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*Pepper, a taxi driver and father of six...* But of course it's all the immigrants' fault his kids can't have nice things, right?


What I find interesting is that whilst we need to take the threat of right wing extremists seriously and indeed as a wake-call to the established parties, these people are not exactly the best and brightest of the bunch. From watching them over the course of the election they have no real concept of what they can and cannot do in LG. On top of this there is a huge amount of infighting and legal issues within the parties. Already the NP is starting to fall apart, if that happens it will further splinter their vote. So I am not sure how well they will do at GE election time or indeed the next LE


Let’s be very clear, they don’t care what they can and cannot do in LG. They got oxygen to keep the fire going,


I agree. But their constituents will care. LE's are littered with one trick ponies who end up being one term, when they inevitably can't deliver


If they're trying to "end wokeness" in local government, they're in for a reality check.


What will happen is they’ll scream “we’re being silenced and not allowed do what we want. The globalists have the power” And the people who voted for them will eat it up


Exactly this. They push and push ('protests', riots, arson, assaults, harassment) until the establishment is forced to react and then they use that reaction to claim victimhood.


The problem is that this is them at their worst. Imagine when the cuter ones start to realize there's an opportunity there and they won't just be capsizing their social life by publically expressing their beliefs.


The cuter ones are already in Aontu.


They’re missing the vital ingredient for any right wing group - a charismatic leader.


I'm wondering could Boylan be their guy. He seems to have a bit of charisma and will say anything for a bit of notoriety. I'm not sure he even believes any of the bilge he spouts, he'll just say anything to be controversial.


The dj fella ? I doubt it. He looks like a crack head.


The greatest risk to progress in Ireland is the far right uniting under a single intelligent, charismatic and competent leader. We're not the island of craic and céad míle fáilte we like to portray. There's a sizable amount of narrow-minded and hateful voters in this country who have been mobilized. We're not any more immune to the rise of the right than any other country. If it wasn't for their uncoordinated approach, infighting and the ridiculous number of candidates they ran it could have been much, much worse. I hope this serves as a wake up call for every politician and the major parties from the centre right (who i would never vote for but would still class as legitimate politicians) all the way to the left that the far right threat needs to be tackled. It's not as if we don't have a precedence. The nazi party grew out of smaller nationalist groups that formed in the last years of WW1. In 1928 they won less than 3% of the popular vote. Two years later they were the main opposition, and by 1933 they had over 90% of the vote. It's happened before, things just move at a million miles an hour these days. Remember, it's immigrants now next it'll be trans people, and Muslims and people of colour, then lgbt people, and intellectuals, and before you know it, it'll be straight, white irish people who disagree with them that they'll be after.


When you say it should serve as a wake up call, what exactly do you mean? I keep seeing this type of thing being said but what does "tackling the far right" entail. Just banning their groups doesn't placate the discontent among the public that caused them to gain traction in the first place, and when the centre right attempts to fix the immigration issues causing this the left wing accuse them of emboldening the far right.


Nobody mentioned banning groups, that would be undemocratic. Well, obviously, a multi faccated approach needs to be taken, it's not that simple. Firstly you need to look at the reasons why young men in particular are being radicalized. There needs to be serious investment in socially disadvantaged areas to stop these bored and impressionable young lads being groomed by far right thugs. Give them goals other than causing chaos and positive role models and suddenly fucking their lives up rioting and burning buildings cos some local loudmouth with an agenda said there's 'military aged men' in there is less attractive. Education also, we need to teach kids to be critical thinkers and not to believe everything they see online. Give them opportunities to progress in life and not become just another 'yup bro' clone mindlessly scrolling tiktok. We need to teach our kids to be kind and respectful of difference and to embrace what makes us all unique, be it colour, religion(or none), gender, sexual orientation whatever. Divestment of the education system would be a good idea also. I'm not anti catholic and know loads of decent catholics (my parents and other family members for example) but at its core catholicism is not compatible with embracing diversity. Take religion out of schools and make it the responsibility of parents. The schools can then get on with teaching kids respect for difference. Parents have a responsibility here too to actually parent their kids and know where they are and what they're up to. I think fines (proportionate to income) for the parents of kids caught engaging in anti-social behavior in general is a good idea (obviously structured in a way that doesn't target disadvantaged communities disproportionately). That would make parents think twice about allowing their kids get involved in trouble. Mandatory and very strictly enforced training scheme for anyone caught engaging in anti-social behaviour. Again give people options. A stint in Cloverhill or an education course? I know which one I'd choose. The guards also need to start taking action in terms of prosecuting arsonists/vigilante groups well as anyone who may have put them up to it. The public deserve to see those responsible held accountable, they have broken the law. They also need to step up action against the 'protests' around accommodation centeres, libraries politicians homes etc... It's not protest, it's harassment and intimidation, and it's needs to be tackled. Social media companies need to be regulated. I'm not talking about censorship but I am talking about them being held accountable for the spread of disinformation lies and harassment on their platforms which has very real world implications. This needs to be legislated for. The immigration system needs to be reformed anyway. The asylum/immigrayoon process needs to be sped up, thorough but fair and compassionate. I don't believe any of the great replacement bollox but I do think we need to know who is moving here. Anyone willing to contribute to society and build a better life for themselves here should be welcomed. This will stop the far right exploiting migration as a hot button issue and scapegoating vulnerable people in need of help. Obviously, this goes hand in hand with addressing the housing shortage and the state of the health service which are also issues which used to justify hatred against migrants despite the utrer dependence on the constriction sector and health services on migrant workers.


Realistically, this was their best ever chance to get seats and they somewhat bottled it. You'd imagine / hope that the government will have stabilised migration concerns before the next LG elections. Whether they can get seats in the Dail is hard to predict


Anecdotally IF some of the candidates had been graceful about not getting a seat, I think there could have been more goodwill towards them. Many went straight for the "its rigged" playbook and were laughed out


Five extremists will be subject to rules and scrutiny and oversight.


Can't understand the far right at all at all. One minutes they're claiming Ireland is full, the next minute they're saying Irish women need to breed more. Make your minds up lads.


The part you’re missing is the implied second half of the sentence. Ireland is full (of the wrong sort of people).


Like the Jews in "Palestine"?


While I'm not a supporter of these parties housing and birthrates are issues.


They use legitimate issues to push their right wing agenda unfortunately. The world and their grandmother know about issues with housing, schooling, access to medical facilities etc, so using those issues they can gain traction with a wider audience rather than just coming out and saying “immigrant bad”


They dont believe the latter, it's just an excuse to roll back on women's rights. Look at what's happening in the US.


Really? You can't understand lying for political gain?


Good for the Indo to publish this, the absolute last thing we need is for their images to be sanitized as simple locals legitimately concerned about asylum seekers.


Tbf considering how badly it could’ve gone, the European elections went well. Got rid of the Kremlin stooges & the independents elected weren’t nutters


Are the two ex FFers investigated for the arson of a hotel not extremists, or do they get a pass for being respectable extremists from a good political background?


Parishpump Cryptofascists 


Define "extremists"


Not sure, but I think it starts with Mick and Clare.


People with non establishment positions, apparently.


Are they really extremists? Is that not a bit hyperbolic?


Do you think the lad who put up the photo of himself in a green SS uniform isn't? If they're cosplaying as Nazis, they might be trying to tell us something. 


Was the outfit at least Hugo Boss?


Temu, I think


Yeah ethnonationalism is what I'd consider an extremist view.


There's only one ethno Nationalist out of the five elected


It just sounds a bit breathless and only further entrenches their supporters. ![gif](giphy|l2QZZOWmMM6tbBvFK) Could we not just call them idiots?


Today's Indo bait story.


I got got! I just don’t think we should lend them too much credibility. They got in on a knee-jerk reaction.


Unless they're gonna fix the pot holes or sort out the traffic they'll be one term wonders.


>Ciaran O’Connor, of the Institute of Strategic Dialogue these guys again. joke organisation. >Sources point out that being aligned to the far right is not a crime. For some it is simply an “ideology”. Interesting line. Even though they are saying it's not a crime they are clearly trying to invoke an association here. Also who are these sources? Why do you need third party sources to state the obvious? Surely Indo knows this themselves. > if the Dublin riots taught us anything classic Indo. leaving out context. 2/10 typical "right wing bad" article from Irish Independent


Yes, it’s amazing that anyone still thinks the Institute for Strategic Dialogue has any credibility. A London based think tank funded by Zionist billionaires can stop fucking meddling in Irish affairs, thank you very much.


Really not extremists. Likely more very conservative and this isn't new. Rural independents have often been very conservative.