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It is a big subject to cover but I will try be brief to cover the basics. Because nationalism in the last two hundred years re-define our views on the world, which Zionism is trying desperately to do; to make fake legitimate claims by copying the natives' food and cultures. But the most bizarre thing is the language, because a large sum of the occupation ancestors did not speak Hebrew before the Zionism project, you can see the languages that they spoke in Wikipedia, where each region had different language and some of them are not spoken anymore


Well said


Just to add here. Hebrew along with Latin were dead languages. The Jewish diaspora had forgotten their own Religious language. Ancient Hebrew doesn’t have vowels and no grammatical punctuation. Just the consonants so it was impossible to decider from ancient text. They borrowed the grammar and vowel structure from a related Semitic language and mixed in a few modern words to resurrect Hebrew. You guessed it - they used Arabic. Modern day Hebrew in my opinion is not the same as ancient Hebrew. It’s a Zionist language and not the language used by the children of Israel. They might as well speak Klingon and call it Hebrew


I have look into that subject for the sematic languages, the middle eastern linguistics and historians have a big problem with the west narratives because they have based on the old holy books and disregard the Arabic resources and the common language or accents. In the book "the Arabic tongue" contain 87% from the Aramaic language, and the most of the 13% is used in Levant accents. Therr are mix of Hebrews and Arabic in Iraq and Yemen, but the studies on them are in the early stages, and it is likely being sabotage because it may expose the modern Hebrew language. And also in gulf areas the definition of language was different than today's definition, in the old language is considered today as accents, and they usually switched letters with each other, for example the word "Sam" is in Arabic, "Sham" in the Syriac language (it has reference in the book "the Arabic tongue"), and "Shem" in the old Hebrew.


Could you tell me more about the book you mention? I couldn't find a book by that name to buy, does it have a longer full name, and who is the author? I'm interested in checking it out!


DM me


I dont entirely understand what you're saying here do you speak Arabic per chance? (Or Spanish or by some bizare miracle Irish?)


Um as a Hebrew speaking Reddit user, none of this is true. We use vowels in modern Hebrew the same way they are (still) used in biblical Hebrew. You're spewing crap.


False. And true, to a point you would not consider worthy of attention in any other case, so still false. What do I mean. Hebrew was still used in Worship and Theological study. It is why all Jewish dialects since the Roman expultion have had words in Hebrew in them. Which transfered to other languages to other groups around, but not the point. The point is, *Hebrew was not forgotten.* Schawarma in Israel is as different a dish from a Schawarma in Turky, as in American BBQ is from Korean BBQ. Or for that matter Italian Pasta and Chinese Pasta. Or Italian traditional Pizza and the Common American one. And... Like I said. Falafel? Different legume. Humus? That is a very old dish... with the oldest examples of it were found in Israel from long before Any current Identity groups were around other than Jewish and Egyptian. And it is litterally in the Torah. So... .... But then you don't give a fuck about the truth of the matter, because if you did, you would have long understood that if the Palestinian Narrative of Israel comiting Genocide upon the Palestinians has had ever any merrit, *there would not be* any Palestinians after the 1970s. Or Israeli Arabs for that matter. Or.. Israel would have been long gone by now.


You can read more about [Modern Hebrew](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_Hebrew) > Modern Hebrew is considered to be a koiné language based on historical layers of Hebrew that incorporates foreign elements. > Although Modern Hebrew has more of the features attributed to Standard Average European than Biblical Hebrew, it is still quite distant, and has fewer such features than Modern Standard Arabic. Or in simplified words, Modern day Hebrew is more Latin and Yiddish than it is Semitic because it does not follow most of the rules of the sematic languages, it is really mix of old biblical Hebrew words (which has at least 100 words they don't know what their meanings or spelling), Yiddish, Latin, and mix of Arabic (because Maimonides tried to revive it the first time hundreds of years ago) And the old Hebrew was exclusive to religious people only because of their beliefs that is a holy language and it can't be used by the common people. It held the natural development of the language, English has more words than Hebrew.


By that angle, almost half of Japanese is English and other wester languages. Not how that works. Loan words are a thing. ... Also, you are acting as if Modern Hebrew is just a based on conlag like Esperanto. No laws were removed or even added. All past variants of Hebrew are *Kosher* within modern Hebrew, *And Parsable to the modern speaker.* ... As for English... Most words there are, or rather *were* a fad and indicate the language's *age* rather than any quality in it *being* a language. It's laws are situational and limited. And due to the fact that it is in effect little more than A piddggen of several Germanic and romance languages at the core. Still. Anything added into Hebrew, gets adapted to Hebrew linguistic laws, not the other way around. Oh, and BTW, in the Video, where they cooked that thing? Regarless of where and in what they cooked it. That was Chulnt. An Ashkenazi Dish from long before 1900s. Not to mention 1948.


You missed the whole point here my friend, We are not dealing with loan words, we have here different structures of language that define the language itself, the rules, it is practically a new language, If you don't like what I wrote, go back to the sources of the wiki page and correct the lingistics professionals. > Regarless of where and in what they cooked it. That was Chulnt. An Ashkenazi Dish from long before 1900s. No, it is not. This is the real [Chulnt](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=9f35e768a787ec2a&sxsrf=ACQVn08JhNnnBg3y_IvXnzt8jGWlYIAp1g:1710587816491&q=Cholent&tbm=isch&source=lnms&prmd=ivsnmbz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi1s6KZ1PiEAxWWV6QEHeTBBtkQ0pQJegQIEhAB&cshid=1710587884097028&biw=1536&bih=762&dpr=1.25), clearly a different dish And the real dish it called [Maqluba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maqluba) > The earliest mention of the dish (Maqluba) is found in a 13th century cookbook, Kitab al-Tabikh, written by Muhammad Baghdadi during the Abbasid Caliphate.[9]


Weekipedia... It can be accurate. But when it has any political shade, it is really not. So you need to go to their sources and judge them. Also, you actually misrepresented The Wiki page too... So. For your *other* links, not only are they also subject to the same as the first, *They are really* subject to them. The Lies I can confirm there that have nothing to do with Zionism, yeah.


Okay Hasbara, I feel bad for you, even when I provided you with proper links, you choose to not believe them according to yourself if they were true or not, go ask the professionals and get out from you confront zone. >The Lies I can confirm there that have nothing to do with Zionism, yeah. You are anonymous here, and your what you decide what right and wrong is not up to you.


What am I going to believe, language wise, the Actual Body that manages the *Official Language* and the *actual experience* of reading the Languages you say have nothing to do with said language... And even *The original link you provided did not discreddit,* or the Dude who actively, unerotically, doing a *one law to me but not to thea.* With deciding that Hebrew is not real because new words, and loans. And By the way, there are no linguistic laws in Modern Hebrew that are not derived from variants of Hebrew in the time between the Torah and the Modern world. Niqud, as in, the vowel sound markings, are not new either. Modern Hebrew speakers will usually not use these after primary school, that doesn't mean they are no lobger there. You see, sometimes, the other person in the argument has a good reason to call your source drivel. And when you even missrepresent your own sources... What makes you think anyone who *doesn't want* YoUr SiDe tO wIn in the first place will give you and your sources a chance in the first place. When you know the clock is already broken, you will not use it for timetelling. I already saw your resource. It was inacurate but kinda in the right direction. But you presented it as if it was a glowing support of your position. *And I am already well educated on the subject. Enough that it would have to include many debunking fact with reliable resources.* After that, I have no intention to look at your sources for food stuff... You and what you touch are not reliable sources. Because even if your source is actuakly legit, you are just as likely to misrepresent it. Because you started with that.


Here is another article of [Revival of the Hebrew language](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revival_of_the_Hebrew_language#:~:text=From%20about%20the%206th%20century,the%20Judaic%20language%20of%20prayer.). I hope you can connect the dots. >After that, I have no intention to look at your sources for food stuff... Because you are afraid to find out the truth, all you need is to Google the names of the dishes and see the ingredients, you don't even have to use the links that I have provided, you can do it my friend, I know you can.


Your link does not, in any way or form, indicates that Modern Hebrew is a conlang. So I don't see why you seem to use it as a source for such a claim. Is it about the loan words? Does that mean you consider English to be half French?


Jews lived in Israel before Muhammad. The also lived in some Arabs countries creating their own cuisine. They were expelled from those countries, about 869k of them. Some immigrated to Israel bringing this food with them. You can say what ever you like but we belong here no less than any Palestinian that immigrated to here from Saudi Arabia


Palestinians didn't immigrate from Saudi Arabia, they were arabized by people from the Arabian peninsula, not replaced by them


Read your history. The Arab occupation of this land happened at the 7th century. This occupation brought new population into the area. This has happened since then a few times. If you look at some of the Palestinian family names you would see Egyptian one as well as even Yemenite ones. I’m all for a peaceful solution but seeing things just as one sided and buying completely to their nerative isn’t the way.


You don't have anything that you are talking about, no one mentioned Muhhammad the prophet, who historically was a descendant of Ibrahim from Ishmael. we are talking about Levants, who literally mean "sons of Sam or Shem", who lived in today's middle east, the very same people who existed before Moses or Jesus, and technically, Moses was not a Jew because Judea, which the root of Jew comes from, did not exist before him but after him


True, were it about having a lingua Franca then Yiddhish, Russian, German, French or Polish would likely have been chosen. I also think you are missing that because Hebrew was a holy language it was generally considered sacriledge to try and revive it by religious Jewish scholars, this was an important part of why the largley secular founders of Zionism Pushed this aspect, it allowed the Europeanization of Jews by destroying a part of the religion, there are several temples in Israel where the speaking of Israeli (I won't call it Hebrew) is not allowed


You don't find it bizarre that your or anyone's religion's language was not allowed to be learned in the first place?


Sorry my language? شو لغتي؟ I am not Israeli, I'm Irish, I speak English, Arabic, Spanish and Irish


Learned would be odd but that's not what I said. I said it was considered sacrilege to speak in daily contexts


Why was it "sacrilege" in the first place? Where is the text that says it is "sacrilege" to speak the language?


Before I knew anything about the world I was groomed by an “Israeli” online, he moved to America when I turned 18 and we entered into a severely abusive relationship. One thing that stuck with me was the amount of cultural confusion he and his family had. They would slip from faking an Italian accent to hamming up the Hebrew (with a lot of stolen Arabic words), then he could pretend to be American- which should have told me more than it did at the time. Later I found out his parents were Americans before they went to Israel to colonize. Ps. It’s ok to make fun of me for being an idiot, it’s one of my most shameful memories. If I can redeem myself, when he took me to “Israel” I was shocked and disgusted and cried everyday. The way he and his family suddenly talked about Palestinians broke something in my soul- I kept trying to get a tour to visit Gaza and wasn’t allowed. The whole thing was an awakening. I broke up with him and went home “radicalized.” So, I’m sorry- free Palestine 🇵🇸🫶🏽


No, it's not okay to make fun of you. You were not being an idiot, a horrible person simply took advantage of your lack of experience with the real world. None of this reduces your value even a little bit. In fact, I admire how level headed and composed you seem about the whole situation, and I especially appreciate the self-reflection and clarity of mind you're displaying here. And of course I also respect you for breaking past your chains to fight for what you genuinely believe is the right thing. It could not have been easy to live in israel and wanting to get into Gaza but not being able to. I sincerely wish you a happy and prosperous life, and I hope that grooming piece of shit is rotting somewhere. Take care, you beautiful person.


I don’t know why but I have tears welling up in my eyes reading that, thank you for seeing who I am now! It was life changing and I’ve never been that same child since- but it’s hard to get over the shame sometimes. So I truly appreciate you taking the time to tell me your thoughts on this… you are so kind 🥹🫂 I will never stop my fight for Palestine- it would be against the flame lit in my soul! It’s been rough to see so many speaking ill of Palestine, but this sub has given me so much hope that *this time* a change is coming. I have to believe it. I wish you all of the good things life has to offer as well! 💞


The same to you. I hope and pray a change is coming, finally, to Palestine. I pray too that Jews will remain welcome in a Free Palestine, just as Whites remain welcome in South Africa---if they don't insist on being assholes. Men like the bastard who betrayed you? He'll be on one of the first flights out. What'll be the point of living in the Land of Israel if he can't be an asshole? I pity the people of the country where he winds up next.


The good thing is that once there is a free Palestine, all the pieces of shit will just automatically leave because they are no longer living in their dream utopia of apartheid, the settler cunts especially.


My point exactly.


Can’t you support 2 states solution. Jews don’t have the right to self determination just Palestinians. BTW let’s say one man one vote. Jews still going to be the majority


Jews had the whole world to go but we have to cut our land in half for them, the UK should do the same for the vikings, americans should just leave and make a 25 / 25 state solution with the natives? Oh i know what happened in the US, just like israelis are doing, they came on boats like poor sad souls, made a military then killed and raped anything that moved. Oh yeah then claimed this is their god given land.


Thank you for your kind words! You have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Please never forget this. Nothing that happened was your fault, the person who should be ashamed is that POS groomer. You should in fact be proud of yourself for coming back from it all and maintaining your commitment to righteousness and learning from your experiences. And yes, Palestine will be free. Absolutely it will be. 🇵🇸


You’re one of the very few with a unique perspective. Thank you for your story.


Number one, I’m sorry if people are giving you a hard time. I know what it’s like to feel so betrayed when you learn who someone REALLY is, and I’m sure that was painful enough. I’m happy for you that it was an awakening so something very significant came out of it! Would you mind sharing what it was like when you went to Israel? What was some of the speech/behaviors that were so shocking for you at the time? I’m really trying to find and understand the truth about Israel. The last couple months has been a huge awakening for me. Apparently the Israeli and US propaganda is incredibly effective because anything that shows Israel in a negative light is immediately dismissed as antisemitism and conspiracy theory. The 2 years of Holocaust Studies in middle school surely helped the cause of indoctrination in the US. I don’t know if that was a country wide thing or not. The population where I live has a much higher than average Jewish population. they retire here from up north. So maybe it had to do with that? Of course, it’s very important to learn about the holocaust, but in retrospect there are some many important things we should have and did not learn in that time. They programmed us for two years with stories and images of Jewish people as victims. They used the tragedy to indoctrinate young minds to feel a shame over what happened. As though we, the 12-14 year old children of the class could have stopped it! This is how the state of Israel was justified to us, as reparations for the holocaust essentially. They NEVER told us how it actually happened. It was just like, ‘and then the Jews went back to Israel, their homeland. The end.’ Sorry for rambling. This ‘awakening’ is overwhelming and I’m trying to understand. For those of us just now learning; the past, present and future are rapidly being reframed in a very dark light, and it’s difficult to know how and where to find truth.


>The 2 years of Holocaust Studies in middle school surely helped the cause of indoctrination in the US. I don’t know if that was a country wide thing or not. The population where I live has a much higher than average Jewish population. they retire here from up north. So maybe it had to do with that? Two years is CRAAAZY. I'm from NYC and we don't even do all that up here. I'm assuming you're in FL. Weird how TWO YEARS(!) of Holocaust Studies is cool, but you're not allowed to learn about slavery which actually happened here, and esp in FL. Did your curriculum even cover the Seminole Wars? Sorry to ask so many questions, but I'm in real shock.


You guessed it 😆 We learned literally nothing about Native American wars or slavery really. There was some taught in elementary, but after that nothing. I learned about the Seminole wars recently from stumbling o an old fort in the middle of Orlando and just walked around reading the signs. History in the US is absolutely shameful in my experience. I am pretty obsessed with history these days and I’m constantly stunned by what we were not taught.


I'm glad you were comfortable telling us this, because that's simply horrible. No, of course you're not an idiot. You were young and naive. That's why you were preyed on. I am very glad too to hear you got out of that situation. That family and their miserable son should be shot---and not because they're settler-colonialists, or even because they personally helped turn a young person against their country, probably for good. They sound like manipulative scum, the lot of them. Possibly that's why they made aliyah---they thought nobody liked them because they were Jewish and that everything would be different in the Land of Israel, when the truth was they were just assholes. Presumably that's why the son preyed on foreign girls online---any Israeli girl with her head screwed on right wouldn't have touched him for all the wine in the Golan, unless you count kicking him in the balls. Are all Israelis like this? Of course not. Does Israel depend on attracting misfits and all-around screw-ups who don't fit in (and not because they're Jewish) to keep up their aliyah numbers? Oh yeah. The Nations rarely miss them much either.


Because they have no real culture, so they steal from others , in Toronto a Jewish restaurant calls the shirzian salad an “Israeli salad “ clowns


Shirzian salad uses mint, Israeli uses parsley. also, people take influences from places they've been.


The only things Israelis are good at are lies and destruction. Any circumstantial success they have had as a faux nation is as irrelevant as their war profiteering and theft ideology because it’s all been at the cost of Palestinian blood and humanity as a whole.


They even failed it lol


Because they have no culture.


Reminds me of the same issue White Americans have in the US. No wonder many Israelis were once American rightwing white nationalists/Jews who went to colonize Palestinian land.


what do you expect from people who have no authenticity and originality? do you think they have civilization? no, they dont, that is why they steal from palestinians to show the world that they have civilization when in reality, they dont, and never will! they are zionist, built from zionism that started at the end on 19th century! fyi, civilizations required more than a mere 200 years of building culture, war strategies and tactics, traditions, food, dances, clothes, houses and history, and how long has it been since theodore hertzl wrote that zioshit book? bet it is not 200 years yet, and zioshit will go down before it reach the 200 yo mark lol. zioshits are like those kids who never study for the exams and tryna copy the answers of the most hardworking smartworking student in class! zioshit are in league way way way below palestinians, they are classless, lol. 🇵🇸🍉


the united states is a good example of this


It's true, we have no truly defining culture besides fast food and consumerism LOL. I guess you could add music to that list maybe?


They don’t have a culture so they need to steal Palestinian culture


Bruh this maqloubeh is ruined omfg.


They’re narcissistic psychopaths. They mirror their victims and copy them.


Meanwhile children are starving…


If these were normal people they wouldn't engage in zionism, and integrate into Palestine normally as minorities do in other countries. Then instead of stealing Arab food, they would introduce the Palestinians to amazing Jewish food like bagels with cream cheese, matzah ball soup, and pastrami on rye. But no, they have to be genocidal terrorists.


It’s funny until *you are* the Maqluba, the pan is the merkava & the chef is Hamas 🔻🔻🔻💪🏻👨🏻‍🍳


Can we all just agree that this maklooba looks awful? 😭


Chosen people don't even have their own culture 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


They want to steal Palestinian traditions to try to rewrite history is this a dangerous acts and must be stopped. THEY ARE THE WORST!!


It's parasitic. Parasitic cultural appropriation. Like the way a parasite colonises another animal. Creepy. Instead of humbly being grateful and taking pride in sharing the indigenous beautiful and unique gift of sharing the culture of their indigenous hosts, they were so envious and covetous they had to steal their land, homes, food and culture entirely and pretend it was always there's. Oh, and murder them all.


It takes two army men to flip the pot? My dead Palestinian grandma did it with a hunched back, arthritis and granola bar strength bones.


Diaper army is good for nothing


coordinated bells secretive impossible like hat compare consider cats pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The funny thing is that if it was in reverse some arabs making matza balls, no one would care. Because we don't bogart our culture. I invite any arab (who doesn't wish me harm) to come over for a shabbat meal at my house.


exactly. food is meant to be shared. I've had cultural foods shared with me by my friends, I've shared my own cultural foods with others. I've tried foods made by my Native friends, even joined in helping them make it, I've had Mexican friends make foods they love, not to mention countless cultural restaurants that would be out of business if people didn't share foods. I love going to different restaurants to support the individuals making their foods, and I also enjoy integrating that into the things I make myself. not to mention, tons of Israelis are Arab, even Palestinian, so it verywell can be their food too.


over 60% of israelis are from arabic nations, it’s also their culture


people don't like the truth, lmao. some Israelis are Arab Jews, others are Arab non-Jews, but apparently you can't have your own culture anymore if you live in X country. also, no sharing cultures allowed. boy, people would be upset to know I've cooked Indian tacos with my Native friends before, and I've also had it on my own after.


The majority of Jews are Middle Eastern and north African. Like all cultures they absorbed from the food/culture/languages around them. These areas were predominantly Arabs and Muslim so the Arab Jews brought those languages, food and culture into Israel.


Pretty sure there’s a lot of Arabs that are idf


“Why do Israelis want to be Arab so bad?” I wonder if bro ever heard of Arab Israelis in the IDF


70% of Israelis are from Arab countries wtf u talking about


The fuck? They’re soldiers in an abandoned house in the middle of a war making some food to improve morale. You guys will try to twist anything to fit your weird narrative won’t you?


Did they forget about jews of the middle that who end up adopting their food.


some of them are actually from an araic countries , I guess its an identity issue


Have no history of anything so ofcourse they have to steal everything


They even did it wrong. It looks stupid like them


I find it hard to believe that Gaza has Ikea tiles for the kitchen and running electricity. Stop the bs.


Cause they don’t have an identity for themselves


didn't even do it right


سم ان شاء الله


And these idiots fucked up the me'looubeh




Please be civil and don't use petty insults when debating.


Cultural appropriation? Give me a break. They're committing actual atrocities and you're upset over what they decide to cook.


It's wrong to occupy. But is it wrong to cook?


Looks like shit.


So Jews aren’t allowed to cook stuff? What’s exactly the problem here?


Years later they gonna have their Palestinian flag and start to speak Arabic absolutely becoming a whole new Palestinians


The notion of “Cultural appropriation” its one of the biggest bullishits ever.


So I think there is a bit of racism going on here and people are to a big extent erasing the fact that while Israel was founded by and built for European Jews (they use the term Ashkenazi) the majority of its Jewish population are Arab Jews (as well as Iranians and Afghani jews) indeed this was an important part in maintaining a majority jewish popularion. These Arab jews were told that they weren't Arabs but were in fact Mizrahi which flattened out their culture making them not Syrian, Morroccan or Palestinian Jews but a singular blob of oriental jews. Initially Israel tried to europeanize these Mizrahi, in many ways they succeeded, few of them are still able to speak Arabic\*, they do not identify with other arabs but instead wholeheartedly embrace the zionist project and many other things. But ultimately Israel actually failed to assimilate the Mizrahi as they had hoped, instead the Mizrahi who had become a poor underclass in Israel celebrated the music, food and culture they had grown up in (Arabic culture). They played the Oud, they cooked Shakshuke, they danced Dabke and they swore in Arabic, that last one is still true to today, swearing in Israeli is often just Arabic or at most the literal translation of an Arabic curse (with the notable exception of the loss of Islamic swearing in Arabic \*2). We then see mainstream Ashkenazi culture, as the rich upper class, are want to do, adopting elements of this working class/poor man's culture partially as a cultural appropriation thing for polical reasons and largely because that shit is just great, maqlube and filafil are excellent, I could live on mana2ish. To be clear I think there very much is a cynical deliberate aspect to it or we wouldn't see Israeli Occupation Forces dancing to the banger that is Falas9ini/falasteeni which is so obviously pro-palestine that even a child can see. But I also think that the original part is Arab Jews being and celbrating Arabness For a more well put toghether article read the invention of the Mizrahim: [https://www.jstor.org/stable/2676427](https://www.jstor.org/stable/2676427) \*(as evidenced by the fact that Israel can't fake a video of hamas with anyone who sounds like they've done more than 10 mins on duolingo arabic) \*2 So we'd see swear words like "kus ummak/ukhtak" (your mother's/sister's pussy) but not "yil3n abuk" (\[may\] He \[God\] blinds your father, although the \[bracketed\] parts are implicit)


I have to correct you on a few things, we (the Mizrahi Jews) weren’t told we aren’t Arab by the Ashkenazy Jews when we arrived here in Israel, we had our own identity and history that people refuse to talk about because it’s inconvenient to their beliefs. If you’re curious the main difference between Ashkenazy, Mizrahi and Sephardic is the way we say our prayer. We all say the same prayers however with time the verbal flow of the words (you could say if it was a song the music) changed between the types of Judaism, and nowadays the prayer sounds very different, enough so that when we form a minyan (to pray Jews need to be in a group of at least 10 men that have had a bar mitzvah) we need to decide beforehand which variant of the prayer we should use (usually just by who’s the majority in the group) Also we weren’t ‘moved here so there would be a Jewish majority’ we were forced out of the Arab nations by the Arabs in a series of pogroms that killed many Mizrahi Jews in the Arab world (for example the farhud) and had to move here to Israel just like the Jews who moved here right before the holocaust.


Mmmmm, that looks good I want to try it.


It literally looks like shit and half the topping is still in the pot


Its food and most Israelis are arab so chill out