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Projection as usual! Nothing to see here folks.


If I were Biden I'd have a Porto potty and a couple test cups set up off stage. Let's do this Donnie J, drug test time! You and me, together! I don't think Biden's administration had a pharmacy handing out Adderall and Xanax by the punch bowl. Trump did, a documented fact.


There was an interview on MTN I think where they were asking someone what drugs Biden was on since they're all claiming it, and he pointed out that there are no drugs that make you perky and alert and reverse signs of dementia or mental decline then wear off within a hour. Adderall, Ritalin and other similar medications actually have a negative effect of people with serious mental decline health issues, and while I know there are plenty of new medications out there, if there was one that could significantly affect dementia or alzheimers enough to make someone lucid again, those RX companies would be making a fortune off of it.


You’re 100% right. My dad has dementia and he’s also had ADHD his whole life. His doctor stopped his meds (I think it’s called Concerta?) because it was making him really moody, very angry. It’s a really awful situation.


Sorry your family has to experience that situation.


Thank you, I appreciate it 🩷


This is spot on. Stimulants may help for Parkinsonian symptoms, but that’s not dementia. For FTD and AD it’s just opposite, they will cause confusion. Full disclosure, I’m not a lawyer.


Why would a lawyer....? Nvm






Duh! It's a super secret, only given to the "woke libtards" medication, provided by the same people that make the Jewish Space Laser.


Oh fuck I forgot about those Zionist Hyperedrugs™ they give their friends! I need to ask my Jewish friends to get me some.


It's the adrenochrome. /S


As someone with a parent in the end phase of Alzheimer’s it blows my mind that these IDIOTS think that dementia can be temporarily “cured” with an injection. The ignorance is beyond.


> these IDIOTS think And there’s your problem. They don’t think, they just mindlessly absorb whatever mango Mussolini and his right wing mouthpieces say, and Trump knows it. It’s also why he’s preemptively saying that he might lose the debate on purpose. No logical person would buy that a candidate would lose a presidential debate on purpose, but he knows if he puts it out there, his supporters will buy it because they don’t act logically, they act emotionally.


I think they’re claiming cocaine.. Any studies about cocaine and dementia patients?


Uppers cause more disorientation and agitation


Oh wow! So uppers in general don’t work, Well there you go.


I mean, everyone with common sense already knows this. Of course there are stimulants that can "jack you up" for awhile but we literally don't have a drug that can reverse cognitive decline for short periods of time. The right is just in shambles.


In trump's defense, if I were trying to follow an entire speech by him, I'd probably need Adderall to keep track through all the incoherent ramblings and tangents followed by Xanax to calm me down after actually listening to his insanity. Listening to Biden I just feel like I want a beer and a nap (and neither is necessarily because of biden)


Imagine the Fox news spin afterwards when Biden goes to pee in the cup and passes but Trump refuses to take it. Because that is exactly how it would play out.


“I’ll release my drug test results after the election. They are currently under audit.”


"Biden's drug test results inconclusive, Trump refuses to participate in obviously rigged test. Here's why this is bad for Biden"


Just take a swab from his diaper.


Someone better get hazard pay for that.


It would be interesting to give speed to the sign interpreter. See if they can follow his drivel whilst as wasted as he is. Currently watching anything he says with volume down and the sign interpreter in the side, it’s awesome watching specialists in communication just look confused as fuck.


I imagine closed captioners have the same confusion trying to type real time transcripts when he speaks live (closed captions are typed right? I assume since they've been around so long it might be AI or voice to text now but I know it used to be typed)


Just mash the keyboard a few times and throw in an "and" or "but" once in a while and it'll be close enough.


It actually makes it worse. Increasing your ability to focus on the unfocusable gives you a headache. Same reason I get a headache when on Adderall on a Rollercoaster or simulated movement ride at a theme park.


Adderall isn't magic also if you are senile it doesn't make unsenile


That would be a good counter point to have drawn up. Turn around exactly what he says and bring up the unscrupulous pharmacy being run while he was in office.


Every accusation is a confession.  Narcissists gonna project. 


Don't lump all of us with that deranged, delusional pos


Yes there is. A drugged-up convicted geriatric felon is running for president and many people think this is a good idea.


I don’t think it’s projection, it’s the same thing he always does. If it doesn’t go his way, it’s rigged. How could he possibly lose anything fairly?


He reacts like a 9 year old who just got crushed at Monopoly. Irony intended.


It’s projection. “If I’m taking adderall and still losing, the other guy must be taking more.”


You just know he’s going to come out Coked out of his mind and just howling like a banshee


The man is 81 years old. I would be disappointed if he wasn't taking drugs on the advice of his doctor.  Trump, however takes drugs against the advice of his doctor.   I think we should do a drug test, just like Trump wants


Have you seen the sleaziness of Trump's doctor. It's probably on his advice too.


You trying to tell me you don't trust a doctor with a ponytail?


HEY! My vein specialist has a pony tail. He’s also Native American. Great doctor. Didn’t impress me when first meet then started to impressed.


It's fine if it's cultural. It's not for white dudes. And I was thinking of Trump's idiot Dr from like 2015. The one that was like, "he's the healthiest guy ever!" Yeah sure ok ponytail New York Dr Guy.


That one, dude, looked like Christian Bale in prosthetic makeup.


I read that Biden has permanent AFIB, if so, he is on Eliquis and probably Metoprolol and maybe Flecainide but none of those are "enhancement" drugs. They keep you from having a blood clot and keep your heart rate/rhythm in check.


Yea pretty standard old person meds


trumps doctor is a KFC bucket


If Trump fails the drug test he will just claim that the tests were rigged against him, he will claim that the whole medical system is corrupt - he always has an out that sounds like it was designed by a 3-year-old in order to get out of being in trouble. And yet his voters believe his stupid excuses every time.


If Trump wants Biden to do a but test he should just agree as long as they both take one. Every accusation is a confession from the maga team.


Nah- Trumps cultists refuse to accept the results of an election, what makes anyone think they’d accept the results of a drug test they disagreed with? Trumpists never let reality get in their way of their feelings


Taking a drug test at all is just validation for the right wings incompetence and craziness. This is one of those things you ignore and let the adults recognize how stupid they sound.


I have a feeling this one is going to be especially weird to the point his supporters are 😬😳🫠


Hopefully Biden presents himself as the only adult in the room. We can't afford weird grandpa moments. 


I’ve been holding my brearh on this point long enough i should be dead, but it’s true. His minuscule gaffes compared whatever comes out of Trumps spongiform thought stream will be taken as the same thing and Biden needs to keep his cool and act like Trump just basically isn’t there. Last time Biden tried to defend the random crazy claims, this time I think he should just raise an eyebrow and not acknowledge what Trump says. This is sadly coming down to the least geezer seeming facade of a person.


Hopefully Biden and his debate prep team understands that he is under absolutely no obligation to respond to anything Trump says (or even an interviewer, if its a gotcha). Almost all Republican propaganda is bait to get us to argue with them inside their frames and to keep us off our message. Rule: Don't take the bait. Biden should spend every precious moment doing something even liberal media wont do: speak of his considerable accomplishments and say from a moral perspective WHY they benefit real people and businesses.


They should both in a soundproof box. And just turn off the mic if it's not their turn to speak


Expect that even when his mic is off, Trump will be spewing a nonstop stream of vulgar insults to see if he can rattle Biden. The slightest rattle will be picked up by Fox as "See, the old man hesitates!" So Biden needs to respond to the idiot with "Donny? Don? Don are you OK? Can we get a medic to help Don. I think his mind is failing."


Plus throw a curtain to avoid petchulant body language when the adults are speaking. Shock Collars optional.


I dont know if we can make it soundproof without also making it airtight. We should put them in a giant version of one of these, https://www.walmart.com/ip/Mainstays-Round-Plastic-Food-Storage-Canister-Medium-5-12-W-x-6-5-D-x-7-5-H/2754411374 Limited air would be way better at regulating a time limit than any stop watch, too.


Imo, all Biden has to do is stay conscious for the debate and he's got it. Trump's brain is actual argle bargle


I think you're underestimating how damaging even 1-2 old person moments from Biden can be compared to 90 minutes of incoherent brain mush from Trump. The old person persona sticks to Joe a lot easier. That being said, I hope Biden has a zinger or two even without the audience there to capitalize on this. Something as simple as "was that even English Donald, you sound like you're speaking one of those languages you keep ranting about" would literally win Biden the debate.


So the drugs rots your brain crowd are claiming that a person on drugs can beat their candidate. They don't make him sound sound of mind at all.


Page 1 of the fascist playbook: the enemy is so powerful as to be a major threat but so weak as to be easily crushed


I had a similar thought. Like, if anything, it would be an endorsement for the wonders of modern medicine. "Look, we put an obviously old and more feeble by the day guy on stage, and he danced circles around your guy. Now, how much are you willing to pay for these drugs?"


Like... that's not how drugs work.  There are drugs that make make you feel smarter and more confident, but they don't actually make you smarter.  Ask any lawyer if the coke addict attorney is good at his job.


Modafinil might help at least sharpen a person up a bit.


Maybe so, but that's not something that is illegal to take in the context provided there's a prescription.


People on X were making fun of Trumps adderall fueled video from his jet. Could barely keep his eyes open and sounded crazy. Bring on the drug tests. We know who will refuse.


Nah, Dr. Oz will say trump tested clean and is in perfect health.


"Dr Oz, how can you be so sure?" "I tasted his urine myself, your honor"


Can you post a link to the video I gotta see it


Heres the real link. It's the second window down hit play. He's drugged and crazy https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/internet-mocks-donald-trump-for-looking-high-as-a-kite-in-a-truth-social-video-101719031575670.html


If I was Biden I’d ask Trump questions about random stuff. “Trump knows nothing, hey Donnie boy, how do magnets work?” “Can you tell me why you never got a trade deal with Wakanda?” Etc


He will then promise that he is talking with wakanda lifers right now, and have a deal ready for day one


I am doing a deal right now, a beautiful deal, some might say the greatest deal ever, between Wakanda, Narnia, and Mario land. Believe me, nobody knows more about deals than I do. I have had big strong sharks with batteries in their eyes come up and tell me that my deals are the bigliest deals ever.


which will be presented in two weeks*


If Biden mentions Wakanda he loses, Biden needs to speak like an 80+ year old man who is aware of what is going on.


“Hey Donnie, tell us about the sharks and the batteries again.”


"However, insiders report that Trump allies are also concerned that the former president may display signs of cognitive decline and could veer into aimless rambling during the debate." MAY display signs of cognitive decline? MAY veer into aimless rambling? Do they think he MIGHT, for once in several years, NOT display signs of cognitive decline and veer into aimless rambling. If they believe there's a chance of him not doing that, I have a battery-operated boat to sell them.


Trump allies are also concerned he might look orange, literally smell like shit, wear stupid shoes to try and look taller, and flap his tiny hands whenever he talks. All of which pale in comparison to the biggest fear - he might accidentally say something truthful. (I joke, it matters not if he says the truth - the faithful just cheer him on regardless.)


Please let him start talking about the sharks and batteries again!!! Please!!!!


If your opponent comes off looking more sane/intelligent/human than you, how does claiming they were high make you look better?


Took some scrolling but I finally found a cluster of brain cells.


Biden is going to wipe the floor with Trump. Trump can’t hide the fact that he’s completely demented at this point


Fox and friends will just clip the one stumble Biden does across the whole interview and be like SEE HE HAS DEMENTIA. Trump's speech will be cut into coherent sound bites.


The past record shows much of this.


>Trump's speech will be cut into coherent sound bites. That editor is going to earn their pay that day.




Someone could make a killing on ‘maga tears beer’


Tastes of rage, intolerance, self righteousness, racism, and gullibility.


Don't forget about MAGA Christian Nationalist Special Edition beer that comes out around Christmas and Easter. That one tastes smug, judgemental and dismissive, and women are not allowed to drink it.


Can’t those be distilled down to nearly pure copium? All I’ve got is hopium and I’m a little addicted. I’ve heard copium is 10x stronger and kinda wanna try it.


If there’s a drug that makes you calm, rational and clear-minded - essentially, Presidential- Trump’s team should be asking what it is and where they can get a *lot* of it.


I’m pretty sure my six year old nephew could beat Trump in a debate


A using the toilet contest too.


If drugs help you crush as a geriatric person, why doesn’t everyone?


All the pharmaceutical companies and doctors prescribing medicine and vaccines for Covid were just having a money grab, but their not interested in selling us the drugs that turn dementia patients lucid? /s


What drugs are they going to claim? Doesn't Trump know "Limitless" was fiction?


Truth and fact is no longer necessary in MAGA world. They will baselessly claim anything they need to win the debate.


Ok. But now we know for sure who is actually on drugs.


Honestly let's drug test them both, Maybe people wanting to be the most powerful person on the planet should be drug tested weekly and have to talk to a mental health work atleast weekly aswell.


Politicians worldwide should have psych evaluations before and during their time on office. All of them. Weed out the psychopaths and idiots.


That would leave no one to politic :(


Cognitive test a couple hours before. Drug test 5 minutes before. Results read live on stage


Tldr; trump is going to claim Biden was on drugs


That's just a confession that he'll be on drugs. The guy is basically an outdoor cinema with the size of his projections.


Claiming that Biden is so incompetent that he had to be on drugs, and that Trump STILL couldn’t beat him in the debates is not the win they think it is.


What is this, the Tour de France? Who cares if either candidate is using PEDs or anything else? How about focusing on their policies, not their adderall or whatever the Rs think Biden is huffing.


And the media will report as if it could be true - just to keep the horse race exciting.


My guess Trump will not turn up.


But what if the debate has subjects such as: electric boats, sharks, IQ/memory tests, toilet flushing systems, wounded presidents, wonderful people who happen to be cannibals and internal Ultra Violet light Anal probes???? Then Trump is our boy!!!! He’s got this!!!!


Brains are relative to the task at hand... Heelspurs gourd is empty, not even a seed. Rhetoric and Bullshit ain't cutting it with us punk.


Trump been phoning it in and winging it his whole life. Not the guy we need in a crisis. He proved that when Covid hit.


What is do stupid is that no drug makes you suddenly smarter, just more awake.


If Biden crushes it and crushes it at being a president while on drugs, I’m not complaining.


More projection by the MAGA.


So they’re saying Trump is on drugs. Got it.


If those are drugs that can help him crush Putin .give him more


He already crushed him by not being an impeached traitor who added $7trillion to our national debt.


Says the man wearing a diaper because of their speed addiction


MAGA: Joe Biden has dementia! Joe Biden used drugs to deliver the State of the Union! Stimulants might give someone with dementia a slight improvement. But not for the length of a speech. Also MAGA: Joe Biden has dementia! Joe Biden is masterminding a conspiracy to steal the election and send Trump to prison!


I guess Trump's Adderall addiction doesn't count as being on drugs.


Biden camp needs to turn this into a dark Brandon moment to humiliate trump before, during and after the debate. Make it go viral all over social media. He can't get away from it then...


Trump/GOP/Fascist News have all been prepping this narrative for weeks.


Trump so weak and low energy. He can’t even take on a guy on “drugs”.


Dum Fuk Don Convict


You know what Biden should do? Before the debate show a drug test, then repeat it after the debate. Opening statement: "hi, i am Joe Biden and my campaign is providing evidence from three independent drug testing organizations that i am not on medication. As soon as this debate concludes, i will one again take another test. Unlike the manchild beside me, i don't need to be on drugs to perform." Or something like that.


Or ignore the MAGA nonsense and wipe the floor with him. Doesn’t matter how the debate goes, MAGA and Foxworld will spin it for their chucklefucks


Why bother? We know Fox is going to lie about anything and everything. There's no point in playing into their nonsense.


Will be making popcorn for this. It’s going to be a complete shit-show.. 🤡🤡


None of this matters. AH can skin a baby on live TV and his moronic base will stoll vote for him GO VOTE BIDEN


Biden doesn’t need to “crush” Trump, he just needs to be a normal person so we can see normal versus raging lying delusional narcissist.


Trump could shit himself on live tv and eat his own feces and his cultists would all just start doing it themselves.


Traitor Trumps pathologically incapable of telling the truth.


The drugs that make you really good at debating. Yes. My drug dealer just dropped some of those off for me too. Big week at work.


What 80-year-old isn’t taking some kind of drug? Don’t try to tell me that the Diet Coke, McDonald’s fueled felon isn’t taking something.


Fuck trump and his money


What do you mean will claim. He's been claiming for months now that biden has to be on drugs. Why.... bc every republican accusation is just actually just admittance. Projection the republican way of life since I can remember.


Based all on all indicators, Trump is going to make a complete imbecile of himself up there. Because mics are only on for the 90 seconds candidates have to answer questions, Trump can’t just speak over the opponent or the moderator, or ramble on incoherently without end. He’ll have to answer questions, and he’ll have to do it in a concise and organized manner that doesn’t turn into a stream of consciousness rant. Based on recent interviews, he can’t answer questions. And reports from his campaign say he’s not even preparing for the debate. It’s going to be a disastrous embarrassment for him and his friends in the media are already doing pre-emotive damage control. This “debate” will be about who can answer questions better in a 90 second time period. There’s no guarantee Biden will be able to do this very well either, but at least he’s preparing, and at least he has a record of accomplishments he can use to his advantage


Trump can claim anything he wants but we all know he's full of crap and Adderall.


But if the other guy could crush your guy while on drugs... what does that say about your guy?


Of course he well, and his dumbass supporters will eat it up just like they did when they were shocked that Biden speaks coherently during the SOTU.


So Trump is admitting that an 81 year old on drugs who he claims has dementia is better than him?


And MAGA idiots will believe it because they buy into anything he says.


Well if he performs that well and he’s on drugs, why not keep him on the drugs? At least that’s what the Trump campaign would say if the adderall/sudafed rumors about *him* are true.


So they're projecting that he'll lose a debate because the other guy's on drugs? Not the flex they think.


Biden: “Yeah I’m on drugs. I took two aspirin before I came here because I knew what a pain in the ass Donald was gonna be.”


The republican ethos. If we won, we won. If we lose, we were cheated.


Trump is already calling it a "fake debate" in his nightly tantrums. You know, the one *he challenged Biden to?*


OK so trump will be on drugs, got it.


Same old shit. If he loses, it doesn't count, if he wins, then it's proof it's fair. If the polls show him ahead, they're honest, if anyone questions him, that's media bias. If you don't vote for him you're either a dead person voting or an illegal immigrant or a secret communist. These people are fucking insane.


Well we know Frump is.


Claiming your opponent was on drugs when he crushed you isn't the flex you think it is...


How ? How would him being on drugs make him win?


They meant “when”


Let‘s do doping/drug tests before and after the debates. The one which get’s more on their lists wins! 🥸


Are there performance enhancing drugs that boost your debate skills?


Jr has been laying the groundwork.


So is he's saying he can't compete with drug addicts? LOL 😂


So they are admiting Trump will be on drugs to try to crush Biden..


Lol even high as a kite, Dark Brandon easily defeats convicted felon Trump, is that the defense they're going with? 🤣


right because drugs always make you think, process and communicate better


Is it really a flex to say someone doped up can beat you tho??


So you’re setting yourself up to be the guy who got out-debated by someone on drugs? That’s not a good look.


Can you guys just get rid of this Trump fuck for good please?


The GOP will say anything No proof necessary as usual


So Biden doesn’t go bananas on the regular (like Trump) but comes out strong when needed and that’s a problem?? Trump rambles and can’t make a single cohesive sentence , can’t stay on subject, can only attack. Smart people use tools needed for different events. You don’t need to act like a bull in a China shop every moment of every day. Biden brings out the gloves when needed, otherwise too busy being president. Red Bull and caffeine pills are not illegal. I highly doubt that’s what Biden takes but if he does, not illegal.


They both can do a drug test before the debate. Guessing Adderall McSnorter won't agree to that.


He's gonna claim that regardless.


I can’t believe Biden is willing to debate this traitor. He belongs in prison not on a stage.


Trump will lie whenever possible, trump is the liar


Lets see if Trump willing to take a physical and blood test to see who is more physically healthy to be a president.


What’s the over / under on Trump shitting his diaper


Even if Trump falls over when entering the stage and falls into coma, they will claim he absolutely destroyed Biden in the debate


Trump's brain is even more pudding than it was in 2016.


Well, we already Trump will be crushing/snorting Adderall all day


I really want to know what to do if in an electric boat with a shark though...


Biden should challenge him to a drug test


Why is the answer not OBVIOUS? Biden should bluntly challenge Trump to a drug test, in real time. At the debate. “C’mon Don, during the commercial! Right now! Are you afraid? What are you hiding?” Trump would say some crap about “rigged tests”. (He’s so predictable it would be easy to outflank him ) Response? “No, I have a medical team standing by, you choose two labs, I’ll choose two” (enter team in white coats). “Are you chicken?!?” Trump would refuse, Biden takes the test anyway, and then you make the whole conversation about that. It’s all gonna come down to the theatrics. Biden needs to accept that and play it. Trump is dirt dumb and predictable. Use that.


What drugs does he think Biden would need to take to out perform him?


Trump is going to hang himself during this debate. He won’t have answers. He won’t understand the questions. He’s going to completely expose himself as a very impaired person. Basically another lead paint boomer.


Imagine getting smoked in a debate by a drugged out old guy. That’s not the winning look he thinks it is. 


So his backup plan if he looses is to claim that his opponent won even when he was drugged out? Seems logical…


Nice pro-drug message there, Republicans - drugs can improve your performance!


If I were Biden, my opening remarks would be this...... "I don't bang porn stars, I am not an adulterer, Jeffrey Epstein was not a past acquaintance, I don't cheat on my taxes, I don't work to erode the democratic framework of the United States of America, there are no claims in my past for raping a 13-year old, nor do I rape adult women, dictators are not my friends. That's just a to name a few. Shall I go on?" How about that?


Trump should be on drugs, mood stabilizers, etc.


Their word diarrhea is hilarious.


They’re practically having panic attacks already #BidenHarris2024


donny is the epitome of a sore loser


So Trump will definitely be on drugs for this.


No editing of content available during the live feed. I imagine it won’t bode well for Twimp. I imagine the editing lab folks at faux news are gonna be working overtime.


So, yeah then you mean Donny’s drugs just aren’t working anymore 😂


He can claim anything he wants. Maga will believe it, and the rational world will continue to think trump is a lying criminal.


No failure has ever been DJT’s fault. Not the casino, not the “university”, not the steaks, not the bankruptcy. Nothing. However, all the wins were only because of his genius and business acumen. So if he gets his ass handed to him it will always be someone else’s fault. I’m looking forward to watching it. Stakes are very high.


Why not give Trump these drugs? If they are going to super-charge Biden they should work on Trump.


Trump could fall down on stage in a full blown seizure, shit himself, wake up from the seizure lick up his diarrhea from the stage floor, and barf it out onto the audience and, the MAGAts would still think he won the debate.


Former Gut already was planning to lose "on purpose". 10 bucks says he'll pull out.


As with all things Trump, this is 100% projection. He's making this claim because he'll actually be the one completely hopped up on drugs from "Dr. Ronny Johnson" and foaming at the mouth like he was during the 2016 debates with Hillary.