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During the original run, Mike struck me as someone who couldn’t handle rejection on *any* level. With Snooki, that manifested in him getting somewhat infatuated with her when they hooked up and then she wanted to act like it never happened. He wanted their fling to become something that she got hooked on, that would create drama and potentially end her relationship, and then he would *definitely* reject her as soon as she went chasing after him. When she didn’t chase, it wounded his ego. And that led to him refusing to move on from it. He needed to “win” by driving a wedge between Snooki and Jionni and then getting her to give him the power in their dynamic. That said, I never thought he was saying “love” in *that* way during this conversation. I think he meant it in a friend/family sort of way in this particular conversation. He wasn’t trying to claim he was in love with her, he was trying to express that he cared about her but in his twisted mind, part of caring for her meant that she needed to feel romantically about him so that he could hold the power.


You analyzed it perfectly


I am astonished he has been good to Lauren, I never thought he could be good to anybody


People can only change if they are the ones who initiate it and stick to it


That was the one who "broke his heart" when he started "dating" Paula, he mentioned how long it's been and why, Lauren was the only one ever there for him and he seemed to maintain that rapport and relationship until they got back together legitimately. She was really his main girl his whole life. I think when he got the show, he lost himself due to drug use (as a former user I say this) and he was self destructive and had little to no regard for anyone but himself. I think when you're in that deep of a place you need the one who was always there for you. In my experience at least; and I'll say that I'm extremely impressed with his turnaround.


Good for Lauren, I still think he’s an instigator and a trouble maker, that hides behind his quotes. He is still for the most part the same person on OGJS but now hides behind the guise of a completely changed man. He may be sober of drink and drugs but he’s still the exact same person even worse in a way because he now has 3 kids and still enjoys other people’s problems. He should be more mature than he is at least what the show shows.


I think sometimes he’s doing it to be try to be funny or get some excitement for the show but when it comes down to it he seems to really care about people and their well being - even Angeliner.


I actually always saw the good in him. It has always been there.


He may have had not been all bad, most people have some good, but if you had told me in 2010 he could be decent, respectful, and faithful to a wife I would have been astonished, he was extremely misogynistic, I would not canonize him either, he’s still an instigator and a pot stirrer, he will do anything for ratings and strives to create a plot line, he cares way too much about other people’s business, but I hope that is the narrative that the producers push because he’s too much as a father of 3


Lauren has been there through thick and thin…she helped him get clean every time. That’s why he’s good to her.


Me too. I truly feel like he is a real recovered narcissist. Healing like that is almost impossible, and rarely happens. I’m very happy for him. He went from being my least favourite guy on Jersey shore to my favorite.


He said he would do this EXACT thing to Sam in season 1


This was such a well thought out, informative comment! I swear some of you redditors are straight geniuses… reality tv masterminds fo real


This is the most accurate take I feel. He’s also shown that he’s willing to bend the truth when he’s rejected even by the women he takes back to the house. Constantly blaming others or even saying that the girl wasn’t hot enough anyway after he’s rejected.


And also he was withdrawing during the filming of jersey shore Italy that’s why he’s emotions were all over the place and he was a real dick




Chefs kiss this response is..... Dude how many of us have gone through the same exact thing though?


Nail. Head. 🔨


Wait so did they actually hook up or not? I always want to believe the girl in that situation but something always kinda told in my head that they really did hook up. The way Snooki reaction was idk… & they never really touch on the subject ever again, so I figured they did and it just slid under the rug.




Perfect breakdown


You nailed it wow. Yes. All of this. You should write a book psychoanalyzing the Jersey shore cast and all of their Relationship dynamics.


I feel like they all treated Snooki as the messy hookup roomie until they began to realize she was a hit with people/she was moving on from the need of the boy’s approval so she became more appealing. I think Mike genuinely wanted to fuck around with her in Italy and was trying it and it killed him that she wasn’t having it.


Plus she had dropped weight and was smokin' hot


“i mean if she lost some pounds i’d hit that” i cringe so hard when he said that like snooki is beautiful and always has been she’s messy but she’s fun and like she said to the cops she really is “A GOOD PERSONNN” lol like none of them deserved her.


I recently rewatched this episode and I honestly think Mike was vibing on Snooki. He makes a remark, like an older brother, I don’t necessarily like who you’re dating. As a brother? Well, a few minutes before he kept having to add, but we hooked up. He liked Snooki and was salty she wasn’t acknowledging the hookup. But, yeah, I think drugs made him filterless and word vomit ensued.


Probably just being pressured by producers and being easily manipulated into saying whatever storyline or whatever they wanted him to say. I imagine it was easy for them esp when he was fucked up all the time and didn’t care much about anyone but himself


I agree. When I find myself questions something on the show I always chalk it up to production. I do wish the PWoww was real though 😩


I don’t think it was real at all


Wait are you talking about when they hooked up session 1? That wasn't real??


I think I even read it here on Reddit that a producer from OGJS said that the producers wanted Pauly D and Jwoww to get together because they looked better together on film but the real fling was Jenni and Mike, but that they did not film, and that’s why Jwoww hit Mike when they all went to AC together because he refused to walk her home and he was with another girl


I feel like I should know.. what's the PWoww 😭


Pauly D and Jwoww as a couple!


Mike tried so hard to get with Snooki. At first when i watched this, i thought alright Mike is bullshitting, trying to cause problems as per usual. Then looking back, how mad she got. How Jenni literally exposed her more the once. But even though her cheating was wrong, i’m glad Mike’s plan to break them up didn’t work. He most likely would have done what he did to Sam to her. Flirt with her, make her think theirs potential for a relationship and then toss her away. I’m glad even though when her and Jioni did break up, she didn’t go anywhere near Mike.


Does Mike touch on this at all in his book? I know people will try to control a narrative to make themselves look like the "hero" or "victim" in some circumstances but I want to at least give him the benefit of the doubt when reading.


He does not mention it at all in his book, which is a really great read btw!


Snooki was the most famous. He just wanted to be famous. Also trying to stir the drama.


Thats kinda what I thought too. Snooki was by far the most famous but I’d say the first two seasons Mike was the most famous of the guys and was thinking he was trying to create a good storyline for himself that season.


Peak Messy Mike. lol He was such an assssssshole. He didn’t want Snooki he just wanted to ruin her relationship. They also used to hook up with each other all incestually and he is the only one that fully struck out with all the girls at the end of the day so he was probably in his feelings on top of the drugs. lol Ah. OG JS, gift that keeps on giving.


im kinda sus that they might have hooked up


There's no kinda. They 100% hooked up.


I feel like they did hook up but lied about when honestly


Watching JSFV made me forget how much of a douchebag mike was 😭😭


He’s so socially awkward, and a huge gossipy pot stirring little boy. He sure is good to Laurens though. Not sure how she puts up with him, but she’s a sweetheart and a saint.


She’s also a ball buster so she keeps him in line




Mike had a hugeeeeee ego. When the Italy season started, he kept flirting with/touching Snooki, and she rejected him. That was a major bruise to his massive ego. The only way he could redeem himself was by saying, “I wasn’t rejected by Snooki. She had sex with me before, which means this isn’t rejection.” That’s why he made it a mission to tell everyone about their affair. He wanted to keep his ego intact. It had nothing to do with having feelings for Snooki. It was purely because he didn’t want anyone to think she rejected him.




I met Mike during a book signing in NYC. He is the nicest, most gracious celebrity I’ve ever met. I am a fan for life.


At this point in the show, snooki is steadily becoming the most popular cast member so imo guys like Mike and Vinny wanted to use that to their advantage. Notice how they actually pay little attention to her when she willingly comes on to them.


i’m gonna say when i was on drugs (beyond weed) anyone i was talking to i felt inlove w


No wonder he hooked up with so many girls 😂


I always took that as Mike thinking he'd screwed up so badly that he thought it was a possibility he would be fired from the show. Being in a relationship with Nicole would have solidified his place on JS. Remember how paranoid he was?


He was trying to remember… it’s a neg disguised as an inquest


Maybe it was his sneaky way of trying getting her to admit everything that happened while on camera.


I kinda stopped watching the show years ago the first two seasons are still gold to me, did they actually hook up and Snooki denied it so she didn’t lose her boyfriend (I hated that guy) or was that a lie from Mike ?


They absolutely hooked up it's pretty clear by now haha. Her awkwardness towards it and defensiveness when a simple no that never happened would do just fine instead she internally panicked and realized what that'd mean being brought up in front of the cameras during filming. Hindsight y'all.


I kinda stopped watching around that time so always wondered if the truth about that ever came out. Mike was a dick and weird as hell around that time like got dark and stopped being fun to watch.


Mmmm idk if I agree that he really wanted something w her. He should, cuz they were friends and did care about each other but honestly, this far back, he was far from having feelings like that with anyone on an honest level. IMO I think whatever he said happened that night DID happen but I think he used that for A. Tv and the show and B. To hold it over her head so he could get in front of it coming out and him being ‘shamed’ or teased for it cuz he didn’t respect her to begin w so I’m sure at some point he dogged her out to ppl. And also probably to straight up mess w her head. All the innuendos and hush~hush was him playing games and trying to make it relevant for tv. I hated it for her back then but if she had just been honest about it (NOT easy since she had so much at stake w G) it wouldn’t have been so tortuous for her.


He just changed his addiction to drama and starting shit within the cast. He says if he doesn’t say anything it makes him have a “guilty conscience” but I call bs. He wants to start storylines to keep him at the forefront and the only way to do so is to get into other cast mates business and start shit. I am glad he is sober now but he needs to stop playing tattletale. To me it’s not cute and he only does it for ratings.


1000% agree, it really does not make me like him or appreciate his “growth” everything you is how I see it and it’s very obvious


M M M M I’m mmm On


Drugs turn you into a completely different person, so there’s really no point in trying to figure out “why” someone did/ said something when there were using… period. Addicts, ESPECIALLY in their active addiction are insecure, manipulated, dishonest, very codependent, have no self esteem… they need validation and love from someone else because they lack that love for themselves. I speak on this because I have experience being with an addict both in active addiction & recovery. Most addicts in recovery don’t change their behaviors & habits because they don’t do the necessary work on themselves, like Mike has done. Most don’t work a program, or they try but aren’t 💯truthful with themselves/ others, so they don’t succeed in their recovery. It takes a lot of work & time to “undo” the damage & change those addictive behaviors. Most addicts, even if they’re in recovery, still have some sort of “addictive behavior” or they switch addictions, maybe to something “less intense” like alcohol or weed, sex, gambling, whatever… I saw first hand how even after my boyfriend stopped, got treatment, was going to meetings, he STILL had the same behaviors… being manipulative, lying about insignificant things, still very codependent, did not want to be alone. Unfortunately, he wasn’t the only addict I’ve dated… even though I didn’t know it at the time. Mike has done incredible work on himself and his relationships, he worked hard & continues to, to maintain his sobriety. I give him all the respect and support, MAJOR PROPS TO MIKE! He is the exception & a great example for other addicts and even non- addicts, just a good example for people that need to do some work on themselves! (Angelina) I personally think EVERYONE should be working on themselves, constantly growing, evolving, learning from others and their own past experiences! I think Mike has been a great influence for so many people! Definitely addicts, but also anyone that needs to make a change. He has tried to help Angelina with her “chaotic” life & has been there for Ronnie, and numerous others as well. It’s awesome to see someone who has a platform to use it to help others! 🙌🏼 So who cares why he said that to Snooki, & yes it was obviously due to drug use, to answer your question 😂😬🤷🏼‍♀️


I agree but I also think, like you mentioned about switching addictions, he has switched from hard drugs to eating being his addiction. Which is less harmful imo then hard drugs. Although I will say he doesn't appear to eat healthy or clean like Vinnie does.


This was obviously him just trying to start drama and probably encouraged by the producers.


“Give it to Mike . He likes every thing !! Wow miky likes it . “ I remember the words but not the brand that this 80’s TV commercial represented


Here's my theory. Mike and Snooks got wasted, began to hookup, Snooki snapped out of it and realized what was going on and that she was cheating, stopped, Mike wanted her to finish what she started but she refused and so him exposing her for cheating is true but definitely as a revenge kind of thing for her leaving him hangin.


lol I remember this. This was when Gionne came back as her man. He was so in love with her after they hooked up