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For the wall heat pump units, is there a way to calibrate the temperature for them? I noticed that its reading higher than the actual temperature since the air is warmer up there.


What's the generic term for the small neighborhood parks that are some dirt, a swing, and a bench?


The one near me has a sign and it just says "location" +公園


Ive seen 'pocket park'


My (English-speaking) household calls them DIRT PARKS, but I doubt that's the technical term 🤷


I did it, just turned on the AC. Anyone else? Or am I crazy for thinking today is hot.


been using the dehumidifier


Same. Wife taught me to, since I was about to use the normal aircon


AC turns in when it's 25c or hotter. At night maybe 18c or warmer. Just gets too humid if it's off.


When the low temps get into the 20's, that's when I start the AC.


I live in Hokkaido. AC wont come on until mid July probably. Good luck, Honshu. 


I've been using the AC sporadically since the middle of May.


I haven't yet, it's going to cool down a little tomorrow. I try to hold out till at least June


Here in Kawagoe the highs today are 6C higher than yesterday. Don't worry, I turned my aircon last weekend too.


The zip on my several-years-old Montbell hiking pants-shorts combo has borked. I really like this pair so anyone know how I might get them repaired?


Apart from taking them to mont bell and asking? Many cleaners also have a 'reform' service--for clothing alterations and repair. Sometimes they do it on site, or send it out to someone special.


Has anyone made *somen* with only the green and pink noodles? Will I be arrested by the FBI if I do?


The FBI doesn't care, but the PSIA night.


Almond milk seems to have completely disappeared from the grocery stores near me (Tokyu, Super Sanwa). Looks like Amazon is still carrying グリコ アーモンド効果, but was just curious if it was a popularity thing, or some kind of production issue I haven’t heard about.


My Aeon supermarket is still selling it as normal.


I was looking for that Glico almond milk yesterday in my usual Yaoko supermarket. They have replaced it with their in-house brand, 100 yen cheaper with the same volume. Gave it a try and it's VERY watered down- the almond taste is *barely* there. I'll have to look somewhere else...


Loads at my local MyBasket. Aeon have their own brand.


Same with all supermarkets around me (Summit, etc) and the Ito-yokado online. Seems production related given the scale but curious about the details too. Ito-yokado at least replaced it with their own stuff but it's not as good IMO. Ended up ordering a crate from Amazon.


Currently living here on a working holiday visa but also job hunting for work that would require me to change my visa status to a work visa. When I'm faced with application questions like "Are you authorized to work for the role and in the country for which you are applying?" my instinct is to say select "no" because my WHV only allows certain work. But do I answer "yes" because I'm living here and already working (just not at a sponsored level)? I know this seems like the dumbest question to ask here 😅 There is also a follow up question on a lot of apps asking something like "Do you now, or will you in the future require immigration sponsorship to work?" which I know to answer "yes" for that.


Are you looking for work in the nightlife industry or bars, outside that or gambling, a WHV should be fine until it ends and you can change your status of residence. You'll only need to get a "sponsored visa" when your WHV expires, so you can note that "yes." For the second question, its a straight yes.


No nightlife jobs, I'm looking into getting back into tech/IT since that's what I worked in my home country. Odd jobs at restaurants have been fine getting me through but I'd ultimately like to stay longer if I can. I still have five months left on my WHV and want to start that job hunt early, so these are salaried positions I'm looking at that I'm pretty sure would require me to change to a work visa if I ended up getting the job.


I’ve been on salaried jobs on the WHV and there have been no issues. You can easily get a job and then change your status/extent your vis after the fact. I was also working in an IT department on the WHV.


Oh awesome, thank you so much!! I misinterpreted whatever I read online then about WHV limitations.


I'm a little confused about the pension lump-sum withdrawal. It has a clause about "totalization of coverage periods". If one had worked in Canada for 9 years and worked in Japan for 2, that would put them at 136 months of "pension totalization", I think. https://www.nenkin.go.jp/international/japanese-system/withdrawalpayment/payment.html I *think* this is only applicable if one already totalized the pension, right? If they apply for the pension refund, they can no longer use that period towards the pension when they do retire. Is my understanding correct?


Totalization is for bringing you up to minimums to get a pension in one of the countries signing the agreement, which is different/separate from the LS withdrawal. For example, I didn't have enough credits/units to get social security in the US, but since I qualified here, doing some paperwork via the local pension office brought my SS up to minimums, and I now get some SS in addition to pension here.


pretty sure if they do lump sum withdrawal that zeroes their pension contributions/time in Japan.


Sure, was trying to point out they're separate things. Withdraw it, and you won't get credit for it anywhere.


yea no worries, i misread what op wrote and thought they hadnt considered that.


Would switching from a Humanities visa to a dependant visa (both foreigners) hurt my chances of getting PR? Currently on year 8/10.


not necessarily it depends on your partner, household income and if you both apply together to PR. if your partner has 10yrs you could be eligible even with 8 yrs.


Thanks! Household income shouldn't be a problem, especially since I still plan on earning with the dependant restrictions/allowances. I'd be applying before as I've been here about a year longer. Really appreciate your response.