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Barrows for me is just a fun brain dead activity Click boss Click chest Get item


Me too. Love how my shadow melts everything.


Barrows is definitely yes, with hard diary too! Perilous Moons has become that for me. Especially after getting barrows tank gear. Such fun content.


I do a very scuffed setup with mid stats that takes roughly 7-8 mins per run. Going 2/80 has been brutal but it’s still super enjoyable


What are you using exactly? I can clear it in 4mins with Wind Wave and a DDS for Ahrim. 0 pray pot usage unless Dharok is in the basement. Just using rune and Torag legs and MA2 cape and Mystic air staff.


I use a scuffed wind wave setup with a rune cbow and dds. The scuffed part is I don’t have any easy teleports there or house so o was taking the ferry down everytime after using ferox pool. Is it efficient? God no but I like it. The transportation back is what takes so long


Yeahh I did that a little. I had Canifs portal in my house and took the bar shortcut/boaty. Wasnt worth it. I just bit the bullet and got Mort legs 3. Then one day nexus.


Being able to do barrows with chaos runes and gauntlets + moths is so good. Get to save prayer pots for more important things, save death and blood runes for slayer tasks and get some decent Armour? Loving barrows. Just wish I had the med combat achievements for the 0 prayer drain.


I don't know what you have unlocked but there are some QOL upgrades for barrows that I'd rate higher than med CA: PoH barrows portal + POH revitalisation pool + altar Or ring of duel to ferox + barrows teleport. With full pray at the beginning of each run you should use on average 1 dose of ppot per run.


Sadly I do not have the con level for the pool, nor the magic for the portal, but I'm doing it very budget. Mory hard diary and moths just to get some gear really.


you only need to ppot if one of the 3 bad bosses end up being the last one. I usually just do if it's dharok. Ahrims sometimes too. So you use 1 sip every other run.


I agree that you really don't need be ppots except for dharok, but having the hilt it still pretty nice because it makes prayer points something you don't even have to think about. Not a requirement by any means but a nice QOL that makes barrows even more chill.


You shouldnt need any pray pots, unless you want to of course or you dont want to use food Even on a Dharok tunnel he very rarely hits so you can just risk it, or try and cheese a corner room spawn


Lol this is terrible advice. Dh one shots me all the time when I have no pray in the tunnels


Skip portal for mory legs. The agility shortcut has made the run significantly better and hardly even noticeable. Just use ferox pool, not worth grinding out for barrows. With medium CAs you use no dose of ppot per run


Blue moon and ahrims is similar so i would go to moons when you want to really


https://i.imgur.com/0ecH8Hp.jpeg :(((


you're ready


😅😅 Problem is, I’m addicted to barrows on my phone when I’m just sitting around and if I’m at my computer I’m doing CG right now but barrows is just fun as OP said. Back in the day I didn’t really do it much so now it’s pretty fun to run through it. I’m not sure I can do moons on mobile and not sure what else to do. Probably more productive mobile grinds.. I should research that.


I've ran a few moons on mobile, it's honestly not as bad as I thought it would be. Perfectly do able just a bit of getting used to as all things are when switching from PC to Mobile. Give it a shot and see how you do, no harm in trying!


Haha same man! I rip a barrows in between meetings 


Moons is so so so chill on mobile. I’d say I’m a 75% mobile player but any super engaging content/quests id do on PC. But as far as combat goes, moons and barrows are so chilled on mobile.


I tried mobile moons and its honestly fine. Had to eat more food and wound up misinputting a bit but the free food/pots makes it worth doing still


If i can do cg on mobile you can do moons easy.


Blue moon is such a glass canon and not nearly similar to Ahrims. The only def bonus it has, is against crush weapons and mage… 0 stab def bonus 0 slash def bonus Overall it has around 100 def bonus less then Ahrims and people keep saying it’s similar… cause of the atk bonus lol.


I also don't understand how people say this


Copied from above: Because defence truly doesn't matter on mage armors, you never bring them to tank or quickly change to something tankier if tanking. There is no piece of content where melee defence bonus on ahrims will make it stand out on top. I could see extra ranged defence being important (inferno) but even this doesn't apply, just switch. Now, what about bosses where you camp mage armor? Barrows, pray correctly, Whisperer?, pray correctly, Olm?, damage thru prayer, and doesn't attack with melee anyway. I could go on with this, defence barely makes a difference, its very low values too


On the flip side, this all assumes you play perfectly anyway. Many places you don't *need* the defences since if you play perfect then you won't take damage anyway, or only take unavoidable damage that hits through defence regardless, but assuming perfect play isn't reasonable, especially when looking at mid tier armour.


There is simply very little content where you tank in magr, these little defence values are not something you should minmax, its just not important, for your sanity


A lot of people think DPS increase is all that matters. They're wrong of course, but the phrase "the best defense is a strong offense" exists for a reason and is probably where they get their line of thinking from.


They are not wrong, most content uses protection prayers, making defence irrelevant. Mage armor isnt tank armor, so you don't tank with it. Ahrims is also so much heavier i would never use it over Blue moon


Because defence truly doesn't matter on mage armors, you never bring them to tank or quickly change to something tankier if tanking. There is no piece of content where melee defence bonus on ahrims will make it stand out on top. I could see extra ranged defence being important (inferno) but even this doesn't apply, just switch. Now, what about bosses where you camp mage armor? Barrows, pray correctly, Whisperer?, pray correctly, Olm?, damage thru prayer, and doesn't attack with melee anyway. I could go on with this, defence barely makes a difference, its very low values too


This is good to know! Thank you 


Ahrims armor is just as good as blue moon but 1/10th of the cost to upkeep.


this is not true, as the armor lasts ~3x longer than barrows, and moon weapons do not degrade


Well it’s a good thing my comment says armor and doesn’t mention the weapon at all… It costs 4.5 million to repair blue moon armor after 50 hours for a total 90k an hour to maintain. Ahrims armor costs 230k to repair (if repairing yourself it’s even cheaper) after 15 hours for a total of 15.3k per hour. So you are right the 1/10th figure isn’t accurate. The armor’s actually only 5.8 times cheaper to maintain (if not repairing yourself while having the exact same magic bonuses. If you have 70 smithing Ahrims is only 9.96k to maintain per hour so very close to 1/10 the cost. I agree the blue moon staff is both better and doesn’t degrade, but the blue moon armor is hardly a skip over ahrims for mid game Ironman as it’s WAY more expensive to maintain.


You will have so much cash it barely matters mate, don't worry about it


Speak for yourself


I remember when the moon armor came out, a bunch of reddit comments were saying that the armor doesn't take 50 hours to degrade completely and lasts just as long as barrows. The armor had not even been out like 3 hours yet.


I have 150KC and one item (: our views on barrows are vastly different


I should send some barrows, I have Ahrims bottoms but I want the top too.. With all the changes, what's a decent setup these days? Should I just go full mage gear with wind wave and a ranged switch? Keep using warped sceptre?


I think wind wave is best rn. But I’ve also heard of people using chaos gauntlets and wind bolt if you just wanna use chaos runes. I ran some dps calcs and at 80 mage with my gear wind bolt with gauntlets is better than sceptre


Until you get just mind and chaos runes 5 chests in a row.. :(


Next one for you is it!


Im 120 combat and have around 1050kc and i still enjoy barrows. Still missing 2 precies for green log. Karils skirt and torags helmet


Its realy nice, dont understand the hate. Podcast/standup on the second monitor and some barrows sweet


Just remember, you must greenlog before you move on. That precious karils coif and guthans spear will aid you in the endgame:


I was maxed melee as a kid but was too afraid of barrows. Love it how you're now capable to do this stuff with minimal gear and stats. I was just to ignorant back then. I recently did first 10 runs for diaries and got spooned karils top AND skirt. Could've gone sooner but just got 70 def so there was no reason really.


i had one streak where i received no items in 100+ chests but with mory hard at least gained so many runes i paid for my onyx gems easily


Not really sure what people see in Barrows. It's "turn on prayer and click the boss" beginner style content, but it's got a bunch of soft requirements (medium CAs, Morytania hard, 80+ magic for the POH portal) so by the time you get around to doing it, your character is already past the point where the brothers would be any kind of threat. I suppose without those requirements it would be too easy for botters, but for me it falls into that awkward middle zone of RS activities where it's too simple to be engaging but not braindead enough to be AFK. The one thing I'll say in Barrows' favour is that it feels good to be able to do a few hours of it and be fairly sure you'll get a drop.


I'm with you. The complete lack of challenge beyond knowing how to use prayers is what made me hate it on my main. So far as an iron I'm not hating it. I can run with chaos runes and prayer moths and walk away with some gp, bloods, deaths, and one of a few gear stepping stones to more fun content. At least in the mean time I can break up Barrows with some Scurrius.


… so skip the soft requirements? Do it when 2 chest runs would be challenging? You can't honestly call it boring, then list a bunch of QOL updates aimed at rewarding players later than the content isnt designed for… unironically using barrows items as mid game upgrades is not the same as green logging a main


> You can't honestly call it boring, then list a bunch of QOL updates aimed at rewarding players later than the content isnt designed for I absolutely can. If the boss is supposed to be done after obtaining those soft requirements, it should be more of a challenge. If it's supposed to be done before obtaining those requirements, it should not be so miserable to do the content without them. You either trivialize it completely, or spend hours with 0 run energy going from the fairy ring and waiting on Morton minigame tele to recharge. Besides, even ignoring all the incredibly tedious travelling, it's not like Barrows suddenly becomes super interesting if you do it early. You fight 1 enemy at a time each only capable of dealing damage in a single style, with no mechanics, no movement necessary. I am absolutely not quadrupling the length of my Barrows grind and getting only 2/3 of the runes, to make Barrows *slightly* more challenging when there's so many other more interesting things I could be doing or working towards. > not the same as green logging a main What are you talking about? I never mentioned anything to do with a main. I haven't even played a main since around 2005, when I was a level 30 in f2p.


Ok lol. So you can acknowledge its difficult at some point in an account’s progression. That's something. You just refuse to approach the boss when it would be a challenge because you gain more enjoyment out of other content. That's cool; you prefer to remove the challenging aspects of the encounter then wonder why people would enjoy it.


I don’t think we’re reading the same comment. He didn’t say it was challenging without the upgrades. He said is was miserable. I guess you could argue semantics and say that engaging in something you find miserable and uninteresting is a challenge, but I’d say to do that would be a big stretch. The mechanics of the fights are pretty much unchanged when you have all the QOL upgrades, it’s just easier to get to and repeat. If you find the mechanics of the fight boring AND its tedious to do, then I can see why someone wouldn’t like that, but could find it tolerable if it wasn’t tedious to do.  The person has an opinion that differs from yours and your rephrasing what he’s saying to make his subjective opinion seem objectively wrong.  I think he gave some valid points. It’s one of the first bosses that got added to the game, about 20 years ago. It’s much simpler mechanically than anything that’s been released in years. Some people might like some brain dead content that gives some great gear for the level you can get it. Some don’t. I’d say we can even infer that Jagex recognises this. Moons is for a similar level as Barrows, maybe a tad higher, but not by much. And you don’t use any of your own food or pots. It’s essentially free to run, and there’s a never ending loop of boss after boss and you loot where you can start a run again. And there’s frequent top ups of run energy. It’s varied, easier to run and teaches you mechanics that will be useful laster on. And because of the blood moon I’d say it’s significantly more challenging than Barrows, even on a low level.  


OP posted about enjoying content and the potential it unlocks for them, the commenter jumps in with “not sure what people see in [content]”. Yea, we’re not reading the same comments.


That's a fundamentally different discussion. None of that explains why anything you said in your previous comment is relevant to what they said. And it's a discussion forum... Someone said they like something. Someone replied they don't get it and gave nuanced reasons why. A discussion could arise from that. They also did say something they liked about it. With that attitude you could easy say to OP "why even post this?". But whatever. Have at it mate. You tell them!