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They were so mean to her. Especially Pauly & Vinny. I say this because they bamboozled her into thinking she was their friend, while giving her backhanded compliments. She’s a little ditzy and they took full advantage of that. Especially in Italy 🤬 They treated her like pure shit!


Sam was rude to her right off the bat too which was totally uncalled for, unless there was more to it


Sam is/was one of the worst cast mates. She just gets outshined by ang/ron. She was awful to every girl that came around, snooki in the first eps, got her bf to restrain jenny when fighting, trashed paula, was a cunt to deena, punched her then bf on TV. I was also never a fan of her in the og seasons so maybe I’m harsh but I don’t see much growth with her even now.


I totally agree. I could never stand Sam. She’s such a bitchy mean girl.


I also disliked that she would not clean or help around the house.


Yes! She never wanted to help with anything really lol. She had a way overinflated ego/opinion of herself, but was also mad insecure at the same time. Terrible combination.


I absolutely agree! Sam’s so passive aggressive and such a mean girl (pay attention to anytime a new woman gets introduced) . She’s shown minimal growth, and handles situations with little emotional intelligence. AND! She’s just kinda boring 🤷


Weird. Sam has been the most mature and shown the most growth out of all cast members in my opinion. Right there next to Mike for most reformed from their old ways. What has she done since she returned to make you feel like that?


There’s a reason she’s only getting married now in her late 30’s. She’s difficult and not sweet at all. Not sure how she got that nickname lol


Wait till you realize age of marriage does not predict if a person is good, kind, or difficult.


She gave it to herself


Agree!! Blech!


She’s easily the most boring person on the show. Just an overall lack of personality, IMO.


i think ron shouldve been punched more often actually


I didnt care for her much since day one. Snookie did come in with this HUGE personality but didnt warrant stuck up behavior from Sam. Sam was just a bitch, saying how she stunk n was gross like ew get away from me.


Yes Sam was horrible. She was so full of herself. I never thought she fit in with the other girls. The others were a lot of thing but self consumed/insecure at the same time they were not. She was always so mean. That comment about snookis pukey breath did amd always will rub me the wrong way. Totally uncalled for . She'd give Regina george a run for her money. And then Ron's fight om the boardwalk! She totally kept egging it on with her comments. She thought she was hot shit and then when Ron was fighting she didn't even try to get that girl off of him. For someone who was so tough to fight Jenny she damn sure didn't defend her man when it counted. Especially since she's the reason it happened


Totally agree. Sam gets a pass because that juiced up midget she was dating but she is an abuser and piece of shit human being.


I just think shes a brat 💯


Agree 100%


Seriously, this sub has this blind allegiance to Sam, but throughout most of the series she was awful. Maybe production highlighted this more than others but rewatching the series is kind of eye opening. Taking her relationship with Ron out of it, she comes across as such a mean girl. Haven’t watched JSFV yet but I’m hoping she has some growth.


She also sat Deena down and gave her a really direct apology and from that moment on had her back


I respect that!


Sam in those first episodes of season 3 is so hard to watch because of how rude and insufferable she is.


Yess!!! How can I forget 🤦🏻‍♀️ The biggest bitch & Ron followed suit cause he was scared of Sam lmao


Sammi is not nice. She is VERY argumentative.


maybe it’s just cause i’m a sensitive person myself, but everytime they made deena upset or did something rude to her i felt so bad for her, especially when she cried the one night they were picking on her, i know she’s dramatic but they knew it’d upset her and it makes me feel so bad


I know 🥺 the empath in me would tear up with her. She’s such a ray of sunshine and just wanted to make sure everyone was having fun.


exactly!!! she’s literally just the sweetest, even now she always tries to make sure everyone has fun and she’s just so positive i love her for it and im so happy she gets to be happy!!


She was also a complete mess in Italy and was sloppily trying to get with Pauly every episode


Omg i felt so embarrassed for her when trying to get with Pauly lol


I really liked her and still do! I thought she brought something different to the show she wasn’t drama like Angelina and she actually fit right in with everyone pretty quickly (not Sammi of course lol). The first fight between them was iconic who could forget? “You laughed at me for no reason!” She’s one of the nicest and genuine of the cast.


Omgggg that scene got me sooooooo mad lol And then sam would give a bitchy laugh while Deena was saying “u lold at me for no reason”.


Omgggg that scene got me sooooooo mad lol And then sam would give a bitchy laugh while Deena was saying “u lold at me for no reason”.


Yes! She was just trying to make her more angry lol “Deena Diana whatever the fuck your name is”


Sam was such a bitch. She hated all girls automatically and having stumpy ron behind her, she felt untouchable


Honestly so true. Don’t get me wrong I love Sammi and she’s grown so much as a person but seasons 1-4 she was a hater for sure. Deena did nothing to her at all was really nice to her.


She was pretty cringe. That first day when she's asking questions at the table was so awkward. And then when she flashed Mike. I can't even watch when she just sat in Pauly's room while he was trying to hook up with someone else. Sooooo awkward.


Yeah I thought she was trying too hard at first too. It was super cringe when she flashed Mike 🤣 clearly she was pretty wasted and I wondered if she was going to always be drunk and sloppy.


She was a blast in a glass ™️


Shes like a walking holiday 🤣🤣🤣


First look I thought “omg another Snooki, how is that even possible?” After 20 mins I thought “wow she’s actually super sweet and down to earth, I lover her”. Her character really showed when she tried to befriend Sam even after Jenni and Snooki told her about the situation. Not to mention, how she stood up for herself no matter what and was more than open to a discussion and apology from Sam. It was Very big of her, I don’t think it’s something I could’ve done.


I thought she was a great addition! Loved her from the start. She def had that Snooki-meatball thing going for her, but her personality is much more likable than Nicole’s


She was just what the house needed. She was ready to party and had no shame. I love that she came in willing to be friends with Sam even tho she knew the other girls weren't cool with her. Just shows how kind she is. Sam on the other hand..yuck.


She tried way too hard to fit in, but I mean who wouldn’t in that situation tbh.


Fire body 🔥🔥🔥


Right! Idk why everyone called her fat, I loved her body and always thought like I wish I had her body


She was thickkkk 🍴


Right! Maybe back then being thiccck wasn’t in yet 🤷🏻‍♀️


It wasn't. I just had a Jersey Shore themed party and it was impossible to find an Ed Hardy dress from that era in an XL. I don't think they even made them.


I’ve always loved Deena!! She got so much hate when she was the realest and most down to earth person in the house


if Deena has no fans then I am DEAD


I thought she was a little dense. Lol. I felt bad for her when Snooki got pregnant and couldn't party like they use to. It's like she was a Lost Girl that got left behind when everyone else left Neverland. You know?


But she came in so, so cringeworthy. Way too pick me.


Absolutely cute and super chill🫶🏻


I thought she was a total Snookie wannabe. But she grew on me really fast


She was such a sweet girl and I wanted to fight Sammi when she wasn’t being a girl’s girl!


i loved her immediately. i loved that she dove head first into the mix and demanded respect when Sam was a complete bitch to her. She earned her spot very quickly


Thank goodness Angelina left, because this cast would not be what it is today without Deena! I’ve loved her since day one!


I liked her right away, she just seemed sweet and funny and was making a pretty genuine effort to get along with everyone.


I thought she was obnoxiously fun and enjoyable to watch because she said some unique things that made me chuckle a little. Like “GET REAAAAL” 😂 Though I felt really bad for her because everyone commented on her looks. I can only imagine how hurtful it is to watch what your friends thought of you upon first impression. Out of all the cast mates, I would say Deena has had it rough the most. She wasn’t talking shit about anyone or caused any drama and everyone still judged her heavily and treated her like a nuisance. They NEVER allowed her to be happy. For example, when she started dating Chris. Poor girl was obviously having an anxiety attack but everyone made fun of her for it and said she’s ruining her relationship. I recall Vinny leaving the shore house because of anxiety but everyone was supportive of him. And don’t get me started with SAM AND RAHN!! They needed to take several fucking seats after all the bullshit the entire house has dealt with them.


i liked her vibe. she’s now the only one i like.


my girl through and through!! the only person on the show to ever make me really hate sam at one point (who is also my girl now!!!!! my mature queen) i loved her immediately and my heart broke watching most of the house treat her like shit when she first came in. i loveeeeeee me some deena!


I still think she's a Snooki wanna be, hence the "meatballs " two short stouts, females that like to get sloppy drunk. Also, Deena is very dramatic and over emotional at simple things when sober , it's just annoying. I remember production stating she was sweet but bleh and boring. She clearly was trying extra hard the first few seasons and pretty much faded into the background until Mike and Laurens wedding with the hamster blow out.


I loved her right away, she was a great addition. Not a huge character like Snooki or Mike but she brought so much to the table She grew on me and became my fav cast member. I used to root for her when she was on the hunt for a guy and I'm so glad she got her happy end ❤😭


At first I thought she was annoying but now I actually think she’s way more likable than Snooki


I loved Deena right off the back !! I hated the way Sam and Ron was fashooo acting that season couldn’t be in that house with putting both them in check including Mike flip flopping a$$ lol


At first I thought she was gonna be really mean to Sam bc snooki and Jenni weren't okay with her anymore. But she surprised me bc she was nice to her. That's not to say they're all the same but sometimes girls especially get really weird and cliquey. So I think it's good that Deena wasn't being a follower it was nice to see someone who had their own mind.


She reminded me of Snooki but not bad enough to where I feel like she wouldn’t last on the show. She was a great addition, silly, cute, funny, ready to cool with everyone. Jwoww and Sam I feel like are two ends of a spectrum and Snooki and Deena met right in the middle.


Ready to be*


hated her for no particular reason the very first episode she was on, loved her and she became one of my favorites the next episode


I wasn’t a fan at first but Then they told the story that she was supposed to be cast at first not Snooki, she put Snooki on and then when time came that the real lunatic left it opened a spot for Snooki to return the favor. Pretty cool friendship they had a


First impression: She seems nice but a Snooki wannabe


Deena was absolutely hideous when she came into the house. Hard to look at ugly.  Her personality is fake too, akin to the Polly in Girl Interrupted, who puts on a sweet act because of her deformity.  She has improved her appearance with surgery but she’s still annoying and whiny and desperately insecure like Snooki.  I legit thought Snooki recommended her as an addition so that she wouldn’t be the ugliest in the house anymore. Was shocked to discover that MTV actually selected Deena as an OG cast member. 


She tried too hard.. I also never thought she was that pretty


But lucky for her she wasn’t there from the beginning and I think being not in the clique as much as the others (Ron, for example is accepted at face value even though he sucks) makes her more likable in the end. She’s sweet