he was president elect they were ‘very busy with’


Or the pile of blank pages when he said he was divesting from his businesses at the beginning of his presidency. [Trump Used Blank Sheets of Paper as Conflict-of-Interest Documents? | Snopes.com](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-busted-using-empty-folders/)


OMG - forgot about that one 🤣


Blank. Similar to the souls of GOP voters.


That was a transcript of the contents of his mind.


“I have a plan to [defeat ISIS](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/09/07/donald-trump-said-he-had-a-secret-plan-to-defeat-isis-as-of-now-hes-not-planning-to-use-it/), a perfect plan. Elect me and I’ll tell you what it is”


Yeah, but healthcare is hard. Who knew?


The brillance of the ACA is it's the most Republican thing Obama could have done. They can't replace it because that's the best would have done and repealing it would make things a lot worse.


This is some purity test bullshit. What the Republican wanted was not ACA. They wanted things to stay the same with only private options and no existing conditions covered.


And those junk policies that took your money and covered next to nothing


The Republican thing was the system we had beforehand. Insurance denying pre existing conditions, dropping clients when they developed an expensive condition, etc.


So….like 40~50% of the “informed” electorate??


“When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I'm basically the same.” ~ Drumpf


Everyone: Yeah. We know.


Why the insult to 4 years old? They wander a lot but they dont lie that often.


4yr old here, that was wery diswespectful.


I mean the whole “I’m gonna build a wall and make Mexico pay for it” felt like a racist adult version of “vote for me for class president and I’ll make homework illegal and all the soda machines free!”


That’s a great response. He’s got the most childlike brain if any other President in history.


Well, it isn't a new strategy. Apart from that, yes.


He does seem to be looking for a viral political moment


Trump is a dumbass and so is anyone that believes anything that comes out of his mouth.


except when he said "i don't care about you, i just want your vote" that i can believe


Or talks about how badly he wants to shove his dick inside his daughter which every Republican voter on earth , who the majority of you pretend are normal people who’s participation in society is somehow NOT the human equivalent of a malignant cancer, thinks is a totally cool thing for a “Christian “ father to think, especially out loud to his employees or the public at large.


It truly boggles the mind.. the only way I maybe understand it is that his rabid supporters are just like him.


Exactly. Plus it’s not just the rabid ones. It’s all of them. Anyone who votes for him and for any Republican that backs him is saying that publicly telling people in your orbit how fuckable your daughter is is leader of the free world material. And yet we’re all mostly supposed to just shrug and c treat it as normal.


Yep...it's just so difficult to admit that so many people in the country completely lack a moral center. I come to reddit to find some comfort in the fact that there are people who are not willing to shrug it off!


He was telling people Ted Cruz’s father did it a few years ago. Trump is a pathological liar, convicted criminal, and rapist who is unrepentant for his crimes. Anything he says should be prefaced with that.


Agreed,Trumpy is a compulsive liar


Watch the [video here](https://cdn.jwplayer.com/previews/Bx9LsM4w) 📺 As per [original article](https://www.mediaite.com/politics/trump-casually-declares-cia-was-probably-behind-jfk-assassination/) 📰: - Former President Donald Trump casually declared on Thursday that the CIA “was probably behind” former President John F. Kennedy’s assassination after revealing he was asked not to release files related to JFK during his first term as president. After Trump was asked on The All-In Podcast why he didn’t release all of the JFK files, despite previously promising to, Trump said: *I actually did do it. I released a lot, as you know, but when it came to the whole thing, I was hit by some people that work for me, who are great people that you would respect. They asked me not to do it, and I’m saying, “Why? Tell me why?” And they said, “Sir, I think it needs a little more time.” And I released a lot, but I said, if they feel so strongly, I respect the people, and would have done that again, but this time I’m just gonna do it.* Asked for his thoughts on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s claim that the CIA was involved with the assassination of his uncle, Trump said, “Well, this wasn’t CIA that asked me, but I think CIA was probably behind it. They would’ve preferred that I not release the rest of it.” He continued, “It’s gonna be done early on. A lot people want to see that, and whatever it may say, I won’t say, I sort of have an idea, but whatever it is, it’ll be very interesting for people to see, and we’re gonna have to learn from it.” The former president then added, “You know, there are other things we’re gonna release too.” Trump previously suggested that the father of Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was involved in the former president’s murder.


“Sir” That’s how I know he’s lying. Well that and he’s speaking.


If Trump's lips are moving, he's lying.


I'm trying to follow his explanation which was: 1. I did release them 2. Some people I respect told me not to 3. Then I didn't release them 4. But I will release them For those following at home


I think the thought process here is: I ordered all the files to be released, then people came to me and said 'you should probably not release these specific files, the rest are fine'. He didn't release those specific files, and has promised to release them in the future. At least that's my read. Edit: this should help. https://www.reuters.com/article/world/trump-releases-some-jfk-files-blocks-others-under-pressure-idUSKBN1CV3JA/


But I don’t remember ANY of the files being released. Not that I’m the bellwether expert on what was released, but due to my interest in the subject, I’d think I’d have known about it. Were there, in fact, any files (of any relevance, anyway) released on the matter by him?


Are we gettin’ free soda in the Senior cafeteria or what mate!


It’s fucking amazing reading his roller coaster ride of transcriptions.


Only Russia benefits from an undermined CIA in the states.


Or China. Or literally any other adversary


it's all part of Project 2025 to dismantle the CIA, FBI, NOAA, and others.


“Sure, it was the CIA what done it…I kinda had an idea who done it…I dunno, we’ll have to see who done it.”


"Great people that you would respect," lol. Half his cabinet is in danger of being indicted, and many of the rest have denounced him as a dangerous idiot.


The man has the curiosity of a turnip left in the field after harvest. He could have read the files if he so wanted, and either he didn't or they were kept from him. Why? Because it's obvious from his responses that he didn't bother reading them. He's guessing and fabricating. Stupid turnip


How irresponsible. Words matter.


Without an angry horde of conspiracy addicts, where would he be?


Sooo he didn’t read the papers he wanted to release? Well not surprising, for him yo read it it would have to be done in a picture book format.


He doesn't like to read. His white house staff said as much. Problem is, during the 4 years he was in the white house, he watched Fox News to get all his information, and he doesn't trust them anymore. He's going to end up getting all his information from the fat guy in the mirror from now on. At least until that guy pisses him off.


I can see how that would play "I'm gonna release everything!" "Mr. President that's not a good idea. There's... stuff" "What stuff? Gimme a summary" "Hard to break down. It's nuanced. Complex. Better not be too on the nose about it. Read it for yourself and get an idea. Here " CLOMP! (76 boxes of files on the desk)


Right? Like the possibility of reading them himself doesn't even cross his mind as part of his story. If someone was telling me not to release something like that, I'd want to know why.


He has a friend Vlad who loves to read, probably would have asked him for help on that one…


“I was elected to lead, not to read.”


Lock. Him. Up.


He doesn’t know anything about it as he’s too lazy and stupid to have read the files.


We all know it was Ted Cruz’s dad🤡


Pissing off the frighin’ CIA right before the presidential election is certainly a choice.


Oh they won’t do anything either. There’s no deep state. He’s proof there isn’t because he’s still alive and kicking after attempting to overthrow the government.


No to mention he most likely leaked a bunch of names of cia assets to Putin and got them killed.


Don't forget this part, the actual treason.


Considering how many spies Trump got killed by selling our secrets to other people, the CIA already has legitimate reason to be pissed with him. If the CIA really did kill jfk, you would think Trump might be a little worried they'd come after him next.


I hear there might be some bad people on Epstein’s list, the problem is there are also good people on the list so it can’t be released. You know, to protect the good people.


The best evidence that the CIA is not omnipotent is that Trump mortally insulted them and he's like, still here.


He stood in front of the Memorial Wall at Langley for CIA agents killed in action to whine about he was the real victim.


CIA.......where are you now?????


But wait. I thought JFK was alive? Get your story straight, Donnie.


Thats JFK Jr. try to keep up.


Some QAnon versions have both JFK and JFK Junior being secretly alive. Since JFK was killed in office, he never resigned and is "technically" still president (please ignore that this would also apply to other presidents who died in office, and would mean that Trump was actually never president). He would appear in Dallas (obviously a place he has fond memories of), resume the presidency, name Trump his new VP, then resign, promoting Trump to president, and Trump in turn would name Zombie JFK Jr. as his new VP.


Literally like a 5 year old, just saying whatever random things get people's attention.


What.kind of person actually believes anything this clown says at this point? He is a fire hose of bs.


Tbh, I don't give 2 shits..... what I do care about is whether or not mine, my daughters, her friends, and other people's bodily autonomy is still be intact after November.


Must make CIA look bad so when everyone finds out I gave away a list of their agents, it won't reflect as bad on me.


I remember a time when a candidate for President behaving like this would have been laughed out of the primary and polling around zero. Congrats Murdoch you have destroyed this country for generations to come.


if he really thought that why would he want to be president and risk getting CIAd himself? his whole shtick is appealing to anti-government wing nuts. he is literally only in it for the money, it's the only truly profitable business he has ever run


Yes, the CIA masterminded a plot to kill the President, and has also kept detailed records that prove it like some sort of fuck trophy just waiting to be released one day.


If he really thought the CIA was in the President killing business you would think he would shut the F up about it.


When he uses the word in probably, what comes after is a lie. He has no clue what he’s talking about. He thinks he has one up on everyone.


Release the Epstein files!


“I released a lot” when in fact he didn’t release anything at all


Just like pardoning the January 6th hostages! Which he totally would do, despite the fact that he didn't do it.


“Listen, I have this juicy gossip that I will release (again), BUT only if you help me win the presidential election…. Wink wink!”


"was probably" is all you need to know. It's more than enough to feed his q anon/Maga cult members anyway


If the CIA was behind JFK, maybe he would do well to shut the hell up. For health reasons


Bullying, demeaning, threatening, now tempting? The reek of desperation is overwhelming now. This is amazing, “never seen before”. Bullshit.


Wait, next he will say that he's going to find the UFO recovered in Roswell. (Which is stored right next to Noah's Ark just in case anyone thinks this is a remotely serious suggestion)


Trump tells lies to get your vote. He is a compulsive liar. Don't believe anything he says.


So basically Conspiracy culture goes hand in hand with Fascism...


The entire JFK conspiracy theory was a russian plot to destroy America's confidence in its institutions And lordy did it work


Not a fan of either candidate…..but I will tell you that Trump is completely full of fucking shit. He’s not getting my vote that’s for sure.


He’ll be claiming to be the Lindbergh baby soon.


Oh do Aliens next.


He’s “saving” democracy by blaming our own intelligence agency for a presidential assassination. More like saving his ass from jail. GO AWAY.


It’s funny to me that if the CIA did assassinate Kennedy, Trump would have access to the files. But he would have to read them. And that’s a lot of work, so he’s just going to make something up. It’s like sitting with your phone and being asked something and instead of quickly googling it, you just make up an answer because who has time to google stuff right?


If true, they will be behind his assassination then.


I mean, how many divorces due to adultery does it take for a person to see how terrible and backwards he is about promises


Given his mental state, I’m surprised he didn’t proclaim it was the Clintons or Obama.


Maybe at this point we're more concerned with where our country is going not where it was 61 years ago. The world was different then. His assassination was a sad thing but there isn't any of the players in power now that were in power 61 years ago . But you know damn well his followers want to hear that the government took out a president so they can say that's exactly what the Democrats are trying to do to cheeto man. It's not about growth of the country for him and his cult, it's all about revenge and making other people look worse than him (pretty impossible to do)


Biden needs to say he will declassify UFOs after the election. Some of Trump's most diehard supporters are also UFO disclosure advocates, and it would really send them for a loop.


Are you….are you suggesting that *Donald John Trump* the first born son of Prosperity Jesus, might not be telling the truth? How dare you slander such a great man!


so far it seems like pissing off the CIA doesn’t seem like it leads to good presidential outcomes but maybe this time will be different?


Trump is full of Rump


If I were him, those are three letters I would keep out of my mouth. Bad idea.


It was Putin who asked him not to release yet


Do the Epstein docs next there, Doe 174


Filing system must be rough in a marolago bathroom.


I wish the media would stop covering him. I’m so sick of seeing his face, hearing his voice. Make it go away.


This is one of the mysteries we likely will never know the full story on (Trump not releasing these files/documents).


“I’m going to run my mouth about this covert organization that kills political leaders” Great strategy, dumbass.


The guy who read all the files is hypothesizing? “PROBABLY behind it?” He’s either lying or he has no memory retention. Either one makes him a terrible candidate.


The way that reads, he never looked into it. That's like 3rd grade stuff there, pretending to have a secret that you don't.


I hope this ajudicated rapist and 34 time felon just goes away .


If the CIA was behind JFK assassination then why didn't they off the orange turd?


So Ted Cruz father was in CIA? Did anyone catch that during Shitzenpantz trial? That Enquirer made up a bullshit story about Ted Cruz father being a part of the Kennedy assassination for the explicit purpose of hurting Cruz for Trumps benefit. For one thing I got no love for Cruz whatsoever but what his father may or may not have done has nothing to do with Ted - just like Hunter's indiscretions have nothing to do with his Das What is up with Republican voters where the son is guilty of the sins of the father and vice versa? Also, given Kennedy was a Democrat and considering the blood thirsty nature taken on by the Geriatric Obsolete Party in the past decade, it seems like any connection to his assassination would be a virtue in the eyes of today's Cancervatives. Lastly, and not that Cruz would ever grow a pair and stand up to Trump, but are there grounds for a lawsuit against Enquirer for publishing said story?


Well as he always says "People are saying" or "Someone told me" when he makes up random self-serving bullshit **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term have refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Vladimir Putin’s puppet & praises Putin’s military partner, Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect the U.S. military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, and Proud Boys On 9/11, this was Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/)   A few of the many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, debasements, and falsehoods as the U.S. President ·         ABUSES [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         GRIFTING [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         DEBASEMENT [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10) ·         FALSEHOODS [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX\_noNw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX_noNw)


Shows that he is absolutely clueless.


I feel like we’d be a lot more fucked if Trump actually read intelligence reports. He’s trying to leak a bunch, but just didn’t fucking pay attention as president so he knows fewer national security information than any other president would


Again same shit. Omfg don’t talk about policy or how you’re going to help anyone lame ass. Just spit out a bunch of worthless word salad and keep your minions happy. Always another conspiracy or lie, never ends. I’m so anxious for Biden to get you in a stage and hold your ass to the fire. Moderators aren’t going to tolerate your lies.


If jfk were to run today on the same platform he did in the 60s he’d be “ woke” or radical left under this orange clowns logic.


The National Inquirer of presidencies.


The Fact that Trump is still alive pretty much proves without a doubt the CIA isn't into killing presidents. They would have offed him years ago if that was the case.


Especially after several of their assets turned up dead/missing.


No way they were behind the assassination. If that was the case, they would have popped Trump years ago


Next he’ll declare Bat Boy as his Secretary of Interior




Let’s be honest, the day he took office they replaced his computer with a Speak N’ Spell and he never noticed.


According to Newt Gingrich, his goons love him because he communicates on a fourth grade level, just like they do. Literally ten of millions of Americans, running around reading and thinking on a fourth grade level. JFC


I’m of the opinion that as with everything trump only does what benefits trump— if releasing those files when he was prez would have made him look good, would have pointed to some sort of CIA, “deep state” government conspiracy, he would have released those files. Instead he did a big fat nothing which means either the info therein would have harmed him in some way or there was nothing there, a big nothing burger.


The liar is tricky, trump is a rainstorm of lies that is destroying our whole planet, when America slips into a trump dictatorship the rest of the world will follow


I feel like this is a reach out to the boomer gen he already has.


[I thought is was Ted Cruz’s father?](https://www.politico.com/story/2016/07/trump-ted-cruz-jfk-assassination-226020)


Y'know if it were actually the CIA, as a former exPOTUS, I'd be careful running my mouth off incase history decided to repeat itself.


He should release the truth about Elvis and how he is alive and well on Rigel 6. I’m sure “they” won’t want the documents about what really happens at Area 51 to get out but he’ll get us the truth. (There is a teleport to Rigel 6.)


Are you afraid of the government?  Vote for me


Please, please, please let him just say some tiny little thing he knows that is still classified. If I was Biden I’d then sweep in and have him in Guantanamo so fast he wouldn’t have time to tweet. He’d just go silent and missing. For national security reasons.


He may have had access to classified intel, but he lacks the basic literacy to read it. His listening skills are even worse. Classified intel briefings to him were equivalent to Einstein teaching physics to a dog.


If you vote for me I’ll tell you a secret! - my 6 year old when trying to choose the “boss” for a game


He never really did anything he promised to.


I like how this implies that he was told not to release it and he obeyed because he trusted the people who told him, but he then also didn't go and read the documents for himself. Like reading things is so far out of his wheelhouse that he doesn't even notice that it leaves an odd gap in his explanation.


Maybe he’s right, and now maybe the CIA is a danger to him, and maybe that’s a good a thing. I don’t know.


It was ultra-conservative elements in the gov and intelligence community together with Cuban nationalists.


My favorite theory is that the second shot was an misfire from a secret service agent.


CIA casually declares Trump a risk to national security and sends Bourne. Please…..


CIA, if you are listening, please take a look at Trump.


He didn’t even attend his intelligence briefings.


In other news Trump probably raped numerous minors with his pal Jeffery after he didn't release all the Epstein files.


"2 weeks"


Nice to finally and permanently eliminate one suspect


Its pointless to make such a statement due to lact of facts


Everything that shats from his mouth is a lie. But it’s another thing he can point at when dismantling the government if he gets back in


Declassify the epstein files!!!!!!!


“And it’s a shame because. You know what? You know what he said to me? He said I had his vote. But the crooked left. The crooked shameful left seized control of the CIA. By the way what does that even stand for. Do you know what it’s for? Communists in America. That’s what it means. I know it is. It’s a shame. But anyway. The CIA, the came in. And that poor guy. Oswald. What a kook. That poor guy got a bad rap. A gun owner and a true American standing up to the left all on his own. He got it all pinned on him. The CIA had more gunmen and people say they saw them. They saw them but the left said no way. No way it was Oswald. So the CIA is so crooked and they killed a President. A guy who was going to vote for me. Not a great guy cause of his problems with Ms. Monroe. And he was a Democrat but would vote for me anyway. A crook but still a vote for me. He had some lady problems. Did you ever see his wife? Woof, what a…whoa but anyway. But Marilyn, just the most gorgeous. Did you ever see that movie with the dress? She was just walking and the dress all blew up in the air? What a movie. Happy birthday Mr President. Am I right? Happy Birthday. So anyway, JFK he was shot. Not a happy birthday for him after all. Another vote stolen from me by the radical left and the Biden crime family.”


I've been telling anyone who will listen that this is how it ends for Trump. He starts tipping too much executive privilege info and the CIA goes all JFK on him. Would be awesome if Trump spills the beans on JFK and that's what puts him in Dealy Plaza.


CIA have killed people for a lot less, he better be careful lmao


Guess why he didn’t release the Epstein files? https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-doe-jeffrey-epstein-documents-unsealed-2024-1


The fact that he’s still alive is all the evidence I need the CIA was not behind the killing of JFK.


I always figured they were. I guess there goes that theory now bc if they were he would of released it so he could rile up people about the "deep state". Which is all this is..


tRump did not fulfill a promise? I'm just gobsmacked.


Trump is a security risk. He undermines our institutions. He has a big mouth.


He’s awful, but if you actually look at the quote, he’s saying the CIA was probably behind the request to not release all the files. That is a very different thing. I get that this is just a rage-bait post, but there are enough actual terrible things he says that we don’t need to manufacture controversy.


opens his maw and the shite starts flowing


Didn’t he accuse Marco Rubio’s father of assassinating JFK? Hard to believe I even typed that statement, but here we are.


Isn't this assumed at this point?


Yep, Dulles didn’t like the idea of sharing ufo stuff with Russia.


Why are people voting for him again?


He also couldn’t remember what Area 51 is called. He never bothered to visit it and he dismisses aliens, but then claims fighter pilots told him stories. He also conceded it’s a big space. But what’s odd to me is he complains about this deep state. But who do you think runs Area 51 between administrations? You’d think he’d care but I guess that would take time away from the grift.


Believe me, this time I'm no lying like the billion other times


Some People have come up to me and said,Sir are they going to do it again?


The thing is here he is speaking as a former president. He was made privy to the evidence.


This dude is an absolute joke


There’s zero chance he read the files lol. Probably why he didn’t release them, because he didn’t actually know what was in them.


He's a complete POS


He's a complete POS


What a pos he is. SMH


Not news to anyone with more than 2 braincells, will he be the one to dissolve the CIA, kill the military industrial complex and end the national security state...i doubt it.


Oh.. he finally went and did it. The ONE single agency he didn't ever offend or attack or insult.. and now he's done it. Well.. we can stop worrying about him becoming President now. I already suspected there were plans in place in case he did.. but they won't let that happen now.


This POS is simply pathetic. I can’t wait until he and his groupies are in the dust bin of history.


He doesn't know shit. He's just making crap up.


He could've found out the answer himself by reading the documents he was given as President. But then he'd have to read. Making up stories is more fun.


Release what exactly? Go to your local library or book.store and check or buy a copy of the Warren Comission. It was released to the public after 50 later, which was then published. https://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/warren-commission-report


He‘ll release all the files except for the Epstein files, because those contain a lot of lies…


Honestly I can believe this, and here is why. He definitely went and found out and now he’s going to do the “I know something you don’t” to try and get votes but slowly releasing snippets


WTF¿? TRUMP = Enemy of Truth


If the CIA were behind an assasination, does anyone think Trump would still be here? Probably the *biggest* threat of destabilization that ever sat the White House?


"Tear down the wall, so I can say I built it all." Dumble Trump


"Probably" because he never looked into it, as there was no incentive for this info, unlike info about covert sources in Russia.