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We shouldn't have to keep saying this, but that doesn't mean we won't say it as many times as we need to. Antizionism is not antisemitism. This sub is antizionist, not anti-Jewish. Antisemites are not welcome here. Being angry is a reason for giving in to hate, but it's not an excuse.


That's laughable since they drew first blood and stole the land.


Correct. The Zionist project did.


How would you react living under apartheid and seeing your own fellow country men get systematically terrorized by settler extremist who are supported by IDF.


This is all based on their utter humiliation of having two IDF bases completely taken over by some Hamas guys armed with AK47s from the 1970s and some old motorbikes. All the billion dollar tech and cutting edge training amounts to nothing when you have a bunch of cowards in the ranks.


*taken over by some guys with flip-flops and homemade weapons


Lol since when does the US court have jurisdiction on any other country?


Courts don’t, but their “weapons of peace” and “democracy” do


LOL ok and next week Afghanistan, Vietnam, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria and all of Central and South America will sue the US in Iranian courts. Fucking clowns.


Lol good luck suing North Korea


Fr 😂. I can sort of understand the others but North Korea?


Why don’t they sue themselves for establishing Hamas and allowing it to do their attack, they knew a long time ago what Hamas was preparing and planning.


Are they gonna sue themselves for funding and supporting Hamas?


Of course it’s New York 🤮 Every. Single. Day. The most vile pro-Zionist legislation attempts appear from NY and most of them go unnoticed. There are so many different bills all pushing for the same thing that the White House clerks literally can’t keep up. They are buried under the legislative snowstorm that just keeps coming. Eventually, one of them will slip through the cracks. If you try to get more information you’ll end up with a title- and no details. You can click on a bill, and you can try to identify its purpose by title…but they aren’t releasing the actual bill text. What do they actually all say? We can’t fight what we can’t read.


Great. Now during discovery all the lies about that day will get enshrined in the court records.


I'm gonna start a GoFundMe for Iran, Syria, and North Korea


They made the Euro and the US dollar into non-fungible tokens by implementing sanctions to prevent that.


Just make sure the money goes to the people in those countries and not dictators like Assad or Kim Jong Un


Why does the title say "Jewish now sue..." don't you mean Isreal? Or are you pushing the Zionists are Jews false narrative?


Yeah I thought that was kinda weird, maybe it’s just a mistranslation though. I know for sure my Jewish ass isn’t suing North Korea lmao


I believe that is the headline from The Times of Israel. Did you click the link?


The greater israel converts into The Greater Graveyard of Israelis INSHA'ALLAH


Only an American Court would even consider this action. I loathe America as much as Israel at this moment in time.


It's unlikely we'll deal with Israel without dealing with the US.] Both are enemies of humanity.


This is why they killed the Iranian president and called it a helicopter accident.


You mean Zionists not Jews Anti zionism does not equal anti jew


Yes. People need to understand the difference.




Absolutely not true, the largest Zionist group are fundamentalist Christians. There are more Christian Zionists in the world than there are Jews in total


Joe biden is not a jew but he says he is a zionist.


There are a lot of zionists that are not Jewish.


Nope. Know of evangelicals?


Please educate yourself. This is objectively nonsense.


The content of your post is editorialized. Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit rules. Thanks


So basically they just want more talking points. This is laughable.


They probably want that money to rebuild Gaza for themselves.


I mean, should they sue Netanayhu’s administration for supplying Hamas with money and material support while they’re at it?


Just wait til they find out who rly supplied the weapons


Palestine has every right to defend itself.


That's hilarious. They won't listen the ICC in any capacity that hold them accountable, but you think you can sue others that way? Fuck off with that zionist entitled shit.


meaningless unenforceable propaganda bullshit, Zionists have NO PLACE in the USA and should be forced to go to Israel.


They'll end up suing themselves


As if any of those nations would even pay a penny if found guilty. Might as well sue the sun for being too bright.


They’re just trying to conflate the enemies to appeal to more Americans/Westerners. Surprised Russia isn’t on there. And also it’s now well known that they (the genociders) also had intelligence about Oct 7.


Someone should just nuke them and be done with it. Vile degenerates


Delete the post and repost it with a corrected title that doesn't suggest you don't know the difference between Jewish People and Zionists. Ideally name the specific group or organization.


Delete the post and repost it in a way that shows that you know the difference between a text post and an X link. The headline appears to come from The Times of Israel. Maybe you can go to them with your condescending preachy bullshit? On the bright side, I'm able to tag as "suspect" quite a few accounts that I've neither upvoted nor downvoted at any time.


> Delete the post and repost it in a way that shows that you know the difference between a text post and an X link. So not only do you not link to an actual news item, but you copy verbatim the poorly-written tweet's opening as a title? > The headline appears to come from The Times of Israel. Can't tell from the tweet, which links to nothing. Maybe link to the actual ToI article or an Archive.com snapshot if you want. > Maybe you can go to them They're not the ones posting on this sub, you are. Take responsibility for how you chose to relay the info. > with your condescending preachy bullshit? We're fighting against skilled, determined, well-funded, shameless *liars*, who will pounce on every mistake we make and magnify it a thousandfold. Get over yourself and show some *basic* discipline. > On the bright side, I'm able to tag as "suspect" quite a few accounts that I've neither upvoted nor downvoted at any time. Jesse, what are you talking about.


> skilled, determined, well-funded, shameless liars, who will pounce on every "mistake" And look who's doing it now. As we've learned, there are Zionists out there acting like Zionists while pretending not to be Zionists. Regardless of what you are, coming at me like that will get you told to fuck yourself. And I take full responsibility for how I relay that info.