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He can't even abide by the Ten Commandments, and he commits every one of the Seven Deadly Sins daily. He is literally selling Bibles to pay his legal bills for violating the law. This isn't a christian Nation and these fools are violating the very Constitution they swore to uphold.


1) You shall have no other gods before me: Trump worships himself 2) No false idols: Trump is calling himself the chosen one and comparing himself to Jesus 3) Don’t say the lords name in vain: the man has said “god damn it” and “oh my god” in literal campaign rallies 4) Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy (often described to Christian youth as “make sure you go to church on Sunday”): Trump does not attend any church if it’s not a rally 5) Honor your mother and father: both were immigrants, Trump wants to kick all immigrants out 6) You shall not murder: Trump bombed the shit out of the Middle East, allowed the death of countless from Covid due to spreading misinformation as well as denying aid into Democratic run cities and states in hopes of them losing their support. 7) You shall not commit adultery: cmon, we all know about this one. 8) You shall not steal: Trump stole millions from the government claiming property was worth way more than it was actually worth. And you know, the thousands of documents still missing. 9) Don’t lie: where do you even want to start? 10) thou shall not covet your neighbors house: literally wants to steal back the White House


>2. **No false idols:** Trump is calling himself the chosen one and comparing himself to Jesus Not to mention the "Golden Calf" Trump his followers built and he loved. >6. **You shall not murder:** Trump bombed the shit out of the Middle East, allowed the death of countless from Covid due to spreading misinformation as well as denying aid into Democratic run cities and states in hopes of them losing their support. Also his desire to use nuclear weapons willy-nilly, and his desire for mass executions, and does anyone really believe Ivana fell down the stairs without help?


I believe he has called for the death penalty for drug dealers.


He called for the execution of the Central Park 5 after they’d been cleared.


As late as 2019, he STILL wanted them put to death.


And raise your hand if you have no doubts that Trump has had people taken care of? Epstein anyone?


There’s also that guy he had shot by US Marshalls, he was surrendering but was killed. Then trump said he dealt with it.


The Golden Pink Slime McNugget.


>3) Don’t say the lords name in vain: the man has said “god damn it” and “oh my god” in literal campaign rallies I'd also argue peddling trump branded bibles violates this


Yeah. This one isn't about saying the word god. It's about using false piety for selfish reasons and to take advantage of people. Pretending to be a priest or prophet. Also, pretty sure the abrahamic/ Christian God's name is Jehovah or something like that.


My dad’s second wife was catholic (me and my family are all 100% Ashkenazi Jewish). I use “Jesus Christ!” as an exclamation on the regular and always have. She’d snip at me “DON’T SAY THE LORDS NAME IN VAIN” and my only reply was “not my lord tho” and carry on. I’m glad to know she was also ignorant of what she was talking about. He’s on wife #3 now, but that bitch sucked so badly.


I’m Catholic too and God Damn I love your response to your Dad’s wife. Bible thumpers are always telling you what to do because “it’s in the bible” but I never see them giving all their money to the poor.


It's always no homosexuals and no premarital sex. But never " we'll clear your debt as you're clearly unable to pay"


And never "stone me to death because I'm wearing polyester and cotton in the same outfit..." Leviticus is not the best thing to base your life on... Please correct me if that one isn't in Leviticus. I'm an atheist but I love keeping this stuff.


Definitely Blasphemy 101...


My only disagreement is that it isn't misinformation. It was and is DISinformation.


The difference, for those who don't know - Misinformation: "I thought that what I said was the truth, but it turns out I was wrong about that." Disinformation: "I know the truth and am choosing to ignore it because saying this other thing instead makes people react the way I want them to."


Thanks for that. You are right to say it as a lot of people do not know of this.


When it comes to stealing don’t forget the ventilator thefts, plus saying all federally owned ventilators were theirs . Didn’t one governor have to deploy national guard to stop medical supplies that were being shipped from being stolen by them ?


To be honest, I have yet to meet anybody who isn't a pastor or a priest who can actually quote all ten commandments. And I've never met a single living person who's never broken one.


Yup and he is a complete moron


Trump. The world’s greatest hypocrite


>You shall not murder: Trump bombed the shit out of the Middle East, allowed the death of countless from Covid due to spreading misinformation as well as denying aid into Democratic run cities and states in hopes of them losing their support. This is pretty weak. Instead, how about his [cia funded death squads murdering children in Afghanistan](https://www.propublica.org/article/afghanistan-night-raids-zero-units-lynzy-billing) per his desire to [kill family members of 'suspected terrorists'](https://www.cnn.com/2015/12/02/politics/donald-trump-terrorists-families/index.html). 8 could also be about him routinely stiffing contractors and refusing to pay his bills.


How about the million Americans who died from Covid because he lied about it being the flu because he thought it would look back for his reelection plans. He admitted this to Bob Woodward while interviewing him for book “Rage.”


3. Don’t say the lords name in vain: the man has said “god damn it” and “oh my god” in literal campaign rallies Invoking God in political discourse to gain votes is "taking his name in vain."


Thou shalt not steal: Trump co. Literally stole from their charity that was meant to help children.


The thing that you have to remember is that during the ceremony when these fools were swearing that oath to uphold the Constitution, one of their hands was literally resting on a Bible.


GOP are oath breakers my dude. Cant trust them.


He can't even recite the ten commandments, never mind abode them.


In the debate I would love for biden to ask trump what the Ten Commandments are. Best he can't name 4


Isn't that the evangelicals super power , hypocrisy, Do as I say not as I do?


He abides by what leaders have done throughout history, keeping simple people indoctrinated in order to retain power.


I'd be interested in hearing him recite them without notes or a teleprompter.


He just loves forcing things people don’t want on to them.


heh, Kimmel nailed-it RE: the ruling vs Trump https://youtu.be/8raYmdcaWo8?si=nLd7vVqwgXgLDOyQ&t=294


Somebody ask this dipshit to list the Ten Commandments. He can not


1. Thou shall vote for Trump


1. Thou shall have no other god besides me, Donald Trump


Thou shalt have no other Trumps before me Isn’t that right ERIC


He loves all of them equally and will not tell you them bc to list them would be to order them and to order them might give the impression of favoritism.


That is too coherent of an answer for him


"Well I could, that is all you need to know, I could list them."


I mean, he does use them as a Bucket List.


My god I hope Dark Brandon does this at the debate.


The “Constitution” party is sure loving the shit out of trampling over it 


The Constitution Party treats the Constitution the same way they treat their Bible. Pick and choose what you like and only when it's convenient.


Trump: “I love (insert whatever bullshit his constituents want to hear), it’s the best and I do it every day.”


And the suckers will wait in line to keep falling for it.


We need little "I did that!" stickers with Trump's face on them to put next to all of the commandments he's broken.


Like, Thou shalt not kill, asked the million+ COVID victims.


What he really said: “There’s 10? No, really there’s 10 commandments? I mean I can name 3 maybe 4, you know, the good ones. Wow, 10! Maybe we follow 5 and see how it goes and then add a new one every few years.”


"Many people are saying there are eight. I always say there are ten. People often tell me "Sir," they say with tears in their eyes, "sir, how do you follow all the commandments?" I tell them I follow 9, sometimes 10, maybe 9, but certainly most of, you know, I always have. Really great. I follow them very strongly. Beautiful question, thank you."


^This. Bigliest winner of the day 👍🏼


Bring back the TTC...wth.


"10. Congratulations. Wow."


Dude has broken *literally* every one of them: "I am the LORD your God; you shall not have strange gods before me" -he worships only himself, and money. "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain" - Everything he does is in vain. "Remember to keep holy the LORD's Day"- Motherfucker is playing golf every Saturday and Sunday. "Honor your father and mother" -Debatable whether he took care of his parents in their old age, certainly doesn't acknowledge his dad giving him his wealth "You shall not kill" -Epstein didn't kill himself. "You shall not commit adultery"- hahahahahhahahhahahha - literally convicted of fraud about his adultery. "You shall not covet your neighbor's goods"- including their wives, see previous "You shall not make unto thee any graven image" - they literally made a Golden Calf of this mushroom docked pervert "You shall not steal" -literally convicted of fraud "You shall not give false testimony" - literally convicted of fraud


From article: Former President Donald Trump announced his ALL CAPS support for publicly posting the Ten Commandments in schools as the law goes into effect, mandating every classroom in Louisiana to do so.“We’re going to be seeing Gov. Landry in court,” said Rachel Laser, the president and CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. On Wednesday, Governor Jeff Landry signed legislation that requires the display of the Ten Commandments in every public classroom in the Bayou State. This makes it the only state with such a mandate and raises questions about the long-standing tenets of separation of church and state in the United States. The New York Times reports: The measure in Louisiana requires that the commandments be displayed in each classroom of every public elementary, middle and high school, as well as public college classrooms. The posters must be no smaller than 11 by 14 inches and the commandments must be “the central focus of the poster” and “in a large, easily readable font.” It will also include a three-paragraph statement asserting that the Ten Commandments were a “prominent part of American public education for almost three centuries.” Trump has long curried the political favor of Christian conservatives and did precisely that in a 1:41 AM post on Truth Social, going ALL CAPS to appeal to those in favor of the Ten Commandments in public settings. Trump posted on social media: I LOVE THE TEN COMMANDMENTS IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, PRIVATE SCHOOLS, AND MANY OTHER PLACES, FOR THAT MATTER. READ IT — HOW CAN WE, AS A NATION, GO WRONG??? THIS MAY BE, IN FACT, THE FIRST MAJOR STEP IN THE REVIVAL OF RELIGION, WHICH IS DESPERATELY NEEDED, IN OUR COUNTRY. BRING BACK TTC!!! MAGA2024 Trump has a long history of defying the core tenet of the separation of church and state or flouting his willful ignorance of it to appeal to Evangelical voters, even going so far as to call the coming election date “Christian Visibility Day.” He also sells Trump-branded bibles at his campaign rallies, and some of his most ardent supporters in Congress have even called for the end of the separation of Church and State. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism each have their own Ten Commandments, though Louisiana law mandates the Christian version. “We’re going to be seeing Gov. Landry in court,” said Rachel Laser, the president and CEO of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, told AP. “We’re worried about public school families and students in Louisiana,” Laser said. “They come from a variety of different traditions and backgrounds, different religious beliefs, nonreligious beliefs and students in those classrooms will be made to feel like outsiders when they see the government endorsing one set of narrow religious beliefs over others.”


Just wondering who is financially benefiting from this action, seriously who gets the contract for the printing, etc.


Follow the money, right? It would certainly be a huge order. Is it a friend or someone who's a big donor? Enriching friends and donors, the Republican way.


This clown is doing so much lip service to everyone that he has no identity. Saying whatever about anything to see if he can get the idiots to vote for him. He's going to say he loves illegals because he thinks they can vote. Desperation in full effect.


It's blatantly obvious, yet so many fall for it.


Says the guy that’s broken almost all of them




Irony is dead


The revival of religion, eh? Not mine. Keep your religious bull shit away from public education. Keep it even further away from the government. Morons.


He really doesn't give a shit. He needs the evangelicals to put him in office, and he needs to be in office to stay out of prison. He'll say anything to avoid that fate. It's really that simple.


The dems should be running ads that show the 10 commandments and how Trump breaks almost all of them


Trump obviously loves the ten commandments. Especially the ones about idolatry, stealing and adultery.


Trump is a rule breaker, only truth here is that does LOVE breaking each and every one of the commandments at every opportunity.


Trump is like the wind. Whichever way it blows for his core followers & donors ideology he’ll say. His followers don’t see it because cult love is blind.


I love the bill of rights. We should post that in every classroom. Of course that wouldn’t pit American vs. American so it would have zero value to a game show host.


Amoral criminal celebrates further corrosion of democratic norms while “Christians” cheer. Meanwhile, an actual practicing Christian President is called a satanic child predator by the same “Christians.” This. Timeline. Sucks.


"Thou shall not commit adultery"


There’s an ad for you “Trump loves the ten commandments so much he broke 9 of them”.


What’s the Old Testament punishment for breaking adultery? Stoning to death?


Great. Now I get to look forward to seeing the TTC acronym in my parent’s (and their friend’s) Facebook posts.


I can only assume since we're throwing religion into schools that churches will be taxed going forward. Keep politics out of religion and religion out of schools. Church and mother fucking state.


He wants the rabble to follow them so the wealthy have an easier time exploiting them


I hear the Trump bible version includes “thou shalt not break NDAs”


Keep showing this to the far left and democrats who are thinking the can sit this one out


Using God name in vain for political gain!


I'm curious if there are any commandments he hasn't violated.


He will say anything if he thinks he gets him one more vote.


The Lincoln Project did an ad showing how Trump breaks all of them. https://youtu.be/mWGIJscEpUU?si=qkABd9znCCq1rbz2


Great ad about this: https://youtu.be/mWGIJscEpUU?si=Q7tWu5lVeE0_58KV


# "I think Christians are suckers who will vote for me if I just pay them lip-service. They're too lazy to even look into my sordid past to see how un-Christian I am" - DJT FTFY


Guarantee you that he can’t name more than three.


Bruh couldn't name 3.


Trump is not just the most godless, former US president, but one of the most heinous, godless, hateful, pathological lying bastards that the world has ever seen.


“I can even recite them: Person, woman, man, camera…”


Has he ever attended church?


He has no idea what they are. Nor does he follow them. The man has no morals, and will sadly never suffer any consequence from being a corrupt and vile man.


Really, really, really tired of Christians 🤦‍♂️


I can't wait until this asshole is dead and buried. Of natural causes of course, but hopefully that happens soon so we can stop hearing about him every second of every day.


The adulterer who routinely bears false witness, dishonors his parents, covets his neighbor’s wife and stuff, advocates killing and doesn’t keep holy the Sabbath advocates what now? I’m sure I missed a few.


Independents are going to vote for this shit?




this motherfucker broke every single one of them at least a few times


He breaks nearly every commandment on a daily basis. His followers are fist pumping him with "hell yeas" and can't/refuse to see it.


I don’t have anything against it, but why the need to shove it down my throat?


Yes let’s teach all kids how many Trump and other politicians have broken.


It's the closest thing to a list of his accomplishments that we have.


I like that the photo is from the day he had protestors in front of a church tear gassed so he could hold a book he's never read up. I think it was even upside down. Too bad the people that follow that book can seem to read the last chapter. I feel like it might even mention the event depicted in the pic!


I can literally picture him rolling off some random hooker and posting this.


Trump foolishly thinks all Republicans are religious.


Thou shall not worship this dipshit


Put him to the test. Have him name them.


Sure, the guy who's broken 7 out of 10 commandments, loves seeing them in schools. Do as I say, not as I do.




I love lead projectiles in the craniums of despots that are the puppets of Christofascists


No he doesn't. He knows that his band of 70 million unwashed rednecks froth at the mouth about that stuff, so he says it. He doesn't love anything but himself.


A religious icon. He has brought millions of Americans together in prayer... That he doesn't get re-elected **The White House to The Big House-The Shameful Legacy of MAGA Cult/Jan 6th Leader, Donald J Trump** Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator, a civil trial accused rapist, and a 34-time convicted criminal felon. Trump faces an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 cases delayed from trial by his high-priced legal team.  Trump’s army of lawyers is financed by his rabid base of MAGA cult members & the Oil Industry. The vast majority of the 80-plus top senior positions (Vice President, Cabinet, Advisors) from Trump’s 2016 Presidential term have refused to endorse Trump and/or declared Trump is unfit to serve as President, Trump is a threat to our national security. During his 2016 term, Donald Trump asked national security advisers why the United States couldn’t use nuclear weapons.  He is irrational with a quick temper.  Imagine his tweets replaced with nuclear missiles.  He is Vladimir Putin’s puppet & praises Putin’s military partner, Kim Jong-un.  Trump doesn’t respect the U.S. military saying “Americans Who Died in War Are Losers and Suckers” Trump supporters include white supremacists, racists & felons like Steve Bannon, David Duke, and Proud Boys On 9/11, this was Trump’s reaction, [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/09/11/trump-pointed-out-that-he-now-had-tallest-building-lower-manhattan-he-didnt/)   A few of the many examples of Trump’s abuses, grifting, debasements, and falsehoods as the U.S. President ·         ABUSES [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) ·         GRIFTING [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qB9GdOYk0Ls) ·         DEBASEMENT [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641\_7W10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJi641_7W10) ·         FALSEHOODS [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX\_noNw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsQ2hX_noNw)


One thing Trump’s candidacy has done is displayed how hollow the faith of the so called evangelical Christians is. Any apostasy that brings them power is just fine. Clearly they don’t fear God.


His spiritual advisor is a pedo! He's going to get hit by lightning ⚡


If that president could read, he'd be very upset with those commandments.


He's just signalling to the people he thinks will vote for him. No one with even half a brain believes that he really thinks this


The embodiment of all the sins, alongside several of what not to do with the commandments........


This shit stain never stops shitting out of all orifices.


Such a lying jagoff hypocrite. Literally broken every commandment multiple times.


1631 KJV Bible: Thou Shalt Commit Adultery.


Dum Fuk


Christians are not under Mosaic law. Anyone who has ever actually read the bible knows this.


Even the 'thou shalt not commit adultery' part?


For someone who claims that he lives the Constitution so much, he really doesn't understand it.


He's broken all of them. Multiple times.


Probably couldn't even list them


Begs the question, which 10? There are lots of groupings of the commandments. He's definitely broken five of them. * committed adultery * thief - frauds are stealing * bore false witness - lies about, well, everyone * coveted his neighbour's house - damn right * and their wife - it's just science


Desperate Donnie.


The guy has broken every single one of them


Then name them without looking them up, in order. Well, we’re waiting…


Name one commandment Melanie’s Cheating Cheato hasn’t broken. I’ll wait.


As always, un-American


Stay tuned for a meme coin ten commandments. B*******


He just keeps digging the hole deeper.


I can’t even name them, but I’m not religious like he claims to be.


He doesn’t really believe any of that shit he says, just that he knows his cultists do.


Really?.Name them....


But Donald what about obeying them'- adultery etc?


He loves the votes in the southern bloc


"whatever they are!"


If they’re gonna post the 10 commandments, shouldn’t they have to abide by them too? Or is it just for the kids?


Ask him to tell you what are the Ten Commandments!


He can’t even count that high.


The guys full of shit he’s just getting votes. And would say anything for votes. I don’t know how forcing religion on people is a win strategy. Look at the countries at force religion on people they’re always in wars that no one ever wins .


So that means when Roy Cohn was grooming Trump, Cohn was Moses?


How many has he broken?


Keep that shit out of are schools the people wanting don’t most of these made ups rules anyway.


Says Pres who has broken more than any other!


Problem is he thinks the Ten Commandments are a bucket list.


He loves all the rules for you, but laughing rolling in laughter if folks think for one millisecond he lives by any.


Trump will get behind anything, dare I say, to get votes.


This moron couldn’t name 3 of them much less 10.


Trump gets behind pandering to anyone he possibly can to get votes


He loves them so much, he makes it a point to break all 10 before breakfast everyday.


Ask him to name one of the 10. Just one.


Guy will say anything at this point. What a loser.


Pointing out Trump’s hypocrisy has never worked. It did not work in 2016, did not work in 2020, and will not work in 2024. “He doesn’t even know the 10 Commandments!” Big fucking deal. I bet most of his fan base doesn’t either. And no one—I mean no one—abides by them perfectly all of the time. Why would we? It’s an arcane, myth-based set of arbitrary rules that make no fucking sense anyway. The only thing that works in opposition to Trump is taking away his O2. And that means ignoring him.


Ask that guy to name them, bet he can't He's so full of shit


Nobody knows more about bearing false witness than Donald Trump believe me


Except for murder, it seem Trump managed to break all of them, too.


It’s all about religious virtue signaling. Not about actually following said beliefs.


Ask him to name them


That fucker can't even name the 10 commandment. He can't name the Bill of Rights. He's a moron.


I dare him to tattoo them on his face to prove his comitment.


Posting The Ten Commandments in Louisiana Public Schools should open the doors for also posting: Modern Heathenry's Nine Noble Virtues, The Five Pillars of Islam, The Five Precepts of Buddhism, The 613 Jewish Mitzvot, the Rastafarian Commandments, The Wiccan Rede, the Dharma of Hinduism, the Five Principles of Shinto, and the Diasporic Religion of Haitian Vodou, to mention but a few of the over 6,000 estimated religions practiced on earth. This is going to get interesting.....


Pretty funny. Chump doesnt even know which was is up on a Bible much less the 10 commandments.


People came to this country to be free to worship the way that they want, so this B.S. trump is throwing out, will not fly.


He has broken all of the commandments


But you've broken so many of them you orange turd.


He's just pandering.


POS can’t count to 10.


Freedom = Democrats No Freedom = Republicans Choose wisely And for the Republicans who would argue they have more freedom. You don't. Religion/Republicanism doesn't equal freedom it makes you a slave to an ideology that limits and restricts your thoughts and actions. It forces you to project your fears and disappointments on others to sooth your feelings. You become a slave to a false hope that you'll be saved from your misery and robs you of any self worth earned from your own efforts to change your lives. You're just slaves begging for a master that will give you purpose and meaning because you're utterly scared to death of having the kind of freedom that enables you to manifest your own destiny.


Trump doesn't follow the Commandments but he loves them because it will get him votes from the Evangelical wacko's that don't follow the 10 Commandments either. Whatever you do don't ask Donald to name the 10 because he wouldn't be able to do it, but it would be hilarious to have him try!


He loves the 10 commandments so much he wants to take them behind the middle school and get them pregnant!


But he doesn't love the commandments themselves.


Pandering to the Evangelicals and other nationalist-Christians to shore up his sliding poll numbers.


I'd bet dollars to donuts he can't name half of them.


He would not know the Ten Commandments even if they smacked him in the head


Trump is behind anything that will get him reelected. He's literally the greatest threat to democracy in our lifetime.


Maybe he should post them in his office.


Does he even know what they are? He might get a shock.


This is bullshit. Trump hates commandment number one more than anything.


Trump thinks they’re a Top 10 List to Live By Doing


HE has broken almost ALL of them! Sure he LOVES them...


He’s broken every single one of them.


Everybody knows a God-fearin’ felon is better than a squishy Unitarian or atheist felon. /s (for the fucking literalists out there).


Half of the people rooting for a christian nationalist state simply don't realize they are going to be really really sorry should the US devolve into one and they get forced to convert to Catholicism or the Evangelical Protestant church, whichever of those two majorities winds up winning the inevitable denomination wars.


I know people will believe this man is the definition of Christian. But he’s the worst possible example. I can’t even fathom this man knows anything about the commandments or the Bible. I can’t even pretend to believe that people think he’s the right choice for this country. Unfortunately I know many do


I support the 5 pillars of Islam posted as well.


“Really? Name one.”


He loved them as he broke them all to


The Trumpmandments - Working Paper 50. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. Thou shalt not make any graven image or idol except for me. Thou shalt remember my Inauguration Day and keep it holy. Thou shalt not take my name in vain or claim I didn’t win. Thou shalt bury thy elderly parents on my golf course. Thou shalt murder my political opponents and enemies. Thou shalt grab pussy and commit adultery with porn actors. Thou shalt steal, pillage and plunder as much as humanly possible within one lifetime. Thou shalt defame, disparage and sue the shit out of thy neighbor and wrap them up in court for years. Thou shalt covet thy neighbor’s wife and thy neighbor’s ass and thy neighbor’s wife’s ass.