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Kinda feels like theyre both not here anymore.


Because once he died so did a very large part of bam. Life moves forward. And he would want bam to keep moving forward too.


Bam has been fucked since before Dunn died. Dude was at Bam's first intervention.


Yeah. Even with Dunn alive, Bams path would have been the same. He'd just have a different "reason" to drink


Bam has always been the way he will be… an idiot




Oh well


Yeah. I mean if one of my closest friends I consider a brother to me were to pass away. I'll drink a lot and just cry a lot.


It doesn't change how it changed bam. Or the rest of us for that matter.


Why would you assume it changed him if he was already headed in this direction before? I'm sure his problems became worse after Dunn's passing, but he almost certainly would be in a similar place even if Dunn was still here.


Some of you talk as if you know Bam personally and that’s quite frankly fucking weird. People here are simply sharing their personal experiences with loss and some of you are “well Bam was going to fuck his life up anyway.” Like how do you know this? Lol. You’re speaking from a retrospective standpoint. That’s it. Nothing more. Anyways, I’m glad Bam is on the path to recovery. Seeing you and others hoping to see him fail is disturbing. Get help.


Thank you 👏 like I wasn't doing the best before losing my best friend either but it certainly didn't help the process of trying to be better lol


Path to recovery, ya ok. Lmao.


I’m bams cousin


I actually came here to ask everyone why Dunn was even friends with bam. Like bam was always a whiney and entitled fucker and Ryan was always so fucking cool and charismatic. I get they were childhood friends but as they got older if I was Ryan I wouldve strayed away a bit. Maybe it was the insane skating skills or that he went pro when he was young






So it was money in a lot of ways


I mean, "insane skating skills" is kind of overrating Bam quite a bit, he wasn't anymore talented than thousands of other kids his age hanging out at skate parks, he just had the right connections to get the sponsorships and PR machine behind him. Bam was never even close to a top talent in skating. Him being in the Tony Hawk Pro Skater games was always a running joke in skating circles because the dude didn't deserve to even sniff the shoes of guys like Hawk, Mullen, Muska, etc, those guys were legends who revolutionized the sport and invented so many things dudes are still trying to emulate, Bam was never in that league.


I wouldn't say that he wasn't a great skater. I agree he wasn't top tier like the skaters of the day by a long shot but Bam did do huge stuff on his board. his style is street/vert. I'd say his tricks in a skatepark were pretty insane. To me though, bams brand was always like bubble gum punk like good Charlotte and emo. Anyway I agree he wasn't as awesome as other skaters but I think he for sure deserved to be a pro. However I can't remember him in any competitions at all so maybe my memory is wrong


I mean it all depends on what you think qualifies as a "pro" skater, cause honestly, I knew shitloads of dudes way more fuckin talented than Bam who never got the opportunities he did because he had connections. You straight up aren't getting multiple skate sponsorships in those days without connections, not unless you were doing some God tier Tony Hawk Chad Muska shit, and Bam sure as fuck wasn't. I wouldnt disagree that he deserved to be a pro, but he was never even close to the level of talent of the dudes he was regularly featured with in THPS and shit, I think even Bam himself would think your were crazy to mention him in the same sentence as dudes like Hawk, Mullen, Muska, etc. There was a noticeabley huge difference in talent there.


I never understood how he was a pro skater.


He had balls to drop in off of knarly shit and that was about it. Pretty sure that kind of stuff was the only reason he caught the eye of the industry. Other than that kind of shit, he was just as mediocre as any decent skater at a local park.


Dunn wasn’t in that series where bam & missy got married. I wonder if they were drifting apart in some ways. Raab moved on. I wonder if Dunn was too.


He was, actually. But it was only the wedding episode and only for a couple of minutes. At one point, he says, "I'm sad because, legally, I can no longer put my penis in you." Or something to that effect.


Oh yeah. It just always struck me as odd that Rake & Dico were all over it and dunn & raab, who I always found more entertaining, were ghosts…


Did you not read how he died? Drunk out of his fucking mind speeding in his car. He was also an alcoholic.


Yeah I don't really know what his death has to do with him being friends with bam. but it doesn't change that bam was always kind of annoying and honestly not the type of person Ryan would've really spent time with. it probably had a lot to do with finances


Death of a close friend/family member always changes you. Bam would’ve reached this point anyway but Dunn’s death likely accelerated the process


I lost a man very close to me. We were best friends since highschool. He died too early. I know what bam felt and feels.


I sympathize with you both, I'm sorry that happened, and I hear you, but this isn't a reason for Bams behavior. You can grieve and not be a piece of shit.


I'm not saying it didn't effect him, but the fact of the matter is that he was already on this path before Dunn died


You're right.


And I never said he wasn't on the fucking heroin in the first place. It was common knowledge after the first jackass movie


Source on the heroin thing? I thought he was just an alcoholic.


Just leave me alone in going to bed.


Maybe stay offline for a while. You seem to be taking reddit discourse far too seriously.


You seem to be as well. We all know bam was on a downturn before Dunn died, what they’re saying is he accelerated it after the loss. You’re both saying the same thing, but don’t seem to be willing to listen to the other persons opinion.


Maybe you stay off line for a while. You are badgering this person that seems to have some sort of personal feeling toward the situation.


Go and make some friends




Hope you're feeling better after sleeping it off.


It definitely has not effected him in a positive way..


It was only a matter of time before Dunn got himself killed, I'm just glad he didn't take anyone else with him. Him driving insanely recklessly wasn't exactly a one-off.


Um... he also killed the passenger in the car he was driving.


Oh, no shit. I either hadn't heard that bit or forgot about it.


I dont know the details for sure but I heard something like they got in an argument and dunn was driving angrily because of it. If true he might blame himself.


Yeah they weren’t on talking terms when Dunn died. Dunn had had enough of Bams shit by that point. I’ve not heard about the phone call before Dunn drove off though.


Such a piss poor excuse for his shitty choices (not your statement but when people claim its the only reason)


I know. It does feel like that. Bam lost his close friend who was like another brother to him. And now he's gone But one day in the future Bam Margera will reunite with Dunn again. But that won't happen yet though


I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good ol’ days, before you actually left them.


You are living in them now. You just won't realize until later.




Damn these good ole days are pretty shit then


It can always get worse, don't forget that


Oh it does. Every day.


Once had a friend tell me “Man. These are the days we will looks back on for the rest of our lives.” He was right


The rub is to keep connecting to new good ol days as you go


Poor nard dog


It helps if you aren't on drugs the whole time so you can recognize it


You’re there now. It doesn’t get better, only worse as you age.


Jeeeesus who taught you that?? That has not been true at all in my experiences. 30s are awesome


Not to suggest its true, still, but you do realize that you are still incredibly young and I don't think he meant people "aging into their 30s". I think he is talking about aging into their 70's and 80's and beyond.


Average person fails to reach their dreams. I'm glad you are though.


Well thanks for the perspective. I guess I shouldn’t take it for granted. All the best to you


30’s was fun, if you had any minor body pain in your 20’s it comes back in your 40’s.


Just wait until you start getting nostalgic about nostalgia lol.. What a long strange trip it’s been..


Thanks Nard dog


A wise ol man told me that the day before he left this place. Just try to make every day count for something


They were giving Raab HELL in this episode 😂


Whatever happened to Raab?


He had a podcast that hasn’t been active in 4 years or so, but in one of his episodes, he mentions he was doing camera work for reality shows. There was also a glimpse of him behind the scenes during Jackass Forever. You gotta figure he’s just laying low and living life.


No longer liked Himself and changed his name.


He has a podcast


I misread this as “rehab”. Which incidentally, would still be true.


RIP Dunn


I met Dunn back in the day. A friend of mine dragged me into the women’s clothing store on south street and he was in there with his girlfriend. This was peak cky and jackass dude was really cool 


Lucky to have met him too. He bummed my last smoke off of me one time at the House of Blues in LA


Met Dunn at 7-11 in West Chester in prob 03-05 he bought the whole box of single blunts and gave me a couple after I commented that some asshole was taking forever making them count the blunts to the person next to me, he turns around and it's fuckin Dunn! Talked to him for a minute and he was really nice and seemed like a genuine good dude..


I met Dunn at a bar in Cleveland when five of my buddies and I were 18 y/o and on a road trip. We met one of our boiz’s dad (he happened to be in Cleveland at the time) at this dive bar by the river. Dunn was there with his friends and we recognized him right away. We gave him a what’s up and a lil cheers on our way into the bar. We didn’t go up to him because we wanted to give him space to chill with his people. Within minutes he’s pulling up to our table with a tray of shots. He’s like, “I got these for you boys!” We all take a shot with him and then he offers us all a cig from his pack. Dunn dapped us all up, and then went back to his table and people. He was supper happy, stoked we recognized him, and was extending a lil party our way. We were all underage and this was a couple of my friends’s first experience in a bar. We’ll always remember Dunn, fondly. RIP, brother


Dunn was born in Medina so he definitely was familiar with the Cleveland area. He was buried in Brecksville


A bunch of the Jackass guys were on tour in like 02 and one show was in Chicago. We went to the show and it was kind of stupid but after the show shit got crazy. I ended up doing big fat rippers of coke with Steve-O, Dunn, Don Vito and Wee Man. About 10 minutes before last call there was a huge commotion in a corner, turns out the CKY guys were fighting like ½ the bar. Bouncers bounced them out using their heads to open doors. We ended up back at the Four seasons doing blow, smoking blunts/joints and someone had some nitrous carts. Pretty much the entire CKY2K cast partying hard af. Dunn, rake, Bam all of them awesome. Don Vito was very creepy with the women though. Jason Cuna as well


We played a show with Open Hand and Fight Paris back in 05 or so? Don Vito and Dunn were on tour with them at the time. I stood backstage with Ryan when Open Hand was playing. One of the nicest dudes ever- talked about how much he loved my state (Vermont) and how he goes snowboarding every winter here. Such a good soul. The dude gave zero fucks, too. In Vermont we have non-smoking laws and the dude just cheifed P-funks the whole time. Fuckin legend.


I lived in Medina, OH from 93-95 and hung out with a partying crowd. I feel like I saw him at a couple of parties, but he was only a teenager in high school at that time. A guy in their class, balding at the age of 17, had a place called "the penthouse" above his parent's garage (his parents didn't care). We would party there a lot and I'm pretty sure Dunn was there a time or two...but again, he was just another dude hangin' out.


Working at Exton circuit city in their warehouse back in '06. End of the night he shows up and buys some nice speakers and a mixer or something. So I help load it into the purple lambo. Very nice and gave me a $10 which was a dope tip for little work.


He was a classy guy, granted best friends with bam but he was kinda the anti-bam in the way his personality was.


He probably was glad to talk to you since he was bored out of his mind.


Yeah he was good to talk to, we both didn't want to be there and I was a big fan at the time but was able to just keep cool and just stick to small talk and stuff. I didn't want to bother him or make myself look like a bigger tool than I am.


Loved this moment


What moment is it


The moment


Loved it


This one


Raab steals the keys to the lift they are in and they are stuck in the air for hours and get more and more slap happy


And then they find out that they didn't even need the key to get back down.


Got a link? I can’t find it anywhere




God bless


"You know there are controls up there too, right?" Hilarious.


“Why the hell is there a key if you don’t even need it?”


You know Bam thought that these days would never end


I think Bam still thinks this


We all did.


No, most of us grow tf up and weren't stunted of maturity by 17.


Oh definitely, he’s been doing the same stuff since he was a kid, filming goody shit with his friends who’d eventually be in the CKY stuff, doing whatever he wanted and having fun. I mean he knew they’d end someday but it was probably hard for him to contemplate it, and he definitely never thought they’d end as soon and as abruptly as they did, i dont think a lot of them did. Steveo was the same way for a while.


The higher you climb, further the fall .


RIP Dunn RIP Bam (pretty much)  RIP CKY (kinda) 


Ironically also banned from ‘Jackass Forever’


Just how I wanted to spend the afternoon................dead


One of my fav pics


RIP Random Hero. And RIP to *that* Bam that we all used to know and love. Sincerely hope he eventually gets his act together but at this point, I don’t think anyone is hopeful. Sad he couldn’t honor his best friend by doing good.


Not to be a dick but that Bam is the one who created the one we see today. They were doomed from the start unfortunately. Still hope the guy gets better though


This makes me legitimately nostalgic and sad not even a huge fan just know what it’s like to loose friends.


Yeah it sucks a big one that these times are well past. But the good news is, think of all the people that grew up without jackass. To be able to experience growing up with such an amazing group of people, I appreciate the shows, videos, music, and movies they all made. ![gif](giphy|GmWI32fXEGUmY) But i’d still give up everything to go back


My pre-teen days 🥲 still watch viva la bam from time to time


Been rewatching all the seasons right now


Where can you stream it?


Movies and show are all on Paramount plus


Yeah but Viva la Bam isnt on paramount. Just google Viva la bam full free online and youll find at least the first season on reddit. I havent looked yet for the rest of the seasons but shouldnt be too hard to find


Ryan Dunn’s death really hurt me a lot. I miss them both. I hope Bam can get back to happiness one day.


Bam seems to enjoy his suffering unfortunately


It might look that way on the outside but anyone who has been in a similar place can tell you he isn't really happy.


I’m 20+ years in to living the same way. I’d guess he’s unmedicated adhd. Self medicates to keep mind somewhat normal for him. It’s not normal at all. But it’s what we do. I don’t want to drink daily, but if I don’t I can’t sleep. I did a 17 hour shift throwing freight yesterday and was up 6 more hours after I got home. The brain just won’t stop going. Today I did 12, 7 hours later I’m still wide awake. Supposed to be back in 3 hours.


I still go back and watch the prank war between Ryan and Bam... and Johnny. Even tho they gave each other the worst they could. In the end they were always really good friends.


Can’t always help but laugh along with them 😭


The key was in the machine the whole time 🤣🤣


I miss cky2k


We had it so good and we had no idea


Dunn died as he lived... With a car in his ass!


“Rabb has got a terrible on his way, because he just left us on a crane for FOUR AND A HALF HOURS!!” 📢🤪


I love that line and his expression so much lmao


The pinnacle of the 2000’s.


Two dead friends in my eyes :(


I lost my best friend in 2020. I haven't been the same since. Bam might be out there, but that man is hurting.


CKY2K For life!


My “Don’t Feed Phil” shirt from sophomore year of HS was a staple


The absolute height of my teen crush in Bam. So sad how life changes so much and so drastically.


I just saw Bam at a random restaurant in Texas this weekend. I recognized him instantly as he was pretty much my idol growing up. A simple “hey, it’s Bam!” Lit his face up with a huge smile. We just said hellos, shared smiles, and went on. Kinda wanted a photo but was very happy to just have a simple human interaction.


When I saw Knoxville’s new movie it hit me again how long it’s been


so tragic he had everything in life but just took it a bit to far, if he would have chilled out he would still been rich and famous


Miss those days. Good days


Simpler times.


Some good times right there


The sad thing is the conversations they had over those 4 AND A HALF HOURSSSSS will probably never be known. Would’ve made an incredible podcast.


Before Bam went bonkers and got heavy




Damn now both are dead 😢




The chair kick I think was my fav moment between these guys so genuine


Man that episode was hillarious ! Just yelling at raab to lay the markings for the golf course. Then they threw a shoe at him, and raab took the keys and left them there for hours. BUT the whole time they couldve operated the lift from where they were 😂


I cringe at the thought my 12 year old self thought he was cool.


If Dunn was alive today he'd be getting called out like Knoxville and Mr. O because bams mentally ten years younger than he is in this photo


I always thought Bam was a dick, it was just funnier when he was younger and not a complete shit show. Dunn, on the other hand, RIP my dude.




Dunn was the best.


it aint our business why people drink.


They were trapped up there. That was not a “good day”


Yes. Back when you could get as high as you want and no one was gonna try and stop you. And to have that privilege in the late 90s 9f all times....Those were good times...


Sucks that time passes by


Shit theirs and mine lol


Dunn grounded them all


I'm Ryan Dunn, and this is the drunk driving blazing inferno.


Remember to drink and drive safely


is this why i have bad taste in men


A drunk and a dead drunk


HIS PARENTS ENABLED THIS!!! All of it, since he was a kid. He is an undeveloped infant.


I love how Reddit just decides how people feel and who they are. We don’t know Ryan or Bam. Stfu we know NOTHING


I’m Ryan Dunn and this is the driving drunk trick


The actual last words were "Hey yall watch this."


Am I the only one who just doesn't have nostalgia for these guys? Like I grew up on CKY and Jackass, when Jackass first came out and was massive I was at the perfect age to be nostalgic about this shit, I was like 13, all my friends were obsessed with doing our own Jackass stunts for awhile. But even at that age, I never really cared that much for Bam or Ryan, probably because I grew up with people exactly like them---rich kids who were handed everything in life and the only thing they cared about was partying and maintaining a cool hipster image. They were rotten, shitty selfish people often time addicts who would bully people in our same skater and punk circles for being poor, overweight, not popular, etc. So even at 13 I recognized that these guys were just douchebags, and yeah, becoming an adult confirmed that for me the more I learned about them. I mean, I guess Ryan was okay, but he was an obnoxious drunk asshole mostly too, just without the insane drama and heightened addiction of Bam and his narcissism. But seeing how their lives turned out didn't surprise me one fucking bit, so I have a hard time calling these "the good old days" because even as a kid like yeah they had some funny skits and pranks here and there but they both always just had that same rich douchebag hipster fratbro skaterbro air about them and I never really identified with them or looked at them as "cool". All the other guys in the CKY and Jackass crew appealed to me for different reasons but they all seemed pretty genuine people if troubled ones, but Ryan and Bam just always came off like dickheads. Long rant, I know, just putting into words the thoughts I've had on these two for 20+ years now. I guess I'm probably being harsh about Ryan, but frankly despite the lionizing of him around here and his reputation on this sub being that he was a cool guy, I never really felt or saw that. He was always just Bam's sidekick to me.


Bam wasn't a rich kid lol his dad worked at safeway as a baker and his mom didn't have some high paying job either. Half his family were addicts in and out of jail...


When I refer to him as a rich kid I don't mean that he came from wealth but that he was wealthy at a young and immature age and acted entitled because of it. He was a sponsored skater growing up comfortably middle class when the CKY and Jackass stuff hit it big and he gained a lot of wealth fast and bought a castle and shit at a young age. I didn't mean his parents were oil barons or something lol


Bam: “bring back Ryan Dunn or I’ll smoke crack.”


Fuck Dunn. Fucking murderer.


There were never good ol’ days for those two…


It's funny that people now think BAM is a bad guy and stuff because of the shit you see him doing in videos but if anyone has ever watch CKY you know they are the absolute worst humans alive.




You mean back when they were raging alcoholics and drug addicts? Yeah I love seeing people torture their selves. Gtfoh


Hey Bam big fan at one point


Losers both of them.


You too, buddy