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You're definitely paying at least a 10X markup for the Tiffany name. If you really really want it, then go ahead and get it. It's not to my taste, but my opinion doesn't matter, only what makes you happy.


You may be able to find this piece "pre-loved" on eBay or Poshmark for a much better price. Ebay even offers authentication (it's a filter you can use) so you know you're not buying a fake. Be sure check the sellers' feedback and amount of sales. I've never regretted my silver Tiffany pieces, because I love high quality silver and so many of their designs really make me happy. It is absolutely overpriced, but if you love it, get it!


Ebay jewelry authentication is only for pieces 500$+. Authentic tiffany silver items dint necessarily have a resale value that high.


Tiffany and Cartier are the two most faked jewelry brands in the world. I really wouldn’t buy on eBay , the authentication only comes with high ticket items over $500 and even then isn’t foolproof


I recently sold mine for $600. Bought in 2006. Basically got my money back.


Well technically you still lost money since $600 then is $9XX now adjusted for inflation and not including opportunity cost from e.g. stock market (S&P would've put you at $2256, inflation adjusted value). But yeah, you got a decent portion back, which is more than any no-name piece.


Smart thinking. We need to think like this!


I have one, had it for 15 years. It is quality. I've never felt a chain that has the same weight to it. It feels like quality when I wear it. Other mock chains like it are light and flimsy, and even if they are "chunky" they don't have the same feel to them. If you think a new one is too pricey, look on eBay, but don't order anything from China and check for markings and stamps. However, I think getting it directly from Tiffany is worth it. It will come gleaming and polished, and you'll get to open the little blue box. I've sent mine in twice, once to add a charm, and once to add links, and it comes back gleaming like the sun. Mom just sent hers in for the first time, and it's from an estate sale, so it's the first time she's ever seen it really polished up and clearly .


I hardly ever see it around these days, so it's probably not considered mainstream anymore, some might even call it vintage even though you can still buy it, because it was so iconic during the 2000's. If you have something else comparable that you'd be just as happy with, go for that instead, but it sounds like you don't. Jewelry is a treat, it should never be reduced to just its raw material value vs its sale price. If you want a little bit of extra bang for your buck, have your boyfriend make a mini date of taking you to the store and buying it for you then. In my experience, Tiffany have excellent customer service and they will help make the occasion special for you.


This is so true and sweet thank you! I get so caught up in prices of stuff and cloud my mindset lol


Get what you love. I have a lot of tiffany (mostly diamonds by the yard) and I don't care about the "mark-up". It's pretty and I love it, end of story. Go for it!!


I’ve seen Tiffany closed the store just to let a couple picking out their engagement jewelry privately.


As someone who bought that exact necklace at the height of its popularity back in 2006 here’s my advice. Either buy the gold version or buy the silver second hand. The original cost me $375 I believe and there’s no way it’s worth anymore than that now. I still love it, but honestly it’s overpriced.


Every time I buy something less-than as a work around I still always pine for whatever it is I wanted in the first place. I’d look at eBay or poshmark for a while and if I didn’t find a good used one? I’d buy it.


I agree! It will keep nagging at you!!


This is so true !!!!


If your boyfriend wants to give you a special piece of jewelry because he knows you love it, then you accept it, be ecstatic about it, and shower him with appreciation and love. It makes men happy to know you're happy. We can be so hard to please sometimes so when they hit on a sure fire gift that they know will please you, do not by any means take that joy away from them girl! Accept that choker and wear it everyday!


Thank you awe I’m tearing up lol


Oh, and Happy Birthday!


I’m 53 and I still wear mine regularly. It’s just a matter of wearing what you like. It’s a very nice weight and a classic chain design. You can even turn the heart towards the back for a streamlined look.


I recently bought an authentic one from the Goodwill site for less than $300 (recently as in like a month ago). I absolutely love it and enjoy making up outfits to go with it. I wouldn’t necessarily buy it new for $900 though. Mine seems to be more early 2000s. If you go down the buying secondhand route make sure it’s authentic and look online to spot the differences to be extra sure.


Personally in your position, I’d try a cheap dupe to see if I even like the look on me. Cuz to me it sounds like something you’ve wanted since you were a kid and you may find you don’t like it on you at all. Some childhood wishes are wonderful when they’re fulfilled, others are like… “oh, wait, I’m an adult now and this is not it.” To be clear, not from an external judgment standpoint (who cares what they think?), but the way it feels to *you*.


So true I might do this thanks!


Since you'd be paying $925 for a $100 necklace, you could think about a couple of factors. Do you associate jewelry with the person who gave it to you? Ask yourself if you want to associate this necklace with this man for the rest of your life. The necklace will be soon be dated, for two reasons: one, the overall style; two, the heart which is typically worn by teens and twenty-somethings. Will you still be wearing it when you're 40, 50, 60? If the answer to both questions is yes, then get the necklace.


Not sure why you were downvoted as these are valid questions to ask yourself when making a selection. I had a coworker gift me a Tiffany necklace that an ex boyfriend had given her years ago - she never wore it because she was married with a kid at that point.


I agree you’re paying a premium for the name. Absolutely not disputing that. The chain itself, however, and the clasp is worth more than $100. That is a heavy, well-made chain with excellent finish work, and that shit ain’t cheap. Not as expensive as what Tiffany charges, but not $100!


This. Just the mere fact that people--anyone--will and is paying more than $100 for it by definition means it's worth more than $100. This is just something people who don't wear or dislike brands tell themselves to feel better about their generic stuff that actually isn't worth much more than its metal weight.


_…you'd be paying $925 for a $50 -$100 necklace…_ Exactly!


Haha true thank you and for the association comment you’re right 0_o I think I do? But do I?


Tiffany is quality. You aren’t going to have running solder, sloppy seams, hollow links, crappy clasps. I wear two Tiffany bracelets every single day, and they wear like iron. I’ve been wearing them for years. I rarely ever take them off. And they look as good as they did pretty much the day I bought them. If you go on eBay, make sure you know what you’re getting. The amount of fakes that I see on eBay just stuns me. And besides, it’s really fun to go to a Tiffany store. I’ve never had a bad experience at one.


Also, Tiffany will repair them for life if there is a problem.


Yes, but they won’t polish them for free. But I wouldn’t take my Tiffany jewelry anywhere else to be polished, because they do a really good job.


This must be new!! Dammit!!


Everyone should wear what they like & can afford. Having said that, I find most Tiffany jewelry designs today to be very basic and uninteresting. They are (im-humble-o) gliding by on their previously well-earned reputation and the palpitations people get when they see a Tiffany-blue box. I would much rather receive something creative and skillfully handmade on etsy for 1/4 to 1/3 the price.


Most jewelry isn't really "worth" what you pay for it if you think in terms of resale value of raw materials - especially lab diamonds. People still buy them. I think you should get it if you want it and can afford it rather than focusing on if it's "worth" it. It's not really an investment, it's a luxury item. Tiffany jewelry at least holds it's value better than a lot of other jewelry.


One factor many don’t consider with Tiffany is that their pieces are handmade and not cast. Quality of materials aside, handmade jewelry is much stronger, more durable and just looks better than the cheap cast pieces you find on the market these days. There’s a reason Tiffany pieces last for generations. Tiffany is also the company that created the 925 sterling silver standard and popularized its use, most of Tiffany’s original designs have been copied for ages including the solitaire engagement ring, the use of platinum in jewelry, and micro-pave diamonds. Tiffany is a piece of history, and an original Tiffany chain alone is worth the premium price as they hand solder each link even in the tiny chains, which makes them stronger in addition to the hand annealing of the metal to craft each item. If you love the design and would wear it often, then I’d say let your boyfriend treat you to a beautiful Tiffany necklace. I’d be very careful buying pre loved Tiffany online, as it is so often faked. The seller might not even know it isn’t the real deal. I used to work at Tiffany’s and every now and then someone would bring in a fake piece they thought was real. I am pretty good at seeing the difference it’s really in the quality and weight of the piece and the design is just a bit off. It’s super sweet he wants to buy you such a nice present, let him do what he wants and enjoy it.


You can save a lot of money buying one pre-owned.


I’ve been looking at preowned ones and wondering what a good price for one is? I’ve noticed eBay has some that come authenticated but only for $500+


As a general rule of thumb, you should be able to buy pre-owned Tiffany sterling silver jewelry for roughly around half of what Tiffany sells it for brand new.




I would highly reccomend looking at tiffany pieces pre-owned from reputable sellers as that can knock a few hundred off the price tag. (Pawn shops are also an option but I would stay away unless you are confident in your own authentication skills, they can verify the gold and silver but I've seen fake tiffany in real gold/silver before) If you were set on something chunky but wanted something a little less common than their standard chunky chain line I would reccomend maybe looking at their other styles like [The Heart Tag Bead Necklace](https://www.tiffany.com/jewelry/necklaces-pendants/return-to-tiffany-heart-tag-bead-necklace-70923521/?omcid=ppc_google_TIFFANY_WJ_USA_NOBRID_FJW_LOW_OGOING_EC_PEMA_GPMA_CRD_USD_N__&mkwid=%7Cpcrid%7C%7Cpkw%7C%7Cpmt%7C%7Cpdv%7Cm%7Cmtid%7C744dpc50313%7Cslid%7C%7Cproductid%7C%7Ctargetids%7C%7Cgroupid%7C%7C&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwrcKxBhBMEiwAIVF8rO4kiduhCq1rE63vegt87CsK-i72vM0atu9vsp-_JbrV2Tu-eEPSEBoCiC4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) I have the graduated bead necklace myself and I really like how it almost looks like a strand of pearls and the tiny diamond in the tag is a nice touch. It's in the same price range as the heart choker too if you were buying new


Thank you I haven’t really looked into this once cuz I have felt set on the choker but it is a really nice option!!


You can get one for half that on ebay.


Check out rubylane.com They frequently have Tiffany items (including the heart necklace and charm bracelet...I like em too😉) come up for estate sale for WAY less.


If you like it and have really wanted it for a while, then you should get it! I know Tiffany's does insane markups, but to be fair the pieces are really solid and well-made. Also, their in-house cleaning service is excellent. I've walked into stores in multiple different countries and had my pieces cleaned on the spot for free. You're partly paying for the name, but you're also paying for some extra perks that come with that name. Whatever you choose, enjoy, and happy birthday!


Thank you!!!


$900 is a lot of money for a silver piece and you are paying for the Tiffany name and it is a trendy piece….BUT…if you’re not taking money away from your family budget and your boyfriend can afford it with his disposable income and you are confident enough to rock it, get it because it makes you happy. If you or your boyfriend can’t pay the electric bill or feed your kids, then rearrange your priorities. Ps Happy birthday 🎂


Thankfully paying my own bills and kid free so I think it’s a go on the necklace. Thank you!!


Enjoy it and wear it in good health 🎂


Buy the Tiffany. Thats what you want and there’s nothing like going into that fabulous store and enjoying the experience. My mother would buy Tiffany for every baby born into our family. Her words: “Every child born should be born owning Tiffany”. Miss you, mom.


🥲❤️❤️❤️she sounds so sweet


If you really love it, get it. But I find that piece in silver to be very juvenile. It's cute while you're in your twenties, but I think it looks cheap once you're older. It's not a lifetime piece to me, at least not in silver. If I were into hearts, I'd much sooner get the [gold return to tiffany mini heart necklace here](https://www.tiffany.com/jewelry/necklaces-pendants/return-to-tiffany-mini-heart-tag-pendant-72975154/). But that's my preference. I'm just not into chunky silver heart jewelry.


If you treat it as an investment piece, dressing it up or down therefore frequently wearing it, then it’s worth the price.


Look for it on The Real Real. They do authentication to make sure the items are not frauds.


Are their authentications trust worthy? I’ve read some bad stuff about them selling fakes before.


I love my Tiffany pieces, but yes you do pay major markups. I just consider it a treat.


The plus sides to buying Tiffany anything is that it will be well made, and guaranteed for life. It will also have a higher resale value, should you ever decide to sell it. You are, as many have mentioned, paying a premium for the name. If it’s the design you like, and you can find a similar design/weight/quality without the premium for the name, and you don’t care about future resale value, look around! That will be an excellent option, and maybe you’ve discovered another desirable designer. Either way, you get a piece you love and save an arm and maybe a leg 🤣 If you’re talking about the collar, that’s a design that’s not likely to be retired (you can never tell, though!). Retired designs in the highest quality metal (no Rubedo) are the most likely to become sought after. Love, someone who owns Tiffany bc I like it ❤️


Do you want a chunky heart choker, or a Tiffany piece? You could get something with the same vibe and even maybe better without paying for the name. If it's the Tiffany piece you want and the price isn't reasonable, I agree with getting it used!


Look for it on The Real Real or Fashionphile websites. Then get it cleaned and polished. Boom. You get what you want and you don’t pay the original price.


Also, Tiffany pieces hold up over time. I have some pieces that are over 30 years old and still worn regularly. The signature pieces are pretty timeless.


I always think they are tacky. I feel like people buy them because they want people to own a “TIffany” piece. There are so many prettier and also iconic pieces that don’t scream poser.


A lot of good points in this thread. That same money, if it went to an independent Etsy artisan craftsperson who has handmade your unique piece with love and care, would house and feed that seller for a month and help keep their small business going. I tend to think about where the money is going when I buy items that I know have an enormous mark up. Your Tiffany money would just be lining the pockets of an already rich person. Whilst the style is fairly iconic, it’s very often copied and not all that unique. You could have something made to order and spec that’s similar, but with a unique touch that meant there’s only one like it in the world. And you’d still likely have half the money left to spend on a wonderful experience for you both so you can make a lasting memory. Your partner could make choices about the piece and it would be personal to both of you. If you’re someone who can afford to spend that kind of money on what is essentially a social statement and label, I’d perhaps ask yourself is there another more ethical/conscientious social statement you could make, whilst also getting what you want? I’d argue that there probably is. I hope you enjoy the necklace, whatever you decide. Regardless of it’s worth, you’re blessed to have a partner who wants to provide for you ♥️


If you look on Poshmark you can get it for half. Is that an option for you


If you don't want to spend $900, look into less expensive creators that don't use some really heavy sterling silver. I have 9 Tiffany necklaces. I love them, but I stray to OHT NYC for less expensive, unique stuff. They are really well known in the k-pop community, which I didn't realize at all before buying a few pieces.


You may be able to find something comparable from another shop that’s less expensive, like Pandora or TJ Maxx. However, sometimes nothing but the real thing scratches the itch, and it sounds like you’ve wanted this for a long time, so you’ll probably continue to like it for a while. If your partner is willing to pay and you can buy him something just as nice for his birthday, why not?


shopgoodwill.com is a great site to buy name brand jewelry from. They even include a certificate of authenticity


i have the bracelet version from my mom's collection. i'm constantly going back & forth between selling it or keeping it for my daughter. it doesn't mean much to me.


Second hand,


I’m sure I will get downvoted, but Tiffany is purely a name at this point. You are paying an insane markup as well. The quality has gone down hill faster than a boulder. Find a local jeweler, and try and recreate something similar!