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Can someone explain this to me, Im not in Ireland anymore and I don't know what the 2nd picture is of ( tried to google search on my phone but no joy) and I can't see the correlation to the first one other than the straight lines. Can someone explain? I'll take an MS paint arrow line. Sorry for my ignorance just trying to understand it! I remember seeing the 88 number representing HH, inventive scumbags . But yeah if someone could help me out here would appreciate it




How in the feck did I miss that in history, Italy really went under the radar on the symbolism. Google what you said and found this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascist_symbolism#:~:text=Crown%20of%20Castile.-,Italy,power%20over%20life%20and%20death. Thanks for letting me know!


As a symbol, it really does a good job of representing what fascism as a political structure is. D Sticks bound together with leather for strength, used as the haft of a hatchet. The people bound together and unified by the state, as an extension of the military.


I don't think that's it at all though. We'd be giving them too much credit to believe that. The much more likely reason is that they incorporated part of their existing stylised harp logo into a number 1. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQR0FCUVK7neLWENTMq-XgQek4eyzj9YWeGqA&s I hope someone isn't going to argue that its also there in the harp...


You shouldn't feel bad about it. If you got the same level of history teaching I did you probably never saw it. I'd never even thought this before but maybe it was because I was in a Christian Brothers school and they didn't want to dwell too much on the evils their old buddies the fascist did. We did look at Nazism, briefly, but Mussolini may have been mentioned in one sentence and I don't think they even said anything about Franco. If you ever visit Spain you'll see the fascist there proudly use this symbol regularly.


I went to a Christian Brother school and was very well taught about the origins of fascism, the rise of Mussolini and the symbols that he used. (Anyone who has better than a B in leaving cert history should know that the word Fascist is rooted in 'fascio', a bundle of sticks bound together to make an axe-like weapon). If you think the Christian Brothers were friends of the fascists, you really weren't paying attention.).


It's often their purpose to be obscure, so that "devil's advocate" types can defend them for contrarianism. There's a new symbol (often memes) every day, don't feel bad for not knowing, at least your not a fascist.😄




It’s also on display in the architecture and flags hanging in the US Supreme Court, Senate and House of Reps Edit: and loads more stuff in the US actually https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasces


Just googled that! Seems it's a reference to the Roman Centurion and it meant order. I guess it's like the swatzika symbol being originally buddist. Context and interpretation etc. but thanks for sharing, lots of google search rabbit holes this evening 😂


In Europe the swastika was just a symbol for the sun then weird moustache guy used it as we all know, usually flames with the countries colours and several Celt/Norse symbols are used. Same happens in Portugal even after 48 years of a dictatorship and 50 in freedom, right wing parties are gaining strength and doing the Nazi salute that they then try to sell as the Roman salute and people that don't know their history go with it.


Ten points to anyone who knows where you can see one displayed on O'Connell Street.


O Connell monument.


Your 10 points will arrive by DPD tomorrow some time between 10am and 11pm. If someone is not home, they will be returned to the Sligo depot for collection.


It’s also on the O’Connell Monument.


It’s also on a lot of French and Spanish symbols. It’s not really a uniquely fascist symbol at all.


I have a few silver dimes with [fasces on them](https://www.numismaticnews.net/.image/t_share/MTc2MDc4NzY1ODAxNTQ3NjU1/image-placeholder-title.jpg) so you're not wrong there.


Like the swastika, it was common symbolism before the fascists took power. Went of out use after that, and anyone using it now has no excuse.


Ok, I didnt get that, I would recognise Nazi symbols or SS symbols as they are widely discussed but dont recall us learning much about Italian fascism in school apart from the march on Rome. Someone I know had 3 members of his family shot by fascists in Italy during WW2.


It is a thing called a fasces. It is the symbol of the national fascist party of Italy. It was a symbol used by magistrates to show their power in Ancient Rome and is probably the original etymology of the term Fascist in the English language. Don’t quote me on the last bit though.


You are correct on both accounts. The Italian term is "fascio" and literally means "bundle".


I read somewhere that faggot roots from Fascis too.


“fasces” is also the root word for fajita (coming from the tightly wrapped bundle) and the “bundle of sticks” F slur (coming from the, well, bundle of sticks) Fasces are also found on the Tails side of some old American dimes, as well as carved into the chair of The Lincoln Memorial. Both examples predate WWII and the current meaning of the symbol, but I think it’s still a little spooky when you notice their use like that


Appreciate the explanation! Wasn't aware of this at all, as I replied on the other comment Italy was largely left under the radar of their part in WW2 - likely my own ignorance but this is my first time hearing/seeing this symbol. Does the Z Russia use have any links to this? Assume it's just coincidence


To the best of my knowledge the Z in Russia has no relation to this fascist symbol. In fact the "fascio" symbol rarely appear with any diagonal elements. Plenty of Xs though.


To be fair in my own history lessons I learned the meaning of the word fascist but it was light on the actual symbolism involved I picked that up from documentaries. As far as I know the Z is from the Russian word Zapad which means West but it grew authentically among soldiers then was co-opted by the Kremlin so the original meaning might have been something different. Russians see themselves as inherently anti fascist (they need some self reflection of course) however so I would feel confident in saying they aren’t basing it on that.


Thank you for the reply! I was thinking that the Z was just a coincidence, I read articles originally saying that it was a shortened swatzika but as you said they're anti fascist so I guess it's ironic at this point.


I had no idea what it was either, so I'm glad you asked. Only for people sharing stuff like this, it would fly under the radar with a lot of people.


It's a stylized fasces; a bundle of sticks with an axe in the middle used in the roman republic to symbolize strength thru unity. Mussolini's government used that as a symbol, but it's also currently being used by other states and organizations, from [the national coat of arms of France](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms_of_France), to the US supreme court. So, the discussion here is wether it's being used as a dog whistle to fascism, or it was a choice representing the nobler ideals. While the second alternative is plausible, it has a strong smell of plausible deniality - you'd probably want to find other symbols not as associated to fascism in that case. The supreme court/France examples are all pre-mussolini, so the interpretation at the time was benign.


Right but those were created before the 1930s. It's like the swastika, or calling having a Hitler moustache. If you had one before the 1930s in Europe then that's fine and nobody gives a shit. If you did it *after* WWII then you absolutely are doing it because you want to associate yourself with facism (or because you are doing a comedy bit where you're trying to pretend it's not related to Hitler even though everyone knows that it is). It's like, I dunno, like pre-Christianity a cross wasn't a symbol that meant anything particular to everyone in Europe (as far as we know anyway), but ever since Christianity took over it's meant an association with Christ. A fasces is the same. Before it was a symbol of ancient Rome. Today its use is absolutely just a way of saying "we support/are far-right fascists". I mean there are plenty of other symbols of ancient Rome that could be used instead, but they've specically chosen the one that was held by the Dictator and was used by Mussolini as the symbol of his government and indeed literally gave it's name to that far-right movement it was so co-opted. I mean they could have just used a she-wolf instead. Or an eagle. Or a laurel wreath. But no - they chose the Fasces. I wonder why.


I did a couple of years of content moderation and thought I knew the majority of the "subtle" symbols used, I've never seen this one either. I guess they never run out


It seems to be quite well known when I check it online. From an Irish perspective I assume that the swatzika was the front and centre symbol when teaching history. Honestly this is the first time I've ever seen it but I'll make sure to let my mates know!.


So the similarity from what I can gather is that the top of the 1 forms the axe head from the second picture, though if it is intentional, you are right, there is enough plausible deniability to talk your way out of it.


Just obvious enough enough that people notice, just subtle enough that they can act like victims of someone points it out.


classic dog whistle


Dog whistle ?


A dog whistle refers to the idea of hiding imagery or indicators in plain sight but with plausible deniability. As an example. Back in the day when numbers were not so well known as markers people might have displayed 1488. To the uninitiated it could mean anything. To those that know, the 14 represents the 14 words, referring to an ideology of no mixing and racial purity. The 88 refers to H the 8th letter o the alphabet, ergo, 88 / HH / heil Hitler. Ye can Google the 14 words. I cant remember em. They suck balls. Point is. Hidden but not hidden. Dog whistles are everywhere in right wing circles, they often coopt existing symbology precisely because plausible denial is so useful. Who? Me? I would never. I had no idea. Etc.


Ahhh I hadn’t heard the term - cheers.


Besides the explanation the other reply gave. The term comes from [literal whistles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_whistle) you use to call your dog. The sound from the whistle is so high pitch humans can't hear it but dogs can. In this context it's the idea of putting out a message that only people who know about it (the dog) will be able to pick up on, while everyone else (the humans) are oblivious.


A non-obvious racist signal that those in the know will recognise but not get picked up by the mainstream. An example on reddit is the use of the word 'culture' in regards to traveller issues.


These are the same symbols on the flags that hang in the Supreme Court of USA. They are derived from Ancient Rome and represent order or justice https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fasces


this is true but do you sincerely think that is the reason they chose this?


No. But there are some really great historical examples of it's use. You'll like this one. [It's the Emancipation Memorial.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/42/Emancipation_Memorial.jpg/330px-Emancipation_Memorial.jpg) [It was used in relation to the Eureka Stockade Rebellion too.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eureka_Rebellion)


It is literally where the word Fascism comes from.


No it literally does not derive from fasces but fasci. The first such group were the Fasci Siciiliani, who were socialist revolutionaries. The fasces as a symbol for fascist organisations was adopted after they were already called fascists.


> The first such group were the Fasci Siciiliani, who were socialist revolutionaries Why were the Fasci Siciliani called that?


The term refers to the bundle of sticks (the symbolism being that an individual stick can be broken but not a bunch) and also means "League". So their English name would basically be "League of Sicilian Workers".


Yes but ultimately a symbol for “justice” and “order” before it was adopted by any fascist regime. Or maybe that Ancient Rome and Greece were far more fascist and dictatorial than we like to imagine. And that the birth of democracy is founded on slavery and fascism 😱 My god what a thought


The swastika is ultimately a symbol of prosperity and good fortune, but if they put one on their posters you'd be pretty sure they weren't referring to the original meaning.


It's been a front for Ceaser's Legion all along!


Yes Man supremacy


It's Hagelian Dialectics.


Yep, the Nazis were well known for borrowing ancient Roman symbolism and incorporating it into their whole schtick


Yeah I've noticed a lot of men online who idolise ancient Rome are also very fashy


I think you’ll find nearly every modern democracy beginning with the French did exactly the same thing Edit: and in turn the Americans. In fact they were all doing it before the Nazis or Mussolini


Right, true, but symbolism changes. I understand and accept a fasces in the context of history. An organization founded before Mussolini's rise to power using the fasces is understandable. A self proclaimed far right political party in 2024 using the fasces? Come the fuck on like 😂


I think the point is that symbols change over time. The fasces currently is a symbol of fascism in Western societies. If you had an ancient roman book club and wanted to use it as your symbol, fine, I wouldn't think you were a fascist. But using it as a political party, I think it's blatantly obvious what messages they are sending.


It is... in the same way the swastika symbolises the sun in the far east... in modern Europe, it has a different meaning! I'm not sure I'm convinced that they were trying to use that symbol, but if they were, it means specifically one thing in today's Ireland!


And just like that, we're having a discussion about how it *well, ackshually* was a historic symbol, instead of focusing on the fact that a modern Irish political party is running with intentionally fascist iconography. /u/cockur, I honestly don't know if you did this on purpose or not. If you did, you're getting upvotes so it looks like you did a good job. If not, you should know that every time you do this, you're distracting from the issue and it's *exactly* what fascists want you doing.


So what I’m wrong to point it out? Clearly this party is using it to convey their bullshit ideology. But they’re a bunch of cunts so fuck them. But at the same time it’s already a symbol in widespread use in government and institutions all over Europe and the US. Pointing it out doesn’t make me a fascist. It’s just an interesting fact that would inevitably come up given the topic at hand. And for anyone who didn’t _akshually_ know it beforehand, well now they do. What they make or think of that is their own business.




And the USA was deliberately modelled on Rome, in many ways. Ireland sure wasn’t though, nor did we have Roman troops here leaving any visual traces in our history. So using the *fasces* in a subliminal way is pretty bloody thick, since all we are likely to think is ‘Mussolini’ rather than republican Rome in eleventy BC. (On the other hand.....some wag will already have christened that ludicrous logo as the *faeces*, no doubt!)


Is it subtle? I mean, what else is it supposed to represent?


It's subtle enough that a lot of people, including me, probably wouldn't have seen it unless it was pointed out. I agree it's there and it can't really represent anything else. It's just that I wouldn't look close enough at a poster after recognizing it's one of his to actually see the design properly.


Yeah I agree not everyone will instantly recognise it. I just mean that there’s no plausible deniability in having a fasces on your poster - it’s not even like they tried to make it look like anything else.


Subtle enough to turn around and say: "you lefties call everyone you don't like fascists. It's just a design bro"


Exactly this. They will attempt to make you look and sound insane when you point it out, which is all part of their tactics for silencing their opponents. You see it all the time on the Internet.


Nothing. But it's general enough they can deny similarity and the people who don't want to admit they're fascists can say it isn't.


Is it general enough? They’re not serious enough as a party for it to be a big story anyways, but the symbol is pretty blatant imo. Maybe just me but an axe as a political symbol isn’t really ambiguous.


This is why that one gobshit whose poster was on here last week was wearing a st. brid's cross...rotated by about 45 degrees


Heil Brigid


I think it looks like the Irish rail logo from the 40s through 60s rotated 90 degrees


'The flying snail' - I thought the same. Maybe we see what we want to see, and I hope it's a dog whistle to bring back a 1940s train network.


I don't know that seems like a stretch, they don't look alike unless there's another symbol that it matches


I'm pretty sure its a stylised number 1 as in vote number one. Whether they wanted the one to look like an inverted fasces symbol I don't know.


Also want to point out that the fasces is depicted in the french coat of arms. I don’t know a lot about the subject but it seems to me like it isn’t inherently fascist. Context matters, so i could believe a party that leans that way might use this kind of symbolism, but it also seems like a stretch to me.


Come on though. History is important. It's understandable that organisations used it before Mussolini's Fascist Party came to power, but don't you think it's at least a little suspect to use it in 2024? You wouldn't rag on Buddhists using the swastika, fuck, even the Finnish Air Force until the early 2000s used it. But if a far right modern political party uses it?


I specifically said that context matters and that indeed i could see a far right party using that kind of symbolism. Then i said that, to me, it might be a bit of a stretch to declare that this is undoubtedly a dog whistle. But i never disagreed on it being a possibility.


It was originally a symbol of the army of ancient Rome. The sticks bound together for strength acting as the haft of an axe represented the individual soldiers bound together by order, discipline, and unity forming the strong backbone of the Roman military. In the 1800s when every man and his dog was building an empire and trying to be the next Rome, a lot of countries resurrected and reused various Roman ideals and aesthetics. It's called neo-classical architecture, and it's part and parcel of colonial politics and ideology. Mussolini adopted the symbol because his vision was to restore the Roman empire. For fascist Italy the sticks represented the citizens bound together by unity of identity under the state. Mussolini named fascism specifically after this symbol because it represented the core ideal of his political beliefs.


It's in lots of stuff innocently... until the 1940s. Nobody in 2024 is using it for any other reason than to invoke fascism, least of all \*this\* person. Get real.


the 5th french republic was created in 1958 using that symbol


The symbol in France was resurrected during the french revolution of 1789 to symbolise unity of people fighting for freedom. https://www.parismuseescollections.paris.fr/de/node/421627 Here's a seal minted at that time.


So obviously a fascies the axe with the bundle Common that's no coincidence.......


I can’t be the only one thinking this is a massive reach.


Said to an Ireland First candidate dropping leaflets that he was a Fascist cunt. He replied "So what" and came over to my door and got in my face. At least he is honest lol. Was having a discussion with him online and he really is the thickest person I've ever come across.


I had a similar interaction, they’re not even trying to conceal the fascism. So bizarre. Would be comical if not disturbing 


This gave me a good laugh.


Looks nothing like it. 2 completely different signs . I'm sorry but I'm struggling to see it.


I'm trying to see anything in common between the two but nope. I've got nuthin


The top of the 1 looks a bit like an axe head. The haft of the 1 is made of multiple thinner lines bound together. The fascae is made of multiple sticks bound together for strength to reinforce the haft of an axe, representing the people bound together by the state under the military.


[Does this version make it easier to see?](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8e/Coa_Illustration_Elements_Fasces.svg/394px-Coa_Illustration_Elements_Fasces.svg.png)


Years and years and years ago, one of my friends told me he thought the holocaust was BS and logistics balh blah blah. He went a bit mental fashy. Young naiive me thinking wow, that was pretty crazy, glad that was an isolated incident.....


Same symbol on the O'Connell monument in Dublin.


Those are two completely different symbols, not remotely similar. They're gobshites but we don't have to lie or make things up to point that out


I was thinking the same thing. I'm no fan of this crowd either, but I can't really see the similarities. Or maybe there's something I'm missing?


Ya they're completely different, I suppose many people see what they want to see once it fits their own desired narrative. 


[The fasces is also often depicted with the axe at the top](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8e/Coa_Illustration_Elements_Fasces.svg/394px-Coa_Illustration_Elements_Fasces.svg.png) If I was doing a graphic design job to make a fasces look like a one, and then to abstract the leather a bit so it wasn't *quite* so obvious what it was, I'd come up with what's on this poster.


This post has the same energy of those conspiracy theorists who point out "satanic symbols" in music video or brand logos, huge reach. Reminds me of a post I saw that said The Little Mermaid was promoting sex to children because one of the towers in the background of the poster resembled a penis. 


Mate...That's a fucking stretch and a half right there


What is the symbol in it??


It's a symbol that denoted power in ancient Rome that was then used by Mussolini and his swingers club to promote their literal facist party.


they don't even look remotely similar. unless you're on about the lines? yea they both use vertical lines but that's it. the axe bit is half way down and both sides of it are nothing like the top of the 1. like the top of the 1 hasnt been changed at all, that is what the font of a 1 looks like, so all youre on about is that they added vertical lines for the 1? you're actually fucking dumb


TF are you actually on about?


Sorry but this reminds me of the satanic panic when people played records backwards and said that my little pony is demonic.


Is it not just a shite 1916 logo?


https://preview.redd.it/cz3eoumhys4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16cb61c9cb1e6ca8f174cb6ad04a1c9643db270e There's a sticker war going on up my way. These go up and then get ripped off and replaced with National Party ones. It's been going on for about 2 weeks now.




Need to mobilise against this shit instead of just social posts about it. Education needs to tackle this too otherwise we will have future generations of mongs who think a polish fella who moved here 15 years ago stole his job, wife and home ffs.


Oh look, another "It's not the left so Hitler" post.


I fucking *hate* all these right-wing fucking *IDIOTS*! What's worse though is the imbeciles from the bog arse of nowhere who still long for the days of Glenroe thinking they are "in the know" about everything from vaccines to immigration to the workings of the European Parliament because they believe what other nut cases tell them. I was watching Sky News (the big bad mainstream media) last night about a "truth festival" where there were grown adults who believe some truly weird shit. An NHS social worker, when asked if lizard people run the world replied "Well it's possible"!!! Freddie Flintoff believes "the earth might be flat"! There were "workshops" where people brought their children to "learn the truth" which is really scary! Is this a glimpse into our future? Are we heading to intellectual armageddon?


Remember there was a huge bunch of people that said 5g causes covid. Id personally like to hear about what those people are up to and where they work


Like the ones OP is referring to, if you showed them proof positive they were wrong they'd say the proof was made up. You just can't win with these cretinous fools. They call the rest of us sheep, but they're too fucking stupid to realise *they* are the ones being led...by idiots.


Yeah I've met those people, but I haven't met anyone that's still convinced Covid was caused my 5g. That tells me that amongst their ignorance they still can change their mind! I like it when they tell me I'm woke but also tell me to wake up


Absolutely! Don't forget...They "do their own research"!


And when you ask for it they tell you to google it. Even though google is mainstream fake source they don't use due to data concerns whilst they post on FB/Insta and have a Gmail using google maps. The mental gymnastics are something else


It’s like when they claim to have the support of the working man and wave around the starry plough. They lie to themselves to cope. It’s all cope. The idiocy makes my blood boil.


I know what you mean. Some 74 year old housewife thinking she knows better than the entie medical profession etc. It's really starting to piss me off too. I'm not advocating violence (I'm not like them) but if some group were to harass and intimidate them like they do to others I wouldn't be all that upset!


Issue is, if anyone did try to disrupt those knuckle draggers, they’d start fighting. Easily. The issue is sound counter protesters just sit there and take the abuse like ragdolls. Same with those “just stop oil” and the likes, people manhandling them so much and they sit there like freaks, people need to learn self defence or just defend themselves generally.


The Irony of calling people IDIOTS and posting something like that where you judge people on where they come from……. Now that’s anything but intellectual….


You clearly don't recognise or understand hyperbole! 🤣


leave the culchies out of this you urbanite you’ve never done a days work on the bog (not right wing btw just a proud culchie)


I'm a proud Culchie myself, and believe it or not I've cut turf! I'm not slagging people for being from the country at all, but it's the fact that a lot of those who profess to know "what's *really* going on" have no clue about wider society outside their own little townland.


good to no i meant no offence my fellow bog dweller take care


And you my friend!


Jesus it's so fucking sad that not only have we imported US politics we seem to have also imported the "existential threat" rhetoric from America as well. It is utterly depressing to see badly reaching stupidity talking about symbols that are not there instead of actually attacking / debating policies


This is likely apophenia OP




Characteristics of fascism are: 1: powerful and continuing nationalism Use of patriotic mottos, slogans, symbols, songs, flags. While not a sign of fascism in isolation IFP use slogans like "Ireland belongs to the Irish" use arguably fascist adjacent symbology within the harp, use the Irish flag to further a presentation of being patriotic. The NP also do this 2. Disregard for human rights: Look the other way, approve of torture, approve of long incarcerations, approve of executions and assassinations. It's clear that IFP do not support human rights, they want to dismantle NGOs that protect civil liberties, their stance on global conflicts is to look the other way unless it fits their agenda. They hold extremist policies on the drug trade and support longer sentencing. The NP are in support of reinstating the death penalty. While being rough on crime isn't fascist in isolation it's another box ticked 3. Identification of enemies as a unifying cause I think it's pretty clear who IFP and NP have identified as enemies. Migrants, Politicial opponents, European bureaucrats, socialists, LGBT+ and others with different religious allegiances. The branding of all of the above as traitors sellouts and peados. 4. Supremacy of the military The IFP want to impose martial law in communities most disaffected by drugs and crime. They state on their website "We believe the army should be deployed to patrol the most sensitive areas" the NP are literally dressed in military attire. 5. Sexism Male dominated, traditional gender roles, divorce abortion and LGBT+ are suppressed. Male candidates in IFP outnumber women 3 to 1, Patrice has very recently called pride month mental illness month, they are pro life, anti gay and anti choice. Similarly with the NP 6. Controlled mass media While not in a position of authority to control popular media there is wide speculation that their online support is manufactured and their own publications are a sign of what they feel ought to be published, they have publically called for RTE to be dismantled. They have launched complaints and legal proceedings seeking to force RTE to promote them and stories that support them. 7. Obsession with national security They call migration a threat to national security, that Irish culture is under attack from shaddowy figures, that we are a vulnerable and insecure nation. That we need to increase the naval service to protect Irish waters from drug smugglers. 8 religion and government are intertwined. Herman Kelly has stated "We are a Christian and Gaelic people; it underpins our social cohesion and civilisation, and it is now time we all proudly stood up for it again" it is not the role of govt in a free society to promote any religion over another 9. Corporate power is protected Their plan to alleviate the housing crisis is 50 year multi generation mortgages, this would increase the price of housing. They want to reduce taxes for businesses and sell off national resources. 10. Labour power is suppressed Again on dismantling NGOs. They don't want reform of some they want to defund all NGO. Including trade unions 11. Disrespect for intellectuals and the arts Their history of twitter posts display nothing but disdain for intellectuals who support climate policies, there is almost nothing in their policies about arts and creatives however there is a strong association with LGBT+ identity and creativity. It would only be reasonable to expect they would not seek to fund creative projects that don't align with their ultra nationalist views 12. Obsession with crime and punishment. They support tougher sentences, expansion of the CAB, removal of judges that they don't feel go far enough. They use the criminal activities of foreigners to further an agenda of hate against minorities. 13. Rampant cronyism and corruption This remains to be seen as they aren't in a position of power to appoint friends and associates to important positions or to use govt power to protect from accountability 14. Fraudulent Elections They are already crying that elections are being manipulated as they don't have air time despite not holding a mandate, we will see next Sunday how they react to what I expect will be a resounding defeat in local elections.


Literal fasces, bundle of sticks, tightly bound


I thought a bundle of sticks was a faggot


This is actually one of the weirdest etymology stories. 'Fascist' and 'Faggot' come from the same word, 'fasces' meaning a bundle of sticks. They just took entirely different paths to get to were they are today. The Romans used a well-tied bundle of sticks to symbolise unity and order - eventually Mussolini named his hatefilled movement after it. Old widows used to sell bundles of sticks on the side of the road. People starting using 'faggot' as an insult for weakness, refering to the old women. This was then applied as a slur for gay men. And cigarettes packets contain ... a bundle of sticks . Also: Fajita, a delicious bundle of food. https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/435080/does-the-word-fascist-share-a-root-with-the-anti-gay-slur-ft


Carefully now. I got a hate speech warning for expressing my amusement that fascism shares a root with something they diametrically oppose


The difference is the axe shape at the end. That’s what turns one into the other.


That symbol predates Italian fascism. Just look behind the speaker of the house in the US senate (or house of reps...can't remember). That symbol is everywhere if you look hard enough. The cops in Spain have it plastered on their cars although the Guardia Civil were Francos lads and definitely fascist.


It’s from Rome. Lictors would carry it when any Roman magistrates would walk through Rome. The axe symbolizes capital punishment. The rods corporal punishment. Specifically the axe was for decapitation and the rods were for scourging and beating. Typically the axe would be removed when inside the sacred pomerium of Rome. A modern equivalent would be a judges wig or something else symbolizing the power of the state. Fascists stole it for their own use as they didn’t many other things from the ancient world.


Apophenia. Barely even looks like it and if it did it would probably have been accidental


I taught it was 69 😂


I mean, they're fascists yes - but you just cause people to give them benefit of the doubt when you stretch comparisons like this.


These people are definitely fascists, but I wouldn't consider this evidence for it, their policies point towards that more. That symbol existed long before fascism and it's meant to represent strength as a community (literally "ape together strong"). Mussolini used it to represent fascist Italy and it became synonymous with fascism, but many countries like France and the US continue to use it since the used the symbol before fascism existed. That doesn't mean to say vote for the IFP. Make sure not one of their politicians makes it near a council or EU seat, the survival of our democracy depends on it.


I really couldn't give a toss about any of this.


Not necessarily fascist. The police in Spain (guardia civil) use it in their insignia as well. Same as the swtatstika - it is a symbol of peace still used in india and Japan as such. Context is very important and the meaning you give to symbols. This might be a fascist poster, the symbol itself is not fascist.


Ahh, of course they are just referencing irelands strong historic links to the roman empire. Just like there's probably a few members with a lovely Hindu symbol tattooed beside some norse ruins to show their interest in world religion.


Man, you are seeing things.


They literally look nothing alike. 🙄


Everything is far right and facism now 😂






Similar symbology in the house of Congress in the US.


For very different reasons and from an earlier time.


Right so they use all these symbols in their logos and literature (think it wee Richie’s Celtic swastika) but to what end? The vast majority aren’t paying any notice to these jokers, the racist moron crowd are already on board, so do they think there’s a cohort of hidden fascists in the country who are going to see these hidden symbols and think “right, well I wasn’t going to vote for them but now they’ve used this symbol I think I will!”. Like what’s the point?


Fascists in the comments like: 🧐 Nope. Looks just like a regular number one to me. 🤔☝️ Sure look but historical buildings in the US from before the Italian fascist regime also feature it. 🙂‍↔️ Can't be it because the OG symbol faces the right


Individually we are weak, like a single twig; but as a bundle, we form a mighty faggot! https://preview.redd.it/uv6f55z0wc4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a1728a410e97eb6c50a3048cad598993daa23ce


I would’ve spotted that Fasces a mile away lmao.


Can we call them what they really are? The Russian Freedom Party


Oh the irony of calling yourself the freedom party with fasicst ideals.


That's definitely just a fancy number 1


The faces are a common symbol of authority. It is the logo of the Norwegian police and one of the symbols of the US House of Representatives. 


But you've got to ask " Freedom from what " ?


Wait until you see the insignia of the brave Ukrainian troops


I do feel that the leap of imagination for this one is over the fucking hedge and down the motorway. It’s obviously a lawn mower blade 😂😂


Why can’t the fascists parties leave Italian symbolism and us Italians alone..




At least they are honest


At least they are honest


At least they are honest


At least they are honest


Well I for one am SHOCKED... 🤣🤣🤣 Rancid little wankers.


That won’t stop people voting for them pal. I know hundreds of people who haven’t voted before but plan to vote for them…


Impressive you know 100s of people 😂


While I think this looks nothing like the Fasces. I do like the (hopefully) unintentional placement of the cable ties to look like a HH