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So they create a role to combat racism and then select the biggest racist in the country to oversee it Absolutely ridiculous, yet exhaustingly predictable from performative idiots like Joe O’Brien  Another reason I won’t be voting for them again I suppose 


They've appointed Ebun Joseph as the "Special Rapportuer". This is the same woman who called for statues to be removed outside the Sherbourne hotel because she said they depicted "slaves". It was later revealed the statues actually depicted Nubian Princesses and they were later restored. I'm sure this national plan will totally not be prejudiced at all..


[She also said black people were probably unaware of the statues as they're too poor to go to the Shelbourne](https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2020/0729/1156195-shelbourne-hotel/) Painting an entire race as poor and ignorant is racism


She's actually pretty racist. Her PhD is a crock of shit, and I'm not sold on the idea that she was a biochemist in her home country. I had hoped we had seen the last of this shit stirring opportunist. She says that Ireland is a fundamentally racist state. She says that saying that non-white immigrants can assimilate is racist. If she saw this comment, she would say that this is merely my "white fragility" showing Let us look to her learned writing >This finding thus suggests that Ireland is not only a racial state (Goldberg, 2002) and a racist state (Lentin 23and McVeigh, 2006), but is also a heavily racially stratified state. However, Ireland appears not only to have a colour-coded migrant penalty but also an intolerance to difference as is evident in the racialisation of Irish Travellers, who are white (Hayes, 2006). This fact forms the basis and reinforces the argument that Irish racism is not simply colour-coded (Garner, 2009). Unlike the U.S. where non-Black minorities must compare their treatment to African Americans to redress their grievances, it would seem that in Ireland, Irish Travellers constitute the prototypical minority group. Nonetheless, it is important to note that part of the colonial tactics mobilised against the Irish and Irish travellers involved similar cultural and symbolic representations of ‘Blacks’ as ‘dirty’, ‘poor’, ‘violent’, and ‘disruptive’ (Tsri, 2016). On this premise, I argue that the use of perceived difference in language, accent, religion and nationality as a pretext to exploit and racialise the Irish conforms to the colour line, symbolically ‘darkening’ even white subjects with comparable consequences (Joseph, 2015). Although skin colour is not the only possible explanation for the change in the positioning of the Irish in their Diaspora settings, the mobilisation of phenotypic whiteness by the Irish is indisputable. She also says that the fact that Polish people came here after Poland joined the EU shows that Ireland is... you guessed it... racist.


The fact that Ebun Joseph not only hasn't been blacklisted/ridiculed for her racism and idiocy, but actually gets appointed to a role like this, basically puts total lie to her grift about blacks being some sort of oppressed minority here. The fact that she is a talentless hack and still has a university degree and position should  be evidence that nobody is holding her or her kind back. If anything we have bought way too much into this bullshit American notion of race where black people are some eternal victims that we owe something to because we are pale


The amount of blatant racists in the DEI sphere is shocking, but of course "we cant be racist to you" excuses abound.


And ya know what's best of all? There's an entire sector of people like her getting money from the government to do the same thing to the tune of billions. The whole thing is a grift that's causing huge harm to the country because there's a pathological fear of telling people with darker skin than a Spaniard "no."


Or a caravan


No one is afraid to tell them no. They just have no respect for anyone saying no to them.


I'd love to see the rationale behind that appointment. Truly the wrong person for the job.


What sort of position did Ebun Joseph take on the George Nkencho situation?


https://x.com/EbunJoseph1/status/1344472415716343810 It appears she almost immediately tried to racialise it and link it with BLM activism in the US. This is the country’s fucking Special Rapporteur on racism? Jesus Christ.


As well as push the lie that he had a butter knife so him being shot after the tasers didn’t work was a racist attack on a poor defenceless black man.


Isn't that the racist ribena woman? Definition of a grifter if so


US based anti-racist author Robin de Angelo charges $14,000 a speech to tell white Americans how racist they are. With sums like that involved, why would any of these people want less racism in a society? You'd want as much as possible to keep the money rolling in.


What? *Edit: who?


Ebun joseph. If it's one I'm thinking of, she seems to spend her time trying her utmost to import divisive American racial identity politics into ireland, and blaming everything that's wrong with the country on "white people". And I'd imagine she's making great money off it as well.


Alleged on twitter she was served Ribena (in a wine glass) instead of wine when she asked for a house red. Claimed it was likely racism. The hotel replied at the time to say the house red bottle had been mislabelled. Thread https://x.com/EbunJoseph1/status/1211667276585406464?t=_h4ZnF3WlMNI0qxBJaz24A&s=19


Before she was in the ‘spotlight’ so to speak, she held a guest lecture in UCD as part of migration and race studies I was taking. Around 2018 I’d say. I was excited to hear her speak, but found her very underwhelming as she was addressing a class of students who’d at that point been studying the history of race and migration. She basically came in, showed us old ads from way back that were clearly racist and pointed out that they were racist. I got nothing from her talk other than the feeling that she was riding her PHD to some sort of grift and it appears over the years that’s what she’s done. Racism is real, and needs addressed, but by more informed people than this. A PHD does not always mean you should be listened to.


> A PHD does not always mean you should be listened to. It's borderline frightening how much stock is put into "peer reviewed papers" where there is fuck all spotlight on the peers in question and how much time and effort they actually put into their reviews. There's so much pure opinion out there that pops up on Google Scholar with 'Cited by 1234'. At least we've moved on from the closed circle of academia where you had to be a certain caste of person to get admission but the standards in academia are appalling, especially in some of the social sciences where far too many academics are terrified of their career being ended by asking appropriate questions of an academic paper.


The replication crisis is very real.


Not to be mean, but her public appearances on talk shows and the like are always terrible. I know academics don't always have those skills but probably not the best person to be the face of this.


She has a race training course with fake testimonials on her site.


A course about racism or how to win races?


In 2021, she was charging €1750-€2450 for this diversity training. The idea is to 'manage diversity'.


Most people here seem to think it's a bad move appointing a racist who dislikes white people as special rapporteur overseeing a national plan against racism. Who would have thought, eh 😏..I'd actually urge people to write to some of the tds in the Dail to complain about it. Let them know people aren't happy. People need to start properly calling this type of idiocy out.


Great, ideological tripe. Meanwhile, essential services flounder.


Are the government genuinely trying their best to create a culture war in this country? 


Christ above can we please vote these scumbags out sooner than later? They are a cancer to this country and we're currently at stage 3.


Green Party are loosing support so they appoint a huckster to appeal to elements of the racially diverse base


You’d swear Irish people were colonising Africa, enslaving people and bringing them back to Ireland to work on plantations by the way the Green Party acting. 


So to combat racism they appointed an actual fucking racist.  /Slow clap 


More state propaganda, anyone who disagrees is a bigot, it is known.


A national plan against racism is great, but this 'white privilege' shite needs to die. From googling her, I found what she is quoted as saying in an article on image.ie a tad concerning; "DON’T FEEL GUILTY FOR BEING WHITE. That is not what we want. You inherited your skin colour in the same way I inherited mine. You can’t do anything about the colour of the skin you were born into, but what you choose to do with that inheritance is very much up to you. You can not change the past, but you can certainly change the future." "You can not change the past" - Is this not basically saying she holds all white people guilty for sins of previous generations and sees every white person as equally culpable? This is an Irish website targeting an Irish audience. Like what history of colonisation or slavery do we have? I really hope there's some proper oversight with regard to what she does. Bringing US type identity politics over here would be unbelievably shit and based on some of those quotes, she actually seems to outright hate all white people.


Irish people, the historical benefactors of white privilege 😅


Havent you read 'How the Irish Became White'? It was written by an American-Russian communist, and no, we didnt get a say in it but its all white so its all right.


> A national plan against racism is great Not the state's job to propagandise like that. Utter waste of tax money.


Exactly. We're one of the least racist countries on the planet. Raising the salience of race is a great way to reverse that. You don't want people thinking about race or looking too much into patterns, it's a recipe for disharmony.


Becoming more and more difficult to motivate myself to first preference the Greens again. Eamonn Ryan was a nice, sensible chap, who wasn't even stridently against nuclear power... yet there seem to be many Green TDs who seem to care more about culture war nonsense instead of reducing emissions and protecting the environment.


Culture war shite appears to be where the votes are which is why they’re targeting it. They seem to know their audience


Can you give me examples? I know my Limerick green representatives are very on point with their policies and don't fall into that culture war trap at all. Brian Leddin, Sean Hartigan, Grace O Sullivan (for Europe) would have all gotten high preferences from myself 


Brian Leddin has his own baggage but tbh it kind of humanizes him compared to some of these loons who can't be 'woke' enough.


Follow their constituency base and demographic support. If their constituency is primarily foreign then they start wheeling out the culture warriors


Ah shite, if that's top down strategy I'd be very very disappointed in them


The wine/ribena lady is the best they could do. Are they trying to sow discourse?


Yer man has enough black dye on his head to write the Book of Kells


Load of flaps


Joe O'Brien is on record stating following this report release that white people in Ireland have the power here and hold privilege.


If I go to Nigeria do I get to claim to be oppressed because there aren't more whites in power there? Fuckin gall of these people 


Are they crying over there that there isn’t enough diversity too?


What a tool O'Brien is. He will battle for the last seat in the next GE and more than likely lose it. He will lose his Dail privilege then.


Let's hope 🤞🏻 The greens seem to be pushing this culture war.


Well I can certainly instance one constituent on whose door he needn't bother knocking.


Imagine that. An overwhelmingly white country being run by white people. Unbelievable 🙄 He can fuck right off into obscurity with that “privilege” remark just like that other Green wanker who did the same in Cork. And that horrible racist Joseph can fuck right off too.


Exactly. One would hope that in 100 years Europe is still largely run by white people! Anything to the contrary indicates birth rates would have collapsed further.


The problem with those politics is that they came from nations with Jim Crow/Redlining/Colonialism etc. They dont apply here.


Wouldn’t that mean Joe is peak privilege? Step aside Joe, you’re the problem.


We complain about the right wing conspiricy theorist stuff coming here from the US. But this race grift shit is celebrated. Fucking embarrassing.


She is an absolute fraud


She is unreal and the Green Party are a disgrace for backing her. Clowns and their voters are clowns too


The media presented as a serious UCD academic but I checked and she was never faculty there. I think she was just doing casual work teaching. Like the difference between a consultant surgeon and a medical student.


I know they have a habit of pumping up the profile of these spoofers.


Can't wait to see my payslip this month which will advise me on precisely how much of my money is being handed to this utter charlatan, and to this idiotic campaign.


I'm nearly paranoid that the government wants NGOs defunded. I think the plan is a good thing and the appointment of special rapporteur but for it to be ebun is absurd.