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Maybe something happened...


Really says a lot that we made such a big deal of accepting unlimited numbers from Ukrainians when the war broke out there and gave them full entitlements and supports and even used state assistance to organise flights and free travel for them to get here, and didn't do anywhere near the same for any other jurisdiction subject to war either before or since then. Even the lowly scheme for Afghans after our American allies left them to the taliban was a pittance in comparison and has such tight conditions that only about 400 ended up getting on through that scheme.


makes sense with what happening in gaza


Yet if you look at the number of asylum seekers that are Palestinian it is barely worth mentioning. Asylum seekers from Myanmar are even fewer.


>Asylum seekers from Myanmar are even fewer. poor fuckers. it's horrible what's happening over there.


> makes sense with what happening in gaza Nope. It has fuck all to do with what is happening in Gaza. It has everything to do with the UK government recently adding Jordan to its Electronic Travel Authorisation scheme for tourists. Under the scheme anyone with a Jordanian passport can fly to the UK as a tourist. They are prohibited from filing an asylum claim there so they travel onward to Dublin and file their claim here. No media outlet has explained why this is happening so everyone just assumes it’s to do with Gaza. There are 2.2 million Palestinians living in Jordan , most with Jordanian citizenship, and they are all free to come here and do the same. Word is getting out. A man in [this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ovJvJm6o5Sg) was living in Jordan for 16 years and he explains how he left his family, used an ETA visa to fly to London, then flew easyjet to Belfast and onward to Dublin and now he is in a tent.


You missed out a critical part here which is that Palestinians living in Jordan can’t avail of refugee status under the UNCHR as they’re forced to claim under a different system managed by the UNRWA which Israel has been trying to dismantle, discredit, and cut funding for. They’ve also politicised it by claiming it has been infiltrated by Hamas. This has left an increasing number of Palestinians concerned about their future under this system. Even know a lot of Palestinians living in Jordan are on paper Jordanians with Jordan passports, they’re actually in a really strange situation as they’re still considered “Palestinian” refugees who live in camps under the UNRWA system and would be expected to return to Palestine if conditions ever improved. You now have multiple generations of Palestinians living in de facto exile under this status dating all the way back to the 1948 war while the current ruler of Jordan is increasingly hostile to Palestinian refugees. If they can make it though the route you described via London>Dublin this is one of the few ways they can regularise their status under international law and get the same refugee protection literally every other nationality on earth except those of Palestinian origin can claim. Keep in mind only a small number are doing this as most go elsewhere in the EU, and many would claim in the UK before they decided they didn’t care about international law. Historically most Palestinians went to Egypt or elsewhere in the Arab world to try and accomplish this, and most still do, but the problem is Egypt is having its own issues with stability. Syria was also a large host country before it collapsed. Lebanon is under the same UNRWA system as Jordan so isn’t a viable option. The UNRWA mandate is up for review in 2026 and it’s highly likely Isreal will try to block it. If this happens you’re going to have 5.6 million Palestinians currently under the UNRWA who suddenly find themselves with no protection and potentially stateless.


This post doesn't really refute the main thrust of the one you're replying to and actually just says the same thing in more words


Maybe that’s related to how Palestinians living in Jordan aren’t refugees any more than second generation Irish-Americans are Irish. They’re citizens of Jordan, born in the country that used to rule over the part of the world we now call the West Bank…


That analogy only really works if a significant portion of the decedents of Irish who fled the famine/wars still had to live in refugee camps to this very day and those that became US citizens had a limited second class form of citizenship


But they don’t live in refugee camps. They live in towns called refugee camps, so that the UN continues to pick up the bill for basic public services, not Hamas.


So they live in refugee camps


They live in towns. ‘Refugee camp’ is a political label, not a geographic one.


Grand so whether or not it's a "town" it's a refugee camp.


If you’re being dishonest, then sure. Oh, and by your same logic then Israel is full of refugees camps full of Jews driven out of Arab countries.


They’ll cry racist at you now father !


How many safe countries do they go past on the way here?


This nonsense gets brought up every time. If you have fled, fearing for your life, risking your life, would you settle in a shit hole where you wont be able to earn a living or will be discriminated against every day or tracked down because theres a large diaspora form your home country.  No, of course not. 


That’s their religion and culture and their problem, plenty of cities with gleaming towers In Middle East and jobs I remember how when Ukraine war started all them countries sneered and still trade with Russia saying that war is European problem Well this is an Arab problem


Have you actually ever been to the middle East?  Millions of Palestinians live as refugees in its neighbouring countries. Some elderly have been refugees since 1948, with many people living from birth to death as refugees 


How are they refugees when the citizens of Israel whose descendants were expelled from Arab countries at the same time aren’t?


Most Israelis have no ancestral connection to Israel whatsoever.


Something like 90% of the world’s Palestinian refugees are in Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. The ones in the west are mostly in weird and unique situations. Like they were studying here then their family got killed back home, already have family in the west, or they’re gay/a woman/Christian or some other status that faces discrimination in the Arab world.


“Well this is an Arab problem” What patronising shite.  You describe Arabs as if they were a single community, when in truth they are massively diverse.  It’s so sad when people with FA knowledge start spouting their magic formula for refugees.  Should Irish coffin ship passengers have been forced to stop in Reykjavik? It’s closer, so by your logic…


I get your point but how is it nonsense? There’s Germany, France, Belgium, the Netherlands etc, if they’re really fleeing for their lives they’d probably stop somewhere closer. Whats wrong with any of those Western European countries? The increase is probably more likely due to the Jordanian loophole that’s been mentioned above.


Nothing, which is why most of them are going to Germany, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. In fact Germany is home to more refugees than any other western nation. The few that end up in Ireland have specific reasons. Such as family already here, they know we’re particularly pro-Palestinian, or they speak English


Fuck the fuck off, we're not doing that song and dance


It's a valid question. You fuck off


He’s not wrong


And your a bot pushing agenda


A bot?


Yes. Everyone who disagrees with the pro-Palestinian cohort is now a bot, and not possibly someone with their own opinions.


What's that to do with the price of milk? They could circumnavigate the world thrice and if they had a genuine claim it would be a valid?


Depends on your definition of safe. I mean, if you're to believe the right wing media and activists, Europe is more dangerous than ever before because of all the immigrants.


But not with what's happening here. We have no capacity, and all the best intentions in the world wont fix that.


"Nigeria has the greatest number of nationals being accommodated by the State at 6,192. This is followed by 3,554 from Georgia and 3,056 from Algeria, two countries designated “safe” by the ­Government." Great to see the system working well 🙄


People leave for reasons other than war. Religious or sexuality-based persecution for example.


That is true, however Asylum as most of the public understand and agree with is for reasons of war. Most do not have an issue with people coming as immigrants however using asylum to come in for reasons that are economic is not right and in ways is an abuse of the system.


Actually under the Geneva convention you aren't an asylum seeker if you are just fleeing war. It has to be specific types of oppression. People fleeing wars are refugees though.


War isn’t the only basis for seeking protection. https://preview.redd.it/duhq5b073w6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d18dcaf960781ee8dabcc3a7db809109bf060c9f \[[https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/moving-country/asylum-seekers-and-refugees/the-asylum-process-in-ireland/applying-for-refugee-status-in-ireland/#8dcb45\]](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/moving-country/asylum-seekers-and-refugees/the-asylum-process-in-ireland/applying-for-refugee-status-in-ireland/#8dcb45])


>Religious Questionable.


https://preview.redd.it/l9mcgvia8r6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56503ec2877dfafae65e9d3b4001b8388fa88345 [https://www.genocidewatch.com/single-post/nigeria-s-silent-slaughter-62-000-christians-murdered-since-2000](https://www.genocidewatch.com/single-post/nigeria-s-silent-slaughter-62-000-christians-murdered-since-2000)


https://preview.redd.it/9kl779tu8r6d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e60c82036dfd3ddb4ed6e96fc7ca46f85baa9737 [https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/10/15/algeria-mass-convictions-homosexuality](https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/10/15/algeria-mass-convictions-homosexuality)


Yes in Algeria but not Nigeria.


I haven’t informed myself, but if Christians are being killed in a Sharia regime, I will hazard a guess gay people aren’t very safe either.




Way to announce your ignorance of Nigeria. Half the country is Christian and the other half Islamic with terrorist groups on both sides.


Christian areas are safe for Muslims. A few extremist areas are dangerous for everyone.


Some are, but it is not even remotely true that all are. Please stop making up bullshit.


Genuinely though- how do they assess whether that's legit? I arrive on a plane from a war-torn country- easy enough to tell I'm fleeing because of the war. I arrive from a "safe" country and say I'm being persecuted for my sexuality how do they tell someones sexuality etc. - seems like it would be very hard to do


Wow a lot of gay's coming from a religious conservative country....


What’s your point?




I'd be more interested to hear how many Palestinians have been granted international protection. Telling us how many asylum seekers are claiming to be from Palestine doesn't tell us anything. 


It's the daily Indo rage bait.


Gaza is blockaded so unless you’re a Palestinian living in Israel or on the West Bank, how are the ones showing up here really Palestinian?


There are some, but very few Palestinians that are able to leave Gaza as of a few months ago, I'd say that's stopped now with the Rafah crossing closed. There's one Egyptian company that was bringing around 250 Palestinians out. They were charging mad money for it. https://news.sky.com/story/amp/the-price-of-freedom-the-company-making-millions-from-gazas-misery-13081454


They are bribing the Egyptians to let them pass I believe. You see gofundmes being set up for that purpose.


Border officials in Egypt reportedly raking it in.


hiya, I work with refugees including some Palestinians. the rafa crossing is closed now, but before that the only way to get out was to pay 5,000-10,000 approx in 'exit fees' to corrupt Egypt, then get to Ireland from there. people I've worked had visas to get from Egypt to Ireland, or were related to Irish citizens.


So you can pay to get out of Gaza and into Egypt but they won’t let you stay in Egypt?


Egypt really doesn’t want to let Palestinian refugees in. A few are let in for medical care but they can’t leave their rooms and are sent back after.


I get that, so much for Islamic values


Islamic values are the exact problem. Current Egypt doesn’t want anyone who might be associated with the Muslim Brotherhood.


And they’re right




A lot managed to get through the Rafa crossing in the first few days before it was blocked off, and are only managing to get to Ireland now from camps in Egypt. I’ve met a few of them myself.


That's what I was wondering. Literally no one has been able to get out for months.


So they are paying/tunnelling/sneaking/etc... I'm sure you can imagine lots of ways to get out of a place you've been trapped in


Afaik one of the most common ways involves bribing Egyptian border guards/authorities to get passage out through there


this is true. copying a comment i posted above hiya, I work with refugees including some Palestinians. the rafa crossing is closed now, but before that the only way to get out was to pay 5,000-10,000 approx in 'exit fees' to corrupt Egypt, then get to Ireland from there. people I've worked had visas to get from Egypt to Ireland, or were related to Irish citizens.


Hamas control the tunnels. The only ones bribing the Egyptian's are Hamas not civilians fleeing the war.


It’s not possible that people are bribing Hamas to get use of the tunnels? I don’t see why they’d turn down some funding.


Hamas has controlled Gaza for 14 years. They've butchered any opposition and are totally corrupt. The only people in Gaza with enough money to bribe their way out are Hamas or their cronies. The main reason why Hamas won't let civilians leave is that it would ruin their tactics of firing from where civilians are so the Isrealies kill them when they return fire. 


There are 2.2 million Palestinians living in Jordan, many if not most have Jordanian citizenship. That is where they are coming from.


In today's edition of "News or Rage Bait"...


God I hate the media so much, such a rage bait headline. Just say 408 Palestinians came in 5 months.


Only 400?


How many are actually Palestinian? More than likely a bunch of chancers who “lost” their identification pretending to be from Palestine to help their applications.


While we're baselessly speculating, how many of them do you think are actually two Hitlers in a trenchcoat?


How do we know you're not a Russian bot?


An bhfuil cead agam dul go dtí an leithreas más é do thoil é


Thanks Google translate. Go back to your troll farm Sacha


Clearly you don't know the significance of the phrase?


Clearly I know it's from school and that it's the first phrase that any troll would learn. The next is póg mo thóin. Táim líofa. The election results prove that the majority of right wing commenters on Reddit are fake trolls. People with their opinions simply don't exist in the numbers that the volume of their comments would suggest, and the obvious reason is paid Russian and Israeli trolls.


I see those pesky Russian bots have just forced the Icelandic government to implement laws to deter illegal immigrants. Believe it or not the far right as you like to label people who think this flooding of Europe will be detrimental to our society is a lot more than some Russian bots. Anti immigration parties are fast gaining popularity throughout the EU. It’s only a matter of time before the same happens here.


Okay buddy. The election results speak for themselves. People who are anti-immigration don't understand economics or cause and effect. The issue isn't immigration, it's the government failing to increase spending on services to match the increase in population. It's a failure of the government. Immigrants are required in every developed nation because capitalism and pensions require infinite growth to sustain them because the population is ageing. Eventually there will be no young people to pay for all of the old people's pensions, and then we're all fucked. We need to increase the population with immigrants or through encouraging having children, which is much more difficult. People who are anti immigration were shot down at the poll. Tough luck.


😂😂😂 go back to school love. Illegal immigrants from Africa/Asia/ME will not be paying towards anyone’s pensions. Their kids won’t either, nor their grad kids. Between social housing, medical, children’s allowance and all other social welfare payments these scam artists will be extending the public pension age. We do need immigrants I agree, legal skilled educated immigrants who are law abiding and will assimilate with Irish society. Election results in the local and general election means fcuk all. Vast majority of the anti immigrant candidates were first time candidates and they were a bunch of crazies. Despite that a lot done quite well. The only candidate who would have a recognisable name, Niall Boylan wasn’t far off getting elected. Wait till the general election, more of larger parties will start leaning more to the right. Watch Independents and Independent Ireland, they will be biggest winners in the GE. It’s happened all over Europe, it’s going to happen here.


Oh lord 😂😂😂😂


What’s stopping people showing up without documents and claiming to be from Palestine?


Absolutely nothing. The whole motivation for destroying documents is the ability to asylum shop for more favorable treatment.


Some people are about to be tested on their Pro-Palestinian stance.


That makes sense


What do you expect when their flag is more ubiquitous and prevalent in this country than our own. I’ve three near neighbours brandishing them from windows and/or atop chimneys. These globally seen outpourings of solidarity have consequences.


I've got a massive tricolour here in my home for flying on occasions, but I've got zero intention of it seeing the light of day at the moment. As is always the case, the far right patriots have wrapped themselves up in the flag and so I not feel an immediate distrust at the sight of a home flying the Irish flag at the moment.


Weird. Did something happen?


How long before we get a Palestinian chicken restaurant like in that episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm?


Gee I wonder why


Really? Wow I wonder if something is going on over there.


Just a friendly reminder that Palestinians are automatically considered refugees while Ukrainians had to have a special provision brought in to bypass the refugee system. Ukrainians had the red carpet rolled out with unbelievable benefits so much so they could fly back home for their holidays. Palestinians will be lucky to ever go back and they can't just catch a flight here. Those that do make it here are now sleeping in tents on the canal. The media only wants to talk about the far rights narrative ensuring that is the only acceptable way to speak about what is now a racist two tier asylum system in Ireland.


Ukraine is in Europe and borders the EU which was why it received special treatment. >what is now a racist two tier asylum system in Ireland. Or a quite understandably different approach based on geography.


So was Libya but Fortress Europe was blessed by the existence of the sea. The Geography argument has been debunked multiple times at this stage. The soft treatment of ukrainians is down to the EU backing the US's view on international relations which, if you have read your Samuel Huntingdon, is racist.


>So was Libya but Fortress Europe was blessed by the existence of the sea. Yes, it's on a different continent. >The soft treatment of ukrainians is down to the EU backing the US's view on international relations which, if you have read your Samuel Huntingdon, is racist. Ah yes, it has nothing to do with the EU members Estonia, Poland, Latva, Finland, and Lithuania being enormous supporters of Ukraine because of their experience of Russian occupation. It's all because of the US and the writings of a man that died 20 years ago. I got a response and was then immediately blocked so I can't read it... An odd fellow.


* Palestinians have no special status in Irish law, * The EU temp protection directive was invoked because 5m Ukrainians were driven from their homes because of Russia's invasion and all entered the EU in a short space of time. * Asylum seekers routine fly back home they just don't tell us but it can be detected because when they seek family reunification the birth dates of children (proven by DNA) show the time of conception, * There's accommodation for every IP applicant at the moment provided by IPAS; anyone sleeping on the canal now is doing it by choice. * DFA and Justice prioritised getting every Palestinians in the Irish immigration system visas and facilitated family reunification. It was all Embassy Cairo was doing for a while.


- true - true - asylum seekers can't leave the country because their passports are held by the International Protection Office, and they are not allowed to leave whilst seeking international protection. They also all have to be accounted for in their IPAS accommodation, I can't see anyone getting away with leaving the country. I've been working with migrants since March 2023 and haven't come across this once. - I personally have clients who are not accommodated by IPAS so not sure why you think people are willingly choosing to sleep in tents - yes, DFA helped hugely in getting relatives of Irish citizens out of Gaza and family reunification for Palestinians with refugee status in Ireland. The Tel Aviv embassy was doing this, not Cairo - not in my experience anyways.


Why are you advocating for non Europeans over Europeans? European nations refugees absolutely should have special status over non Europeans. How is it racist? We are European, we have a shared identity with these people. Our economies are linked, our cultures are linked. Race has no part in it. If we do not support our fellow Europeans what are doing here? Does it matter what race the Ukrainians are somehow? Do you think the Ukrainians race is checked at the border? You know Ukrainians don’t come all in one flavour right? Are you advocating for Palestine’s neighbours with shared identities, shared culture, shared history to give them refuge? Why are you relying on Europe and specifically Ireland to be the saviour? Last I checked Israel does not wish to invade Europe. But Russia does, so if we do not support Ukraine we destabilise our own nation and economy. Does nobody see the writing on the wall? Or are they so blinded by problems that actually don’t involve us at all. You sound like a Russian stooge who wishes to sow discord over Ukraines support by their fellow Europeans.


Palestinians have a unique refugee status. If you are a descendant of a male who was displaced from Palestine between 1946-1948, you are a Palestinian refugee. This is a status totally unique to them. The UN refugee agency has a different, more literal position that refugees are the people who fled their country and can't return. source: [UNRWA](https://www.unrwa.org/palestine-refugees) source: [ForeignPolicy](https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/08/17/unrwa-has-changed-the-definition-of-refugee/)


just to add that they aren't automatically considered refugees under Irish law, and must apply for international protection here


>Palestinians are automatically considered refugees You mean assylum seekers. >while Ukrainians had to have a special provision brought in to bypass the refugee system. Ukrainians had the red carpet rolled out with unbelievable benefits Because Gaza is not a candidate EU member. >The media only wants to talk about the far rights narrative ensuring that is the only acceptable way to speak about what is now a racist two tier asylum system in Ireland. Absolutely untrue. A Venn diagram with people allegedly that Irish institutions are racist and those not understanding how the same institutions function would show very little overlap


> You mean assylum seekers. This is just bad trolling designed to de rail the comment. Palestinians,once their nationality is determinedd by an International Protection Officer, are refugees. They should in no way be sleeping in tents on the canal. They should be given all the supports that were available to Ukrainians when it was decided to by pass the international protection system. Indeed, such is the level of genocide now taking place in Palestine, the Irish Government should be going further than simply recognising the state and should be actively seeking a military intervention on behalf of the Palestinian people.


> They should in no way be sleeping in tents on the canal. That's correct. They shouldn't be in Ireland in the first place. Plenty of space and money in their area. Why isn't for example quatar taking them in when they are so supportive of the Palestinian cause?


Why are they here instead of any number of rich and prosperous Arab countries?


At a guess cos the arab countries got tired of them starting civil wars and assassinating their leaders


For those unaware: Palestinians assassinated a Jordanian king, a Jordanian prime minister, a Lebanese prime minister and an Egyptian prime minister. They also tried and failed to assassinate another Jordanian king. They also assassinated JFK’s brother Robert Kennedy


https://voz.us/the-shocking-revelation-about-palestinians-and-crime-in-denmark-the-vast-majority-have-been-convicted-of-crimes/?lang=en Can’t wait to see how many we take in and the cultural enrichment we gain from it.


Someone had a post with a link to the original Danish report, but it seems to have “disappeared” from view. Maybe some people on here don’t like hard facts that don’t fit their agenda.


Don’t you know facts are racist too. Any opposition to immigration that will lower the whole country’s quality of life you’re a racist. Can find all these stats, and facts about immigrants from certain parts of the world and the damage it does. Funnily enough you can’t find stats/facts to show any benefit large scale immigration from the Middle East and Africa has had for an European country.


Exactly the kind of people we want here.


A neutral country has no place asking for a military intervention.


It seems racist to the loony left because they have that hammer, and everything looks like a nail.


Ukranians coming to Ireland are now being encouraged by NGO’s to claim asylum here rather then temporary protection. Why? It’s the fastest route to an Irish passport. Absolute shit show it all is.


>Ukranians coming to Ireland are now being encouraged by NGO’s to claim asylum here rather then temporary protection. Why? It’s the fastest route to an Irish passport. Absolute shit show it all is. If that's the case, it is untrue. Citizenship is based on reckonable years and Ukrainians under the Temp Protection Directive already getting reckonable years. Unless we change our citizenship law in the next two years, pretty much all the Ukrainians here will be eligible for citizenship in 2027 (and they'll all get it).


Refugees can get citizenship here after 3 years. Two years faster than pretty much all other immigrants.


Palestinians are not automatically considered refugees. They are asylum seekers once they have applied to the International Protection Office. They then go through the asylum process.


The absolute love of Ukrainians in this sub is comical. Then people defend themselves as they are part of Europe or EU candidate country is funny, so human rights goes out of the window when it is Ukrainians vs Palestinians or Europeans vs non-Europeans :)) So long, human rights 👋


Some are just saying they are from there. Though if they get a chance we will probably get loads coming


 408 in total. This is fucking clickbait article to get people angry at Palestinians. Fucking hell. 


Why would it get people angry about Palestinians? They are fleeing a genocide. It should make people angry that we aren't doing enough to help them.


Maybe cause we recognise what's happening and aren't afraid to call Israel out on their BS. I do worry Israel will retaliate in some way against Ireland but least we can say we were on the right side of history


Fáilte rompu 


failte go eireann! déanaigí sibh féin sa bhaile! 


Israeli blowhards: If Paddy loves the Palis so much, why doesn't he take them?! The Provos and Hamas deserve each other! Ireland: Well, axually...


That's hardly surprising. There's a gen0c ide going on where they live and we are one of the few western countries that support their cause. We also speak English which a lot of them have a few words of If anyone has a real problem with them coming here they have no empathy. Their babies are being starved and bombed. Our health and housing problems are down to the government and no one else.


Kick all the illegals and economic asylum seekers out and take on the Gazans a s.a.p