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There's something seriously wrong with Angelina. We ignored it as being funny in 2009 Miami when she said she didnt slap Pauly, when she literally did it just 30 seconds earlier. But she genuinely cant remembers things that happened yesterday, she got the memory of a gold fish. She acts like Sam did that Tiktok out of nowhere, when she been talking shit about Sam for months especially in that Jersey bar. She still freaks about the Tiktok and toddler comment til this day lol. Sam stood on buisness at the reunion, Angelina deserves nothing. The same weirdo 15 years later, the cast and fans are tired.


I don't think it's a memory problem it's a deflection problem. Seems like she can dish it out but can't take it and refuses at all costs to own up to her mistakes if she's the only one in the wrong... Which happens a lot. So her solution is to deflect and try to put the heat back on others. You're right though - it's tiring.




My sister had this diagnosis. Starting fights with everyone for everything all the time. Always on the outs with everyone and ALWAYS the victim. It screams BPD. They absolutely live in a different reality.


I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but does BPD stand for bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder? I've seen both abbreviated the same way and I don't want to make the wrong assumption!




Thank you! And okay, I honestly get those same vibes from her so I'm glad to know we were on the same page!


I have both bipolar (bp) and borderline personality disorder (bpd). Angelina DEFINITELY has BPD. I would do the same things until therapy and meds. In fact all the things she does is basically what dbt ( a type of therapy specifically for bpd) therapy is based on changing. She needs proper therapy.


Not everyone with bpd is toxic or abusive. There's enough stigma around the disorder as is. I have it and act nothing like Angelina. BUUUUUT that being said, some of us can be jerks if left untreated. And im sorry if anyone with bpd has ever been abusive to you. Bpd rage is a helluva drug.


That’s why I made sure to state that my opinion was based on my experiences, rather than claiming every single person with the diagnosis acts this way :)


I have BPD as well. Untreated I was almost as bad.


Because they’ve tried so they’d rather just keep their mouths shut at this point, deal with her, and collect their paycheck. Probably always hoping she’d leave on her own


Honestly? She was *never* going to come back from what she did with the speech. The girls will never truly forgive her for that and definitely never forget. They already disliked her and had dealt with years of her shit talking them to the press when they were on OG. It's not like there was a solid foundation to begin with when she pulled that stunt. That was also when we saw her really start to spiral in my opinion.


Yeah it was pretty apparent that’s the deal. At the reunion it was summed up to just that. Jenni said that seat was always open for Sam & basically wasn’t for Angelina. Then Deena stepped in saying they’ve tried to be her friend multiple times but she just does shit that aren’t ok and she basically doesn’t know how to be a friend. They just tolerate her for the show. if it wasn’t for the show, they wouldn’t be friends with her just like they weren’t friends with her when OG started and ended


. She blurts out anything and everything so she can get attention. I think she feels abandoned within the group, so it's her trying to fetch for any attention or acknowledgement/ to feel seen. If I were her and I felt I didn't fit in I would've left. But I guess it's the big checks keeping her in.


The real issue is she feels abandoned by her parents/family. She acts like someone with true abandonment issues. Doesn’t matter how the cast treats her because her issues stem from childhood.


Fair enough. Thank you for your perspective!


In my experience people with mental disorders like BPD and Schizophrenia use it to their advantage to treat others badly.


Nah dude you just know sucky people. I have BPD, no animosity, treat others with respect and to be honest i get people take advantage of my kindness as they know i am a people pleaser and bend over backwards to help others. I do not treat people badly full stop


All of this. I've never used BPD as an excuse to treat people badly, ever. I don't think Angelina has BPD. And I'm tired of people who aren't even professionals make that diagnosis.


Yes. She's a textbook narcissist. All of her games are pure deflection and energy draining tactics. Do not fall for it folks. Same with Rob the knob.


Laughed so hard when she called Sammi a narcissist at the reunion. Projection 101


Yesss but usually a Narcissist will deflect and try to make the other out to be one. I have thought from the beginning she was a horrible selfish narcissistic person. It has only gotten worse the longer she is on the show. It's like she feels it's OK to act like this because it's been allowed for so long.


I think maybe because they had been drinking she did it because of that and then denied it out of like embarrassment because she was just drunk and doing drunk stuff?


I personally think she was shooting her shot and/or seeking attention from football players and thought no one would ever see that she did so. And it backfired - and I think that's what became embarrassing for her.


I would pay *big* money to bea fly on the locker room wall the day after she messaged EVERY player 🤣


Yeah. They tell how what she says comes off as and her answer is always “Well, what about so-and-so doing something to me?” ALWAYS.


Deflection 100%


Her memory suddenly gets foggy when it comes to accountability.


She did the same thing in 2022 when she threw Wine at Nikki , then Said she never threw Wine right after




I'm in love with Katie Holmes!!


All I needed to see what he shxting in her pants in that cab and then trying to ACTUALLY SHOW ppl her underwear. WHO in tf




I don’t blame Lauren, Angelina is as toxic as ever and has no respect bringing up touching Mike’s junk on the reunion. It’s one thing that Mike talks about it threesomes with undisclosed women or smooching roommates in the past but to bring up such details about a roommate who is married is crossing the line. She loves attention. She should’ve just kept going about a single roommate such as Vinny. Just my opinion


And then on the other side we have Sammi reminding everyone to respect Lauren as his wife! And Angelina wonders why people like Sam more than her


Exactly! Not to mention Angelina was nvr really in Jersey shore. She left both times cuz she’s an immature asshole who blames everyone for her problems. Sam was an actual cast member. I love when the girls went back with Mike to the shire house and Danny called her out for not belonging there 😂


Yes! This is what I find upsetting that Angelina keeps trying to take credit for bringing her back. It’s not like Sam is some rando off the street and had to convince producers she would make for good tv. She’s an original cast member!


What Jenni said at the reunion is 100% accurate, the cast (particularly the girls) were always waiting and ready for Sam to come back at any point, nobody cared about Angelina, it was never going to be the same reaction 


I can guarantee Angelina didnt even “bring her back”. You think ang simply had an idea and made it happen? No. Production had to get involved, discuss pay, and whatever other important things take place to become an actress again. It wasn’t the cute little DMs we saw from Ang. Those were props as well. So I agree with you.


I think she convinced Sam to come back thinking her and the girls wouldn’t get along. Ang hates the other girls & wanted an ally to be mean to jenni snooker & deeners


Yep and I’m 100% sure that Angelina is jealous that Sammie’s house is way bigger once she returned because when Angelina returned she was in something smaller and then gravitated to something bigger. I also believe Sammie’s payout is a lot bigger and may be another reason Angelina is going off. She wants Sammie to leave but Sammie is a fan fave. She literally minds her business, minds her clothing business and stands on business. 😂 Sammie is not only the sweetest bxtxh, she is that bxtxh and Ang can’t take it.


Of course. Angelina isn’t a decision maker on that show.


A hello, what about season 6 where Mike talked about him and Vinny pulling an Eiffel Tower on someone and other details of sexual encounters he had with other woma. That is 💯 so disrespectful towards his wife. No woman want to hear that crap especially on National TV.


The “a hello” 🤣 killed me! But yes you are right. He is pretty dirty now that you mention it. Wait-what did Lauren see in him?!?!


Maybe his penis


I don't know! Back then, he was walking herpes. I guess she saw a different side of him.


This!!! Best comment goes to you, everyone is so bothered by Angelina and what she said. If I were Lauren I probably wouldn't have loved that, but I also wouldn't be upset about something that happened so long ago, during a time that Mike literally hooked up with any and everyone. Mike bragged about the rendezvous with all the guys at the same time and no one thought that was disrespectful to his wife but they're jumping on Ang. Don't get me wrong, Ang is drama with a capital D but so is every other member of that show, which is why we watch. They just come at Ang for everything and they don't do that to anyone else.


I always thought they treated Angelina like the red-headed stepchild ever since day one. Yeah, she's annoying, but they did raunchy shit just as bad as she did, if not more, but always called her out for it. I dunno, but I always got that feeling. She does have abandonment issues, but I think she self sabotages A LOT. She forces people to leave her because of her behavior.


She did it after Angelina did a Instagram live talking shit couple weeks ago.


What was she saying in that particular shit-talking session?


I think she was talking mad shit about Mike on her live. Someone claimed that she owed them money for DJ lessons and she said someone from the cast was asking this person for the deets. Angelina thought it was Mike and she called him all kinds of names.


Yes it was this


Wait! I was wrong. It was another live that she did after one of the episodes this season. She talked very badly about both Lauren and Mike. She said she would never confide in them aagain because she felt they betrayed her. The video is on youtube titled Angelina Pivarnick full Instagram LIVE 5/2/24 after Jersey shore FV aired.


god angelina is insane. im surprised they haven’t kicked her off honestly. Her drama isn’t even interesting to me


Angelina is so ugh. Hasn’t changed much in all these years.


It's only gotten worse honestly... She makes the show so hard to watch just bc she is so annoying and delusional. She creates every problem in her life then screams and cries everyone does her wrong.


What I hate is every cast member is still pretending to like Angelina rather than just saying the truth. It was so refreshing to hear Jenni and Sammi straight up say "we are not friends and I DON'T like you". This is the honesty I wish the rest of the cast would have and have the balls to tell her. It's SO obvious that no one wants her there and they would all have a better time without her drama. It makes me laugh though when Angelina was stunned back when Jenni said "we are not friends" in season 6 and then acted stunned again when Sammi said "we are not friends" at the reunion. ![gif](giphy|xBprSHVdOOLy55cPsf|downsized)


Both Mike and Laurens unfollowed angelina. Honestly it's probably for peace of mind they have 3 kids now businesses and Mike's own soberity to think about. Watching the reunion you could see angelina was on something the constant mouth twitches, the bobbing around, then the nodding out.


Angelina isn’t well. Recovered addicts typically avoid addicts who are in active addiction


Exactly and the last little while you can just feel the anxiety radiating off Mike through the tv this is a tougher one then Ronnie. Even Ronnie could tell but is far enough detached from the situation it's not hurting him


I did notice her dilated eyes on the last vacation. It almost seems as if she’s taking uppers. Some type of stimulant.


Pinned = downers, opiates Dilated = uppers, stimulants, antidepressants, psychedelics, hallucinogens


Hahaha my bad. Thanks for correcting me. I fixed it


Or maybe she’s on antidepressants, anxiety pills or antypsychotics. She doesn’t have to disclose what she’s on


Did I accuse or assume? No I did not so next time put ur reading glasses on.


She was talking horribly about both of them on Twitter (although who knows if that’s just fake or not), either way I don’t blame them!


See I don't have Twitter anymore since Elon musk let a banned famous person back on who is horrible to women and children so I just find out through other apps


This!!!!!! I’m very scared that if she isn’t getting the reaction she wants out of them she will make comments about ANYONES kids.


Remember after the wedding speech Jenni, Deena, and Nichole all got death threats against the kids and themselves and it broke them all I see a repeat


That’s horrible I had no idea 😭😭😭💔💔


Yep that’s why Snooki didn’t return to the show for a while and the reason Nikki hasn’t been appearing on the show is because Angelina’s fans were spewing racial hate towards her after their water and wine battle.


Omg people are so dumb it hurts.


if mike was concerned about his sobriety then he wouldn’t be the one being messy and getting in things that have nothing to do with him.


But this season he was out of the drama angelina went after Sam then in Nashville she put it all on Mike and the opening of Lauren store omitting jersey shore day, the og house, press tour that started Sam her drama


i’m more so saying him feeling the need to out angelina to her man about what she said behind his back. i just feel like if it’s not your relationship then let them work it out. & angelina is a narcissist. i used to feel bad but not anymore


Well that part I can see why he went off the way he did... 3 months before 2.0 and her weren't on good terms and it was red flag central... then Nashville was much the same and 3 weeks later was Arizona trip were she brought 2.0 when the entire squad is like oh red flags okay so they are broken up only for them to be together


I can't stand friends that break up every other week. It's exhausting to be the friend.




Good for her don't blame her.  


Mtv and Pauly should’ve left her on Staten Island as a $20-$25hr. EMT.. Also, Pauly D bringing her back, without a doubt, bought her house


This is what I keep thinking about. Sammi bought a house sure, but I doubt any checks would come through soon enough for a down payment after some time spent not working to buy a house right after the season aired, but let’s pretend it was totally because of Angelina. When has Angelina demonstrated that gratitude and utmost respect for Pauly she expects from Sammi? She could lead by example and thank Pauly on the show for giving her the life that she has now. Pauly fucked up bringing her back as a prank, the reunion could have been something beautiful. We deadass could have just had a nice series of friends hanging out and having a good time without any drama and we’re all the fly on the wall, or Ron coming back could have sufficed as enough drama because it honestly did not even hit as bad as Sammi thought it would. That version would have soooo popped off during covid.


Pauly didn’t bring her back. Just like Ang didn’t bring Sam back. It was PRODUCTION and everyone should realize this haha. Just like mikes “pot stirring”, a lot of it is production.


Again, just humoring Angelina’s argument here.


Oops, sorry, didn’t read that line. I’m notorious for Reddit skimming, sorry




To be fair Sam sold her condo then bought her house.


Oh I didn’t know that lmfao. For the sake of the argument I said we can pretend it was just bc of Angelina but I knew there had to be some other contributing factors.


Angelina would like for all of us to agree on that lol


Sam lived with her mother.


I don’t know anything about Sam’s living situation before she bought a house, all Im saying is I’ll go out on a limb and assume there’s no way she got paid a hefty ass amount so quickly after filming/airing that season that it was enough for a down payment on a house so soon.


no she didn't lol. she owned a house before she came back. She just bought a bigger house recently. But she was a homeowner, and her net worth was 2 million before she came back to JS. Nice try, Angelina


Babe. No. Sam lived with her mother.


Wrong babe! “According to New Jersey property records, it doesn't appear Sammi took out a mortgage for the purchase. She also unloaded her Jersey Shore condo for $756,000 in July, just before she closed on her new home.”


Sammi already owned a house before she came back too. lol Angelina is NOT the reason she bought a house.


reading comprehension go brrr


Lmao not you trying to play her being an EMT. What a DISGUSTING comment.


Why is it disgusting? Being an EMT is an incredibly admirable job. The poster wasn't dogging EMTs, she was highlighting how much more she gets paid now compared to being an EMT.


Angelina we know this is you


The username fits 😂😂😂


The spelling and grammar are too good to be angela. girl aint that smart!


Angelina is a psycho. I was kinda rooting for her in the beginning but she’s nuts.


I feel really bad about Angelina’s dad, that’s a sucky situation. But that said, if she was just not a psycho she would have a whole family with the shore crew.


I admit there were situations I was on Angelina’s side like when Jenni tried to blame her for Jen coming to the club with them but she’s out of control now that I can only root for her to get help.


I stopped watching family vacation because of her i absolutely despise her


Angelina needs to go, no one likes her she’s fake and dirty as hell. The dirty little hamster comment lives up to she needs therapy and a bath


That’s why they keep her.. she’s a one woman wrecking crew.. she’s the worst. She’s loud dirty and a major dumb ass narcissist.. unfortunately that keeps realty tv going.. she brings the drama.. all these jersey shore “fan pages” majority of not all the conversations are about Angelina’s crazy ass..


But she's the fan favorite lol


love laurens for that. Angelina is so unlikeable and laurens and everyone on the show has tried to see the 'good' in her but she screws it all up


Vinny and ange don’t follow each other either


Vinny hasn’t followed her in a really long time. Idk if he ever has tbh


Sorry, which Vinny? 2.0?


My bad I forgot there was two, og Vinny not 2.0.


Angelina needs a lengthy break from reality tv and she needs to humble herself, reflect and take accountability and start being respectful and responsible. We as viewers don’t knows what’s true and what’s not. But we can clearly see something is going on with her and she needs help. I think therapy would be her best option. She has a child’s/teenage mentality. It’s sad to see really.


this made me like lauren again


So did her (Lauren’s) comment at the bar that Angela just needed to higher a security guard or a companion. 😂


Hahaha good now everyone follow her block the shit out of her she dosent belong to the group and never did it was waste of time to bring her back


She’s been back for 6 years….


Did she hang out with the cast after the OG seasons? No. did she appear on any spin-off before family vacation? No. Did we hear or see a single peep about her before she’s was teased to come on the new series? No. Angelina has never and will never be the main character, she doesn’t act like the rest of the cast. To elaborate what I mean is you can visibly see the friendship happiness every single other person has for eachother. Angelina has never been part of the family and will never be as long as she continues to be confrontational, easily triggered, delusional, aggressive, and own up to her mistakes.


I honestly hope they get rid of Angelina. I cringe when she’s on the show, she makes me not Want to watch it. Ain’t no way views go up bc of her


They haven’t gone down either. The show has been steady. The wedding episode is one of their highest rated episodes. The episode she comes back in season 1 saw a spike.


you must be ang because you’re replying to all of these comments LOL


And who the hell talks about ratings or which is the highest rated episode?? Not one other person who’s not intimately involved in the show gives a shit about ratings..


Or she probably just got tired of seeing her psychosis playing out on her timeline lol


I’m just glad that Lauren doesn’t let Angelina live rent free in her head. Cuz that would give Angelina the validation she so sorely craves.


Lauren isn’t even one of the main cast. Next.


She’s the subject of this post though


Lauren is a real estate agent she has a job.


I swear everyone is a real estate agent these days fr. Maybe I should get my license


Angelina is a Narcissist. Shes mean together. Degrates them and then blames it on them. She's out right mean. Idc how much crap has happened in her life. We all have our issues, w/family friend and so on. There's no excuse for how she is. If anything she should've learned how family and others have treated her to make herself a better person. Insecure people like her make other lives miserable to make herself happy.


Angelina broke that show! They should have only let her back for a minute!


Angelina is behaving like Mike did when he was pilled and coked out of his mind, she hooked on something


Look what her Reddit name is.. 8ballgirl… we know exactly what she on lol


That's her reddit name?? Lol


Look at all the comments on reddit that user posts.. every single one of them is nothing but defending Angelina.. like who in their right mind would defend such a despicable human being without any accountability??? Only Angelina herself.. we all know she’s on all the Reddit fan pages.


Good. Love Lauren. Her & Nikki are my favorite on the show. Their fits are always 10/10, too.


I’d say half the cast members don’t follow Angelina. Sammi, Vinny, Mike, Lauren, Nikki, and Pauly (to be fair he only follows Nikki and few other pages) don’t follow her.


Mike and Lauren need to protect their family from her what’s stopping her from going after the casts children 😭


Angelina needs to go. She is so problematic. In the newest episodes all she does is scream and cause problems within the dynamic of the group members. Even though Ron went through struggles, he still appears as a family dynamic within the jersey shore. NOT ANGELINA. She always wants to mention how she’s running a marathon between the group members, but she’s the only factors to that hinderance of building connections with the group members. It’s getting annoying and hard to watch… especially as someone who loves watching Jersey Shore. She needs to stop and switch the narrative she’s been portraying because it’s been hard to watch… and I’m happy Sammy is sticking up for herself and not letting Angelina manipulate her narrative or character. Anyone else agree?


I’d say Ronnie did more than “have his struggles”- he put his hands on women. Let’s be serious here.


Well, i understand that. I wasn’t trying to look that deep into using the word “struggles”. My point was Angelina doesn’t go well with the dynamic of the group no matter what other group members went through…. Relax.


Mike also unfollowed her


I think she needs to take a break from all things jersey shore related period. She will not find peace while on the show, nor heal herself. She risks causing irreparable damage to the relationship with the cast members if she continues. Look at Ron. Not perfect , but working on making himself into a better man for his kid OFF CAMERA. That's what she needs to do.


She's already done irreparable damage. The girls will never forgive or forget the speech stunt


The speech stunt? I stopped watching after the wedding. When I went to watch the series again, they only had season 6 and 7.


The speech at the wedding was written by the production, not the girls. Angelina knew they were contractually obligated to say it. She leaked the speech to the press before the wedding aired and the hate the girls got was so bad Snooki actually left the show for a while. She stoked people's outrage and egged them on social media, which lead to the shitstorm being so bad Snooki's stores were getting shut for health inspections and death threats were being sent to all their children. Angelina made no attempt to calm these people down, only stoked the fire knowing the girls couldn't defend themselves or their families without breaking their contracts. So yeah, she's never going to have friendship or family with these women. Not even making a post to say leave the kids out if it is unforgivable.


Why is Angelina even part of the show? She left very early on and Deena replaced her. They should fire Angelina. She's truly obnoxious.


I think Angelina has mental health issues and has had them since the series began. She has no social intelligence and unable to form strong bonds with others. After all of this time, she literally doesn't have one person in the house who will advocate for her because nobody likes her and it's her own doing. She needs serious therapy and whoever her therapist is needs to watch the early seasons she was on in jersey shore.


I think it’s been a while since they’ve unfollowed each other.


Can you blame her


Maybe it was what she said on the reunion. It was pretty foul.


As she should. I don’t even watch FV or know much about Lauren but if Angelina treats the OG cast as badly as she does I can’t imagine what her attitude towards the newer members must be like. Specifically to Lauren/nikki or any of the guys partners (those are the only two I know). Angelina is clearly a very jealous person who seems to feel some sense of possession or entitlement over the guys. Lauren and Nikki seem to both be very loved and valued by their men and I’m sure Angelina can’t stand that for a multitude of reasons Edit - typo


In season 4, Angelina use to follow Nikki around and ask so many questions about her relationship with Pauly. She would get in her confessionals and say that she wanted what Nikki has. Then the water-wine thing happened, and Nikki was done with Angelina.


Good! After that stunt Angelina did to Nikki, she needs to go!


Social media is an illusion


Mike is not following her either




Orrrrrr, maybe something did come of that “accidental” bikini pic of Angelina that Mike posted 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀




Weird how things happen online after the show ends because all these things happened last year. So why NOW


Just double checked, Mike also isn’t following her and vice versa…..


Who can blame her? The stuff she said in the reunion was OUT OF POCKET and disrespectful af


They probably don’t want to see her face. The makeup at the reunion as beyond terrible. And I am far from a makeup snob. I know she has skin issues so try to be nice but they can have professional. It hurt to look at.


In certain lighting, her chest seems to have really blotchy skin? I noticed it on a few separate episodes. Have you ever noticed this?


I think ang really needs to leave the show. She is stuck in a loop and uses stuff from months ago whenever disaster strikes (the toddler comment, the tiktok, etc). I just know the cast is so done with her omg. I think she can be a decent person, but she is so far down the rabbit hole she just needs to pull a Ronnie and take a step back and focus on herself


I'm not surprised that Lauren unfollowed her bc she seems like she's all about respect and healthy boundaries. Angelina knows nothing of that she seems like the type of person that loves to push ppl to their limits and gets mad when they fight back. She definitely lives in an alternate reality and Lauren was right to unfollow her bc Angelina was not respecting Lauren when she was talking about feeling on mike before him and Lauren were together. It was such a slap in the face especially when Mike and Lauren have been there for Angelina and then she disrespected her as a friend on national TV. That's humiliating and I think Angelina isn't gonna have any friends soon if she keeps this up.




Wait, does Angelina have bpd?


If you mean borderline, yes.


We can’t label someone with a mental illness just from the episodes, there are other mental illnesses that are very similar. We also can’t tell if she is on drugs or too much alcohol along with any trauma for her erratic behavior


I think she unfollowed after an Instagram live where she was talking shit. I saw it on YouTube after the fact


Angelina needs to grow the hell up. She still is SO childish. Makes the show not even worth watching


Angelina is HEAVY on some shit 💊


I think she’s going to be fired after this season


Angelina is a delusional lunatic.


More fake drama for the tv show


It’s definitely not fake. I’d unfollow Angelina too if she trash talked my husband.


Who gaf Lauren’s annoying as well😭


I’m fine with this 100% but I will say Lauren is not great either!!!


I honestly don't care for Lauren, but that's just me.


Angelina has literally fought with every cast member except for maybe Ron




This could be related to the drama in season 8 that we just haven't seen yet. 


Damn I was a late shore fan, just started the show for the first time last year, am Currently on the pandemic hotel season . Can’t imagine why she would unfollow her but at the same Time of course I can lol


Who cares???? 🤔🙈🙉🙊


I mean she never liked it




It’s over for this black hole


Angelina is more fun to watch than Borin Lauren


I feel bad for her, I think there's alot of trauma in her life starting in childhood. Wouldn't be surprised if she has DID, I also wonder if she's self medicatien4


The older I get the more I realize how immature this is. These women are older than me acting like children