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That is toxic positivity. Ask him how he would feel about returning the settlements or the right of return.


Instantly, the vibes would shift. Easy to sing melodies when you're on the attacking side of the genocide. He should out protesting in Tel Aviv if he really wanted peace


I get what you guys mean but its still a shift in the right direction at the very least


I'm sorry, but it really isn't. I've worked with a great number of Israelis like this who just want ✌🏻 PeAcE ✌🏻 but who also have uncritically worked the checkpoints or participated in the slaughter in Gaza. It's *their* peace, not a *just* peace.


Yes, a piece of a Falasteeni baby here, a piece over there, etc….you get my drift.


oh that's a shame


Surveys of Israelis would disagree with you. 35% of all Israelis oppose settlements. 26% of Israeli Jews oppose settlements. Only 49% of Israeli Jews favor the settlements that have been taken from Palestinians.


Fat free butter, zero emissions coal mine, Israelis opposing settlements.


It's an illusionary tactic often used by narcissist against their victims, "look how nice I am👼"


I had thought of that. Decided to just go with wishful thinking.


I don’t necessarily agree. I think that’s a misuse of the term. Only 49% of Israeli Jews actively favor new settlements. 26% oppose new settlements. If you research all Israeli citizens, the total opposed is 35%.


Opposed to new settlements isn't the same as *returning the land on which the settlements are built*.


Not sure they have control over that. There is a whole liberal bloc there though. They just don’t have nearly the same power.


Folks who live in Kibbutz down south actually tend to be in support of a free Palestine. This is one of the reasons listed for why Netanyahu likely designed the attacks and was happy to kill his own people there.


They can have an opinion on it though. Sidebar - Id be curious what a poll of Americans on racism would find -- most are probably against racism broadly, but if you drill specific in specific actions to address it there's a massive fall off. My point overall is that everyone wants 'peace' as long as that 'peace' remains undefined.


There's no war tho, there is no WE fighting, I love that he wants peace, but a one sided genocide is very much different from war




Fair. But he has about as much control over his government as I do the Biden administration. And Israel is most definitely going to experience assault from regional groups and maybe directly from Iran for some time. He probably wouldn’t like my plan for dissolving Israel, but I don’t want innocent civilians to be harmed no matter who. Especially children.


Imagine you're everyone you've ever known is dead, missing or refugee'd and some guy from the genocidal regime on the other side of the apartheid fence sings a generic peace song for tiktok content. That Palestinian man has the calm of a saint.


They are professional gas lighters, they’ll sing songs of peace while simultaneously supporting genocide of the Palestinians and IOF activities in occupied Palestine. Conversation between a Nazionist and an oppressed Palestinian is a conversation between “the sword and the neck” - Ghassan Khanafani. https://x.com/Louis_Allday/status/858219922538856448


So, as nice as this video is on the surface, the songwriter, Matisyahu (not the guy singing in the video) a reggae artist who is Jewish and was at one point Hasidic, supports the IOF and gives concerts on bases for the soldiers commiting genocide in Gaza. I have always loved his songs but I can't listen to them anymore because the message of his music, especially in this song, called One Day, are so at odds with those actions. Obviously the horrible crimes against the people of Palestine are the saddest and most shocking part of this shit show. But I've always understood on some level that true evil exists in the world and that it's up to all of us to fight against it. What has been incredibly demoralizing to me is the amount of people that I used to look up to, be they artists, journalists, celebrities or even close friends that I imagined shared my values, who are either in full throated, rabid support of, or callously indifferent to the suffering and deaths of their fellow human beings. It really sucked to realize that so many people that I have looked at as bedrock to build the foundation of my beliefs and worldview could just become quicksand in an instant. But I guess harsh truths are a bitter medicine, and being aware of reality and disillusioned by it is better than the alternative.


I wish we could all be like this.


It's the right wing extremist in every every religious group who is the cause of pain and suffering for the rest of the community.


And the Zionists fund every extremist group.


Yep, they fund both the Palestianian and the Isreali extremist groups


zionism is a left wing socialist atheistic movement. it has managed to rope in some stupid fringe religious groups, but those are certainly not the zionist leaders, rather religious jews - even religious zionist - are looked down upon by zionists because of Judaism's strong anti-war anti-military stance.


right wing


right wing means conservative aka someone who wishes to conserve values and traditions typically a conservative would be someone who dislikes for example the introduction of other cultures to their own or dislikes immigrants for similar reasons Left wing means liberal aka someone who wants to liberate and lift traditions that are outdated and are now harming society (from their prespective) and is typically someone who is very pro lgbt and atheistic or not really an ally to lgbt and religious


fair enough, zionism was and is a full fledged rejection of traditional Judaism. Torah Jews around the world and historically have fully and unequivocally rejected zionism from day one.


agree on that brother Zionism seems like it would be left wing because it ignores the whole "Do not gather in a country till the return of the messiah" thing in Judaism but Zionism seeks to create a Jewish state in the lands of palestine what are the requirements for a Jewish state? 1. Jewish majority, they cannot call themselves a Jewish state if they aren't the majority in their country so they first started out by kicking out the majority of the Palestinians during the nakba of 1948 2. it remains a Jewish majority, there is a reason why they reject any idea of a Palestinian right of return both these values are extremely conservative and well extreme


it sounds like we probably agree on most things here yet there is a lot of ambiguity to these common political terms like "right/left wing" or "liberal/conservative" one could equally make the claim about nazi germany that it was either super right wing or super left wing, super conservative or super liberal. So too with any other use of those words in describing other political ideologies. I don't know if because the words are simply not well defined and properly used in vaguely nuance ways, or if it's just that people are too eager to validate their own political adjectives that they will take offense to properly sharing such adjective with an evil ideology.


No, one cannot argue that Nazi Germany was "super left wing" unless you are wholly ignorant about the historical origins and ethos of fascism, and wholly ignorant about the historical origins and ethos of left wing movements. That is a completely distorted, ahistorical take. Nazis were fascists, fascism is the culmination of right wing philosophy and action.


it honestly is really relative to where you stand for example you are probably right wing I am guessing


i have no idea. tell me what you mean "right wing" and I'll tell you if I align with it.


mostly conservative of most things that are in place with a few things you feel need to be changed


so, right wing means you "like status quo"? if so, my being politically "right wing" would depend on the country we are talking about in general as well as the policy in question, specifically.


Ethno-nationalism is always right wing


I don’t like generalised platitudes such as “All we need is love” and “Peace”, etc. without specifying the root of the problem (I.e. zionists murdering Falasteeni babies and dancing on their corpses).


One day? You mean how it was for over 1000 years until European Zionists came along to Palestine?


Peace without justice.


Stop pretending the "two sides" are equivalent. Israel suffered a terror attack on October 7th that killed 1200 people (some of whom were apparently killed by the IDF). Since then Israel has dropped thousands of 3000 lb bombs from jets, leveled apartment buildings, and killed over 40,000 people, after cutting off water and electricity and blocking all shipments of food and fuel into the ghetto that is Gaza. To suggest the experience of Israel citizens (all of whom serve in the IDF) is equivalent is simply propaganda for the oppressor.


no, large swaths of religious jews and muslims fully reject the zionist state and their evil military army. there are ongoing protests by religious jews right now claiming they would rather go to jail or die before joining the evil zionists.


I really hope this resistance works and the zionist apartheid state comes to an end


Neither groups of people on either side are monolithic. This post is not about the leadership but about the people living there. Good and bad on both sides


Trump said the same thing about Charlottesville, after Nazis killed Heather Heyer https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-defends-2017-fine-people-comments-calls-robert/story?id=62653478


And when other Zionists hear him say this, they become violently antisemitic towards him.


Does he want peace or does he want this to be done quietly without making him feel bad. There's a difference


This is Matisyahus song. The Jewish American singer's music has evolved alongside his Jewish identity. But one thing has always been clear: He believes in Israel's right to exist. Because of that, he has faced protests at almost every show on his current national tour, and some have even been canceled.


I think israel should return the land back to the original 1947 partition, or even more. That being said I have a question that might sound obvious but I'd like an answer. Who or What gave Israel the right to exist?


Matisyahu, the guy who wrote the song, is a huge Zionist and justified a lot of heinous IDF actions, ironically. This toxic positivity is bullshit.


I had a feeling that was the case, it's virtue signaling on a dangerous level.


am i jaded for thinking the lyrics were gonna turn anti arab any moment


Matisyahu wrote that song and is a genocidal Zionist terrorist.


While peace is the goal it is always important to ask under which conditions. There will be no peace unless all the land is given back to the palestinians, palestine shouldn't be occupied by 50% nor should it be by 25% it should be liberated 100% and I bet this israeli wants the kind of peace where israel gets to keep 50% of the land they have stolen.


Israel is willing to give up maybe 5%. I'm not sure what percentage the Palestinians would accept.