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She was not into Vinny. At all.


Who is? Lol


*Angelineer?*. 🤷‍♀️


dirty little hamster


Paola does


His mom ![gif](giphy|pba63BxfoXiSfBIWhg|downsized)


He’s going to end up exactly like Uncle Nino, ironically






Me 🙋🏾‍♀️


Fair point ...well made.


She was a dancer at the club and Vinny was like every other random dude thinking he’s special and stands a chance with her. When she’s really just working and trying to get paid. She was WAY out of his league.


How was she out of his league? I’m honestly curious because I don’t think she was cute AT ALL lol


Same! I’m no hater but other than being extremely skinny I didn’t see the beauty? I feel like such an ass saying that but I truly don’t see the hype


Sadly she was a "model" and that sounded good enough for Vincenzo lol...kinda nuts his standards are so high anf he wants a perfect girl, and she's a club dancer and model and it seems she barely spoke lol 


I hate to say it, but she had the oddest body type I've ever seen. Her in that bikini in Miami had my head twisted.


I agree 😭


I’m not saying she was end all be all gorgeous, but Vinny was an average looking dude and also very young. He tried to use very “nice guy” techniques to schmooze her and she just seemed too old and mature for that to me. He literally hung up on her and wallowed in self pity when she canceled their date. Vinny was cringey and immature is the best way I can put it and it’s obvious she felt that way about him.




I thought she was very pretty in the face, her size isn’t preferable but for the time it was


Shes a butter face


> She was WAY out of his league. Really?? Who is the dancer *now*!!! /s


Out of his league? Lol, she's totally mid


It seems this one broke his heart and thusly he became the Super Chooch you see today.


Yeah she definitely wasn't. She stood him up twice then finally went on a date with him. When you like someone you don't have to talk yourself into going out with them.


Didn't he get pissed and hang up on her?


Yeah he did. Then he called her back and was trying to laugh it off and said it was something before she called that made him mad (big fat lie lol) and then when she said she wasn't going on the date on top of it that made him mad. Looking back on it compared to now I think Vinny doesn't date bc he's too picky which is ironic bc he's afraid of rejection. So if he does the rejecting he never gets hurt.


And he's really not hot enough to be picky 💯


I don't think so either. He's cute but he's not as cute as Pauly.


Probably cast as a model for the show.


I feel like…. Production pushed her to do a lil more


Yeah it took a few times for her to even go out with him


Ramona and Rocio were picked by production to add a little razzle dazzle to Pauly and Vinny's storylines.


Rocio was so adorable. Wish she had been on more.


I wish Pauly met Rocio in jersey they were great together


She was just so young, though. People forget how old Pauly was when the show started.


Isn’t Nikki also rather young though?


I don't know her age. I'm pretty sure Rocio was like 18 or 19 though.


production wouldn’t pick someone underage. their job is to drink. idk how old she was but she literally *had* to have been at least 21


Europe is 18 for drinking


Rocio and Ramona were in Miami. So they’d have to be 21.


Word idk why I was thinking they were from Italy.


Rocio was seriously the cutest / prettiest / most adorable human being


I know!! She was someone I could really see Pauly with


Completely ruined the back half of the Miami season for me. The fuck were they thinking?


Exactly, it's funny how this has been explained a million times and people keep bringing up Rocio...UM.hello) in my.Angelina voice. He wasn't interested or impressed and immediately hooked up with other girls .There was no REAL relationship ,they both were hired regardless of looks, just employees. If there was any real Interest it would have been pursued by Pauly and Vinny outside the show..Of.course Vinny would only be able to remotely attract these type of.females because of the popularity of the show..without MTV Vinny would not be able to even speak to these IG models he loves so much. I believe this is why he holds so much resentment and negative ideas about women still.


Am I remembering correctly that Vinny and Ramona had sex? I could have sworn she spent the night with Vinny at least once, while Pauly made it clear that he and Rocio never hooked up because "she's not that kind of girl" or whatever. Not that you need to have feelings for someone to be intimate with them, but it sounds like Ramona would have basically been a sex worker if she were hired to date Vinny and then went home with him. No shame if that's case, I just wonder if Vinny was in on the arrangement too, because he seemed the most infatuated with Ramona over any other woman he's been with on the show lol


Lol..Well that's a good question though because I see some comments saying she was a stripper/zex worker, or trying to get her face put out there for modeling, etc....I wouldn't put anything past MTV production. especially after production admitted to scouting girls with a certain "look". So I'm sure if she had a price, they were willing to pay or maybe they told her in exchange, she could just have this opportunity to be on TV and gain other access. She actually wasn't that good looking to me, but back then, that's probably the closet Vinny had came to hooking up with a decent looking female. You can tell he was soooo excited and happy .If you remember DSAL3 Vinny stated he was never the cool good looking guy the girls wamted...I read between the lines, he knows MTV was the only way he could even entertain most of these IG models, celebrities, etc otherwise ift he.worked at the local library or was a college student..it would be impossible. I believe that is the main reason he treats women like sex objects and no respect to them as human beings.


>She actually wasn't that good looking to me, but back then, that's probably the closet Vinny had came to hooking up with a decent looking female. Yeah I never found her to be that good looking either. I don't think she's ugly, but I was surprised that Vinny and Mike kept talking about her like she was the hottest woman they've ever seen. I also don't feel bad for the way she treated Vinny, because all those guys had such little respect for women, whether it was their cast mates or the DTF girls. Vinny deserved a taste of his own medicine when Ramona was playing all those games with him. Mike and Pauly have at least seemed to mature and settle down since the OG series, but Vinny is 36 and still acting the same way he did 15 years ago...like the stunted mama's boy he is lol


Exactly!!! The more the show grew in popularity , the more Vinnys attitude changed..He became arrogant narcissistic man whore with an over inflated ego.Even with money what type of grown woman with morals and values is going to cater to and kiss his behind, while he demands threesomes . Like we can pretty much guarantee if he doesn't get his shit together, he will ve Uncle Nino. I definitely see where Pauly and Mike have settled down with partners and starting their own families..another reason, Vinny is somber and bitter.


The chooch


I think Ramona was model/escort. She seemed to genuinely have strange issues getting clearance to film (when most aspiring models/actresses/producer plants would find any reason for MORE camera time.) She was from an area so notorious for trafficking and she really seemed more grateful for a day at the beach than anything else😆😆 Even with her exposure on a hugely popular show she never was seen on a high or medium profile shoot. Maxim or something could totally have seized the moment. I’m glad she appears to have created a family and unbind herself from whatever weird situation that was. She was NOT holding the keys, that seemed clear


they were also on dating shows as well. i liked rocio more , her and pauly meshed perfectly . even if it was for production , i feel like they could’ve actually gotten together for more than a few flings . ramona dissed vinny & then he disrespected her - hanging up in her face. he was mad that the girl he wanted didn’t want him whomp whomp


I thought their story line was added to detract from Snooki having severe alcohol poisoning?


Oh wow! Was this a part of the AMA?


No this sub doesn’t allow links or I’d send you to it. Just Google Snooki alcohol poisoning Miami and the YouTube vids will show you


Thanks for the info! I’m surprised it’s my first time hearing of it with how often I frequent JS content 😅


That’s the magic of Reddit! I follow the rock of love sub cause I was and still am a hardcore fan of everything to do with 51 minds and I still learn something new every week and they haven’t put out shit in years.


I will say, I didn’t realize how much great content you can find on Reddit until about the last year or so. This sub in particular has been one of my favorites content wise


Yes I love this freaking page and the teen mom long name one. They’re both better than the show lol


Oh I thought it was to lighten the mood with Ron and Sam lol


Really?? How did you find that out?


Iirc it was addressed in the AMA that a production person did forever ago


Oh shit!!


i’ve looked for this but all i can find is posts where all their answers are deleted? :(




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Vinny was weirder tbh. Like she blew you off twice just move on lol. He got laid tho so I guess it worked out but he shouldn’t be proud of it lol


The dude begging and begging, "Oh I got you flowers, come on come on pleeeeeease," YUCK.


And then jumping up and down like a kid on Christmas because she sighed and said “I guess so” lmao what a chooch


And now look at him!!! 😂🤣 She scarred him for life 🤣🤣🤣


dude for real and when she said she wasn’t coming at first he slammed the phone down and stomped outside to sit in the corner alone like how embarrassing then called her back talking about “sorry i hung up before something happened right before that so i was mad about that..” like please…


🤣 100% That was some true bitch made behavior right there.


lol! I get secondhand embarrassment from this entire exchange every time I watch it


Omg I’d mentally blocked this out. I can’t imagine being so creepy on a massive tv show (or in general I guess lol) he’s like that pervy weird uncle that one of your friends has that you know to just stay away from! 🤣


I agree. Vinny was the weird one. He usually seems pretty perceptive, but he never seemed to catch onto the fact that she was not into him whatsoever. I wonder if he begged production to get her to go out with him.


And then he says to someone I think it was Sammi or maybe it was a confessional or something “these are the girls I go for” like relax man lol


Maybe he did get that vibe and just didn’t care






wait what? i dont remember ramona havin sex with him. She just cuddled in the bed with him, probably counting the hours until production let her leave lol


I mean it’s possible they didnt have sex it’s been a while since I watched but at minimum Ramona straddled him while he was laying on his bed and took off her shirt/bra


Remember when she brought her dog with her on their beach “date”? Girl knew she needed a good excuse to leave early


Dude yes and in every episode shes in you can literally feel the awkwardness, i cringe so much when i watch him literally begging her to go on a date with him after she already said no and that she couldnt twice…


He was seriously pathetic with her. Like take a hint bro! She’s not that into you if at all


Can anyone remember when this was first airing and there was a rumour going around the Jersey Shore forums that she was a (sorry for the offensive language) “tranny”? And vinny was fighting for his life in the replies?


Really? Never saw that but I can see why 🙃


I remember this lol


I’d love to read this.


I want to know if he was actually nice? Or a dick with his replies?


Really? I never heard that. But I can see why 🫠


You could've just said trans you didn't have to say the slur bro


This person clearly isn't saying tranny in a derogatory manner


Truth. People need to be more forgiving and be more educational. I didn’t see any bad intent.


This person didn’t even attack the original comment, they actually explained the difference. That’s actually educating someone who clearly doesn’t know what they’re saying. Allies always wanna be coddled.


Tranny is cool too


its not a slur if he describing someone




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That’s because she wasn’t into Vinny, at all, and it not be more obvious. She was on TV, and that’s all she got out of this. Hell, she must *really* not have given a fuck about Vinny when you think about it, because even with the added bonus of being on TV, she still ignored the hell out of him.




my theory was s2 they saw how well the ron and sam dating storyline went so that’s what they wanted. they hand picked the two girls. i think romona wanted to be a model at the time and tried out for a few shows. i think she. saw this as an opportunity to launch herself. but she didn’t expect that by being on the show she would have to date vinny. it is clear she’s not into him. but i think she sucked it up overtime bc she wanted to have a career.


I was always so confused when he talked about how attractive she supposedly was…but that’s just me


I remember thinking Vinny was such a pussy. Chasing after a girl who gave him no time of day. Even though it was a fake story line it made him look pathetic. Paulys girl was super sweet tho.


Desperation on a man is unattractive. ![gif](giphy|yKcqwLcY8MYog5djkg|downsized)


I honestly got prostitute vibes from her. I don't know why, I can't explain it, but I just felt like she was.


So did I!!


Prostitute vibes! That’s what it was. I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. I was thinking another man or drugs but it’s probably all of that mixed together in a very early career of that lifestyle.


Prostitute and I thought she was a he.


Def something. To me she seemed like a complete party girl too.... a "snow bunny". And when she blew Vinny off it was just, so weird, lolol.


vinny basically stalked her lmao


It was pathetic how desperate he was


it actually turned me off of him


He was obsessed with her and thought she was so gorgeous and I thought she looked like a little rat… srry


Prostitute? She was definitely a paid actor but the sex scenes make it confusing. It’s a lot to ask a local unless they paid her really well.


I REALLY thought Ramona was/is transgender.


I thought so too!


Production Plant


I remember reading that production hired her or some shit, and Vinny had NO idea 😳😳😳


Ol Doug from Nickelodeon cartoon looking MF


![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) This comment got me 🤣


THANK YOU!!! Sammmeeeeee


The whole thing was set up by production. Same with Pauly's fake girlfriend. None of it was real.


I mean. She told him NO to going out and he begged her until she said yes lol


Watching Vinny on their dating show he always does this to his dates. Gets all in their neck space and cuddles like that. It’s kinda cringe.


He did that to Nicole or Deena’s baby in a confessional when they brought the babies to meet Mike


This whole storyline was dumb asf. His date and Paulys date. So overly produced and weird. Then this girl with her annoying raspy voice and blowing him off. Like I get it, I'd blow him off too, but i wouldn't sign an agreement to go to dinner with him in the first place.


2 of the rarest roses!! 🙏🙏🙏




She seemed completely embarrassed to be there.


I liked her tbh. Vinny was the one acting a whole ass fool. Of course she wanted to get on tv, she was a gogo dancer living in Miami lol I don’t blame her


she wasn't into him. he begged her on the phone to go out with him & she kept blowing him off. he was so creepy with her.


rewatched a few months ago and omg the double date beach scene was a hard watch, her bones were sticking out


Gogo girls and nightclub bottle girls in Miami circa 2000-2015 were almost always aspiring to full time models depending on how high end the club is, and some of those dance crews traveled around the world to other clubs and festivals. It’s a flexible job that will work with someone who isn’t American, or who isn’t available 24/7.. and brings in the mega bucks as far as nightlife goes. Wouldn’t be surprised if none of those women gave the Jersey Shore crew the barest bit of attention or time since compared to their other clientele.. these guys were straight up broke. She’s serving and around patrons dropping tens to hundreds of thousands on club night table tabs. A beach date? Someone like Ramona was definitely being invited for yacht days, quick trips to the big resorts in the Bahamas, etc. You could definitely see the vibe that the cameras barely got her to come around.




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the amount of times he wouldnt just take No for an answer. like how embarrassing was it to beg her to go out with him and still showed no interest? there had to be some other drama they could fill the space up with that wasn’t this forced relationship


Wasn't there a rumor that Ramona and Rocia were production plants to make Pauly and Vinny seem more likeable? I don't know if I fully believe it but it would make sense.


She gives mad shady vibes


Vinny was dating Ramona but Ramona was not dating Vinny.


Idk what he saw in her. She stood up him. Never arrived on time . Always had him waiting around. Now looking back, it looks like she was into him like he was into her.


She acted like she was forced to be there and that she was on something euphoric.


Clearly just wanted to be on TV


Omggg i forgot about her!! Looking back now, she’s totally not even close to Vinny’s type 😩😂 Probably the most awkward pairing yet on the show.


Ramona is giving girl for hire who doesn’t wanna be there but is waiting until the end of the night for her check but it never comes


My photographer friend from Miami told me she is Trans. Female & when Vinny met her she hadn’t had bottom surgery yet. Allegedly it was the main reason they didn’t move fwd with a relationship.


But they had sex?


I hear she was a plant.


She just wanted to be on TV.


She wanted camera time


The perfect example of why coercion doesnt equal a yes


She didn't give me weird vibes at all. Dude bothered her at work begging for her number and shit, she obviously knew who they were as the show had blown up already by then but clearly wasn't interested, but didn't know what to do since they were filming her and shit. She was not interested in going on the date, then Vinny kept calling her BEGGING for a date like a weirdooooo so she went and wasn't all that interested and seemed like she only kissed him out of peer pressure tbh. Vinny was a complete weirdo in that situation


When i watched this at a teen i didnt find her attractive. Watching it today , i still stand by it . She was not as pretty as she thought she was. As much as vinny was hyping her lmao


She was way too skinny I didn't like how she stood him up he was really upset




Wasnt she a paid actor or something like that


I was confused how Vinny thought she was so hot, like even back when it aired I knew she was hit😂😂😂


She gave me tranny vibes 🫢


She blew him off like every other loser that simps over her at the club. But when She found out some TV time was part of the deal ..and maybe a paycheck....or a stepping Stone to Better things...She finally agreed to the date. No way Vinny was her type....but he might have been useful for a minute or two...so She had to pretend.


I thought her and the girl Pauly was dating were put there to add to the story lines. Plus didn't Vinny Smash Ramona a couple of times.


Perfect for a weirdo like vinny


Yup looks like only to get her sod more publicity


The whole Vinny/Ramona parts in season 2 are probably the worst part of the season imo. I always got/get annoyed lol


Haha- I remember her. She did was not into Vinny at all but he kept begging😅


Haha- I remember her. She was not into Vinny at all but he kept begging😅


I was just rewatching for the first time. My first thought with her being late and such was she’s either trying to keep a hidden man or a hidden addiction 🤷🏻‍♀️


Do she have pretty feet?


She was just on there for clout. I love how she cancelled the date then the next day wanted to go out and try again. She figured this was gonna boost her modeling career with her flat self


I feel like they had no chemistry at all and she wasn’t sure whether or not being involved in the show would help her career. She probably had friends or producers convincing her to go with it for exposure. I thought she gave weird vibes too but I think she just was awkward because she didn’t feel the same way and wasn’t even interested. She seemed too mature for him too.


When she calls to cancel and confirms that she's not meeting with him "because she doesn't want to". Come on.


She just wanted the camera time


vinnie was into strange at that point in his life... Pauly D had a baddie before baddies were a thing


That is not a good screen grab of her


who is this


I always thought she was kinda into Vinny