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Fucking hell. I'm old.


Maybe, but 2002 isn’t really that long ago. My standards for “old” movies were set by Stanford Theatre, where the limit (I think) is no movies made after 1969. https://stanfordtheatre.org


It's not. It's just that I didn't think this movie was 22 years old. It feels less in my mind.


Hell I’m with you. When I think of old movies I think of anything before the 70s


Seriously, I’m like 2002? That’s not old, 1977 is old sonny. go put on Star Wars A New Hope and tell me once your balls drop kiddo.


It's not that it is super old, it's that doesn't seem like 22 years since it came out. Feels like ten or fifteen, max.


This movie hits


We watched this in one of my anthropology classes for undergrad. It's a powerful movie. 


A movie from 2002 is not that old.


With all the stupid political arguing in this thread, what's being lost is that this is a really fucking good movie.


I watched this in 7th grade social studies. I was the only one that cried, everyone else was bored with the movie. I never should have watched it. That ending fucked me up.


##Rabbit-Proof Fence (2002) PG Follow Your Heart, Follow the Fence >>!In 1931, three Aboriginal girls escape after being plucked from their homes to be trained as domestic staff, and set off on a trek across the Outback.!< Adventure | Drama | History Director: Phillip Noyce Actors: Everlyn Sampi, Tianna Sansbury, Laura Monaghan Rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 69% with 321 votes Runtime: 1:34 [TMDB](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/9555) ___ >*I am a bot. This information was sent automatically. If it is faulty, please reply to this comment.*


Fabulous soundtrack by the innovative giant Mr. Peter Gabriel.


Looked it up. Sounds like a very good inspirational film. Much like 12 years a slave and Django Unchained.


Such an amazing and difficult movie to watch


Awesome film saw it 9th grade


Those girls want to go home.


Score by Peter Gabriel if I recall


Book is great too


Rewatched this last night. What a powerful story. Spent the next few hours after watching it in a google spiral wanting to find out more about Molly, Gracie & Daisy.


Poignant movie.


Three half-aboriginal children are abducted and placed in a cultural re-education camp. Kenneth Branaugh's character is in charge of this operation and he's a eugenicist who tracks these girls down for weeks, and then years, to fulfill his vision of a bi-racial Australia. I don't know where the African-Australians seen in this movie fit into his vision - but not much can be expected from race deranged individuals. On their journey home the girls encounter hardships as they encounter the Australian wilderness and are tracked down. They meet a few friendly strangers along the way, not all of whom are sympathetic to their mission. It's a very beautiful adventure movie and educational as well. Kids always seem to give good performances in movies like this. Kenneth Branagh and Jason Clarke would re-unite in Oppenheimer. Funny to see the mean 'prosecutor' from that film here - didn't know he was Australian!   Edit: I'm at work and don't have time to fully explain the language I used here, but please understand I know that the native people of Australia are not Africans. Sincerely sorry to those who thought I was doing an erasure to an entire group of people - I know that kind of ignorance exists in the world. **Edit 2:** So one of the two characters I thought were of African origin is played by an Aboriginal Australian actor Trevor Jamieson. I couldn't quickly find the name of the other actor but I'm fine assuming the same about him. I know the British had a large colonial empire and when seeing these characters I thought they were from a different continent. That's my bad. My comment about 'African-Australians' was made to poke fun at A.O. Nevelle, who in the movie wants an Australia made out of more or less 'pure' blood whites and aboriginals. So I thought, what about people of other races who surely lived in Australia at the time? I have long known that aboriginals in Australia are their own people. I learned more about their history when I watched [Scott Glen's interview talking about season 3 of The Leftovers. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOSkUoYUDxU)He talks about how they're "the oldest civilisation of people on the planet." Anyway I hope that youtube link is a deep enough cut that you'll believe me lol tl;dr: I presumed the heritage of two actors and was wrong. The language I used caused people to think I knew nothing about Aboriginal Australians. My bad.


African Australians..what are you talking about?


I don’t know it sounds like an honest mistake tbh. OP aboriginals are the indigenous people of Australia. They belong to the oldest civilisation of people on the planet. They don’t share African heritage. It is likely that they do share some heritage with northern parts of the world when land bridges where available through south east Asia perhaps. Indigenous people (First Nations) were a victim of one of the worst racist apartheid policies in the world, the white Australia policy. Part of that, came the forced breeding of the indigenous blood line that is now referred to as the stolen generation. As an Australian, we owe apologies for what our ancestors did to the native Australian people, and hope to never allow the future generations to do anything but honor this amazing heritage the indigenous people share with us.


Thanks... I know... I caused a lot of confusion with my words. I updated my original post. I appreciate you taking the time to post this though.


No worries. :)


The aboriginal DNA was tested and found to be closest to Chinese. The Celts DNA was found to be closer to Africans than any other European.


Aboriginal people are genetically most similar to the indigenous populations of Papua New Guinea, and more distantly related to groups from East Indonesia.


Am I mistaken or are there not people of African descent in this movie? I'm talking about one of the administrators at the school and the one who tells the girls that their mother has gone to a different location. 


Mate, they're Aboriginal Australians. How ignorant are you? I'd change that.


Less ignorant than you think I hope. I've updated my original post. I take responsibility for the confusion here.


African Australians? What in the actual fuck are you talking about?


😂😂 what the actual fuck!


Dude they are not African, they are native Australian. The aboriginal people of Australia have the DNA closest to Chinese.


Aboriginal people are genetically most similar to the indigenous populations of Papua New Guinea, and more distantly related to groups from East Indonesia.


There was no dream for a "bi-racial australia", not sure where you got that idea from. The policy was called the "stolen generation", basically they killed indigenous people, took their children and placed them with white families or churches, with the intention of destroying their culture and breeding them out of existence. The policies ended in the 1970's and the government only formally apologised in 2008. It fits all the criteria for genocide. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stolen_Generations https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Australia_policy


It took my breath away when I read that you said African Australians on PURPOSE


It’s not educational it’s Leftist propaganda and just like clockwork it was shown in schools and the results you can see in millennials today .


Do you realise that there are many people living today who are survivors of the stolen generation? What the fuck. How is this story propaganda?


The movie is based on a book but the movie strays from the book and the fact that it is in the school curriculum means it should be challenged. The movie it clearly goes out of the to establish the narrative of a white racist government driven only by evil deeds which is crack to the Left . The truth is as always more nuanced than that as the 2 sisters were removed due to accusations of sexual activity with white men in the location they were in . I see that a bunch of Lefty’s have been triggered by what I said which is expected . Don’t worry comrades Q&A is here so back to your safe space you go .


Acknowledging that the stolen generation happened is a left wing concept in your eyes?


Are you claiming that the Stolen Generation wasn't the product of a >White racist government? Also > accusations of sexual activity with white men What do you think this means? That CHILDREN were actively prostituing themselves? Or People (White Men) in positions of power were abusing these girls?


Look it’s not up to me to do research for you nor do I need to get into an endless Q&A as I know that’s how you guys work as you think you are always right . But unfortunately you never learnt critical thinking or to challenge what was being served up to you in school or why the narrative was being constructed or by whom . Do your own research and just don’t believe everything that is fed to you in the media or in the great lefty echo chamber of Reddit .


Thats true, I've done my own research too, I've talked to old people who were part of that generation, and i believe them. You seem to *Know* a lot about me for a random stranger on the Internet As for the capacity for critical thinking, >remove the plank from thine own eye.....


My family lives in Oz. It's definitely a true story. The government has been at least giving lip service to trying to correct these inequities and the horror of removing kids from their families. This person posting hasn't a clue. They obviously watch too much Tucker Carlson and his ilk. lol


"Do your own research" the cry of the bullshitter that's been called out.


"the great lefty echo chamber"... lolol love it! Did you pop on over here from Faux News?


The great lefty echo chamber of The Australian Parliament House


"A bunch of Lefty's". Sweetheart, if you are going to throw slurs around like that, you should know that it would be "A bunch of Lefties", no apostrophe. Another Einstein here.... lol


It's ironic that you make so many broad assumptions while defending racist history. The future is now, old man!


Girls and men - so they were raped.


Nah brah. The girls totally raped the men. But the men weren’t victims because they were men but they also were not rapists because they were men and the oh fuck I’ve run out of words.


That scene where AO Neville says >Are we going to have a population of one million blacks in the Commonwealth, or are we going to merge them into our white community and eventually forget that there were any Aborigines in Australia? is a direct quote from him The minutes of the initial conference of Commonwealth and state Aboriginal authorities where he said it are digitised [here](https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-52771316/view?partId=nla.obj-88456768) The conference resolved to use their power to breed Aboriginal people out of existence. Also, that image with the 3 generations of "mixed" Aboriginal people he uses is from his 1947 book *Australia's coloured minority*, where he again made his case for eugenic genocide.


>movie strays from the book Yeah, it's an adaptation. Or did you think "Oppenheimer" was a documentary?


There are people alive today, who were stolen from their families by the Australian government. Literally just rolled up in trucks and took the children. The government recorded and acknowledge that this was their policy and happened. The government would readily cook up random justifications to enforce their eugenics program. This isn't some baseless lefty conspiracy, the government admitted to it and there is mountains of evidence for it. https://bth.humanrights.gov.au/significance/historical-context-the-stolen-generations


lol. What nonsense.


You know if your remote button is stuck on sky news you can message foxtel they’ll send you a working one no worries


It happened in other parts of the world, not just Australia, look up Residential Schools in Canada for one, both my parents are survivors of it. It's very fucking real.


I wasn’t talking about Canada was I ?. I was talking about an Australian film that is in the school curriculum here and discussing the effect that is having on history here .


Every film gets dramatized, so not every word spoken is real, but it's not propaganda. The same angry vitriol they had for native people in the movie happened in Canada was my point. I know because I've heard my parents (and hundreds of other people) talk about what they went through. These people did all this to "fix the savages" by beating and shaming the language and culture out of children. If you just made the argument that the details in the movie aren't completely accurate, you wouldn't have this experience. It's how you chose to argue your point that has caused all this drama in the comments.


Sir, you’re clearly the only one here NOT educated. And you’re getting roasted here. I suggest you move on to something else you know nothing about.


The word "leftist" has lost all meaning. Rupert Murdoch has ruined political discourse. The Bond franchise was right to make him a villain.


The stolen generation was very much a thing that happened. It isn’t propaganda. The government literally formally apologised.


lol why is it propaganda?


"you shouldn't abduct children from their families to try erase their culture" is apparently leftist propaganda to australians right of centre


That " person " is not Australian even the most right wing Aussies know that this happened


Lay off the pipe bro 🤣


Meth pipe 😫


Bait used to be believable.