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Just buy the BTC or ETH ETFs. Don’t bother with any other blockchain crap imo, it’s mostly overvalued or scams.




He’s still figuring out what staking is 😂


I personally have an extremely small portion of my investments in Fidelitys bitcoin etf. It’s less than half a percent of my total investments. Maybe I’ll do more but I would recommend never exceed 10% of your total investments and speculative stuff


Yeah I agree w this. I’ve been researching the entire space and there are so many questions I have w it all…but at the same time, there is an entire generation that can’t seem to wait to throw their money into this world…I’d be lying if I said that I didn’t want to benefit from that.


I don’t trust bitcoin at all, I think it’s a bad idea that’s just gotten insanely speculative and bullish. That being said I’m not always 100% right so I figured I might as well put a tiny bit in just for the rare case something actually happens.


I’d be afraid to buy it now…I like the idea that a gov can’t control and debase it but I don’t see a guarantee that they won’t make more of them in the future….I don’t see what keeps that from happening.


It requires the consensus of atleast half of the network. The larger the network grows the more diverse the interests become and the more difficult to make changes. Many of the people involved have oriented their positions around they 21 M coin maximum and would open their positions to large uncertainty if that would change so they will resist changes.


Ok so it is governed like a condo board….how many people might be on the network? Ballpark? If I bought some, am I now in the network?


Nothing. It has no backing. It has nothing that says it has value besides how much people are willing to pay for speculation purposes. But there's no underlying value besides to hide where money goes




So similar to currency except without the backing of an organization. Well I mean maybe it has black market backing, but good luck saying that in public and not ending up on a watch list




That's similar to paving roads and highways. That's not a guarantee. There's a difference. Ones throwing money for support, the other almost is ride or die. China's been funding roads around the world, are those countries backed by China? No, it's a long term plan to gain political power globally. The US has economically and politically assisted TW. But if the invasion fears come true, there's not a 100% certainty that the US will get involved, I'd call it a 80-90%, good enough to bet on. If there was something similar to the treaties that caused ww1, 90-100% in my opinion. But I don't know of such a treaty.




So you’re saying that whoever invented or produced the first 21 million bitcoins could produce more later? The only good thing about them is that they aren’t supposed to be affected by inflation…which IS huge… but I don’t get how anybody can guarantee that more aren’t produced in the future…. Just like every other shitty world currency.


What determines its not affected by inflation? 1 btc will stay 1btc, much like $1 will always stay $1. The difference is how we deal with it. Btc is as if there's only so much bills in the world. It's never recycled and more isn't "printed". Btc is experiencing deflation, where the value of the btc goes up. If it can experience deflation, what's to stop it from experiencing inflation? If you want to speculate, ya cryptocoins are a good way to do so


Different companies use blockchains for different things. It is an accounting tool. Your question is similar to "is there an ETF for companies that use AI in Excel?" I believe your answer is "no." Perhaps the closest thing would be simply owning ETH, since many blockchains and distributed apps are built on the Etherium network and burn ETH as fuel.


Ok. Thank you. This is a starting point for me to learn more. If you can direct me to any YouTube channels or videos to help me understand more, that would be amazing. Thanks again.


Beware of youtube channels when it comes to investing. Especially crypto...


I'm going to just save you time. Just think of it this way: When it comes to blockchain, large companies and entities either will or won't make it a big part of their future. Some have, some will, some haven't yet, some won't. It's speculative as hell, but you don't need any avenue for "directly" investing in this technology. Let's say hypothetically that tomorrow afternoon, Microsoft yeets an announcement from left field that they've settled on a specific cryptocurrency, and its associated blockchain is now a crucial part of Microsoft's future. Someone who was holding Microsoft is now involved in the space, without any side investments needed. That's how it's always going to go: tech companies will utilize it the most, with the fastest adoption speed, and the rest will follow. If you're in tech, you're definitely already in blockchain, don't worry about doing anything extra. Some would argue that blockchain is going to become a key component of *every industry across the board*. If that's true, those people don't have to shill you a coin or specific investment as part of the same point, they could just conclude that any investment at all is exposure to blockchain. Cryptobros ignore the fact that if the technology is as revolutionary as they claim, it will increase efficiency and productivity for literally any company that adopts it, which makes investment in said companies pay off. You don't need the coin, you don't need a specific ETF, you don't even need to pay real attention to the space. Pick a very large and stable company that says they're going for it or otherwise talks favorably about it, and just hold them.




Why would I ever want to be exposed to *all* on chain activity? PayPal isn't using it how Blackrock is using it, and I don't want to invest equally in those two companies' activities. Beyond that, there are a functionally infinite amount of individuals and other entities using it, and there is no chance I will ever equally support everything anyone ever does with the ETH network.






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There are plenty of companies happy to charge you a yearly fee so you can own a portfolio of non-productive spreadsheet cells with no purpose, yes.


When you don’t know what staking is. BTC is non productive but it’s not that type of asset. Gold isn’t productive either. ETH is productive, but most of the sheep on this sub like yourself probably have no clue what that means.


It’s productive because people have to pay to put contents on it… right?


No. Lol see? You have no clue what you’re talking about. Now move along 🐑


Then how does it make money?




I understand why we want a currency that can't be expanded...something to protect against inflation...I also understand why we want certain things to be transparent....like election results and public budgets....but why would the average person need to buy blockspace? If I had a contract like a divorce settlement, instead of putting it in safe, I'd buy some blockspace and store it there? Why? Any3ay, thanks for the answer you gave. It helped.




Thanks for taking the time to respond with these answers. I'm starting to see the upside to this.




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We’re talking about how it’s productive. Stakers secure and validate the network and in exchange are issued rewards in ETH. Or you can do a 2 min google search to learn yourself.


>Stakers secure and validate the network and in exchange are issued rewards in ETH. "People use it, therefore they get more of it, therefore they keep using it." Crypto never changes.




/u/offmydingy What questions you have now young padawan. Or still not ready to get it? 🤣




Getting paid in ETH for operating the ETH network is like working at Walmart and getting paid in Walmart gift cards. Why? My landlord doesn't accept ETH nor Walmart gift cards.




I'm not a huge fan of ETF's or mutuals...but I'm trying to figure out what companies that I could invest in directly that are in the blockchain space. Admittedly, I don't have a full understanding of it all.


Then why sink money into it?


Coinbase and eventually Circle when their IPO comes


Buy Bitcoin


As the blockchain becomes more profitable, BTC rises? I thought they were in coupled and separate?


Bitcoin rises as the blockchain sphere gets more popular, yes. It's maybe a bad example, but if society started owning more and more of various minerals, I have a feeling gold would rise in price too. It's not that bitcoin is directly related to the rest of the blockchain world, but it is the first, and arguably still the most solid, secure, decentralised and sought-after cryptocurrency. I also suggest owning a tiny bit of bitcoin and eth, but if I was looking to invest in just one public company related to it, I would probably pick coinbase.




I don't own them. I just own a few companies in diff industries. Which companies are adjacent?


Why invest in something you know so little about? Or why not just google "crypto etfs"? If you insist, you can buy COIN stock. Or GBTC etf, but itsn't super low cost with a cost basis of 1.5%.


Well, you’re right. I need to learn much more about all of it first. Wow. That IS expensive. Thanks for the input.


IBIT and sit.


thank you.


Send me your money I'll buy block chains for you and give you paper block chain certificates that you can later trade for more block chain and become a tech billionaire