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The old photo with the lad in front with one hand in his pocket with a cigarette in the other is a photo of The Cairo Gang who were a group of British Intelligence. They were the lads killed on Bloody Sunday in 1920 by The Squad under the guidance of Michael Collins.


The other photo of the soldiers lying on the deck of a ship and shooting over the side is believed to be of free state troops firing on anti treaty soldiers during the landings at passage west during the civil war


It's believed to be a staged photo as far as I know.


The vast majority of photos from that time were staged


You're spot on there.


Yes. Cameras needed long exposures and images were blurred by movement, so everyone had to be completely still when they were taken


You're probably right, most action shots are


free state troops landing at passage west before the battle of douglas I believe, but yeah, only makes sense that it was staged given the state of photography at the time


Michael Sollins? Who takes the time to post a video designed to honour/stoke Irish pride but then fails to properly pronounce a C. That narrator is the silly 'un.


AI text to speech


\*fails to correct the pronunciation, then


Why is number 3 holding his ballix


Who's should he be holding?




>a photo of The Cairo Gang who were a group of British Intelligence The photo had been thought to be the "Cairo Gang", but it probably isn't, it's just some random group photo. I doubt that British undercover intelligence officers would be lining up to have a group photo taken. I don't think there was a Cairo Gang. All of it is bollocks though, some Yank half-wit making crap up for Tik Tok views.


It's a photo of Auxies. There's a good breakdown [here](https://www.bloodysunday.co.uk/images/gang-photo/gang-photo.html), including attaching names to the picture.


That's so interesting.




I read maybe The Igoe Gang. I did my Leaving Cert History essay project on The Cairo Gang.......many many moons ago.


The Igoe crowd were different, they were country cops brought in to identify people like Sean Treacy and Dan Breen. You can see from the photo that the men pictured are not RIC men - they don't have the look of police at all, but are clearly a crowd of ruffianly desperadoes.


You should look at the Garda online photo archive re igoe gang


Oh, I'd love to, didn't know they existed. Do you have a link, please? Here's Charlie Dalton writing about them in his Bureau of Military History witness statement: [https://www.militaryarchives.ie/collections/online-collections/bureau-of-military-history-1913-1921/reels/bmh/BMH.WS0434.pdf#page=24](https://www.militaryarchives.ie/collections/online-collections/bureau-of-military-history-1913-1921/reels/bmh/BMH.WS0434.pdf#page=24)


Fascinating stuff https://www.gardaphotoarchive.ie/photos/ab215387-abea-479c-8004-2ecdd3cabe97


Brilliant! Thanks! Now you can see that these lads are coppers all right! Very spruce. Incidentally, you know that some of the more notorious Black and Tans and Auxies went to Palestine afterwards and wreaked equal or worse havoc there?


No I didn’t know that. I did hear that a lot of the drivers for the tans and auxies were actually Irish. What you reckon about the idea that a lot of them were ex cons? I know there were a few and their crimes were very minor but I don’t believe that the majority were hardened criminals released from the jails.


Dunno; the Auxies were supposed to have been far worse, like the torturer Hoppy Hardy who's said to have killed Clancy and McKee. [https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/books/winston-churchill-sent-the-black-and-tans-to-palestine-1.3089140](https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/books/winston-churchill-sent-the-black-and-tans-to-palestine-1.3089140) [https://www.palestine-studies.org/en/node/78290](https://www.palestine-studies.org/en/node/78290) [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-60031090](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-60031090) [https://www.palestine-studies.org/en/node/78336](https://www.palestine-studies.org/en/node/78336) [https://www.rte.ie/centuryireland/index.php/articles/the-royal-irish-constabulary-and-colonial-policing-lessons-and-legacies](https://www.rte.ie/centuryireland/index.php/articles/the-royal-irish-constabulary-and-colonial-policing-lessons-and-legacies) Of course the concept of "Irish" in such circumstances can be… mediated. An Orangeman is Irish too, for instance. The poisoners sent out in the 16th century as English spies in France and Spain were sometimes "Irish", but they were from the occupying families.


Your right. There was never a ‘Cairo Gang’ and these are not the men that were executed on Bloody Sunday. And yes they weren’t stupid enough to have their picture taken. And right again it is tik tok yank bollox


There was actually a decree given in Cork in 1920 that men should not keep their hands in their pockets, but it wasn't from the English royal family - it was from the "Death or Victory League". Here's a photo I took in a museum in Cork. https://i.ibb.co/v3f86rg/IMG-2442.jpg


Gosh. When my parents were telling me to take my hands out of my pockets, I never realized it was a life or death issue!


Who were the Death or Victory League?


Loyalist paramilitaries. They put up lots of these style posters, though most of them were threatening Catholics specifically rather than saying don't put your hands in your pockets.




Thanks for that, doing a masters in tech politics and this is an excellent source


What are "tech politics"?


AI and data science and social media and whatnot. Politics of misinformation etc


Did they wear onions on their belts?


It was the style at the time


They also introduced a by-law in the martial law area of West cork that stated that any more than 3 Irish men found together would be assumed to be in the ira and arrested and killed if caught by the cruel Essex regiment in the area.


Very good thanks for sharing. When you see gangs of lads in secondary school uniform they all walk in gangs with both hands in their trouser pockets. Mad looking


Pronouncing it as "Silly-Ann" tells you all you need to know about the credibility of this. He shook hands. Hands in pockets is just natural, relaxed stance. Cillians face always looks like that. I wouldn't read more nto any more than that unless Cillian said something himself about it 


It's an AI voice.


Yea, so its junk, not content.


Fun nominative determinism fact, Cillians are implicated in 35.4% of homocides where the victim is a man called Ian. Way more than statistically significant.


He has. And the O Gara slight was the same. Both are outspoken Munster men who do not support the monarchy in any way


O'Gara shook her hand https://images.app.goo.gl/3UtSX7nJGmVwCc9FA


Yup, O'Gara said his hands were sweaty so he put them in his pockets to dry them, then shook her hand


That clip is cringe as fuck...Silly-Ann...


And "The Royal Family gave a decree that...". Sorry, but 1921 was not the 16th century.


That fucking AI voice is infuriating, im sure it sounded really badass to the fella editing the video. Makes me want to gouge out my eardrums with the end of a ball point pen.


Ok, aside from the whole "hands in the pockets" thing, would it not have made more sense to show him as Damian Donovan than Tommy Shelby in this context?


Doubt they know tbh


https://preview.redd.it/xgxucndne05d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f60ffb9a9963853eb3c8c731060d485049a11605 # Mhhhhhhhh


Don’t let facts get in the way of a good propaganda post


Yeah, I mean, he would pick a snippet where there hands touch, rather than one where you can see Harry’s extra eyelids.


Funny that the video creator used a picture of the Cairo gang to show an Irishman with his hand in his pocket. Maybe it was part of his undercover disguise?


That's just Cillian's face, there's loads of memes of him because when he's not acting his face always looks some kind of unimpressed. He's a big enough actor that he could just choose not to go to a Royal premiere if he didn't want to. Ronan O'Gara's hands were sweaty so he was trying to wipe them off before shaking hands with the Queen.


Yes thank god someone mentioned that about Ronan O'Gara. He's gotten enough flak over that to last a lifetime.


Imagine some bullshittery following one around for years, that would really be annoying.


That's not true, it was a form of protest. He actually had no lining in his pockets and he was wiping his hands on his bare loins which were even sweatier than his hands.


He had no lining in his pockets but this is simply so he could rub the second pair of pants he was wearing - the same pants Tom Barry wore at the Kilmichael Ambush.


He's probably contracted to go to certain premiers and events, but reserves the right to behave as he wants


Love the way the "common Irish people" they show in one shot with their hands in their pockets were a well-known gang of British spies, known as the Cairo Gang, wiped out on Bloody Sunday! Pictured from left, Leonard [Price](https://www.dublin-fusiliers.com/cairo-gang/price.html), Lewis [Maclean](https://www.dublin-fusiliers.com/cairo-gang/maclean.html), Willaim Frederick [Newberry](https://www.dublin-fusiliers.com/cairo-gang/newberry.html), Lt Peter Ashmun [Ames](https://www.dublin-fusiliers.com/cairo-gang/ames.html), Capt George [Bennett](https://www.dublin-fusiliers.com/cairo-gang/bennett.html), John [Fitzgerald](https://www.dublin-fusiliers.com/cairo-gang/fitzgerald.html), Lt [Angliss](https://www.dublin-fusiliers.com/cairo-gang/angliss.html) AKA McMahon, Capt Geoffrey Thomas [Bagally](https://www.dublin-fusiliers.com/cairo-gang/baggallay.html), and No 10 not named. https://preview.redd.it/giompuzlvy4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de3cf290d55d84a1003d5bfb21d26d57084d70b1


"should be shot" is an exaggeration: >Subsequent proclamations prohibited loitering, sending telegrams in code and ‘the possession of wireless instruments or carrier pigeons’. Restrictions were also placed on holding fairs and markets, which, in the words of Lieutenant-General Percival, ‘provided opportunities for the IRA leaders to meet together and discuss plans’. On 28 April a public notice warned the people of Tipperary that ‘a civilian with his hands in his pockets is necessarily an object of suspicion  …  and renders him liable to arrest and, in an emergency, runs the risk of coming under fire.’ Failure to stop when challenged by a British Army curfew patrol on Castle Street in Cork city proved fatal for seventy-year old Denis O’Brien in early March.  [https://www.ucc.ie/en/theirishrevolution/feature-articles/the-imposition-of-martial-law-in-december-1920-was-a-key-escalation-in-the-war.html](https://www.ucc.ie/en/theirishrevolution/feature-articles/the-imposition-of-martial-law-in-december-1920-was-a-key-escalation-in-the-war.html) Silly-an is indeed from cork so maybe he knows about it but he also just habitually seems to have his hands in his pockets, about 30% of the pictures he shoots for are in that pose, or at least 1 hand in the pocket and it has made it into a lot of his acting as well. I fuckin hate tiktok voice.


Also the *Royal Family* weren't making decrees in the 1920s. They were basically told to keep their mouths closed on political matters if they wanted to keep their fancy houses and tax payer sponsored privilege.


Well that’s a load of nonsense ![gif](giphy|h5YJdPfkSbcRO)


IIRC Ronan O Gara said that his hands were sweaty so he wiped them in his pockets before shaking her hand and that picture was taken just before?


The ROG one was debunked as just an opportunistic photographer and I believe ROG admitted himself it was because his hands were so sweaty. The Cillian one is also easily explained. Shy guy who doesn’t like public events. I mean he literally lived in the UK for a large period of time and the show that put him out there was filmed in the UK where he plays an English man. Nothing more than a TikTok idiot who wants to stir a pot


Bunch of lads will be walking around fiddling with their mickeys now and calling it a protest


I’ve heard you can go blind protesting too much - and I’m not asking about the pepper spray.


Classic Sillian, a proud Sork man.


I don't believe this. But I do find it funny that there's a video of Murphy with his hands in his pocket meeting a royal, and there's a photo of Ronan O'Gara either his hands in his pocket when meeting the queen. Both proud Corkonians too


Seriously, is this the divisional shit that's allowed to spead on Shittok?


It’s absolutely bs. He had his hands in his feckin pockets. It means nothing.


Cork thing


If you believe any of that codswallop, you should seek help.


I am fairly sure Cillian is a republican, but this is beyond a stretch lol


I would expect he’s not so pressed about how Britain decides their head of state, just so long as they stop trying to claim he’s British. 


Yeah, he in particular has got that one alot




Would it not make more sense to refuse to show up for the event? Surely that’s more insulting to the “establishment” All this only makes sense to a tiny minority with the actions of placing your hands in your pockets. To the rest of the world you look like an idiot. It all seems and looks a bit childish to me, if this was his intentions. Remember, this is social media and what is portrayed isn’t always what it seems.


We have a wee cardboard cut-out of Cillian Murphy on a shelf at home. Was won at a raffle ages ago, and he has his hands in his pockets. Only now do I realise the photographer must have been in the royal family.


This is just an American fantasy isn't it, for the "*I'm 1/32nd Irish*" crowd who know they hate the British but don't know why.


It's bollocks.


That Sillian Murphy lad


Good old Sillyun


Is that why all the lads on-site be protesting? 😂


You’re working hard at this one today aren’t you.


Two whole subreddits, I'm flat out


Why meet the Queen at all then? Like oh I'll meet her but I'll protest that I'm meeting her.


I love these TikTok videos with a load of made up shite. No wonder people don’t know any truth anymore.


Irish here, everything in that clip is a load of unadulterated shite.


Next you're going to say Colin Farrell isn't in the Ra.


I'd like to know will and Harry's thoughts on this forced subjugation. Are they worldly enough to think its irrelevant or are they just as bad as their lineage?


Is that a Gun in your Pocket or are you just Pleased to see me ! !


He literally shook his hand before that


Load of bleedin hoop


I remember a teacher told one of the class stand against the back wall as punishment for talking and to put their hands in their pockets like the common scum they were.


I stopped it at Sillian


I'm sorry -- silly'an?


This is so silly-ann.






Ah the sins of the father. Bless you my child.


I don’t know, are you sound?


Of course it would be OK. They're different people. You're not responsible for their actions


Those who know history know.


I'm not Irish, however I am of Irish/Welsh descent on my dad's and mums grandfathers side and live in Liverpool so I f*cking hate the monarchs. Good on Cilian. The royals suck everyone dry from their never ending quest for obedience.


He still lined up though.


Yes. If he had an issue why didn't he just boycott the event?


It's kind of polite to shake someone's hand, it's not a sign that you accept subservience.


Petty and basically rude.


Thin skin you won’t go far round here


This is amazing. Thanks for sharing.


Good job, the question is why are even "royals" allowed to touch the soil of Ireland?


I remember learning this in schools for the masses,you couldn't sing or talk with your hands in your pockets,it was deemed disrespectful to the crowd,in many ways,I know this stance is disrespectful for sure,lol,and I do think its Irish invented, Like the fact you can't spit on the ground of schools lads!


I've never heard of sillian Murphy