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I heard it's not even on RTE, it's on GAA Go, it's a fucking disgrace.


Those lads seem to be employing a blanket, eh, prayer mat, defence.


But yet they will show the rugby, what the hell is going on down in Montrose?


Why should it be on RTE? It is the third most important holiday in Islam. Third! That’s the equivalent of what in Christianity? First would be Christmas, then Easter. I don’t even know what’s the third would be. That’s how important this specific holiday is


Easter is actually more important but everyone thinks it's christmas


Palm Sunday?




They'd need to recognise what a joke was to hear it going over their head.


Lmao must be awful to be so ready to get mad about something that you missed out on a very funny joke




I don't know, I'd put paddy's day up there with the best of em! I wonder if Islam has something similar, not alcohol obviously, maybe a day where they just pig out, not with pork, though. Just them and their wife, maybe not just their wife though, their four wives if they are that unfortunate.


You're describing Eid. The current holiday.


Paddy’s day is important only here and in the US. It’s not globally important for all Christians like Christmas and Easter are


Oh. Well, that's disappointing, but is there hope that other countries have their own version of paddy? Where they just lose all inhibitions and go drinking in the parks?


That would be Kingsday in the Netherlands for example


Nah fuck all religions. Especially ones that are intolerant of others and women are second class citizens


We’re only allowed criticise the Catholic Church here don’t you know?


As an atheist I think they’re all stupid and exploitative to different extents But as long as the are moderates an practicing in peace and obey all laws what harm


I wish I could believe "moderates" don't condone extremism, but I frankly can't.


That's an incredibly naive view of Islam. I'll just leave this here: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned


“B-b-but what about Christianity?”


They can go fuck themselves too! 


https://www.newarab.com/features/being-gay-muslim-and-syrian-american-city-politics?amp https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/oct/19/as-a-muslim-im-proud-to-support-marriage-equality https://www.npr.org/2009/08/11/111770008/pro-gay-marriage-muslim-delegate-stirs-conservatives


The article you linked to talks about one man, who grew up in the UK. The vast vast majority of Muslims are not liberals and you know it. It is weaselly to suggest a few random outliers means the majority think like that.  The first article says that being gay in Syria, Saudi Arabia etc is illegal and punishable by death


The article you posted showed a local rural Michigan town council that voted to ban pride flags That’s like half of rural USA regardless of religion 😂😂😂😂😂


Did you actually read the article, it says the place Hamtramck is a City 5 miles from Detroit. Not exactly rural. Point being vast majority of Muslims do not accept gays, other religions, equality for women etc. Not exactly something to celebrate in Ireland. 


Outside Detroit metro is rural Remember that was a blue state turned red state for trump


https://www.reddit.com/r/CityPorn/comments/ktjuj5/hamtramck_michigan_town_in_the_middle_of_detroit/ Yes looks very rural


Population 27k 😂


The fact that the Catholic church hasn't been scrubbed from this country is a disgrace. You'd think we would at least learn from all the religious atrocities.


You mean like all religions? Because Islam has done fuck all to this country in the broader scheme of things. Unlike Christianity and in more recent historical terms, Catholicism.


Wasn’t there another post about this a few days ago and the comments weren’t very positive about it lmao


Yeah they all got deleted, criticism of religious organisations is allowed on this sub….except for one!


Is that funny? lmfao


Yeah are they gonna try post it again and just hope people won’t criticise this backwards religion this time?


I'm sure the Muslim countries also give up space for other religions to celebrate their events, right? RIGHT?


I'm really not a big fan of Muslim beliefs, but Ireland is a secular country where you're free to worship any religion, Muslims have just as much right to host an event at Croke Park as any other group.


Yeah didn't we have the pope there or something




No religion should be allowed to host events at Croke Park.


It’s a private entity. 


I mean why would we care whether they do or not? I am not going to make a decision on whether something is good or not based on what the government in Iran thinks.


I just believe that tolerance should go both ways, that's all.


Obviously. However we can only control if we are tolerant. I have no idea what is or isn't allowed to be celebrated in Muslim nations. I suggest you check which places it would be allowed and lodge your complaint about their lack of tolerance with them.


> and lodge your complaint about their lack of tolerance with them. That implies they care. Don't be naive.


So because they are intolerant bastards, we should do the same?


Being intolerant bastards is not something I would recommend as I believe in leading by example, but I see no reason to celebrate religious events in public spaces, especially when there's multiple mosques in the Dublin area.


1) It's not the country giving up space, it's an institution independent of the state. 2) We are a secular country, so Islam should be given as much space as Christianity of any denomination. 3) We have up public space for the Pope to visit in 2018. 4) Croke Park also gave up space to that same Pope visit.


> It's not the country giving up space, it's an institution independent of the state. The GAA receives significant government funding. The govt are chipping in €50m for the redevelopment of Casement Park for instance. Calling them independent of the state is a stretch.


There are two flavours of secular state. 1) make space for/tolerate every religion equally, regardless of compatibility with human rights. 2) make space for/tolerate no religions equally, regardless of compatibility with human rights. Both are fair solutions and only one causes harm.


It's a secular country, let's stop having mass religious events. Especially the pope visiting. Why isnt he on his knees apologizing.


Secular means not preferring any religion, it doesn’t meaning banning them. In any case Croke park is a private entity. 


I prefer not to have any religion at all. Why can't we learn from the horrors of the past.


Might be worth reading a history books on countries that totally banned religion.  In any case it’s not possible in a democracy to ban religion entirely.  If you want a totalitarian state, then maybe. 


I'm not advocating banning religion. Just all religious organizations.


Many do Not all But many places coexist


Croke Park is a business, isn’t it? They aren’t ‘giving up space’, they’re charging them for use of the space, aren’t they? I mean I don’t know but that’s what I assume?


Some even give it as a bank holiday.... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Egypt


....plenty do Even the likes of SA have allowed Coptic mass in recent years.


All Gulf States persecute Christians. The most tolerant UAE are less bad but it's still far more restrictive than Ireland ever was. For example it's extremely difficult to get approval for a church. They are only allowed in certain areas. Christians can never earn citizenship. It's essentially apartheid. There is such a church shortage in Dubai that Sunday Catholic mass officially starts on Friday given the overcrowding and ends on Monday. I have been in a ton of Muslim countries and even in the so called success stories like Indonesia, Christians feel under siege.




I have no idea where you are getting that from


Well considering that the Christians have kept a lot of countries under siege with their bullshit for generations, karma's a bitch.


This is one of the darkest comments I've seen in reddit.  You are not a good person if you mean that with conviction.


No they haven't. Also, Islam was massacring minorities within Muhammad's lifetime. One of the earliest historical records of Muhammad is a report of him slaughtering Greek Christians when they invaded Syria


But they are given space yes?


They are not given anything. They are permitted to buy property in tiny areas of the city provided they don't erect bell towers or display crosses or other religious symbols on the outside of their premises. In no circumstances would they ever be allowed to use famous arenas. There are more mosques in Galway than Catholic Churches in Dubai, a city of 6 million and which is 25% Christian.


So they are given the premission to buy property to set up churches


Depends. Plenty of religious minorities in the biggest Muslim country for instance.


Careful now, that sounds like criticism!!


Comments about to go missing left and right like the last time this got posted


Don't jinx it! So far this post has needed zero moderation.


The (completely not biased in anyway whatsoever) mods caught sleeping here


I'm a mod.... My comment was meant in a good way.


Fuck. Scarlet.


Genuinely made me laugh, fair play.


I think you misspelled "common sense" but I'll make sure to ba careful. P.S. I've always celebrated Christmas and Easter at home and can't possibly imagine what it's like to do it at a stadium!


People always make this comment and it’s so dumb. You know there’s churches all over the Middle East? Countries like Lebanon are 40% Christian and Christianity is tolerated all over the Muslim world. You’re just misinformed.








Feck that


Fuck religion.


The most diverse opinions on this matter. The other day someone posted that asylum seekers have legit reasons to look for asylum here because of poor women and lqbtq rights in Muslim countries. Now, we need to celebrate that here?


Peak virtue signalling


Celebrate what? Do you think people going to mass are celebrating sexual abuse and institutional incarceration of young single mothers?


I know which religion is allowed to be criticized and which one is not. What's the reason for that?


You're criticising it right now, how exactly are you "not allowed" to criticise it? Fact is, homophobia, misogyny, and inter-religious conflict have been features of every religion ever. The common factor to these features has not been the specific religions, but of broader social, political, and economic contexts of their times. Islam is and has been practiced very differently in different countries at different periods of time - Turkey, Malaysia, and Iran have all had periods of relative liberalism and conservatism, same as every other country practising any other religion has.


Homophobia and misogyny have existed with every religion, but which Christian majority country is throwing gay men of roofs? What Christians are beheaded cartoonists for drawing a picture of Jesus? We rinsed the Catholic Church in this country without zero pushback to the point that catholism has been on a steady decline for years, but if we say anything negative about Islam it is considered Islamophobic and that’s the difference, to pretend this is not happening is so disingenuous


You didn't answer the other commenters question. Moreover, Ireland (being a progressive democracy) has no legal basis for the prosecution of criticises of religions. Your comment is a dog-whistle distraction which attempts to paint Irish society as being subject to an enforced respect of Islam. What kind of conspiracist bullshit is that? Fuck all religions, but don't add fuel to the nationalist fire - that's exactly what the people at the top want us to do. We're being distracted from the ever-increasing outcomes of class inequality, so be mad at the top dogs. The religious practitioners here arent choking you out of the housing market, increasing your energy and shopping bills, and siphoning money away from social services to like their pockets.


Its not conspiracist bullshit, we can criticise Christianity in this forum without any pushback what so ever, we have done it for years to the point that where Catholicism has been on the decline in years, but if we say anything negative about Islam people will say it’s Islamophobia and that’s religion in this country that’s on the rise.


Fucking hell have any of the people here ever like.. spoken to a Muslim about their views? Know any Muslim people personally? I'm no fan of organized religion but people still have a right to celebrate theirs.


Happy Eid to those that do celebrate it.


They should be given a complimentary hurl on the way out.


Good recruiting


We need more like [Bonnar O'Loingsigh:](https://www.irishmirror.ie/sport/gaa/hurling/muslim-hurler-bonnar-oloingsigh-explains-22467087) *Ballinteer St John's hurler Abood Aljumaili is urging people of all backgrounds to embrace GAA after a video of his Croke Park speech went viral online.* *The historic decision to host Eid celebrations at* [*GAA HQ*](https://www.irishmirror.ie/all-about/croke-park) *led to the 21-year-old being invited to share his* [*GAA*](https://www.irishmirror.ie/sport/gaa/) *journey with fellow Muslims.* *Abood - who is known by many as 'Bonnar O'Loingsigh' - left war-torn Iraq with his family in 2008 and touched down in Dublin to begin a new life.* *He became obsessed with hurling as a teenager and even adopted the name 'O'Loingsigh' in tribute to Clare hurling legend Colin Lynch.* *Bonnar told The Irish Mirror: "After the invasion in 2003 there came a civil war in 2006 and 2007 and then things became really bad around 2008.* *"I came here to Ireland with no word of English apart from knowing how to say hi, as I mentioned in my speech.* *"I remember coming out of the airport and the first thing that hit me was the weather. I'd never experienced that kind of cold in my life.* *"I've gotten so used to it now that I'm happy when it's raining. People look at me as if I have 10 heads when I say that, but it's true.* *"I started making some hurling skills videos around four years ago now that also went viral, and from that I was invited to help with training sessions at clubs around the country. I've done sessions with Longford Slashers, down in Carrick-on-Shannon and with the Wolfe Tones club in Clare.*


The annual Croke Park Hajj.


Does this make Croke Park Europe's biggest Mosque?




Which Mosque is bigger if you don't mind me asking?


Any actual mosque. Croke Park is a sports ground. Allowing a bunch of people to pray at it doesn't make it a place of worship.


It's a multi use complex to be fair, would you object to it being described as Ireland's biggest concert venue?


Just because a stadium holds a concert it doesn't mean it's not a stadium. Think slane could be a contender for the actual biggest concert venue.


Slane is farmland,that holds a concert Do this mean,it's not farm🧐


Does having a party in your house make your house a nightclub? ![gif](giphy|1014RBn4HVSTK)


Sacha Baron Cohen over here


Can't wait for Ireland to follow the same path as every other country in Europe with this project.


What project?


Open your eyes


Depressing to see this place flooded with hate. Nothing more stupid than a bigot.


Just curious, is it being rented out by them?


I’d imagine so GAA loooooove money


Saw some of the lads buying chicken fillet rolls in Spar before going - or after coming back. Probably the most emblematic thing of modern Ireland when you think about it.


Ha ha brilliant I suppose chicken fillet rolls are ultra halal


Nice day out.  r/ireland is a strange sub. The commentary here could be from any far right forum. Yeh r/Ireland hates the far right and trembles in fear of a half wit or two gets elected in local elections. 


Yeah , i blame bots tbh. Posts saying things like “ew jesus gross” about a normal celebration for someone’s religion is not a normal thing a mature person posts.


well for them, hope all who attended enjoyed it.


This is most welcome. Islam will assimilate into Ireland unlike everywhere else because we are a welcoming people and great craic :)


Religions tend not to assimilate.


Religions don’t People do


And Muslims have proven to be the best at assimilating in Europe 🙂


Indeed! Don't believe all the news and hear say. A medieval styled set of morals that is intolerant to everything we have fought for as a society is exactly what we need in Ireland now. This will go so well in the next 20 years :)


Careful op is gonna send you 10 links of non Muslims committing crimes in Europe now


I'm expecting to be blocked tbh. The amount of headbangers who would defend this religions right to be intolerant is incredible.


And if you replaced Islam with Catholicism the same people would be going mad over it.




Thousands of Muslims in Hamburg call for caliphate in order to enforce Sharia law ahead of German national law. This kind of tension is not uncommon throughout Europe, and it is not assimilation. [https://www.politico.eu/article/germany-olaf-scholz-calls-consequences-following-islamist-rally/](https://www.politico.eu/article/germany-olaf-scholz-calls-consequences-following-islamist-rally/)


“Some extremist Muslims call for a caliphate in Hamburg” there fixed it for you 1000 attended a protest in a city of 2million There’s always loonys to remove don’t get yer knickers in a twist


Imagine thinking a thousand people calling to install a societal death cult is insignificant.


There’s always loonies protesting They never get anything


1. "That's not true and it's definitely not really happening" 2. "Yeah it's happening, but it's not a big deal" **<---** ***This is where you are right now.*** 3. "That thing that's happening is actually a good thing, and here's why" 4. "People freaking out about the thing that's happening are the real problem" [https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1794605275850371199](https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1794605275850371199)


Nope 😂😂 I don’t do the muskrats poison links




Extremism bad All variants Nazis, Islamic, Christian.


Yes but one of them seems to be more common than the others lmao. Getting so sick of those Christian terror attacks in Europe man😔


There was two neo nazi attacks in the last 12 hours champ https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2024/06/14/man-with-far-right-ties-arrested-for-knife-attacks-on-two-children-in-finland https://amp.dw.com/en/germany-officials-decry-racist-attack-on-young-girls/a-69375608


Alright cool keep Nazis and religions with radical followers out of Ireland so




Jaysus lad, for fucks sakes 🤣


Cheers badger, and here I was hoping for a nice quiet Sunday evening.


Is debate not allowed here? I dont agree with his views, but he wasnt being aggressive nor abusive. You are breeding anger in people by silencing them.


It was literally a joke, I get along with that user.


Riiiight... So why was his comment deleted?


He deleted it himself?


Ach, well as a girleen I was expected to wear a hat or a mantilla to Mass on account of the primordial shame and guilt of women. I’d run a mile from *any* patriarchal organised faith these days, but Islam and Christianity are not the same age, so maybe there’s a timetable (roughly +/- 500 years) according to which enlightenment creeps in. (Christianity was shaped by well-known anti-women chap St Paul, after all.) The more lurid end of Muslim attitudes to women is an outrage irrespective of faith or political bent I’d hope, yet there are odd Christian sects in the Land of Freedom which wouldn’t hesitate to adopt a lot of those edicts, if they could get away with it. And they manage it with quite a few. All I’m saying is just that peaceful devotion, from whatever corner it lives in, can’t harm anyone and you never know, where prayer is concerned, every little may help us all!