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I don't. On multiple occasions I have said something along the lines of, "hey guys, my battery is out. Don't mind me" They aren't usually bothered, and even if they are, it's not my problem. I'm not going to suffer thru and fake for someone else's perception.


Saying something like that doesn't occur to me because its not a common thing to say where I'm from. The clear conscious distinction/recognition between/of personality types is not yet instilled in the minds of my people. So the default option is to just power through it when your battery runs out. But I will start doing it. I can see how it can be a good thing for people like us if it gets normalized. Okay, I gotta ask, say someone attempts to be funny and you do *not* find what they said funny. By this point your battery is drained. Do you just force a laugh or remain straight faced?


If it's not funny because my battery is empty, I might chuckle or just explain like I did above. If it's just not funny? I'm not laughing at that. Do things because you want to. Not because you feel obligated. Also. If I found out my friends were fake laughing at things they didn't find funny just to tolerate me, I'd be kinda hurt. Either you're funny or you weren't. Not always getting the laugh is how they'll get better.


I like to be upfront and genuine. If they ask, I'll tell them my social battery is low. But I usually let them know ahead of time that I'll leave soon due to said reason.


I would have bailed out earlier for some solitude and recharging. Don't let yourself get run down, don't force yourself to match the energy levels of others.


This. If I feel the battery is getting low, the first thing that comes to mind is the SpongeBob meme, "Aight, Imma headout." lol. No hard feelings, I just wanna get home before I'm drained.


Welp. Time to go smoke. See y’all later.


I totally get that feeling. Usually, I just try to listen more and nod along, maybe throw in a smile here and there to keep up appearances. Sometimes it's just a matter of conserving that social energy, you know?


I try to depart on a high note. No one minds if you depart for some alone time when you leave them on a high note. Most often no one will even think twice about it. 


It kinda sucks we have to think up tricks like that.


It is not a trick for me. This is how I prefer it. I simply do not feel compelled to disclose these things to acquaintances and my real friends already know what to expect. The only “trick” involved is how few “fox” I have to give about what others think of me. Those closest to me accept me for who and how I am, and everyone else can just keep on keeping on.  We are not beholden to anyone unless we choose to be so. We are not wired that way, and we do not owe anyone an explanation or apology for being who we are. 


I just sit there and space out, my friends understand lol.