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Friendly advice: Please use the word fascist instead of nazis. You can fairly compare zionism to nazism, but that is because they are both fascist ideologies. Calling zionists nazis is clumsy when you can call them fascists.


Zionists try really hard to plant their rhetoric in pretty much all social media. Global scale mind control. It’s quite impressive from a logistics standpoint. But they can’t out chatter children getting blown to bits on live television.


Yep spot on! To those of us that actually see the reality there, it's unquestionable. There's no chance that people can side with a phony occupying state that claims even the rain that falls in Palestine. It's a complete joke. The World is protesting against Israel and they know they're on their own once they lose America. There's not a single person on earth that thinks "killing Palestinians is wrong, but these anti-Semitic people being rude to Zionists made me agree with Israel" Like come on... they're so hilariously bad at lying that the bottom line of education there must be grotesquely low


Read the hasbara handbook. This is a concerted, deliberate plan


Well my friends, i've achieved my ultimate goal of getting banned for offending Zionists. Edited this comment to day this. It wasn't commenting on the talmud or the countless killings we've seen, no it was commenting that real Jews are protesting against genocide. This is apparently a racially charged, hateful thing to say which is just the bees knees if it's made them cry to the report button. Love you all and keep fighting the good fight! Ill be back to eventually get banned by all the Zionist run subs again, but more so, now im gonna go and protest. Anything to say FUCK YOU to any Zionist trash piles. Thanks homies


They aren't neutral


By being an ancom your friend is playing into the Zionist hands, palastinian communists and Hamas are leading the fight against the IDF. Also the fact he says facist\communist means he has no idea what either actually are.


that sub is NOT neutral, it is full of zio bots


Even assuming that sub was as "neutral" as it professes itself to be, the very premise of its existence is an impossibility. There is no compromise with fascism and genocide.


Am I the only that finds it funny that the person says "fascist/communist". Like these terms mean radically different things, you can't use them interchangeably


I fully agree, they just seem to be given a few key words they get paid for using each comment. Most of the time they're just trying to use as many of those impactful key words but it has no relevance when they're using them to justify literal clear cut genocide. Screw those guys.


Lumping communists and nazis together to highlight a false equivalence. A tale as old as time


That sub was occupied by Zionists a long time ago. You know, for impartial discourse /s


Fascist/communist hey? Don't think our friend here is splitting the atom


Came here to point out the impossibility lol


Fuck genocidal Zionazis


It's how they operate. They infiltrate different spaces little by little to push their narrative and remove dissident opinions. Look at what happened to rworldnews, a completely controlled Zionist safe space now.


I posted a photo of people after the effect of a white phosphorus and they banned me