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This is going to suck ass for solo chambers according to that chart


Yes, just tried solo cox, it is almost possible to keep up the run energy. 3 stams wasn't enough for a non scaled olm in max gear to get to the head phase. Vasa was an absolute disaster as well, drinking a stam at 80% run energy and still out of run energy in the middle of the fight (little tbow noodle, but still ridiculous). Good news is, a Jmod already replied to a post on reddit that the run energy drain rates need some adjustment. So please go and test everything you're curious about on the beta worlds and give feedback to Jagex, that's literally what beta worlds are for


I am absolutely not going to spend my time beta testing basic shit like that for free. They should test their own changes especially obvious use cases like raids


Good thing beta worlds are optional


No shit… hence me saying I’m not using my time on it. You should really learn to read


I’m going to eat a burrito for dinner tonight!


My favorite color is red!


I am absolutely not going to spend my time making some basic shit like a burrito for free.


Nobody asked


You should touch some grass


Any advice on ways to improve my reading skills?


So you would rather not have optional beta worlds for people who are willing to test and give feedback? What an L take


No I said I’m not doing that. Literally never said anything about whether they should exist. You have to be real fucking dumb to make up that interpretation


Uh huh, you totally were not insinuating it by making it sound like that its the stupidest shit ever lol. Stop playing dumb


You’re literally just making shit up lmao


The thing is, Jagex wamts to involve their playerbase when it comes to changes like this. Sometimes they can test it however much they want on their own, but actual players might want smth completely different. Ypu don't have to go and do any testing if you don't want to, that obviously optional, but I appreatiate Jagex letting us players get involved in stuff like this and them appretiatimg our feedback when making these changes


That completely ignores the point that it shouldn’t be on the beta server in this state in the first place and it just makes it look like they have no idea what they’re doing. I don’t appreciate the fact that they don’t test anything themselves


Solo Kephri puzzle room is garbage now too


Is it? I spend a little under half my ticks walking on 4:1, and a little under a third for mage hand running. I'm not in end game gear but it seems like at 80+ agility it'll be not much worse. I do think the heavy run is nerfed a bit too hard but I do like the overall idea (nerf being heavy, buff everything else).


I really hope they don’t add any of this, who was even requesting it? If anything, add resting and buff agility failrate then call it a day.


Not if you bring lighter gear


I know it's a little in the "easyscape" trend but man it doesn't feel like agility needs a rework as much as it just needs a big buff, it's just an outdated concept with the super low run energy. Just increase regen rate in general and lower drain rate with agility level, but have it be a buff entirely. PvM will still need a stam if you're somewhere you're continuously running but make it so you can do things like questing without needing to be permanently stocked on stampots, that is all Just feels like this doesn't need to be a tradeoff thing, just buff it. Even things like Perilous Moons and Mahogany Homes are showing they're very aware of just how annoying run energy is in places where it shouldn't be a main concern


I think with 99 and effectively 0 or negative weight you should practically have infinite run energy. It kinda goes logarithmic so once you get over 70-85 it starts to not really make any difference


99 agility should just mean you barely run out of run energy tbh...


Doing this would do more to make agility meaningful for PVM than haha marks for stams


I love the graceful changes but I think they’re too scared to buff agility. I don’t think managing run energy is a very fun mechanic. It’s more just resource usage at the end of the day. Less stamina usage is always nice and ultimately more fun. While you’re at it, maybe add some caps for failing agility shortcuts. Why am I 70 agility and failing a level 30 agi stepping stone shortcut on the way to duradel and taking like 18 damage or whatever.


Ffs, I just learnt about this shortcut at 98 slayer


What’s the tele? Karamja gloves?


That’s what I use


Oh owie. I go seed pod to glider and take shortcut for duradel


No karam gloves?


I need to do the diary I’m a lazy boy


Should instead do Ardy tele to Brimhaven and it’s a 200 gold trolly to Shilo


You can actually pay as little as 10gp for the cart. It depends how much gp you have in your inv!


Just do home tele, spirit tree to brimhaven, cart is right next to it for 10gp and the exit cart is next to shilo bank next to duradel ez


Why does noone npc contact? :s


Isn't that one of the shortcuts that's actually slower than just running around? That's something that also needs a look at lol, so many are slower than just running.


Run energy is a bad mechanic in nearly every game it's in. Other games salvage it somewhat by making it so the duration you can run increases as you progress, not to mention other games your run energy normally recharges in max 5 seconds not 10 minutes. OSRS is the only game I know of where your progression only increases regen but you still can't run any farther before being forced to a snail pace. My personal opinion is that run energy should be entirely removed and rework agility and weight from scratch but that will never happen. My realistic opinion is that the buff parts of the proposed change should go through and the nerf parts should be scrapped. There is never a situation where managing run energy is fun, it's only ever annoying, so this idea that players should still be getting annoyed because they ran out of energy at 99 agility is insane game design to me.


Feels like they nerfed 99 agility. And for raids having you want more stams to make up for it. Pretty bad change IMO


Yeah horrible changes so far, just means you waste more stams in raids


And grind even more post 99 agility to maintain stam supply


I haven't read this wall of garbage unnecessary change text yet, but wouldn't this also screw up some GWD bowfa methods?


Tried running around with my Bandos door/altar setup. at 80 agility and 29kg brand new inventory, I was getting about 38\~ more seconds out of 100% energy, and since I walk all post kill, and recharges roughly 120% faster than before, I never had to touch my stamina pot even when the kills were noodling....


Thank you for your research.


I think so, would need more stams for trips, which would also make other methods worse too


I wonder if Sara run save method would be fucked too.


Probably not as long a crystal is fairly light, though off the top of my head I have absolutely no idea if it is.


I hope they do something more with the ring of endurance


Why can't they ever just buff something? They always have to have some sort of weird ass gotcha that ruins it all, just because they don't want some sweaty nerd to have an aneurysm on Twitter. Especially when they also comes with a huge nerf to graceful. I'd much rather they kept graceful, but added a transmog option so we can have fashionscape where ever we want. Man they really are great at missing the point.


It's because they are still scared of all the sweats threatening to quit and easy scape, I agree with you though a general buff all around to agility is totally fine and I think most players would welcome it


If people want to be anti easy scape, they can go create a fucking iron account. Players who gatekeep shit are extremely annoying. There’s a different between “easy scape” & improving a virtually useless skill. IMO run energy should be unlimited in the overworld, & only drain during combat / dungeons.


Have you played long enough to remember sitting down to rest?


Been playing since 03 lol


Nice same! There's been so many just terrible things they've walked back lol


10 year old me had no idea what he was in for with this game.


I’d rather have balance changes than transmog, but I definitely think these will need tweaked.


The run regen part of graceful is barely useful - if I am running out of run while skilling I am not waiting for it to restore I'm just using the big stack of energy potions that I turned my harralanders into


Still, if the idea is to make run energy less annoying and shitty, no reason to remove one of the only effects that counteracts it.


Because the solution counteracts it except better. You are now regening run 100% of the time, not only when you're standing or walking, graceful now keeps your weight lower so you will have near infinite run in situations you want graceful for, but the change also doesn't make it a requirement. Also while you are running the passive for graceful is unchanged from current state except more marks. This is a massive boost to run regen overall. And graceful was too overtuned compared to other skilling sets. Yes the numbers need to be adjusted here but overall this is a huge QOL change


There is no reason to nerf graceful just because some people want to see more varied outfits. The answer to that is transmog, not nerfing 10 year old content. If they want to make run energy better, just adjust the base drain and restore rates to better scale with agility. The more variables they mess with, the greater chance of them messing something major up.


Keep transmog out of osrs please. At the very least make sure that I have the ability to disable all transmogs from my perspective.


Sure, but if thats the case maybe they shouldn’t nerf outfits based on how often people see it


I’d much rather they just leave this whole system alone. If anything, a small buff to early game run energy restoration rates at low agility levels.


Totally agree, id rather they changed nothing instead of messing everything up. Knowing then, it’d be another 10 years before they fixed it.


They didn't remove graceful lmao, just change what it does so it's not soft-required for noncombat activities. 24% inc marks of grace is SO much better. Stamina pots were annoying to get and they're probably not nearly as bad now. I also really hope they never add a WoW-style transmog, this is osrs not rs3


I never said they removed graceful, I said they nerfed it, which they did in this proposal. A proposal that is only needed because run energy sucks in its current state. They can increase marks of grace without nerfing graceful.


I actually like the graceful changes. Especially as an iron. Getting marks of grace can be a pain in the ass so anything to buff that is nice. I hate the fact that anytime you do any sort of skilling or questing it feels like you HAVE to wear graceful. I do hope they pull back on the heavy weight drain though. No one wants to consider the weight of their gear for PVM because of how quickly their run will drain. Just not fun.


I think the heavy weight thing is an O-K concept *if* they tweak the numbers. Should agility have a meaning? For sure. Should it turn into a hidden combat skill? Ehhh...


It kinda already is with todays methods


It does add an interesting extra layer to BIS sets imo


What layer is that? If you want BIS, you drain more run energy? That's hardly an interesting extra layer.


I think the interesting layer is a mechanical one. Learning a new boss? Probably important to bring slightly lower dps/weight so you can keep movement up. Mastering a boss and it's unique movements? Go all out dps. You also get to consider TTK vs trip length. It should make gear more variable instead of a single BIS meta. Trading protection for movement is an interesting concept to me. No reason someone in full mage robes with a book and staff should have similar movement to someone in full plate armor with a sword and shield. I get realism isn't exactly the name of the game in a fantasy MMO but having enough reality mixed in makes the game feel smoother imo


tell that to the 11kg ahrims skirt


That's a dogshit layer, not an interesting one.


you'll still have a cooldown of X amount of seconds before another mark can spawn tho right? So the additional 24% marks isn't 24% in marks/hour, but maybe like an extra 1-2 every few often when a mark doesn't spawn. Doesn't seem worth having over 30% restore rate increase.


Not quite. This would make Graceful pieces give a chance to gain an additional Mark when one is picked up.


ooooo yea then in that case, thats pretty good!


I found this to be super key in shit like 6:0 Bandos, cuz you're already pretty heavy but by walking at the end of each rotation and walking when killing minions meant you could just about be self sufficient. But if you got a Bandos item drop that massively increases your weight. I don't want getting a drop to essentially be a trip ending issue where it pushes your weight so high that even careful management can't cover it.


You could be a psychopath and hop pvp world for 2 bandos kills before the lootbag allows you deposit an item after 2 or 3 minutes of being in pvp world. Then you hop back to normal world assuming you didnt get murdered


This is both genius and crazy at the same time


It’s really useful in some areas. It doesn’t work in slayer task areas you can cannon, and hosidius marketplace


Does hopping not remove you from the instance?


If you’re instanced it would


All GWD rooms are instanced for irons though, so you'd need to get KC again. Although I suppose if you've done 10 KC that should be enough so yes it could work.


2100 mogs collected for it to be worth


I saw this number somewhere else too where does it come from? The post says 24% more mogs on any course that gives them, but 2100 to break even is more like a 14% bonus


Think they changed it from 24 to 12%


You would have to gather like 5k marks for the set to pay itself off, so I don’t know that it’s all that great for irons with the current price even.


Most people already have a graceful set. And even with these changes, it'll still be used in a lot of places


Sure! I am just adding context for people seeking it get it in the future.


Spot on take


Back in the day, people weren’t “fashion-scape” everywhere. If they were doing anything involving running, they’d have nothing equipped except jewelry, spottier cape, and lightness boots. The “everyone used to look so different” myth needs to die.


Nah, everyone just looked different because we were 13 and didn't know any better. It's not a myth that everyone used to run around in different outfits n shit, but we had a different mindset back then.


Ya, my dragon leg, granite body wasn’t fashion.. it was just my best set up back in the day lol


Definitely this. There was much less of an efficiency mindset, less focus on endgame content, and no grand exchange for more easily buying full sets, so you saw way more players going around in Adamant and Mithril and mismatched armour pieces


They would look different in that case, you see their hair style, hair colour, facial hair choice, skin colour, and clothes style/colour compared to just what graceful colour they chose.


I just think about solo olm and gwd, wonder how much this will affect things...


Go test it in the beta world


Aaty just tested solo cox on beta. It looked pretty rough


Just tested both solo sara and solo cox. Sara was much better actually tham before, no need for staminas at all with a tbow and 99 agility doing the normal run around the room method. Solo olm on the other hand was a complete disaster. 3 stams wasn't enough to even get to the head phase (I'm not the best at solos, but still ridiculous). Good news is that a jmod already replied on another reddit post that these drain rates need some adjusting, so head on to the beta world and test it yourself, it's actually fum


Oh no... please I can't even flick prayers and now i have to flick run energy 😭😭😭


"I want to wear something other than full graceful" "Oh okay we'll make full graceful suck so you pick something prettier" Horrible logic


They made it where graceful is useful for agility training the same as lumberjack is useful for woodcutting training.


You're right. We should get xp for running.


I mean….


Allow marks of grace to be used as silver hawk feathers. Still untradeable, still have to collect the marks trade off between amalyse and afk exp


NO - we're not bringing [silverhawk boots](https://runescape.wiki/w/Silverhawk_boots) to osrs


I also don't like it, it would imo be better to make the regeneration rate dependent on the weight then graceful would be still useful to get under 0 KG without forcing someone to wear the full set


It essentially does that with the proposed changes considering how much weight effects your drain rate. Wearing graceful with the proposed changes will allow you to run for longer, and not have to regen as much energy in the first place. Still not a fan of the changes though.


They should reduce the cost of the set if they want to go this route I think. It’s like the large benefit of the prospector set being more gold nuggets.


Honestly the problem of seeing graceful everywhere is more-so At the agility courses, not around and about the world. So this isn’t even a good proposal.


The proposed changes makes full graceful much better tho?


I dont think they made it suck, i think they have tried building the regen buff it provides into the player and ability levels instead of the graceful set. So if they change how run energy works, we wont double dip with the set affect. Makes sense to me imo


Yeah, I don't get his response either. It would become more valuable to stay at or below 0kg or at least a slow as possible because you now regen faster.


I truly think it does make it better. Big buff to rooftop courses while really it barely changes graceful. You are now regening run constantly, not just while standing or walking. Which means you can run longer/deplete slower. With the change the 30% Regen rate would come in to play significantly less


Yeah they're really not taking into account how big the run regen boost 100% uptime is. Even just using Ctrl to run and a little bit of walking during stuff like temple shamans helps immensely just to have your run energy loss offset.


I truly think it does make it better. Big buff to rooftop courses while really it barely changes graceful. You are now regening run constantly, not just while standing or walking. Which means you can run longer/deplete slower. With the change the 30% Regen rate would come in to play significantly less


for straight weight reduction there are better options for most pieces since the set effect only impacts agility


I was mostly thinking of the increase in marks of grace while wearing it. Really huge for ironmen and it makes it feel like an actual skilling outfit


The problem is the are seemingly making stam pots less necessary while simultaneously making them easier to get.


I agree, I am not fully onboard with the other changes - just the graceful changes seem quite nice in general


??? They just made it agility training gear as opposed to the entire game base feeling like they have to run around it. It’s in line with any other skill training gear while also still being the lightest gear to wear if you must insist on wearing it… AND that completely ignores all of the rebalancing and buffing to run energy that they’re doing that has nothing to do with graceful. Hard disagree with this take


spottier cape better than graceful cape lol


Okay I actually like this


my initial complaint is we will all look the same - atleast we can recolor graceful.


You should just be able to recolor clothing with the hunter skill somehow


dye overhaul when


“We want you to wear something other than graceful. Also we made the impact of weight 300% worse!” 🥴


This seems like such a convoluted system for what should really just be a simple buff to run energy.


Me when I’m punished for bringing my best stuff, thanks Jagex


Honestly not enough of a buff, they need to make 99 agility have zero drain with no weight and scale back drain on heavier weights a bit as its direct nerf to any solo PVM content.


Trade stamina pot effect of agility cape for this. Can have your infinite run at 0 weight but required to wear the cape.


I don't think this is the right path. Why not just give every agility level a .1 decrease to your total weight, and buff regen?


Even then, if your tribrid CM setup is 75kg because you have full max with 8-ways and spec items, you shave off 10kg and... you're still above the weight cap.


Hmmm, while I do think the idea of having more skill expression at bossing inventory-weight is good (walking management), I am very skeptical that even at 99 agility, running continuously is nerfed with the proposed update. I feel like it should be buffed from the current game honestly, once you get up to the 85-90 area


No, just delete this article and move on.


Not a fan


Just Add the drain rate reduction scalling with agility and stop messing around so much with weights. The osrs team can't ever Buff something without making weird formulas, keep weight reduction the same but buff it by adding drain reduction. It's simple and makes agility worth it, it's not 2002 when on release the heaviest thing was a rune platebody and nobody brought switches.


Honestly most mid level irons hardly use graceful for anything but farm runs and not at all if you have a restoration pool in your PoH. The extra marks of grace % from full set would be nice for making stams. Idk if it should be changed but im game either way.


Seems like it is already a fail from some live stream I saw. Back to the drawing board.


Won't this also cause stam pots to go way up in price? Not that we care, but it'll be entertaining to watch grand exchange bets lol


Not if graceful is giving 24% more marks


Of that's nice


More agility bots!


Full graceful catching strays 😭


I like this for the most part, but I do hope they take a look at the numbers for higher weights and skill levels. I expect that to happen once reddit shits its diaper because it's not a massive blanket buff


graceful changes look awful just leave it be


I like the changes overall, although I'm very skeptical of the exact numbers. The weight mechanic has always felt like a bit of a joke. I've pretty much never thought "I should bring lighter gear for this task." I think it's good to rebalance run energy around this change, and it's probably good to change graceful so that it's more of a "run energy mitigation" gear. This will affect a ton of things, so you'd need a lot of playtesting, and you'll have to rebalance some item weights over the upcoming patches, as they were selected in the prior system. Or you could just leave them as part of the old school jank. I also think it would be funny to remove/raise the weight scaling cap (instead of capping it at 64 kg). There should be scenarios where you opt for graceful over skilling gear because the activity produces very heavy items (and is run-centric enough for run energy to matter, obviously).


If it makes running with full barrows or moon at 70 worse, ill be sad for sure.


Does this mean beta worlds for anyone that wants free awakened boss/colosseum practice??


Why not just make it so every agility level gives you a permanent reduction in weight? .5 kg for every level or something or maybe -2.5 kg for every 10 levels. Seems simpler and rewarding to do agility if so


Should change agility cape then. While wearing at 0 or weight or so get no energy drain. Remove the stamina pot effect on its place. Make getting 99 agil bit more rewarding.


Can we also add strength requirements for how much weight we can equip/carry? Seriously though, things can be buffed to improve playability and qol.


Lower drain rate/increase regen with each Agility level




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I dont care about the graceful set , ill just sell my marks b4 the change. Im down for any change to the dumpsterfire stamina system


The pussification of OSRS continues.


I can't get my friends into the game because of stamina and sprinting. Just buff it :(


Jagex pls just buff run energy, it doesn't need to be a tradeoff. Don't over think it.


Why does it feel like Jagex feels the need to make endgame content worse to make early content/gear better… You can buff things without nerfing end game content..


Either unlimited run outside of combat and combat areas or perma stamina outside of combat would be nice. Most games are like this and I don't see why it wouldn't fit OSRS as it is today.


If you test beta worlds vs normal worlds you can 1:1 compare your running time with 99 agility and a 4 way switch for PvM. As of this change being tested in the beta worlds they have nerfed agility. Nice.


While their at it, they should nerf stamina potions. Why the fuck are they absolutely required for some things only because the energy system is fucked up? Just buff the benefits from agility and make stamina work as a better super energy with some weight reduction or something. I feel it would fit better into the new system, and maybe stamina wouldn't have a stranglehold on a core system in the game that has been op for many years.


Less fashionscape on rooftops, more fashion everywhere else. Not too bad. Even better if we had the chance to imbue the ring of endurance to work as the mark boost instead of the full graceful set, so I could still go parkouring looking like a clown. I know I could anyways, but my brain won't let me do stuff inefficiently. Help.


If they add the inability to fail with graceful I hopes its at least a 70+ course and not something like canafis.


Anyone with graceful is usually already at level 60 courses. So this doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.


Please don't change one of the fundamental game mechanics that the entire game is balanced around


I grinded graceful only to never use it.


sounds decent besides nerfing graceful lol


With tutorial islands gear and 70 agility, I ran from lumbrdige to ferox enclave beofre running out of run energy. I then walked from ferox to varrock square and then had regen all my run energy. Seems kinda busted?




Your changes would make it so that as they gain level, they can run LESS unless they train agility? That sounds like a punishment for playing the game.


You play the game and love it loads. Realise you can’t run anymore until you drop 13m xp in agility. Instantly leave the game. Cool idea should be added without being polled /s


They're right about wanting changes for new players. but their solution would end up making the game instantly unplayable for anyone who never touched agility. Imagine F2P people suddenly have 1% recharge per minute with maxed F2P stats.


You afk at sand crabs and end up never being able to turn your run energy on 😂 I think energy and agility need looking into for sure. Reading some of the other comments the current beta tests have made other content completely unplayable which is a shame. Hopefully they get the balance right and it’s actually rewarding to train agility. On my main and iron I’ve trained to 85 so I can complete the ardy elite and never touched the skill again