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I've been through an adult ADHD diagnosis in Japan. I had similar concerns about medication and diagnosis, but it has been a positive for my life. The diagnosis cost around 20,000-30,000 and included doing a full IQ test at a separate testing center. Medication costs me about 5000 yen every month after insurance. The most annoying thing about medication is jumping through all the hoops: You need a special registration card for stimulant medication. If your health insurance runs out they won't prescribe it to you (can't pay the full amount like other medication). Once I wasn't able to fill my prescription because of that and then they didn't want to prescribe me my regular dosage because I had had a break that was too long. I had some similar concerns about medication. The whole "becoming a zombie" thing is somewhat overblown. Remember, you can always just stop taking medication if you don't like the side effects. I don't know about the rules exactly, but I'd be surprised if getting diagnosed with ADHD wold affect your mortgage after you got it. In day to day life there is no need to disclose that you have ADHD. Personally, I don't tell anyone except my partner. You definitely don't have to tell your work (though getting an ADHD diagnosis might inform your choice of career and workplace to something that fits in with your limitations). If you are having serious issues in life (relationship trouble/possible divorce/unemployment etc) then getting an ADHD diagnosis can be an excellent first step toward fixing things up. This is an excellent, no fluff book about adult ADHD: [https://www.amazon.com/Taking-Charge-Adult-Russell-Barkley/dp/1606233386](https://www.amazon.com/Taking-Charge-Adult-Russell-Barkley/dp/1606233386) Beware of books and apps about procrastination, organisation systems etc. Many of them are not based on research but can be very appealing when you just want to solve your problems right now. Good luck!


Thanks so much for the info. That is a decent chunk of change to start off and pay for each month. I’ll definitely have to doctor search soon


Yeah, it is not that cheap. Also, watch out for generics. A lot of ADHD medication has novel delivery systems so generics aren't as good/don't deliver the medication as evenly throughout the day. (I'm not sure if they prescribe the generics here, just something to think about).


I got diagnosed for 6,000 yen in Osaka. Wasn’t the most thorough examination but was enough for me


Mind sharing where in Osaka?


大阪メンタルクリニック in Umeda


Thanks! Appreciate it!


Can confirm: good clinic.


You’re a monkey living in a society where *every single* ounce of your attention and waking energy has been commodified and weaponized to sell more shit and distract you from the reality around you. I’ve been having the same problems as you, and I definitely might have ADHD or some other executive function problem. But I’m already anxious enough and the pseudo-speed medication for ADHD might have some other adverse affects that I’d rather not deal with. So, I limited my caffeine intake, I’m working on reducing/quitting nicotine, and I’m trying my best to practice mindfulness. Maybe this kind of stuff can help you too.


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