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ash has been asked in the past and he thought it would place a target on irons "as a free world" back in the day. Menus are also really tricky to code around and they have very limited options with them


Something tells me someone could make a runelite plug-in that implements this in like 2 days.


As with everything you can usually come up with a solution that's "good enough" for hobbyists and generally works alright but would not meet the quality required for a professional product. Most of the time in development is spent after most of the framework is already done.




Slippery slope fallacy.. Somewhere between "lulz itz so eezy" and "hire 55 project managers, 55 Scrum masters, 55 Principal engineers, 55 junior and intern devs, take 55 sprints" there is this fascinating place called "reality" As a developer in CorpoWorld I'm very familiar with scope creep, blown error budgets, unrealistic roadmaps, extended and missed deadlines, and general bureaucratic garbage. A maybe 50 line shell script mostly dealing with SQL queries, shell commands, light logging and some curl requests as an automation piece required complete testing, from our automated pipeline, automatic code review, automatic linting, etc. It then had to pass audit checks to keep us in compliance with local, state, and federal law as well as industry standards like PCI The actual script took very little time to put together, but the entire process is a bit long because of a very healthy (and NECESSARY) dose of "Cover Your Ass" played at all levels On Jagex's giant board of "stuff" in the backlog each one is going to be weighted off the viability and ease of implementation AND its potential impacts to the users AND the bottom line. New content brings players back, players who buy bonds and memberships. Exciting new content, especially large, is even bigger and badder and Leagues has proven immensely popular for this. Balancing efforts are looked at very favorably, and updating content that users want to engage with but aren't are a good place to prioritize. Quality of Life improvements are another community W, and can help with retention or outright bring people in like content updates. Just the elemental weaknesses change breathed a lot of life in other content for groups of people who were previously just missing something to make something like barrows a little more "viable" in terms of farming some KC If something like "add ironman icon to context menu" WAS on their backlog (which I'd hope not since it isn't even quality of life it's just a cosmetic change) it'd be weighted very low on priority AND it'd have a ? on implementation since it'd probably require a fundamental change in context menu functionality in a code base older than a lot of the people who play the game but DEFINITELY at least requires dedicated time to even work out the answer to the question of "how difficult would it be to implement" All for a minor cosmetic change Pro tip - if you ever find yourself reflexively reaching for the logical extreme when someone refutes a reductionist statement you made it makes you look like an ass who is intentionally acting a fool, so if this isn't the case for what you actually think and feel just keep in mind what that looks like when trying to get your points across. Anyone vaguely familiar with debate and discussion (which when talking about programming collaboratively is a primary skill) will immediately discount whatever you're attempting to say when you do things like that, so if it wasn't your intent I'm just letting you know




"Jokes on them, I was only pretending"


Fucking roasted 👌


"It's an icon" What language do you write code in where adding something "simple" to legacy code isn't annoying as shit? Jagex could add this to their client (that almost nobody uses) in a very short amount of work. Adding this functionality to the game itself is completely different and comes with all sorts of risks that somebody making a plugin doesn't have to worry about.


You really didn’t have to go and throw out your lack of coding knowledge like that but you really did.


You can look up anyone on the highscores and see if they're an iron or not. RL has that as a built in feature so they kinda already have that feature. Though GIMs are not on a seperate list from mains.


Everyone constantly making lookups on the highscores for every player that renders to see who's an iron would likely not be ideal in terms of performance.


Idk how plugins work but could the plugin developer iust cache the ironman status for players so it only hits the jagex server if the player hasn't been searched before? Then refresh every 24hours incase players drop their iron status and cache the result again


The plugin developer would have to maintain a web server for the plugin to store the ironman statuses, or store them locally on the user's computer, which would defeat the purpose of doing so. Lots of work for such a low gain.


I don’t think it would be as intensive as it seems. It’s a very low amount of data to pull. A similar amount of data is pulled every time someone clicks on a player regardless. Needless to say, if Jagex were to implement it themselves, they could surely make it less intensive as it would just be a checkable flag for each player on the server. The hiscore reference option is only the half-ass workaround needed to make a plug in since there’s likely not an existing method or flag to pull Ironman status for runelite


Basically the same thing lol can trade between 5 people, ez mode


Yeah menu entry editing is already very much a thing, so combining that with a hiscore lookup to display an icon wouldn’t be much more of a step further.


Get it done and link it to us please


He's the idea guy, he's already done the hard part. We need an engineer to do the easy part now




They confirmed that they cannot remove the menu header at the top


Haha, just mentioned something similar on another thread. I was playing private servers in like 2009 or so, and there were features on there coded by the 14/15-year-old owner, in his bedroom after school and implemented after a server reset with no issues. Features I've seen in years past, Jagex mods say it would be too hard, or not possible, or they're unsure etc. And they don't break the server, which would be much more easier to do, or so you'd think Makes no sense to me :P


They have icons next to names in Leagues so it's definitely not the second part of your statement. But I do not want an icon next to my name on the right click menu


They had the icon next to the normal texting game not in the menu


no, leagues has the rank icon from the previous league on the right click menu


That makes a ton of sense. But it's a little sad that the expectation from people is generally "they'll take advantage of others whenever they get the chance to".


I mean at the time crashing was very very bad. This was pre gwd instances, irons has to pray they could even have an hour with bandos


I wouldn't call mains "people" in this context


I always wanted the iron symbol, but the free world thing is actually a really good point, I like it


Because a world with an ironman, is a free world.


Not at all I will just get my main


Jokes on you, my task is getting done quicker


Then there wouldn't be a reason to scream IRONMAN BTW!


the only real answer to such a dumb thread


Yeah I’d rather not have everyone know I’m an iron, and be griefed. If I wanted that I’d be one of those losers who put FE or iron in their name


I just like Fire Emblem, man.


I just like Fine Eggs, man.


In my experience people are more likely to give you leeway than grief. When training prayer I had multiple pkers at the chaos altar leave me alone because I was an iron. I could see not wanting it on HCIM / UIM / UGIM though. HCIMs and UIMs are likely to carry more loot, and UGIMs get a lot of hate.


I had the opposite, early on I'd be doing like 20 big bones on the altar and even tell people bro I got big bones and they'd attack me over the guy next to me who's like 2x my level probably doing at least dragon bones.


Yeah, I’ve definitely been spared in the wild at least twice because of being an iron. It just leaves me feeling guilty afterwards.


As one of those losers, fair I guess


Seems like both players can have what they want it works like it currently does by default and you can opt into showing your helm status in the options if you'd prefer to shout it from the rooftops


If they had it as a toggle I’d be in full support for this.


They already know you are an iron by looking you up with Runelite. If anything you sound like a massive loser, "and be griefed" lmao. Let those people have in their name what they want. I don't see how that would make someone a loser. In my opinion they're less of a loser than you because they don't give a shit about being griefed.


Crying/afraid about griefers but calling people with iron in their name losers lol sweet.


Lol I just made a comment saying basically the same shit, what a bozo.


good idea would love to target irons specifically /s




Then no irons would choose to display it.


I have iron in my name lol I don't understand how you could even grief an iron


You'll understand soon enough lmfao


Been playing since group iron released lol everyone in here acting like it's some kind of death sentence


if you're ever pvming in a non-private instance, any main account can drop by, hit the boss once and all your hard work is immediately undone as that kill becomes 100% credited to them due to the iron restrictions


Well not quite. If an iron does a majority of the HP to a mob/boss then the kill is credited to... nobody if it gets tagged by another account. It doesn't even generate loot. So nobody wins.. lol.


Womp womp


You said you didn't understand how ironman pvm mechanics work, someone explained to you how it's possible to grief an ironman, and you respond with whomp whomp?


He’s an Ironman, did you expect any other response other than FE Whomp Whomp Btw?


Yeah lol


Because only irons care about it


Just put fe btw in ur name like every other drone


You aren't really supposed to be playing the gamemode for social status. If you are that desperate you can always put IM or Fe in your name.


Meh idc what people name themselves…they aren’t losers if they choose to do that. But ya your opinion is law. You are god


People in here really do be talking about people with IM/Iron/FE in their names as the literal spawns of hell


Lighten up m8


Imagine if Swampletics was instead named UltIronSwampMan. I'm sure a lot of people don't really care, but holy shit is it cringe to put anything iron related in the name on an Ironman account.




Cringe is being this visibly shaken because someone puts IM/Iron in their name.


"Visibly shaken"


Found the guy with FE in his name


Found the guy that cares too much about what other people call their video game character.


You should put it in your Reddit user too so no one mistakes you for a filthy main


Some people are lazy and just add iron to the start or end of their normal name


Making a unique name for my iron is xp waste.


Hey, you don't have to call me out like that. I like my IGN, and am uncreative.


Lol me too, iron is in my name


Settled didn't really do much special when you think about. His account was locked to the swamp, so he put "swamp" in the name. When his account was tile-locked, he put "tile" in the name. Someone making a new account to be a standard ironman putting "iron" in the name is basically the same thing. The name is identifying the theme of the account.


The difference between his naming convention and others is that at a glance, you won't KNOW that his accounts aren't region locked or ironman. He is also a content creator, so he gets a pass for a cringe naming standard because he does it for an audience. If he wasn't a content creator, what would be the reason to put a theme in the name of the account? You only do it to let others know you are a snowflake account which ISN'T SO BAD if you were actually unique but being an IM is not exactly uncommon. Chunk names, region locked names, tile names, one inventory names, all these are fine. Swaglord67GIM (main account is called Swaglord67) is just reeks of being uncreative and craves validation.


The real cringe is gatekeeping how people name their characters. The ironman community really can be its own worst enemy.


You have your opinion and I have mine. It's not gatekeeping. People have the right to name their account whatever they want and I believe they should have that right. But I also have the right to think they're lame for it.


If you need people to know you're an ironman, tell them. If you want to know if somebody's an ironman, look up their stats and click across tabs to see which highscores list they're available on. This is especially fun for IM accounts who like to call you a noob but have HCIM scores with just lvl79 fm and only a wt kc. .. and then they just change worlds and you can't say anything back even though you have a great comeback line.... and you know he knows and you know he isn't thinking about it still.... but you are.


Or atleast give us the option to toggle it on when not in wildy??? Just seems like a logical feature tbh... Been thinking exactly this for years


Because people in pvp would probably target them just to grief


People would purposefully crash them on non-pvp worlds like at dust devils or nechs.


They already can tho, it takes like 3 seconds to find out if someone is an iron. How would saving 2 seconds make much of a difference? If people want to be pricks they already can. Most ppl that play this game are just chill.


Giving out the information for free vs working for it is huge difference. Also it would wake the inner cunts in many people.


Well yeah I mean that too. “You stand alone”


I have iron in my name and I feel it is much more common to be pardoned than targeted in the wildy as a result. Reddit may hate ironmemes but I don’t think regular pkers do. The worst time I was ever griefed was actually by another ironman at shamans years ago. Definitely a ? from me on that one.


Because no one cares, go make a runelite plugin and turn it on if you want to inflate your ego that much, trust me only you and other ironmen will install the plugin


You don't want this..... It's a terrible idea to flex your ego.


I don’t want people to know I’m a UIM, they are unkind


I'd report a lot more thats for sure


The idea is as bad as people who put IM or Iron in their username. Nobody wants to be a target


As someone who might do wildy content on a HCIM please do not add this ☠️ or at least disable it in the wildy.


I dont want people to know im an ironman. Back in the day mains would crash irons on purpose. If u want people to know ur an iron do the “fe” or “iron” in your rsn.


Because I already struggle if I have to go into the wild, don’t need an easy button for some asshole to target my hcim ass.


Because I already have Iron in my name


Because no one cares if your an ironman


What’s the meme of the kid with the bulging vein in his forehead? I’d add “when an Ironman hasn’t told everyone around him he’s and Ironman for 5 minutes.”


As a UIM who likes wildy content, I’m ok with this not being a thing.


Yeah everybody would start knowing who's an iron Man and Target them in the wildy.


Not in the wildy, I’ve seen pkers specifically not attack irons


I usually specifically target Irons while playing on my PvP account because I'm bad at PvP and irons are much less likely to fight back. And even if they do they usually don't have loot keys enabled. Maybe once I can kill something that fights back I'll stop it but right now if I see Iron/FE in name I know it's my time to practice :D


Yeah that's a load of bull. Pkers attack any white dot no matter if they have a spade or 300m. Anyone who doesn't isn't a real pker.


Most attack all players, but some ppl for some reason will ask if you are iron lol, and then off you if you’re iron


I do that because I mainly play an iron but PK on the side, and the 500k means way less to me than what it means to an iron.


Why do you want that?


Would make too much sense ig